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Analysing Risk for Sustainable Construction Project: A Concept

Sony Susanto1
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Department of Civil Engineering,
Surabaya, Indonesia, E-mail;

I Putu Artama Wiguna2

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Department of Civil Engineering,
Surabaya, Indonesia, E-mail;
M. Arif Rohman3
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Department of Civil Engineering,
Surabaya, Indonesia, E-mail;


The use of natural resources is widely used in construction operations, as well as in

the operation of a building resulting from a construction project there is still a lot of
energy that cannot be maximally utilized to reduce energy use so that sustainable
concepts can be implemented properly. In implementing sustainable construction
there are still many risks faced by contractors, clients, and regulations. Therefore, a
risk analysis of sustainable construction projects is needed to reduce negative
impacts and improve the implementation of sustainable construction in reducing
energy use, so that sustainable construction can be implemented smoothly in
Indonesia. In assessing the risks to a sustainable construction project there are still
few research done, it requires risk modeling that takes into account sustainable

Identification of risk for sustainable construction projects is obtained from the

literature review. While the assessment model is determined by considering 3
sustainable aspects (economic, social, environmental) approach to probability and
impact. With regard to probability and impact, the ambiguity of human judgment is
assessed, using fuzzy. The results of the concept found in the formula for assessing
the risk of sustainable construction projects are Rsp = (Rec + Rso + Ren) / 3.

Keywords: Sustainable Construction Projects, Fuzzy Logic, Sustainable construction

project formulas
1. Introduction
Activities related to construction projects, not regardless of the use of surrounding natural
resources. Natural resources that are used continuously will affect the needs of the future, if
not regulated their use of natural resource needs will be depleting. Project Life Cycle about
the use of natural resources from the planning stage, then designing, construction, operation,
maintenance until deconstruction will consume natural resources and produce large amounts
of waste (Abduh et al, 2012). This encourages current construction practices to make
efficient and appropriate use of natural resources. Then the concept of practice that emerges
is the concept of sustainable construction, green buildings, and high-performance buildings
(Apine, 2016).
Sustainable concepts in the construction project lead to different understandings so that
some authors in the literature use terms that do not discriminate between the terms that
occur. The sustainability concept in question is about ecological, social and economic. In
defining sustainable construction is the concept of creating and operating in the environment
in terms of resource efficiency and ecological design (Apine, 2016).
Green building, which is part of the ongoing project stages in Indonesia, is a form of
good sustainable construction implementation. The most important characteristics of ideal
green buildings, in terms of high performance, are based on improvements in various fields
such as energy, water, materials, natural system interfaces, design, human health; by using
available technology or developing new ones (Apine, 2016).
In construction projects, there are activities that have a lot of influence on the
environment. These activities can have negative impacts such as reduced free land, use of
materials obtained from natural resources, use of heavy equipment and transportation
equipment during the construction that impacts pollution. So the project team is needed in
developing the concept of sustainable construction known as the concept of green
construction. So in addition to planning, implementation takes into account the quality of
strong buildings but needs to pay attention to environmental aspects that affect surrounding
communities and there is the use of resource efficiency (Koe et al., 2014).
Projects carried out in Surabaya ,in general have implemented the concept of sustainable
construction well, but there are still some things that need to be considered so that the
implementation of work can run well (Koe et al., 2014). There are a number of challenges in
realizing a green building that has resulted in slow implementation in Indonesia. There are
two biggest challenges that have been defined in the previous literature, namely the lack of
demand and interest from clients, and the lack of knowledge of green buildings. (Abduh et
al., 2012)
There are several other challenges that make it difficult for company owners to take a
project that implements sustainable construction, including (1) Increasing costs compared to
conventional/ conventional projects; (2) Lack of communication and desire between project
team members; (3) Lack of research capable of convincing project owners; (4) Lack of
client interest. So that the challenge requires solutions in terms of greater communication in
the project team, integrated environmental management to reduce negative impacts in the
surrounding environment, use of more efficient new construction materials, periodic
increase in work training for workers (Hwang et al, 2012).
In addition, in its implementation, it can also have negative effects on safety related to
technology, implementatio, and products. Examples in occupation is the height for the
installation of photovoltaic panels using skylights / special tools in the mountains. Such
work can have major risks such as falls, severe burns, electric shock, which can result in
death and serious injury (Kleiner, 2013).
Due to the challenges above, every new ingredient and application used in the field, the
risk will also grow. Risk management is needed in managing risk on sustainable projects
that can cause negative impacts on the environment in its development. so as not to have a
wider impact (Apine, 2016). Some research on the challenges and barriers to sustainable
construction have been done but still a bit of research analyzing the risks and impacts and
mitigation should be done so that sustainable construction can be applied, while risk in
sustainable construction also varies (Hwang, Shan, et al 2017)
Several studies on risk analysis projects that have been done previously that use a variety
of different methodologies. Some of these studies use analysis of reliability and validity
(Darda et al., 2014), one way ANOVA (Ismael et al., 2014), mean (Hwang et al., 2017),
methods of probing and impact. The above method has limitations because it is certain and
invalid for other purposes or even for the same purpose in other groups, for the mean
weaknesses are very sensitive to large amounts of data. If a lot of extreme data, on average
being less representative (representative) cannot be used for qualitative data, it is not
suitable for diverse data, while the multiplication of possibilities and impacts for ranking
risk in general.
In this study, the technical research methodology used to determine the level of risk is the
Fuzzy Logic technique. This technique began to be applied in the sustainability assessment.
This technique is able to represent data that is uncertain, able to represent human thinking
and handle situations that are not clear (Andriantiatsaholiniaina, 2004). Fuzzy techniques
use many indicators to analyze risk factors that have been prepared, subjects are treated with
fuzzy logic in handling ambiguity, subjectivity, and inaccuracy in human reasoning when
processing large and complex volumes of data. The advantage of fuzzy in the concept of this
research is to take into account uncertainty and remember that the fuzzy concept is a non-
linear concept that is vaguely vague in its definition.
Based on the problems and previous research, this study is conducted to identify risks
according to the literature review and model conceptually, analyze risks for sustainable
construction projects.

