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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Batangas
Lemery Pilot Elementary School
Atienza St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas


The beauty of collaboration is not only the ability to tap various perspectives and
ideas, but also to share responsibility for our pupils’ learning. The more education
specialist invested in learner’s education, the better the chance the learner to be
successful. To ensure continual progress for our learners and ourselves, it's extremely
important to join professional learning networks and explore professional learning
The collaboration shouldn’t end among the teachers — it should be used during
the school day among learners. Plan of activities that give teachers the opportunity to
work and collaborate should utilized to learn and grow from each other. When teachers
work together, they create a better learning experience. Teacher collaboration positively
impacts learner’s achievement and allows us, educators, to explore new territory.
Project ENHANCE is a school program/ activity designed to continuously assist
teachers more effectively in crafting learning materials that will help learners enhance
their creative thinking and problem-solving skills. It is more beneficial to continue
having a smooth teaching and learning process with learners under the guidance of
school head and master teachers who are always ready to assist teachers in discovering
different abilities and strengths in making different materials to improve their teaching

Lemery Pilot Elementary School teachers prioritize not just its pupils'
academic success, but also their capacity to generate effective learning materials for
their learners. This was accomplished through the Project ENHANCE that serve as
continuous collaboration among teachers to improve the teaching-learning and
cultivating lifelong learners. LPES held a variety of activities to highlight each teacher's
skills, abilities, and strengths. Various trainings such as coaching and mentoring, co-

Atienza St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas
Lemery Pilot Elementary School
Atienza St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

learning through collaborative inquiry, LAC sessions, and INSET, are strategies that
continuously support teachers in collaborative professional learning.

Project ENHANCE is a program for the school community that is created and
aligned. Its aims to:

- collaborate continuously with teachers in preparing various learning materials.

- engage teachers in a variety of activities related to teaching and learning.
- craft learning materials for diverse learners
- conduct activities that promote strong relationships with colleagues.
- sustain to enhance teaching and learning through crafting of learning resources



This project focuses on the continuous improvement of LPES Teachers in

making learning materials to be more effective, congruent, and orderly for the
greater learning of learners. It also aims to develop the critical thinking and
problem- solving skills of the learners and improve the teaching learning process.
Continuous learning and professional development of teachers has been part of the
Department of Education's (DepEd) advocacy in upgrading and upskilling mentor
capabilities. To attain quality education for learners, teachers are expected to be
equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge relevant to their subjects and lessons.
In accordance with this mandate, the development of pupil ability is a primary goal
that the teacher can develop through proper preparation through a variety of
activities that will help each teacher to develop their skills in the development of
learning materials. Various strategies were done to fully honed the teachers.
Coaching and mentoring program, weekly faculty meetings, co-learning with
retired teachers through collaborative learning-inquiry, LAC sessions, INSET are
continuously conducted in the said project to further shape the skills and abilities of
each teacher.
Atienza St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas
Lemery Pilot Elementary School
Atienza St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Planning is extremely important when it comes to putting an idea into action. It
enables us to precisely define our objectives and make concrete decisions about what
we need to undertake. By incorporating everyone in the planning process, we can
ensure that we all understand our goal and what we need to do to achieve it.
The project was started by crafting a work plan. Orientation of the program was
done by means of conducting a meeting. Features of the program were fully stated,
followed by the various activities to be undertaken and the persons involved in the said
project. It also stated and detailed the project's schedule.

