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Identify the Primary and Secondary sources under the four main periods of

Philippine history:
Spanish Rule
• The Spanish colonial period of the Philippines began when explorer Ferdinand Magellan
came to the islands in 1521 and claimed it as a colony for the Spanish Empire. The period
lasted until the Philippine Revolution in 1898. The U.S. then fought Spain during the
Spanish-American war and took possession of the Philippines, which prompted the
Philippine-American war that took place from 1899 to 1902.

• Also called as the “flying sheet” wherein news dissemination via print was done
by Spanish government through this one-issue newsletter that was released in

• The great problem of the Spanish administration was the instability of its policy. The Governors
were appointed in accordance with the political exigencies of the day in mainland Spain; their
average tenure of office was less than 3 years, and the rate of turnover increased towards the
end of the period. The turn of events in the Spanish colony was thus usually dictated by
happenings in Europe.


• Boxer Codex is a manuscript written circa 1595 which contains illustrations of Filipinos at
the time of their initial contact with the Spanish. Aside from a description of and historical
allusions to the Philippines and various other Far Eastern countries, it also contains
seventy-five colored drawings of the inhabitants of these regions and their distinctive
costumes. Fifteen illustrations deal with Filipinos.

• The first Spanish colonial influence that we’ll talk about is the supremacy
Catholicism holds within the state. Before the arrival of the Spaniards in the
Philippines, our residents were predominantly animistic, far from what we believe
now. However, in Spain’s successful conquest of our nation, Filipinos were slowly
converted to Christianity despite various uprisings against a new religious system.

• HISTORY, they say, is written by the victors. Thus it is that when we view Philippine
history, it only seemingly starts with the conquest of the archipelago by Spain. More than
three centuries of Spanish colonial rule allowed the colonizing power to influence the
writing of our history and the Filipino people’s understanding of it.
• Spanish Colonial Period Historical Background On Easter Sunday, 31 March 1521, at
Mazaua (today believed to be Limasawa Island in Southern Leyte), Magellan solemnly
planted a cross on the summit of a hill overlooking the sea and claimed for the king of
Spain possession of the islands he had seen, naming them Archipelago of Saint Lazarus.


• The Philippines is an archipelago of more than 7,000 islands in Southeast Asia. It contains
a great deal of diversity in ethnicity and social organization. Prior to the arrival of the
Europeans, there were very few credible accounts of life on the archipelago and,
consequently, what is known about precolonial Philippines depends on postcolonization
sources. Prior to Spanish rule, the Philippines consisted of small-scale communities with
little connection to any larger state.

• Encomienda (from, "encomendar", signifying, "to depend") was another

revenuegetting measure of the provincial government. It was a concede from Spain to
a worthy Spaniard to exercise control over a particular place including its tenants. The
Encomendero was compelled by a solemn obligation to protect his encomienda and
its tenants, and to aid the mission to Christianize its occupants. Consequently, he
had the privilege to force tribute in his ward.
• History of the Filipino People by Teodoro Agoncillo, 1960 "When the first edition of History
of the Filipino People was published in 1960, it set out to correct interpretations of
Philippine history in other textbooks that were more concerned with the history of Spain
and the Catholic Church in the Philippines, than with the history of the Filipino people."
Teodoro Agoncillo was the first 'nationalist' Filipino historian. Although now dated, this
classic text was ground-breaking when first published. It remains a good introduction both
to Philippine history and also Philippine historiography. The 1990 edition is still in print.


• While a series of U.S. federal laws gradually increased the amount of
legislative authority Filipinos had in their own country, the Philippines was initially
administered by an American Governor General and appointed American members of the
Philippine Commission as the U.S. military continued to pacify indigenous populations
throughout the islands.

• Bridge and Delta Publishing in partnership with the Filipino American National Historical
Society (FANHS) and PapaLoDown Agency takes Journey for Justice: The Life of Larry
Itliong, on a 15-city national book tour. Journey for Justice: The Life of Larry Itliong,
written by historian Dawn Bohulano Mabalon with writer Gayle Romasanta, richly
illustrated by Andre Sibayan, tells the story of Larry Itliong’s lifelong fight for a
farmworkers union, and the birth of one of the most significant American social
movements of all time, the farmworker’s struggle, and its most enduring union, the United
Farm Workers. A percentage of proceeds from this book will be donated to the nonprofit
organizations, Little Manila Rising and the Filipino American National Historical Society.

• Witnessing the brutality of war and atrocities against civilians could overwhelm the most
fair-minded of men. Sidney Diamond, an officer in the 82nd Chemical Battalion, wrote
loving, humorous, and hopeful letters to his fiancée almost every day throughout his time
in the army. Diamond enlisted in April 1942, interrupting his pursuit of a chemical
engineering degree at City College in New York City. After training he was sent to the
South Pacific in June 1943 and received a Silver Star and commendations for courage.