2. Literature Review
2.1. Project Risk Management
Risk management is an action or practice related to risk. Among them are planning for
risks, identifying risks, analyzing risks, developing strategies to respond to risks and
monitoring and controlling to determine how those risks have changed (PMI, 2013).
A risk is an uncertain event or condition which, if it occurs, has a positive or negative
effect on one or more project objectives such as scope, schedule, cost, and quality. A risk
can have one or more causes and, if that happens, he may have one or more impacts.
Project risk starts with the uncertainty that exists in all projects. Known risks are risks
that have been identified and analyzed, making it possible to plan responses to those risks.
Known risks that cannot be managed proactively, must be designated as emergency
reserves. Unknown risks cannot be managed proactively and therefore management reserves
can be given. Negative project risk that has occurred is considered a problem that must be
anticipated in its impact. The risk of each project is different from the overall project risk,
both positive and negative about the impact (PMI, 2013).
Positive and negative risks are often referred to as opportunities and threats. Projects can
be accepted if the risk is tolerated and balanced with the benefits that might be obtained by
taking the risk. Positive risks that offer opportunities within the risk tolerance limit can be
pursued to produce enhanced values. For example, adopting an aggressive resource
optimization technique is a risk taken to anticipate prizes because it uses fewer resources
(PMI, 2013).
Risk Management processes related to risk management planning activities,
identification, analysis, response, and monitoring and control of a project, most of these
processes are updated throughout the project. Here only the identification and analysis are
explained. The aim of Project Risk Management is to increase the probability and impact of
positive events, and reduce the probability and impact of adverse event on the project (PMI,

