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Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Scientific Method
Science – Grade 7
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 1: Scientific Method
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Shella Mae G. Catubig
Editors: Elsie T. Seňeris
Reviewers: Elsie T. Seňeris, Glenda T. Catacutan, Arnolfo M. Girasol, Ria Omana
Illustrator: Edgardo Bacang
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What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master the skills in Scientific Method. The scope of this module permits it to be
used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students. The feature of this module includes different
tasks that are based on the competency aligned in the MELC for Science.
You will study the following concepts in this module:
Components of Scientific investigation;
 Formulating a Research Problem and Hypothesis
 Planning the Investigation, Experimentation and Data Analysis
 Making Conclusions and Recommendations

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Define Scientific Method
2. Describe the components of scientific investigations.
3. Apply concepts of scientific method in solving problems.
4. Recognize the significance of scientific method in solving various problems.

What I Know

A. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. In what step of the Scientific Method do you ask a question?
a. Conclusion
b. Problem
c. Hypothesis
d. Information
2. In what step of the Scientific Method do you go to the library or ask
an expert?
a. Conclusion
b. Hypothesis
c. Problem
d. Information
3. Which step of the scientific method comes immediately after
making observations and asking a question?
a. forming a hypothesis
b. analyzing data
c. Data
d. Experiment
4. The actual answer to the problem.
a. Hypothesis
b. Data
c. Conclusion
d. Information
5. The variable that you change in the experiment. Also called the
manipulated variable.
a. Controlled
b. Dependent
c. Independent
d. Responding
6. How is a hypothesis tested?
a. by using the hypothesis to make predictions about a system.
b. by comparing observations in nature with predictions
c. by conducting an experiment and looking for results
d. All of the above

7. Which of the following statements would be true of the scientific
a. People structure their lives on the principle of scientific method.
b. The scientific method is a continuous process by which people learn
about his world.
c. Scientists report the experimental results, but not the experimental
d. When the results of the experiment do not fit the hypothesis, a
scientist may discard the results and stop the experiment.

8. Suppose your mother sent you to the market to buy fruits and
a. How would you choose good quality fruits and vegetables?
b. Ask the vendor to choose it for you.
c. Examine the fruit if it is free from insect bites and the smell of
d. Just get any kind and pay right away.
e. Tell your mother that you do not know how to buy good quality
fruits and vegetables.

9. When scientists wish to communicate the results of their research, they

are most likely to do which of the following?
a. immediately repeat the research
b. call a press conference
c. write a concise report with complete results and proofs to the
experiment performed and formulate conclusions
d. sell their findings to other researchers

10.During an experiment about a coin and feather that were dropped at the
same time, it was found that the coin reached the ground first. One
student said: “Maybe, the coin is heavier than the feather.” What do you
call this kind of statement?
a. a problem
b. a hypothesis
c. an interpretation
d. a conclusion

B. Identification. For Numbers 6 – 10, identify what science processes are

revealed in the following statements: Write your answer on the space
provided after the number.

Communicating experimenting
Generalization Inferring
hypothesizing identifying the problem
Interpretation observation

11.A girl is standing in an open field. There is no shadow formed because it

12 noon. ____________________

12.Blue litmus paper turned red when it was dipped into an unknown
13.The liquid in the test tube is an acid. ____________________
14.The laptop computer is not functioning anymore. Maybe the battery got
discharged. ___________________.
15. A nail turned rusty. What made it that way? ________________

Lesson Scientific Method

The scientific method is a series of processes that people can use to gather
knowledge about the world around them, improve that knowledge, and, through
gaining knowledge, attempt to explain why and/or how things occur. This method
involves making observations, forming questions, making hypotheses, doing an
experiment, analyzing the data, and forming a conclusion. Every scientific
experiment performed is an example of the scientific method in action, but it is also
used by non-scientists in everyday situations.

What’s In

In your previous year level, you learned how to construct a model of the
solar system showing the relative sizes of the planets and their relative distances
from the Sun.
In this module you will learn how describe the components of a scientific

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that will help you in facilitating
the learning process of the students.

What’s New

Activity 1: Asking High Level Questions


1. Prepare three balls of different sizes made from crumpled papers.

2. Ask at least three family members to drop the balls at the same
height and at the same time.
3. Observe the movement of the ball.
4. In a short piece of bondpaper, write as many questions as you can
base from the balls being observed.

Guide Questions

1. What did you do in order to generate questions from the ball?

2. Why is there a need for you to observed first before generating
3. Which of the generated questions can be answered yes or no?
4. Which questions can be investigated?

What is It

In this lesson, you will learn the scientists’ recommended step by step procedure of
identifying and solving problems. You will solve problems, think critically, analyze
data, find answers, and formulate research problems or questions.

Steps of the Scientific Method

In studying an event or finding solutions to a problem, scientists follow a series of

steps. The first step is to be aware of the problem or to pose questions. Questions
about an object or situations can be answered by any of the following methods:

1. Observation

All that can be observed within 5 senses are included in an observation.

