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Category Innovation Exhibition & Competition Electric, Electronics &

Telecommunication at International Level

• The International Borneo Innovation, Exhibition & Competition (IBIEC) 2021

International Borneo Innovation, Exhibition & Competition (IBIEC) 2021 is a competition held
virtually at the Mukah Sarawak Polytechnic (PMU) on 7 July - 18 August 2021. The theme of
this virtual conference is “IR 4.0 Innovation in the New Norm which parallels with PMU as
the Center of Technology (COT)” The motto “IT Teras Entiti” indicates our expertise in
Information Technology as a key element in the 4.0 Industry”. IBIEC has adopted a virtual
platform for innovators to present their innovations and share knowledge with panels from
industry as well as academia. IBIEC has seven competition categories, namely:
1.Category 1 Construction & Material / Build Environment & Interior Design
2.Category 2 Machine, Equipment & Manufacturing Process
3.Category 3 ICT & Multimedia
4.Category 4 Electric, Electronics & Telecommunication
5.Category 5 Green Product / Algriculture / Environtment / Renewable Energy
6.Category 6 Teaching & Learning
7.Category 7 Social Science & Enterprenuership

This program will help identify high-impact innovations and their commercial
possibilities. This will initiate future collaborations with institutions involved in program
organization, thereby creating a sharing platform among the innovators participating in this
competition around the world.
The stages in this competition are uploading abstracts on the IBIEC website and
uploading innovation videos on the G-Bot youtube channel which can be accessed at the
following link Then the 5 best innovations from each
category were selected and one of them was the ELECTRO POLSRI team innovation for the
4th category. The TOP 5 selected immediately presented virtual presentations to the panels and
on August 25, 2021 at the closing ceremony which was carried out virtually through Microsoft
Teams and live. on facebook Mukah Sarawak Polytechnic where representatives from
Electrical Engineering, Sriwijaya State Polytechnic with the innovation that was brought,
namely the Wireless Charging Garbage Robot Innovation Based On Internet Of Things For Z-
Generation won 2nd place and got Gold Achievement in the 4th category Electric, Electronics
& Telecommunication with the only representative from Indonesia who was included in the
Top 5 and beat 122 participants from other countries with Dr. Nyayu Latifah Husni, Dr. Ade
Silvia Handayani, M. Adib Al-Mughny, Edo Syaelendra Bindu Article and Fatma Indah Sari.
This success has also received extraordinary appreciation which has been published
through the following websites and Instagram social media:
National Level Manufacturing, Machinery and Construction Technology Category
• V - Factor Indonesia 2021

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology or the Indonesian

Ministry of Education and Culture through the Directorate General of Vocational Education
organizes the V-Factor Indonesia program as a forum for vocational students to display their
work or expertise to be known to the public. The work or expertise is displayed in the form of
a video and uploaded to the YouTube channel of each participant in which in this case there
are 4 fields of work or expertise that can be included, including Manufacturing, Machinery and
Construction, Hospitality and Care Service, Arts and Creative Industries, and works of art. /
other skills.. The existence of this program will encourage the growth of skilled workers and
experts in their fields and are ready to face the era of the industrial revolution 4.0.
Sriwijaya State Polytechnic through collaboration between WPS UKM and MARS
UKM represented by several majors including Electrical Engineering The Electronic
Engineering Study Program consisted of 2 students participating in the V-Factor Indonesia
activity in 2021, namely Ricky Farnando and Ferdana Andre Saputra, in which we designed
build a Hand Wash and Automatic Body Temperature Gauge consisting of a Water Faucet and
an Automatic Soap Faucet, a Handdryer, and an Automatic Body Temperature Gauge. This
tool was created to help one of the government programs, namely Community-Based Total
Sanitation (STBM), where one form of that commitment is to organize socialization activities
for the implementation of daily hand washing with soap. In addition, this tool is also expected
to help break the chain of the spread of Covid-19. With this automatic Hand Washing and Body
Temperature Gauge equipment, it is hoped that hand washing activities will become easier and
more effective and hygienic.
In this competition, there were a total of 587 videos of works/skills from 4 fields of
registration through a selected curation process, 60 videos of works/skills from 4 fields that
were contested, then the 60 videos were judged and 24 videos of works/skills were taken from
4 different fields. contested, then from the 24 videos of the best works/skills will be shown at
the peak night of V-Factor Indonesia 2021, to be precise on the YouTube Directorate General
of Vocational Education, and at the peak night the 3 best videos will be selected from each
field. From this long process, the Ricky CS Team, which is a representative of the Electrical
Engineering Program in the Electronic Engineering Study Program, won 2nd Place in the Best
Video in Manufacturing, Machinery, and Construction.

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