2.2. Sustainable Construction Project

Resource efficiency encourages the development of new technologies, from modern
design to revolutionary material and new construction practices; in that way, new concepts
in the built environment have been introduced such as sustainable construction, green
buildings, and high-performance buildings (Apine, 2016).
It is important to make a number of differences in concepts commonly used in the built
environment related to sustainability. The terms: high-performance buildings, green
buildings, and sustainable construction, are often used interchangeably and therefore,
confusion between terms occurs. Many writers in the field of sustainable construction do not
distinguish these terms. Kibert in Apine, 2016 makes this difference; the term sustainable
construction addresses the ecological, social and economic issues of buildings in the context
of their community. In 1994, Conseil International du Bâtiment (CIB), an international
construction research network organization, defined sustainable construction as "creating
and operating a healthy built environment based on resource efficiency and ecological
design"(Apine, 2016).
Sustainable construction is different from traditional construction which is generally
done. The difference is the difference between the system's view of having a little about
stakeholder collaboration (Darda et al., 2014), reducing resource consumption, eliminating
something that is not useful, implementing life cycle costing (Ismael et al 2018), and
contract conditions (Darda et al., 2014).
The term green building refers to the quality and characteristics of the actual structure
made using sustainable construction principles and methodologies. Green buildings can be
defined as "healthy facilities designed and built in a resource-efficient manner, using
ecologically based principles" according to Kibert in (Apine, 2016).
Commercial buildings with high-performance commercial buildings "use the design of
the entire building to reach energy, economic and environmental performance that is far
better than standard practice "This requires full collaboration between design specialties
from the start of the project, thus creating an integrated design. The entire building, or
integrated design, consider location, energy, materials, indoor air quality, acoustics, and
natural resources, and their interrelationship with each other according to Kibert (Apine,
Green buildings are closely related to the construction process, and how sustainability
goals can be addressed during the process. On the other hand, high-performance buildings
are final products, which throughout their life cycle, address sustainability goals not only
during the construction process but also after project closure when it starts operations.
Finally, sustainable construction includes green buildings and high-performance buildings at
the level of the company's goals toward sustainability (Apine, 2016).
Sustainable construction responds to issues of environmental impact and consumption of
resources. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) estimates
that buildings in developed countries cover more than forty percent of energy consumption
during their lifetime including materials, construction, operation, maintenance, and
deactivation. This provides an opportunity for the artificial environment to make a major
contribution to a more sustainable future. (Apine, 2016)
Sustainable construction targets to meet current infrastructure needs without further
damaging the environment because construction has been identified as very important
because of the significant environmental and social impacts of the built environment
according to Petri in (Apine, 2016). Sustainable construction ideally combines elements of
economic efficiency, environmental performance, and social responsibility, all of which are
combined in the design of architectural quality and efficiency.

2.3. Green Construction

Green construction or green construction is a construction by emphasizing increasing
efficiency in the use of water, energy, and building materials from design, construction, to
the maintenance of the construction going forward. In general, green construction (green
construction) is a construction process by emphasizing increasing efficiency in the use of
water, energy, and building materials ranging from design, construction, to maintenance of
the development going forward (Abduh et al, 2012). In construction activities must be
emphasized environmental sustainability, ecological balance (maximizing resources and
energy efficiency, utilizing free natural services, recycling waste) to improve the quality of
life for all layers of citizens that must be the main reference and foundation in development.
The following will show some definitions of green construction.
Based on these definitions, it can be concluded that green construction is part of
construction sustainable, where green construction is the implementation of construction
processes that pay attention to the environment (green process) and resource efficiency
(green supply chain) and the implementation of effective construction so as not to cause
waste by stakeholders in the project (green behavior) (Abduh et al, 2012).
Some aspects that need to be considered in the implementation of Green Construction
(Koe et al., 2014):
a. Safe provision for workers and prioritizing competent local staff
b. Project cycles that are not too far away and Material Storage maintained
c. Site Layout of the project while maintaining the environment around the project
d. Waste ManagementConstruction
e. Provides a Healthy Work Environment
f. Selection and Operation of Construction Equipment

3. Research methodology
Risk identification based on literature review , while in the process of combining Triple
Bottom Line values (economic, social and environmental) (Hubbard, 2009), about the
calculation of sustainable performance index scores that refer to the triple bottom line
(economic, social and environmental Because sustainable assessment is ambiguous in
human judgment, it uses fuzzy logic
3.1. Research Flow Chart

Risk Identification based on Literatur review


Risk Identification


Eonomy Impact x Social Impact x Environmental

Probability Probability Impact x Probability
Statement Statement Statement

Economy Risk Social Risk Environmental Risk

Level (Rx) Level (Rs) Level (Rm)

Figure 1. Concept
Sustainable of Research
Construction Flow Risk
Project Chart

Fugure 1. Concept of Research Flow Chart

The first step in deciding the concept of this research is identification according to the
literature review. The second is confirmation to determine the appropriate risk by the expert.
Third, using fuzzy logic methodology. In the fuzzification process to get fuzzy input to
determine the impact, probability in economic, social and environmental aspects. Then the
inferen process to determine fuzzy rules. The last step in the defuzzification process to
determine the level of risk in each aspect. After assessing the level of risk, the average
merging of all three aspects to obtain the level of risk in sustainable construction project.

