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Republic of the Philippines


Nabua, Camarines Sur
Bachelor of Human Services

Name: Espanto, Jay S. Course/Year/Section: BHumServ 1A

GE 5 – Purposive Communication

Paper Analysis

The speech opens with a surprising statement “your life isn’t valuable and so are the lives
of everyone here!” that instantly grabbed my attention which is one of the most important parts
a writer should consider. The introduction briefly discussed and gave a sneak peak about the
topic, creating curiosity to the audience and reader. With having clear objectives, I was able to
have a good grasp about the topic. However, the writer presented three subtopics regarding the
different ways in responding to the problem wherein the writer could’ve used better transitional
devices under the category of Sequence. Hence, he/she could’ve used transitional words such as
first, second, third and finally which are signals of giving proper order of information.

Half-way in the speech, I also find it intriguing yet full of fact information which is
indeed commendable. Persuasive speeches like this should contain legitimate information to best
catch the interest of the listeners and by simply amending the gaps between their curiosity and
ignorance. The speaker have introduced different elements and subtopics aside from the main
idea he/she has which basically, served as supports to the main idea or topic. Nevertheless, the
speaker still has committed a slight error. Using transitions such as first is good in introducing
sequence of information, but he kind of forgot- if not mistaken, to add the succeeding transitions
like second, third or finally. The transition used would not make sense if not followed by
appropriate transitional word.

Furthermore, using modals such as have, must or shall are good signals in creating a
persuasive essay thus, these helped the speaker in conveying his/her point during the speech. I
gave me as well the thought of being persuaded and realized some important things with regards
to the topic. The writer of the speech, in my opinion could’ve reviewed the construction more for
I have seen tiny mistakes in tenses of the verbs and repeated words which are unnecessary.
Generally speaking, the writer had done excellently. He/she was able to inject suggestions in
answering the difficulties being experienced in the society and had somehow presented possible
solutions of the thesis statement. This speech has absolutely used different type of structures-
First, the thesis structure- which goal is to present the speaker’s argument without offending
anyone. Second, the problem-solution structure wherein the speaker presented different solutions
to the problems. Finally, the factual structure which is presenting information based on facts.
Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur
Bachelor of Human Services

For the conclusion part of the speech, it’s good that the concerns and problems
about the topic were emphasized. In the last part, the speech tackled about on how to fight the
pandemic. They didn’t use unnecessary words and stated the main points in a straightforward
manner. Plus, I was amazed how effective the conclusion part is. Lastly, I want to point out how
the beginning and ending of the speech are connected. It brings about understanding to the
audience and reader.

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