Pact of Irons: e Ec e S

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Pact of Irons When coated in chains you cannot use

ranged weapons, and have disadvantage on

Your patron has chosen to not only bind you by
stealth and sleight of hand checks. Youcan
contract or spirit but physically as well. When
dismiss these chains as an action.
you choose this Pact Boon heavy iron shackles
with lengths of chain dangling from them
appear on your wrists and ankles. These
shackles and chains have a combined weight
of lOlbs. So long as you bear the shackles you
count as one size category larger when
determining your carrying capacity and the
weight you can push, drag, or lift.
In addition you can bash a creature
with your shackles for ld4 +your strength
modifier bludgeoning damage or use the
lengths of chain on your wrist as a whip.
These attacks count as cold forged iron
weapons for the purposes of resistance and
immunity to damage.
The shackles can only be removed with
a remove curse spell and will reappear on the
character on the next dawn.

Bestow Shackles
Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of Irons feature
When you hit a creature with a melee attack
made with your iron shackles or chains, you
can cast hold person on that creature as bonus
action using a warlock spell slot.

Fiendish Endurance
Prerequisite: Pact of Irons feature
Your patron has little use for an exhausted
servant. At the start of your turn, if you have
level(s) of exhaustion, you can remove one
level of exhaustion. Once you use this feature
you cannot do so again until you complete a
short or long rest.

Blessing of Binding
Prerequisite: 9th level, Pact of Irons feature
You can conjure spiked chains from your
shackles that coat your entire body as an
action on your turn. These chains weight 45
pounds. While coated in these chains your
armor class becomes 14 +your Dexterity
modifier (max 2). Creatures that touch you or
hit you with a melee attack within 5 feet suffer
ld4 piercing damage .

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