Lesson 1-Exercises - Present Progressive: Fill in The Following Sentences in The Present Progressive

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Lesson 1- Exercises -Present Progressive

A. Add ing to the following verbs:

1. die ____________ 7. eat ____________
2. fight ____________ 8. blow ____________
3. tan ____________ 9. break ____________
4. plan ____________ 10. snow ____________
5. sail ____________ 11. show ____________
6. prepare ____________ 12. do ____________

B. Fill in the following sentences in the present progressive

1. They are waiting (wait) for us on the corner now.
2. Listen! I think the telephone is ringing (ring).
3. I see that you are wearing (wear) your new suit today.
4. The boys are making (make) a lot of noise. Please tell them to be quiet.
5. Mr. Zehavy is not working (not work) in his office today.
6. My parents are going (go to a concert tonight.
7. The bus driver is not driving (not drive) carefully.
8. Are the pupils decorating (decorate the room at the moment?
9. You are not taking (not take) a shower right now.
10. They are having (have) sales in all the big stores now.
11. Look! It is beginning (begin) to rain
12. At present my grandparent is traveling (travel) in London.
13. The maid is cleaning (clean) the room now.
14. Are you watching (watch) TV right now?
15. Sharon is not swimming (not swim) in the pool at the moment.
16. My brother is not coming (not come) home today.
17. Two old ladies are sitting (sit) under a tree.
18. Are they laughing (laugh) at what I said?
19. Ronen is looking (look) for the book which he lost.
20. Mom is sick. She is lying (lie) in bed.
21. The Bus
The bus is coming (come). The passengers are sitting downing (sit down). One woman is
giving (give) the driver the money. An old man is reading (read) his newspaper. The
young boy is ringing (ring) the bell. Two children are runing (run) for the bus. The bus is
stoping (stop) and the people are getting offing(get off) it. .
22. Autumn Is Here
It is beginning of autumn. I can see though the window that it is raining (rain). The wind is
blowing (blow) and some leaves are falling (fall). My brothers are listening (listen) to
records and they are discussing (discuss) the weather. It seems that the summer is over and
there is nothing to look forward to. A small dog outside is running (run) and barking
(bark) in happily. I guess he is looking (look) for shelter. I think that the best thing about
autumn and winter is that spring and summer are soon to follow.
23. A Busy Afternoon
It is 06:00 o'clock in the afternoon. Everybody is busy. Father is reading (read) the Evening
paper. Mother is helping (help) David with his homework. Miriam is doing (do) the dishes.
Uri is washing (wash) the family car. Our little dog is barking (bark) unhappily. He is
waiting (wait) for somebody to take him out. There are a lot of actives outside. People are
coming (come) from work. Mothers are calling (call) their children to come back home.
Another day is coming (come) to an end.

(C) Present Progressive – Wh Questions:

1. Ron is visiting his grandmother right now.
Who is Ron visiting right now?
2. The children are playing outside at this moment.
3. We are playing tennis today after school.
4. Look! The dogs are lying under a tree
5. Tami and Tali are studying in the library this week.
6. The boys are crying now because their dog is sick.
7. Listen! She's singing in the shower.
8. They are watching the film: "titanic" right now.
9. Mr. and Mrs. Levi are leaving in a few minutes because it's late.
10. Miri is walking slowly
11. I am eating a cheese sandwich right now.
12. Liron is sitting in her room.
13. Vered is thinking about her parents tonight.
14. I am having lunch with my sister at "Apropo" now.
15. Esther is planning to go to Eilat.

(D) Ronit is calling her sister Yael. Write questions and complete their conversion
A: Hi Ronit___________________________________________________________?
B: I'm at the big parade.
A: _________________________________________________________________?
B: It's on Herzel street.
A: _________________________________________________________________?
B: Yes, there are a lot of people in the streets.
A: _________________________________________________________________?
B: No, I’m not alone. Oded is with me.
A: _________________________________________________________________?
B: No, We are standing on the sidewalk.
A: _________________________________________________________________?
B: Yes, We are having a great time.
A: _________________________________________________________________?
B: I'm coming home in an hour, please wait for me.
A: O.K, but don't be later.

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