Observing the object or situation, recalling past knowledge, reading books or

journals or conducting an investigation. Recall questions require to
remember facts which only needs low level.

2. Asking Questions

Asking questions starts with how, what, where, who, which, why, Or when.
Once you’ve made your observation, you must formulate a question about
what you have observed. Your questions should tell what is that you are
trying to discover or accomplish in your experiment. When stating your
question, you should be specific as possible.

Which of the three balls would hit the ground first?

This is just one of the questions you have formulated that can be

Doing Background research is important steps in science because it may
answer other questions you have and help you find your experiment before
you go on the path that Leads to nowhere or conducting an experiment that
already been done. Make sure you will use reliable resources to learn
background information such as scientific journals and online sources that
are valid and trusted our best.

3. Hypothesis
A hypothesis is an educated guess to explain the phenomena occurring
based on prior observations or a prediction of what you believe will occur. It
answers the question posed in the previous step. Hypotheses can be specific
or more general depending on the question being asked, but all hypotheses
must be testable by gathering evidence that can be measured.

After the problem has been identified, you now have to seek for the solution
of the problem or an answer to the question being generated. And this now
have something to do with the formulation of hypothesis.
It is often seen in an (If…then) statement.

If I water three plants with different sodas, then

the plants that receives Sprite will grow the
Example 2
Situation 1. Three different sizes of balls from crumpled paper being
dropped on the ground
Questions/problem: Which of the three balls of different sizes will hit
the ground first?
Possible hypothesis: The smallest ball will hit the ground first.

4. Experimentation
After forming a hypothesis, an experiment must be set up and performed to
test the hypothesis. It is regarded as a cause – and – effect test between two
variables and has to follow fair testing. A fair test is making that an
experiment, one factor or condition (independent variable) affects another
(the dependent variable) by keeping all other conditions constant or the
In other words, it is a controlled experiment that includes dependent and
independent variables.

Independent variable – is the factor or condition that
 Is change in an experiment
 Directly caused by the experimenter
 Manipulated in the experiment
 The “what you do” in the experiment.

Three paper balls of different sizes released on the ground at the same
Independent variable: size of the paper balls (being the cause of the
[[dependent variable)

Dependent variable: Time the ball hits the ground (being the result of
the independent variable).

Other Example


Gathering Data

After performing an experiment and collecting data, one must analyze the
data. Research experiments are usually analyzed with statistical software in
order to determine relationships among the data. In the case of a simple
experiment, one would look at the data and see how they correlate with the
change in the independent variable. It is organized into a date table and
displayed visually as a graph such as line graph and bar graph.

The data or observations gathered from an experiment are best presented in

the form of a table as shown below.

Size of the paper Time to reach the ground (seconds)
ball (inches)
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
3 3.4 3.4 3.6
2 2.0 2.0 2.3
1 1.5 1.5 1.0

Presenting the data in table form is easy to read because of its organized

6. Conclusion

A conclusion is a statement about the results of the experiment. It could be

a statement of the pattern you observed. It could be a comparison of the
results of the experiment to the hypothesis. Not all hypothesis can be proven
correct. Sometimes, the results of the experiments contradict the hypothesis.
When this happens, the hypothesis is rejected. A new or modified hypothesis
if formulated.

7. Communicating Results

The last step in any scientific method is to communicate or share results

and conclusions with the other scientists. Scientist do this by writing an
article that is published in a scientific journal or magazine.

What’s More

Activity 1.1 Understanding Science Words.

Provide the letter of the definition that matches the scientific terms below.

a) Using a set of observations to

test a hypothesis.

b) An educated guess or a
tentative answer to a question.

c) The numerical values recorded

during an experiment or

d) A decision based on the date

from an experiment.

e) A well-supported set of
observations and explanations
for natural events.

f) These are the variables that are

kept constant during the

g) A measurable characteristics or
parameters that can be
controlled or changed in an

h) These are the variables that

respond to the changes you
have made with the
independent variable.

i) These are the variables that

you can change or manipulate
in an experiment.

j) It involves skills such as keen

observation, date gathering,
experimentation and logical

What I Have Learned

1. Scientific Method is a series of steps that scientists use to answer questions

and solve problems.
2. Observation is something you can see or prove.
3. Identify problems base on observation.
4. Hypothesis is a possible explanation or answer to a question.
5. Prediction is a statement of what may happen in the future.
6. Experimentation is designed to test the hypothesis that have formulated.
7. Data is a set of measurements recorded when performing an experiment.
8. Draw a conclusion. The conclusion summarizes the results of the
experiment. This statement will either confirm the hypothesis that have
formulated or provide a better answer to the problem that have observed.
9. Phenomenon is an observable fact or event that occurs.
10.Data are set of measurements recorded when performing an experiment.