• February 4 marks the 120th anniversary of the outbreak of the Filipino-American War. The
Philippine Diary Project features several diaries not only covering the outbreak of the war, but
which illustrate the atmosphere in American-occupied Manila and its environs from the
American conquest of the city in August, 1898, to the immediate prelude to the war.
• On February 15, 1898 a mysterious explosion sank the USS Maine, an American battleship
in Havana, Cuba killing 266 of its crewmembers. In April 25 of that year, the U.S. congress,
seeing no other nation with that intention, voted for war against Spain. Thus the Spanish-
American war began, a war that inevitably demanded the Philippines’ involvement.


• The book details the Philippine–American War (1899–1902) and the subsequent
American occupation of the islands. Karnow described the book as "the story of
America's only major colonial experience. How did we perform? What did we do
there? What have we left there?"Karnow made six trips to the Philippines for research
while writing the book, and also drew heavily on archives.
• It has been termed an insurgency, a revolution, a guerrilla war, and a conventional
war. As David J. Silbey demonstrates in this taut, compelling history, the 1899
Philippine-American War was in fact all of these. Played out over three distinct
conflicts—one fought between the Spanish and the allied United States and
Filipino forces; one fought between the United States and the Philippine Army of
Liberation; and one fought between occupying American troops and an insurgent
alliance of often divided Filipinos—the war marked America's first steps as a global
power and produced a wealth of lessons learned and forgotten.

• He writes with clarity and force." David Joel Steinberg Universtity of Michigan In The
American Historical Review "Probably the most scholarly presentation of the
revisionist approach to the Taft Era which sees collaboration between ilustrados and
the Philippine Commission as the principal theme, with both American reformism and
Filipino nationalist resistance reduced to subsidiary roles." Compadre Colonialism
"...the author has mad a significant contribution to the history of the Philippine-
American relations.

• The Philippines started to compete with the US’ products which caused threat to American
workers. -The country will be harder to defend against a conflict with powers like Japan.
-American strategists estimated Japan might invade the Philippines sooner or later.

• The decision to keep the Philippines during the Treaty of Paris that the Senate approved in
February 1899 set off an intense and emotional debate across the country and on Capitol Hill.
Expansionists in Congress saw the decision to retain the islands as a continuation of
America’s “manifest destiny” to spread its reach beyond the West Coast and into the Pacific.
Anti-imperialists, on the other hand, believed that America, which itself had once been an
overseas colony, had no right to take the islands as the spoils of war.

Japanese Occupation

• These plans were interrupted on December 8th, 1941 when, just ten hours after the attack at
Pearl Harbor, Japan launched an invasion on the Philippines. Beginning at Manila, the
Japanese quickly overwhelmed the troops on the island under the command of General
Douglas MacArthur. American aircraft were destroyed while still on the ground, forcing the
U.S. naval fleet, lacking air support, to retreat to Java. The American /Filipino ground troops
withdraw to the Bataan Peninsula and the island of Corregidor in Manila Bay. With much of
the American Pacific Fleet destroyed in Hawaii, aid would not be forthcoming. On January
2nd, 1942, Manila was declared an “open city” to prevent its destruction and the Japanese
marched into the city.

• Japan occupied the Philippines for over three years, until the surrender of Japan. A highly effective
guerilla campaign by Philippine resistance forces controlled sixty percent of the islands, mostly
jungle and mountain areas. MacArthur supplied them by submarine, and sent reinforcements and
officers. Filipinos remained loyal to the United States, partly because of the American guarantee of
independence, and also because the Japanese had pressed large numbers of Filipinos into work
details and even put young Filipino women into brothels.

• The Japanese held the Philippines for three years from 1942 to 1945. At least 320,000 died
by the time they were driven out. During the Japanese occupation the Philippines was
controlled by a puppet government headed by Jose Laurel. The Japanese herded
thousands of American civilians into squalid internment camps such as the one at
Manila’s University of Santo Tomas. Some others fled to the hills to join insurgents
fighting the Japanese Others hid with Filipino friends. Over 10,000 civilian internees---
most of them Americans living in the Philippines when war broke out---were kept at Santo
Tomás, a 17th century monastery.

• After Pearl Harbor, Soldiers held out for months against Japanese invasion of
Philippines. Japanese flame throwers attack one of the last American outposts in
the Philippines, Corregidor, in the spring of 1942. Hoping to avoid more
unnecessary carnage, Lt. Gen. Jonathan Wainwright finally surrendered, May 6,
1942, five months after initial.

• A Japanese soldier standing in front of an American propaganda poster during the

occupation of the Philippines in 1943.

