Promoting Positive Discipline: Individual Task 2

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Promoting Positive Discipline

Individual Task 2
(October 2, 2021, Saturday)

Let’ s Apply!
Which disciplinary actions in the table below are positive and which are negative? Place a check
mark ( ) in the appropriate column. Next, place a check mark in the last column for each action that
you have ever used, or might use, to correct a child’s misbehavior. Be Honest!

Have you ever used

Positive Negative
Action /might use this action?
( ) ( )
Yes ( )
1. Getting the student’s attention before you ✔️
begin class
2. Using direct instruction (tell them exactly ✔️
what will be happening)
3. Making assumptions ✔️
4. Making accusations without proof ✔️
5. Getting up and walking around the ✔️
6. Using physical force ✔️
7. Commanding ✔️
8. Acting in the way that you want the ✔️
children to act (modelling)
9. Generalizing about a student’s behavior ✔️
10. Publicly comparing one child to another ✔️
11. Enriching your classroom environment ✔️
12. Anticipating problems ✔️
13. Insisting that you are right and acting ✔️
14. Establishing clear and consistently ✔️
enforced rules
How much have you learned?
1. What is your own definition of positive discipline?

Positive discipline is a way of teaching and guiding children by letting them know what
behavior is acceptable in a way that is firm, yet kind. Punishment describes methods of
control, gained by requiring rules or orders be obeyed and punishing undesired

2. What will be your initiatives to promote positive discipline in early childhood education?
Be Organized. ...
Deal with Problems Right from the Start. ...
Have Good Control Procedures. ...
Teach the Procedures Well. ...
Keep your Students Engaged. ...
Move Around the Classroom. ...
Develop a Rapport with the Students. ...
Be Professional.

3. What techniques will/ do you employ?

Understand your students. Get to know each student as an individual. ...

Practice patience with Rational Detachment. ...
Set effective limits. ...
Keep to the schedule you set. ...
Be aware of the causes of behavior. ...
Engage with students. ...
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