Mentoring and coaching is one of the strategies of this project. The Project
ENHANCE is anchored with the Project MENTOR. It essentially aims to collaborate
continuously with teachers in preparing various learning materials with the support of
Master Teachers and School Head.
Every Friday, Master teachers spent time coaching the teachers in different
subject areas to help them improve their skills in crafting learning resources. Each new
teacher and anyone who require support with the proper and effective learning
materials are mentored. These can be seen in the attachments, the narrative report and
the inventory of mentors and mentees with the activities undertaken. Teachers were
improved and updated in current pedagogical techniques and strategies, and they are
more effective, efficient, and equipped in the teaching-learning process in creating high-
quality learning materials or outputs. The outputs made by the teachers were submitted
to school LR Coordinator.
Moreover, faculty meetings are one strategy to enhance teachers through
improving teaching and learning and creating a collaborative culture. A weekly
meeting in LPES is held to find out the status of each project's work plan. It focuses on
learning challenges, as well as sustaining initiatives and improving teacher ability. It
also aims to determine what could be done to help each teacher in creating learning
resources for diverse learners. Attach herewith are the minutes of the meetings and the
photo documentation of the said activities.

Atienza St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas
Lemery Pilot Elementary School
Atienza St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Furthermore, retired teachers' involvement encourages a culture of continuous

development and exchange of practice, knowledge, and best practices. LPES teachers
seek assistance from experts wherein they have extensive experience in developing
resources for diverse learners. Their ideas can help teachers to improve the teaching-
learning sessions to achieve the goals of improving learners' competencies. Teachers'
participation in various collaborations has been a long-standing need, and their
involvement in different activities provides chances for learning and re-learning.
Retired teachers assisted and conducted a one-day series of sessions for all faculty
teachers, which resulted in the development of learning resources suited to diverse
learners. They focus on the topic about “I Share and Collaborate.” They shared their
expertise and experiences on different approaches and strategies that will be greatly
useful to millennial teachers. (See Narrative Reports and Photo Documentation)
Additionally, Learning Action Cell Sessions or LAC is one of the strategies which
focus on the discussion of professional development. Teachers benefited much from this
in terms of learning, broadening their expertise, and enthusiasm for teaching. Effective
professional development helps teachers to learn how to use their limited time in an
efficient and effective manner. This training focus on approaches and strategies in
teaching-learning and differentiated instruction materials that have been demonstrated
to be beneficial in the delivery of instruction, and planning for optimal teaching results
to develop the critical thinking and problem-solving skills of learners.
During various sessions, small groups of teachers collaborate on various
activities to address their needs and raise learners' proficiency levels. LPES teachers are
given a small period to design their ways in accordance with the objectives indicated in
the program matrix presented. Each session has competent speaker who contribute
considerably to teachers' effective and comprehensive outputs. Teachers are encouraged
to create, localize, or adopt learning materials to meet the needs of their pupils. Their
continual learning has shown that they are eager to learn new skills and broaden their
repertoire to improve their knowledge in the teaching-learning process, which benefits
the learners. (See attachments of LAC Sessions)

Atienza St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Batangas
Lemery Pilot Elementary School
Atienza St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

After the implementation of the program, it was monitored that from this
project the teachers have gained and acquired a lot through various collaborations
with master teachers, retired teachers who have extensive experiences, LAC
sessions and INSET. The proponent gathered feedbacks from the teachers and the
finding revealed that what the teachers have gained and acquired from
continuously collaboration with others include; growth in terms of content
knowledge, learnt new method of teaching and handling learners, positive
attitude to work, new skills, improvement with methodologies, and most
importantly improvement crafting learning resources to develop the critical
thinking and problem solving skills of diverse learners, thus, they acquired more
knowledge which helped them to develop as professional teacher.


Lemery Pilot Elementary School is aiming to sustain the PROJECT and beyond.
To ensure the success of Project ENHANCE, the following were recommended:
 Strengthen the collaboration with other community stakeholders.
 Conduct more in-service trainings and seminars on to ensure that all
school personnel will have complete knowledge about the execution of the
 Motivate and encourage all teachers to participate effectively in
collaborative learning activities in communities of practice in school.
 Explore and embrace the new era of the teaching-learning process.
 Maintain strong working relationships to co-workers.
 Launch additional projects and programs which maybe related or not to
the on-going project.

Atienza St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

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