• The invading Japanese controlled the Philippine media, which portrayed imperial forces as
helpful liberators. In reality, the Japanese were committing brutal war crimes like the
Bataan Death March. This front page claims that Japanese occupation will bring peace and
tranquility to the Philippines. (U.S. Air Force photo)

• The Japanese occupation of the Philippines occurred between 1942 and 1945,
when Imperial Japan occupied the Commonwealth of the Philippines during World
War II.

• Later the day, an extra appeared carrying the news of postdam declartion

• A.V.H. Hartendorp has lived in three world,--the Hooland of his birth and
childhood (1893-1904)m the United States' Far Middle West in his youth
and young manhood (1904-1917), and since 1917, his true home, the

• The Philippine portion of the Ayer manuscript collection contains some 430 manuscripts
dealing with the Philippines under Spanish colonial rule, from the early exploration and
discovery of the islands in 1564 to the Philippine Revolution of 1899, with particular
strength in government papers of the eighteenth century. Also included are five volumes
of documents from 1578-1792 on Philippine history and politics, transcribed by Ventura
del Arco in the Real Academia de la Historia in Madrid between 1859 and 1865.

• As a speechwriter writing several speeches for business owners, politicians,

graduation speakers, company leaders, non-government officials, teachers, awardees
and many more, I can’t stand reading this graduation message, which is probably
printed on the souvenir program.
• Filipino epic poetry is considered to be the highest point of development for
Philippine folk literature, encompassing narratives that recount the adventures of
tribal heroes. These epics are transmitted through oral tradition using a select
group of singers and chanters.

• The History of the Senate of the Philippines. The Senate of the Philippines is the upper
chamber of the Congress of the Philippines, the country’s legislature. It exists to create
and promote a national perspective on national policy in order to build a prosperous,
secure, honest and democratic nation. In the 100 years of its founding, it has been the
training ground for national leadership and has served as the ultimate bastion of free
debate and oversight of the Republic.

• Preparation for Self-Government. The United States had declared their intention of
remaining in the Philippines only until the Filipinos were ready for self-government; they
were in any event by no means sure that they wanted to hold on to their new colony.
Executive and legislative powers were in the hands of a civilian Governor, who was also
chairman of the Philippine Commission. The Schurmann Commision (1899) recognized the
determination of the Filipino to gain their independence and recommended the
establishment of the institutions for civilian domestic government as soon as possible.


• The instructional design in the critical study of Philippine History uses an inter-
disciplinary approach of learning to synthesize the implications in the contemporary time.
The use of primary historical data to analyze the experiences in the past and biographic
analysis on political leaders. The guide questions use higher level of thinking in
preparation for their extensive practice in their field of specialization. Role modeling and
value orientation of historical experiences for patriotism and nationalism

• There was a time when documentaries were only associated with film festivals and
film showings in school. But with all the streaming platforms available now, binge-
watching non-fiction films has become a thing. It helps that they cover a range of
topics, from an in-depth look about a country’s history to interesting tidbits about the
beginnings of fast food. They can widen your perspective, open your mind, and keep
you as #woke and informed as possible about the things around you.

• In more than a century since its appearance, José Rizal's Noli Me Tangere has
become widely known as the great novel of the Philippines. A passionate love
story set against the ugly political backdrop of repression, torture, and murder,
"The Noli," as it is called in the Philippines, was the first major artistic
manifestation of Asian resistance to European colonialism, and Rizal became a
guiding conscience—and martyr—for the revolution that would subsequently
rise up in the Spanish province.

• Declaration of Martial Law.President Ferdinand E. Marcos signed Proclamation No.

1081 on September 21, 1972, placing the Philippines under Martial Law. Some sources
say that Marcos signed the proclamation on September 17 or on September 22—but, in
either case, the document itself was dated September 21 .

• Philippine literary production during the American Period in the Philippines was
spurred by two significant developments in education and culture. One is the
introduction of free public instruction for all children of school age and two, the use of
English as medium of instruction in all levels of education in public schools.

What are repositories?

The definition of a repository is a place where things are stored for safe keeping,
or where there is an ample supply of something, or a person or thing with a lot of
information about something. A person who has extensive details on his family's
history is an example of a repository of information.
For the purposes of this resource manual, the term “repository” is used to mean a
library, historical society, archives, or similar organization. It is any organization
that houses and cares for historical records.

• Where do we find those repositories of primary sources in the

• Asia Pacific Research Center.
• Ateneo de Manila University. American Historical Collection.
• Ateneo de Manila University. Pardo de Tavera Room.
• De La Salle University. University Archives.
• Filipinas Heritage Library

Post pictures of repositories of primary sources in the Phils.


The Asia-Pacific Centre for Research (Acre), Inc. is a full service research
agency based in the Philippines. Founded in 1989, Acre, Inc. As a technology-
capable research agency, Acre, Inc. also provides downstream applications in
research and statistics including scorecarding and performance management.