4. Analysis and Results

In this section will be discussed determining risk identification how sustainable
construction project will be analyzed. The determination of those concepts also consider
sustainable aspects (economic, social and environmental).

4.1 Analysis
4.1.1 Risk Identification
Based on literature review, risk identification on sustainable construction project are
summarized as follows;
Table 1. Table Risks in Sustainable Construction Projects.
Source Source Source Source Source
(Hwang, (Ismael (Pavloff (Darda et (Apine,

risk Shan, et et al, , et al al., 2014) 2016)

al 2017) 2018) 2009)

A Finance
A1 High cost of sustainable materials and √
A2 Investor does estimate high √
sustainability funds
A3 sustainable building shipments that have √
an impact on project costs and schedules
B Maintenance / Legal Standards
B1 Many green standards are currently √
voluntary; not required by law
B2 Changes in Green Building Policy √
B3 Pollution Restriction √
B4 Import / eksport restrictions √
C Performance
C1 Product performance and reliability √ √
C2 Use of untested materials, unknown √
quality of green ingredients.
C3 Impact of post-construction or √
sustainability operations and
C4 Concerns Green certification will be seen √
as a proper building code and good
development practice.
D Consultants, Subconsulters &
D1 Contractors and subcontractors agree to √
standards that are not in their control.
E Regulatory
E1 The risk of regulatory demands becomes √
a punishment; if regulations become an
integral part of the meaning of being
green, there is a potential direct
economic impact on business.
E2 Risk that green regulations increase as √
the number of providers of green
products and services increases
F Technology
F1 lack potential technological √ √ √
sophistication and experience of certain
team members
F2 Not familiar with new technology √
G Labor and Material Equipment
G1 Lack of availability of green materials and √ √
G2 Materials and equipment are easily √
damaged / temporary
4.1.2 Data Analysis
In this study, risk analysis uses fuzzy techniques to analyze risk variables that have been
prepared, subjects are treated with fuzzy logic in handling ambiguity, subjectivity, and
inaccuracy in human reasoning when processing large and complex volumes of data. Fuzzy
stages include: Fuzzification
Data Fuzzification input is done to change inputs/inputs that have p truth values (crisp
input) becomes a form fuzzy input. Fuzzification is the process of converting crisp numbers
into membership values in a fuzzy set.
Based on triangular fuzzy number (TFN) often used to give a more precise description
and get more accurate results. Fuzzy set membership functions are called fuzzy triangular
sets if they have 3 parameters, namely: a, b, cb R with a <b <c, explained by S (x, a, b, c)
using rules:
μ (X)

a b c

0, x≤ a or x ≥c

(x-a)/(b-a), a≤x≤b
μ (X) =
(b-x)/(c-b), b≤x≤c

Figure 2. Triangle Functions

Sumber : (Setiawan et al, 2008)

In this study, the membership function of linguistic terms is characterized by triangular

fuzzy numbers. This below will be explained the probability categories, impact categories
and forms of member functions, as follows ; Scales, Levels and Member Functions on Risk Probability

The scale of assessment of the frequency of occurrence and the impact is adopted from
the literature are used. On the explanation of probability used in the aspects of economic,
social and environmental impact is the same statement, while at the same time impact is
different statement That explanation will be described this bellow;
Table.2. Probability of a risk that occurs
Numerically rating Explanation
1-2 Rare Rare, very unlikely to occur over a period of three years.
3-4 Unlikely may occur in a three year period.
5-6 Moderate May occur at least once every three years.
7-8 Most likely To occur at least once every three years.
9-10 Almost Certain Almost certainly will happen several times over a three-year period.
Source: (Pavloff et al., 2009)

This bellow description membership function on the probability of risk

Rare Unlikely Moderate Likely Almos certain

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 3. Member Function at Risk Probability

The talk of the risk probability variable model above is 1-10, with fuzzy set domains:
Rare (1-3) with the highest membership degree (= 1) in number 1, Unlikely (2-5) with the
highest membership degree (= 1) in number 3.5, Moderate (4-7) with the highest degree of
membership (= 1) in 5.5, Likely (6-9) with the highest degree of membership (= 1) in
numbers 7.5 and almost certain (8-10) with membership degrees (= 1) highest at number 10.

