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Exploring Ethical Frameworks

Individual Activity (50 points)

Name: Louis Houghton_

Case Study Title: __Party Animal_

Directions: Using the ethics case study you’ve selected or been given, discuss and answer the following
questions to the best of your ability.

1. What is the dilemma/problem to be solved in this case and ultimately, what is the key decision that must
be made? Write this so that a “stranger” could readily understand the dilemma. Include enough detail to
make sure the dilemma is clearly defined and include the key decision written in the form of a question.

All Josh wanted to do was hang with his friends and now there is a rave going down in his house that he can’t
stop. Things are getting broken as well drugs and alcohol are being used. He knows his neighbors can call the
cops at any moment so what should Josh do?

2. Who are the stakeholders in this dilemma? (Note: Stakeholders are any individuals, written about in the
case or not, who may be affected by the decisions that are made; check the column that fits.)


Case possibly
1. Josh Yes
2. Parents Yes
3. Neighbor Yes
4. Friends Yes
5. Friends of Friends Yes
6. Police Yes
7. Bystanders Yes
8. Family Yes

3. Consider as many ways to resolve this dilemma as possible and list them below. (Note: Question 6 asks that
you return to this question to label the ethical framework associated with the possible resolutions.)
Options for Resolving Dilemma Ethical Framework

Just let the party sizzle out and hope for the best practical

Go around and let it be known that if people are going to misbehave they Justice/moral rights
are not welcomed

Cut the music and tell everyone to get loss utilitarian

Ask a friend or someone to move the party to my place utilitarian

Cut the power to the house practical

Call the police and ask if they can play along to a fake bust practical

Ask a neighbor to go “Texas Chainsaw” on your party practical

Let all of those impaired know its ok for them to crash at his place (and Practical/justice/
charge them in the morning) utilitarian

4. Using the key dilemma posed in Question 1, interview 10 people on how they would resolve the problem
and why. (Note: As interviewer, please do not share your thoughts on how you would resolve the problem.)

Person What would they do? Why? Which ethical framework did they
use? (this gets put in later on)

1. Mom Call the police A wild party has gotten out of Practical
control and bad things are
happening, help

2. Dad Call the police I wouldn’t want my stuff getting Practical

broke I spend good money on it

3. James Cash the Party I do not want my house to be Justice


4. Jennifer Sick the dogs on Cthulhu hasn’t eaten in days Practical


5. Mema Call the parents They will understand and tell Practical
him what to do

6. Pop Put a laxative in the It’s the least you can do and it’ll Practical
water get them out of the house alright

7. Grandma Call the police They should know better than to Practical
mess with me

8. Patsy Get my boyfriend He’s used to party I’m not Practical

kick them out

9. Anita Let them crash and Let them say they’re not doing Justice
burn much harm and besides you can
charge them in the morning

10. Jamie Cuss them out I don’t care what they think they Practical
need to clean up their mess and
get the hell out

5. Practice using the four ethical frameworks we have examined in class (utilitarian, moral rights, justice, and
practical) and list one resolution for each framework and explain why it fits there.

If you follow this rule when faced with a You will make a decision based on…

utilitarian the greatest good for the greatest

number (or the least harm to others)

moral rights the way you would want to be treated

justice what is fair and equal for all involved

practical whether or not the “typical person”

would find your decision to be acceptable
a. utilitarian: Ask a friend or someone to move the party to my place
Why does this fit the utilitarian framework?
Sense they got him into this mess than they can help get him out

b. moral rights: Go around and let it be known that if people are going to misbehave they are not welcomed
Why does this fit the moral rights framework?
I wouldn’t want my house to get trashed and a place to get shot up and if other people want to they can do it
at their own place

c. justice: Let all of those impaired know its ok for them to crash at his place (them in the morning)
Why does this fit the justice framework?
If they’re going to crash than they might as pay for it

d. practical: Call the police and ask if they can play along to a fake bust
Why does this fit the practical framework?
It’s a bit strange but it could work if done right for the right reasons

6. Now, go back to your own options in Question #3 and label each with the appropriate ethical framework.
And go back to the people you interviewed in question #4 and label each with the appropriate ethical

7. Reviewing your own options (in Question # 3) to solve the dilemma and the responses from the individuals
interviewed (in Question # 4), consider how stakeholders you have identified in the case might best benefit.

Then, rank the frameworks below according to their perceived merit, with “1” being the highest ranking.
(Simply count the number of times you used the framework. The framework you used most often would be #1
to least often would be #4).
#1_Practical _______________ framework

#2_Utilitarian ______________ framework

#3 Moral rights ____________ framework

#4_Justice_________________ framework

8. Considering all the possible outcomes that you and those you have interviewed have associated with
ethical framework, make a decision on how you would resolve the case.

Call the police and ask if they can play along to a fake bust

9. Explain in some detail why you made your decision.

It seems like the quickest and coolest way to end a rave gone wrong get in with the cops and tell them your
situation then tell the party people “my neighbors called the cops you’ve got to go,” and then let the cops do
some cop things and then it will be all good and they’ll be a cool story to tell; everyone wins.

10. Explain how each of the stakeholders you listed in Question #2 might be affected by your decision.

STAKEHOLDER How might they be affected?
1. Josh He gets a cool story to tell of a party gone wrong and everyone thinks he’s
cool and the girls dig it

2. Parents They will be upset at first but come to understand their child’s genius

3. Neighbor They get a cool rave bust story to share at thanksgiving

4. Friends Will love and sing songs of him getting away scot free from the party

5. Friends of Will always know him as that guy that got away with it

6. Police Get to have a fun night of showing that braking the law never pays

7. Bystanders No one gets hurt and they were none the wiser

8. Family Get to hear of his genius plain and how strange but effective it was

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