Ateneo de Manila University. American Historical Collection

The American Historical Collection has been housed in the Rizal Library of
Ateneo de Manila University since 1996. The collection consists of books,
photographs, and other materials related to the American experience in the
Philippines and the relationship between the two countries.

Ateneo de Manila University. Pardo de Tavera Room

The Ateneo de Manila University (also called "Ateneo de Manila" or simply
"the Ateneo") is a private university run by the Society of Jesus in the
Philippines. Its main campus is located at Loyola Heights in Quezon City, Metro Manila. It
offers programs in the elementary, secondary, undergraduate, and graduate levels.

De La Salle University. University Archives.

The La Salle University Archives serves as the official repository for the inactive,
non-current records of La Salle College/University. These records are those
which possess permanent historical, administrative, legal, cultural and/or fiscal
value, and document the history of La Salle.
Filipinas Heritage Library

Established in 1996, the Filipinas Heritage Library (FHL) is the other half of
Ayala Foundation’s Arts and Culture Division.As a one-stop digital research
center on the Philippines, its mission is to spark and stoke interest in the visual,
aural, and printed story of the Filipino. We collaborate with individuals and
institutions in preserving documentary heritage with a focus on the formative
period of Philippine nationhood (1930-1950s). Our Filipiniana collections are
shared with the public onsite (on the sixth floor of the Ayala
American Rule

• Letters 1. Dictionaries
• Journals 2. Encyclopedias
• Photographs 3. Textbooks
• Immediate accounts 4. Books
• Newspapers 5. Articles that interpret or review reasearch

•Japanese Occupation
• Diaries 1. LexisNexis - Japanese Newspapers.
• Image 2. The Japan Times
• Laws 3. Histories
• Interviews 4 . The Japan News | Yomiuri Shimbun
5.Nikkei Asian Review - Japan
SOqwOnwtZueHSs-65oFBr1wXK7iXdbGxT5rCkjwLqGb0fDN0Ots"& HYPERLINK
65oFBr1wXK7iXdbGxT5rCkjwLqGb0fDN0Ots"& HYPERLINK

• Philippine Self Rule

• Letters 1. Critical analyses
• Original manuscripts 2. Documentaries
• Film footage 3. Journal articles
• Speeches 4. Reviews
• Poetry 5. Biographical

2. What are repositories?

The definition of a repository is a place where things are stored for safe keeping, or
where there is an ample supply of something, or a person or thing with a lot of
information about something. A person who has extensive details on his family's history
is an example of a repository of information.
For the purposes of this resource manual, the term “repository” is used to mean a
library, historical society, archives, or similar organization. It is any organization that
houses and cares for historical records.

• Where do we find those repositories of primary sources in the philippines?

• Asia Pacific Research Center.
• Ateneo de Manila University. American Historical Collection.
• Ateneo de Manila University. Pardo de Tavera Room.
• De La Salle University. University Archives.
• Filipinas Heritage Library

• Post pictures of repositories of primary sources in the Phils.

Asia Pacific Research Center Philippines

The Asia-Pacific Centre for Research (Acre), Inc. is a full service research agency
based in the Philippines. Founded in 1989, Acre, Inc. As a technology-capable research
agency, Acre, Inc. also provides downstream applications in research and statistics
including scorecarding and performance management.

Ateneo de Manila University. American Historical Collection

The American Historical Collection has been housed in the Rizal Library of Ateneo de
Manila University since 1996. The collection consists of books, photographs, and other
materials related to the American experience in the Philippines and the relationship
between the two countries.

Ateneo de Manila University. Pardo de Tavera Room

The Ateneo de Manila University (also called "Ateneo de Manila" or simply "the
Ateneo") is a private university run by the Society of Jesus in the Philippines. Its main
campus is located at Loyola Heights in Quezon City, Metro Manila. It offers programs in
the elementary, secondary, undergraduate, and graduate levels.

De La Salle University. University Archives.

The La Salle University Archives serves as the official repository for the inactive, non-
current records of La Salle College/University. These records are those which possess
permanent historical, administrative, legal, cultural and/or fiscal value, and document
the history of La Salle.

Filipinas Heritage Library

Established in 1996, the Filipinas Heritage Library (FHL) is the other half of Ayala
Foundation’s Arts and Culture Division.As a one-stop digital research center on the
Philippines, its mission is to spark and stoke interest in the visual, aural, and printed
story of the Filipino. We collaborate with individuals and institutions in preserving
documentary heritage with a focus on the formative period of Philippine nationhood
(1930-1950s). Our Filipiniana collections are shared with the public onsite (on the sixth
floor of the Ayala

through public programs (exhibitions, lectures, and educational activities).

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