This below description the probability range 1-10;

Table 3. Range of Probability 1-10

Likehood Range Likehood 1-10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range
Rare 1-3
Unlikely 3-5
Moderate 4-7
Likely 6-9
Certain 8-10 Scales, levels and Member Functions on Risk Impact
This Below described scales, levels and member functions on risk impact, as follows ;

Table 4. Impact of Economic Risks that occur

Numerically Scale Value Name Scale Objective

DE1 1-2 Very Low The impact is very small

DE2 3-4 Low Impact small
DE3 5-6 Moderate The effect is quite large
DE4 7- 8 Major Impacts Large
DE5 9-10 Disasters Impact is very large
Source: (Suharto, 2008)

Table 5 Impact of Social Risks that occur

Numeri Scale Value NameScale Objective
DS1 1-2 Very Low Low level social impact. Low level of breach /
disruption of cultural inheritance, small impact on
human rights
DS2 3-4 Low Small medium term social impact on a small number
of people. Repairable damage or interference with
property, structure or goods. Minor violations of
cultural heritage. Minor, temporary impact on human
DS3 5-6 Moderate Mid-term social impact or frequent social problems.
Moderate damage to structures / local cultural
heritage / sacred locations. Human rights impacts
DS4 7-8 Major Damage to social order. Extensive damage to goods
that have global cultural significance. A very offensive
violation of cultural heritage. The company is directly
responsible or involved in the long-term severe
impacts on human rights
DS5 9-10 Disasters Total damage to the social order. Desecration of items
that have global cultural significance. Companies are
directly responsible or severely involved and broadly
Source: (Bainley, 2015)
Table 6. Impact of Environmental Risks That Occur
Numeri Scale Value Name Scale Objective
DL1 1-2 Very Low Risk Impact low on land, biodiversity, ecosystem
services, water or air resources
DL2 3-4 Low Impact Small to land, biodiversity, ecosystem
service, water or air resources
DL3 5-6 Moderate Medium impact on land, biodiversity, ecosystem
service, water air resources
DL4 7-8 Major Significant impact (> 20 year) land, biodiversity,
ecosystem services, water or air resources

DL5 9-10 Disasters Permanent impacts, severe on land, biodiversity,

ecosystem services, water or air resources
Source: (Bainley, 2015)

Table 7. Impact Range 1-10

Cost Impact Range Impact 1-10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Range
Very Low 1-3
Low 3-5
Moderate 4-7
Major 6-9
Disasters 8-10

This bellow about specified impact membership function;

1 Moderate Major
Very Low Low Disaster


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 4. member function on impact

The talk of the risk impact variable model above is 1-10, with fuzzy set domains: Rare
(1-3) with the highest membership degree (= 1) in number 1, Unlikely (2-5) with the highest
membership degree (= 1) in number 3.5, Moderate (4-7) with the highest degree of
membership (= 1) in 5.5, Likely (6-9) with the highest degree of membership (= 1) in
numbers 7.5 and almost certain (8-10) with membership degrees (= 1) highest at number 10.
Due to the level of Membership function of modelling the impact and probabiltas about
the economic, social, environment is the same, then the formation of a membership function
in describe as follows in the formula;
μ very low = 0 s≤ 1
(3-s)/2 1≤ 1s≥ 3

0 s≤ 2 atau s≥3,5

low= (s-2)/2,
0 2≤
s≤ s≥3,5
2 atau s≥3,5

(5-s)/2, 3,5≤ s≥5

0 s≤ 4 atau s≥5,5

μ moderate = (s-4)/2, 4≤ s≥5,5

(7-s)/2, 5,5≤ s≥7

0 s≤ 6 atau s≥7,5

μ Major = (s-6)/2,
0 6≤
s≤ s≥7,5
6 atau s≥7,5

(7,5-s)/2, 7,5≤ s≥9

0 s≤ 8

μ Disaster =
(s-8)/2, 8≤ s≥10 Inferent
In determining fuzzy rules to get risk level output can use the frequency and impact table
below, while the risk flow using fuzzy techniques can be seen the risk flow scheme to get a
risk rating.

