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Continuous Assessment Examination 2 (Oct.

Program : B.E (CSE) / B.Tech (IT) / B.E (CSE-AI)
/ B.E (CSE-DS) Max. Marks : 30
Course : Theory of Computation Time : 1 Hour
Course code : SCSA1302 Sem : III
Batch : 2020-2024 Date :25.10.2021
Part-A Answer ALL the questions (5×2=10)

Q.No Questions CO
Compare and contrast a Deterministic PDA and Non-
1. Deterministic PDA. 3

Represent the possible transitions for the PDA given below

using transition function

2. 3

3. Define a Push Down Automata. 3

4. List out the various representations of a Turing Machine. 4

Draw the structure of a multi-head Turing Machine and list out
5. its features. 4

Part-B Answer ALL the questions (2×10=20)

Q.No Questions CO
Design a Push Down Automata to accept L={xCxr / x = {a,
b}*}. Consider the input string abbCbba, derive the input string
6. using Instantaneous Description and verify if the string is valid 3
or not.

Construct the Universal Turing Machine (UTM) for the
7. transition diagram given below, 4
Construct the Push Down Automata for the following grammar,
S->S+X | X
X->X*X | Y
8. Y->(S) | id 3
Using Instantaneous Description verify whether the string
“id*id+id” is valid or not.

(a) Design a language that accepts all the strings having equal
number of a’s and b’s over the input alphabet {a,b}. (2 Marks)
9. (b) Design a Turing Machine for the same and verify if the 4
string “aabbb” is valid or not. (10 Marks)

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