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“Pedro Poveda” school

Field: Community and Society

Area: Foreign Language
Student’s Name: __________________________________
Grade: 11th B High school (5to “A” Sec)
Date: Mar 24th / Mar 31th
Teacher: Lic. Mónica Leaños Romero de Tchockmy

Are you unlesheable?


A little time – The Beautiful South

1. Listen to the song and fill in the blank spaces.


“Pedro Poveda” school
Field: Community and Society
Area: Foreign Language
Student’s Name: __________________________________
Grade: 11th B High school (5to “A” Sec)
Date: Mar 24th / Mar 31th
Teacher: Lic. Mónica Leaños Romero de Tchockmy
“Pedro Poveda” school
Field: Community and Society
Area: Foreign Language
Student’s Name: __________________________________
Grade: 11th B High school (5to “A” Sec)
Date: Mar 24th / Mar 31th
Teacher: Lic. Mónica Leaños Romero de Tchockmy
“Pedro Poveda” school
Field: Community and Society
Area: Foreign Language
Student’s Name: __________________________________
Grade: 11th B High school (5to “A” Sec)
Date: Mar 24th / Mar 31th
Teacher: Lic. Mónica Leaños Romero de Tchockmy
3. Match a classmate with each statement. Write their name in the space provided. You can have the
same name twice.
1. ______________ spends a lot of money on clothes.
2. ______________ isn't afraid of spiders.
3. ______________ went to bed late last night.
4. ______________ lives in an apartment.
5. ______________ is a romantic.
6. ______________ would like to travel around the world in the future.
7. ______________ has had a haircut recently.
8. ______________ can juggle.
9. ______________ studies English every day.
10. _____________ doesn’t have a pet.
11. _____________ is interested in art.
12. _____________ wouldn’t like to go sky diving.
13. _____________ doesn’t like cats.
14. _____________ has been to Southeast Asia.
15. _____________ didn’t go out last weekend.
16. _____________ plays a musical instrument.
17. _____________ is feeling sleepy at the moment.
18. _____________ has been to the cinema this week.
19. _____________ hasn’t been on holiday this year.
20. _____________ can play football really well.
4. Read the following statements and complete them adding the necessary question-
1. He is early this morning, _________________?
2. We must go now, ______________________?
3. You can swim well, _____________________?
4. I was very quick, _______________________?
5. You won’t be late, ______________________?
6. It could be done, _______________________?
7. This winter hasn’t been cold, _______________________?
8. You shouldn’t smoke, _______________________?
9. He has finished, _______________________?
“Pedro Poveda” school
Field: Community and Society
Area: Foreign Language
Student’s Name: __________________________________
Grade: 11th B High school (5to “A” Sec)
Date: Mar 24th / Mar 31th
Teacher: Lic. Mónica Leaños Romero de Tchockmy

10. I am not so fast as you, _______________________?

11. They always work hard, _______________________?
12. He speaks English well, _______________________?
13. You can help him, _______________________?
14. He has a lot of books, _______________________?
15. You eat very quickly, _______________________?
16. We must answer the letter, _______________________?
17. John drinks too much, _______________________?
18. George has just left, _______________________?
19. He didn’t come, _______________________?
20. You were there, _______________________?
21. She doesn’t play tennis, _______________________?
22. We got home very late, _______________________?
23. I didn’t hurt you, _______________________?
24. You will come tomorrow, _______________________?
You won’t treat her unkindly, _______________________?

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