Table 7. Frequency and Impact Risk Level


10 M M M M H H H H H H
9 M M M M H H H H H H
8 M M M M M M H H H H

7 M M M M M M H H H H
Potential Impact

6 L L M M M M H H H H

5 L L M M M M H H H H
4 L L L L M M M M H H

3 L L L L M M M M H H
2 L L L L L L M M H H
Very Low

1 L L L L L L M M H H
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rare Unlikely Moderate Likely Almost Certain


Note: H - Height; M - Height; L - Low.

Source: (Pavloff, 2009)
This bellow explanation of definition the risk level

Table 8. Risk Factors

Categories Handling Steps
High Risk Risk reduction should be made at a lower level
Medium Risk Steps for Handling in a certain period
Low Risk Improvement step if possible
Source : (Asmarantaka, 2014)

Based on the above matrix values, the following 2 of logical rules are used as follows;
This study uses the Defuzzy Weighted Average method commonly used. This method
gives an average, weighted by the level of truth, from the support values in which all
membership functions. Defuzzification converts the fuzzy output to crisp value. This
method takes the weighted average value in the form of membership degrees so that z* can
be defined as follows:
𝑎. 𝑧
z* = ∑ 𝑎. 𝑛 (kusumadewi, 2010)
where z is the crisp / rule value and 𝑎 is the fire strength for each rule

4.2. Results.

The research concept uses the fuzzy logic methodology. The first step in this
fuzzification process is to do fuzzy input to determine the same probability information on
economic, social and environmental aspects. While the determination of the impact of the
three aspects has different information. The second step in the inferior process is determined
by fuzzy rules. The third step determines the risk rating of each aspect. After finding the risk
level, the concept of combining the three aspects with the formula below is determined.
This bellow plotting risk analysis to get a risk rating with the fuzzy logic technique above;

Identification Risk in Sustainable Construction Project

Economy Aspect Social Aspect Environmental Aspect

Probability Statement

Economy Impact Social Impact Environmental Impact

Statement Statement Statement

Economy Risk (Rx) Social Risk (Rs) Environmental Risk (Rm) Fuzzy

Sustainable Construction Project Risk Level (Rsp) = (Rec + Rso + Ren) / 3

Level Risk Defuzzy Weight Average

Figure 5. Flowchart of Analyze Risk for Sustainable Construction Project

results of the research concept can be seen from the research scheme above. Job risks on
sustainable construction projects have an influence on sustainable risk ratings (economy,
social risk, and environmental risk). In each of these risks, there are calculations using fuzzy
logic with different impacts on the three aspects, but the probability used is the same. So that
the concept can be derived from the formula;

Rsp = (Rec + Rso + Ren)/3

Rec = 𝑓 (p x Iec)
Rso = 𝑓 (p x Iso)
Ren = 𝑓 (p x Ien)
Rsp = Risk of sustainable construction project
Rec = Economic risk
Rso = Social Risk
Ren = Environmental risk
p = Probability (Economy, Social, Environmental)
Isp = Economy Impact
Iso = Social Impact
Ien = Environmental Impact
5. Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1. Conclusion
The risk level for a sustainable construction project can be done by combining the level of
economic risk, with a formula found Rsp = (Rec+Rso+Ren)/3. With note Rsp is Risk of
sustainable construction Project, Rec is Economy risk, Rso is Social Risk, Ren is
Environmental risk. We recognize that the problems underlying the proposed merger
process are in particular social risks and environmental risks are complex. However, the risk
information on a sustainable construction project that integrates these three risks must be
accessible and understood by stakeholders. The merger process is carried out simply based
on the previous literature on measuring financial, social and environmental performance.

5.2. Recommendation
a. Risk analysis for sustainable construction projects needs to be tested for validity and
reliability to find out the reality in the field.
b. Because the concept of success is the incorporation of the three economic, social and
environmental aspects, the theme needs to be reviewed on one of the major aspects, for
example, natural disasters, economic crises, and others. Automatically because it is major,
other aspects will have no effect when the formula is used.

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