What I Can Do

Here, you shall be engaged in understanding scientific knowledge which includes

the processing and making meanings out of the information. You need to reflect,
revisit, revise and rethink your ideas; express your understandings and engage in
meaningful self-evaluation; and undergo in-depth exploration of scientific methods
using multiple sources of information and various modalities of manifestations of
1. Write an essay on how scientific processes and scientific methods helped you in
solving a particular problem that you encountered in your life.
2. What would you like to be in the future? How would your understanding of
scientific processes and scientific methods help you in your future career?
3. Name three basic problems in your locality. Think of possible solutions to these
problems applying your knowledge in scientific processes and scientific method.

Problems of Locality Procedures in Solving the Problem





Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. In what step of the Scientific Method do you ask a question?

a. Conclusion
b. Problem
c. Hypothesis
d. Information

2. In what step of the Scientific Method do you go to the library or ask an expert?
a. Conclusion
b. Hypothesis
c. Problem
d. Information

3. Which step of the scientific method comes immediately after making

observations and asking a question?
a. forming a hypothesis
b. analyzing data
c. Data
d. Experiment

4. The actual answer to the problem.

a. Hypothesis
b. Data
c. Conclusion
d. Information

5. The variable that you change in the experiment. Also called the manipulated
a. Controlled
b. Dependent
c. Independent
d. Responding

6. The variable that changes because you changed the other variable. Also called
the responding variable.
a. Dependent
b. Independent
c. Controlled
d. Manipulated
7. The group in the experiment that does not get the variable is called the _______
a. Dependent
b. Control
c. Independent
d. Responding

8. The variables in the experiment that do not change are called the __________
a. Controlled
b. Independent
c. Dependent
d. Manipulated

9. Recorded observations and measurements.

a. Information
b. Conclusion
c. Hypothesis
d. Data

10. The conclusion is based on the results of the _____________.

a. Information
b. Hypothesis
c. Experiment
d. Problem

11. A series of steps designed to help you solve problems and answer questions.
a. observation
b. hypothesis
c. scientific method
d. Experiment

12. A hypothesis is a(n) _______ of the outcome of the experiment.

a. observation
b. mistake
c. conclusion
d. prediction

13. A hypothesis is an educated guess that must be______.

a. testable
b. proven true
c. made into a theory
d. made into a law

14. A students were asked to designed a lab that investigated the relationship
between exercises and heart rate. Heart rate was determined by recording the pulse
rate in beats per minute. The students hypothesized that increased exercised
results in an increased heart rate. The class results for the experiment are shown
in the graph below.


Which statement is best supported by the graph?

a. Before exercising, the average pulse rate was 65, four

minutes after exercising, the average pulse rate was 65.
b. After four minutes of exercising, the average pulse rate was
120; two minutes after exercising, the average pulse rate was
c. While exercising, the highest average pulse rate was 150;
before exercising the average pulse rate was 65.
d. Two minutes before exercising, the average pulse rate was
80; after two minutes of exercise, the average pulse rate was

15. If I put 3 spider plants in different locations, then the plant in the sunlight will
grow taller in a one-week period than the plants in the closet and basement. On the
above experiment, what is the independent variable?
a. Location of the plants
b. height of plants
c. both A and B
d. none of the above

Additional Activities

Using the numbers 1-6, indicate the order of events in using the scientific method.
______ 1. Test the hypothesis by performing an experiment.
______ 2. Make observations and record data.
______ 3. Make a hypothesis and an experimental prediction.
______ 4. Identify the problem to be studied.
______ 5. Use data and results to support a conclusion.
______ 6. Perform background research on the problem.
7-10 for 4 points. A student proposes that, if volunteers warm up before squeezing
a clothespin for one minute, they will increase the number of times that they can
squeeze it without tiring. He states that this is because their muscles will be better
prepared for exercise. The data from an experiment are shown in the data table

Students Results
Trial Group Group Description Average Number of
1 1 10 students who warm up before 72
2 2 10 students who do not warm up before 73
3 3 25 students who warm up before 67
4 4 25 students who do not warm up before 65

Which trial from the chart above provides the best data to support his claim?
Support your answer.

Answer Key

Assessment What's More What I Know

1. B 1. 4 1. B
2. D 2. 5 2. D
3. A 3. 3 3. A
4. C 4. 1 4. C
5. C 5. C
5. 6
6. A 6. D
7. B
6. 2
7. B
8. A
9. D
8. B
10.C 9. C
11.C 10. B
12.D 11. Interpretation
13.A 12. Observation
14.C 13. Generalization
15.A 14. Hypothesizing
15. Identifying the

Additional Activity What I can do What I can do

1. 4 Essay. Essay.
2. 5
Points will depend Points will depend
3. 3
on the answers of on the answers of
4. 1
the learners. the learners.
5. 6
6. 2
7-10-correct answer
will get 4 points





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[ CITATION bio \l 13321 ]



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