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한국대댐회 40년사 부록

국제대댐회(ICOLD) 현황 자료
Twentieth Congress. Beijing (China), 2000:
ICOLD 발간 Bulletin 리스트
Question 76 - The use of risk analysis to support dams safety decisions and management.
Question 77 - Benefits and concerns about dams. No. Title
Question 78 - Monitoring of dams and their foundation. Bulletin-15 Frost resistance of concrete

Bulletin-20 Surface-active admixtures for concrete for large dams

Question 79 - Gated spillways and other controlled release facilities and dam safety
Bulletin-21 General considerations applicable to instrumentation for earth and rockfill dams

Bulletin-22 Pozzolanas and slags for concrete for large dams

Twenty-first Congress. Montreal (Canada), 2003:
Bulletin-23 Reports of the Committee on Observation on Dams and Models
Question 80 - Financing hydraulic projects including dams.
Bulletin-24 Accelerating and retarding admixtures
Question 81 - Economic evaluation of hydraulic projects including dams.
Bulletin-25 Extensibility of concrete for large dams
Question 82 - Ageing and rehabilitation of concrete and masonry dams and appurtenant works.
Bulletin-26 Methods of determining effects of shrinkage, creep and temperature on concrete for large dams
Question 83 - Seismic aspects of dams.
Bulletin-27 Considerations sur le calcul des barrages

Bulletin-28 Compendium of dams symbols

Twenty second Congress. Barcelona (Spain), 2006:
Bulletin-29 Report from the Committee on Risks to Third Parties from Large Dams
Question 84 - Technical solutions to reduce time and costs in dam design and construction.
Bulletin-30 Finite elements methods in analysis and design of dams
Question 85 - Management of the downstream impacts of dam operation.
Bulletin-31 A glossary of words and phrases related to dams
Question 86 - Safety of earth-and rockfill dams.
Bulletin-32 Bituminous concrete facings for earth and rockfill dams
Question 87 - Flood and drought evaluation and management.
Bulletin-33 Compendium for dam symbols

Bulletin-34 ICOLD Guide for the Internatinal System of Units (IS)

Twenty third Congress. Brasilia (Brazil), 2009: Bulletin-35 Dams and the environment
Question 88 - Dams and hydropower. Bulletin-36 Cements for concrete for large dams
Question 89 - Management of siltation in existing and new reservoirs. Bulletin-37 Dam Projects and Environmental Success
Question 90 - Upgrading of existing dams. Bulletin-38 Use of thin membranes on fill dams

Question 91 - Dam safety management. Bulletin-39 Upstream facing interface with foundations and abutments (supplement to Bulletin 32 a)

Bulletin-40 Fiber reienforced concrete

Twenty fourth Congress. Kyoto (Japan), 2012: Bulletin-41 Automated observation for the safety control of dams

Question 92 - Environmental friendly techniques for dams and reservoirs. Bulletin-42 Bituminus cores for earth and rockfill Dams

Question 93 - Safety. Bulletin-43 Synthetic resins for facings of dams

Question 94 - Flood discharge. Bulletin-44 Bibliography- Mine and industrial tailings dams and dumps

Question 95 - Ageing and upgrading. Bulletin-45 Manual on tailings dams and dumps

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한국대댐회 40년사 부록

No. Title No. Title

Bulletin-46 Seismicity and dam design Bulletin-75 Roller compacted concrete for gravity dams - State of the art

Bulletin-47 Quality control of concrete Bulletin-76 Conventional methods in construction - Review

Bulletin-48 River control during dam construction Bulletin-77 Dispersive soils in embankment dams - Review

Bulletin-49 Operation of hydraulic structures of dams Bulletin-78 Watertight geomenbranes for dams - State of the art

Bulletin-50 Dams and the environment - Notes on regional influences Bulletin-79 Alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete dams - Review and recommendations

Bulletin-51 Filling materials for watertight cut off walls Bulletin-80 Dam construction sites . Accident prevention - Review and recommendations

Bulletin-52 Earthquake analysis for dams Bulletin-81 Spillways. Shockwaves and air entrainment - Review and recommendations

Bulletin-53 Static analysis of embankment dams Bulletin-82 Selection of design flood- Current methods

Bulletin-54 Soil-cement for embankment dams Bulletin-83 Cost impact on future dam design - Analysis and proposals

Bulletin-55 Geotextiles as filters and transitions in fill dams Bulletin-84 Bituminous cores for fill dams - State of the art

Bulletin-56 Quality control for fill dams Bulletin-85 Owners, consultants and contractors - How to improve relationships

Bulletin-57 Materials for joints in concrete dams Bulletin-86 Dams and environment -Socio-economic impacts

Bulletin-58 Spillways for dams Bulletin-87 Improvement of existing dam monitoring - Recommendations and case histories

Bulletin-59 Dam safety - Guidelines Bulletin-88 Rock foundations for dams

Bulletin-60 Dam monitoring - General considerations Bulletin-89 Reinforced rockfill and reinforced fill for dams - State of the art

Bulletin-61 Dam design criteria - Philosophy of choice Bulletin-90 Dams and Environment - Geophysical impacts

Bulletin-62 Inspection of dams after earthquakes -Guidelines Bulletin-91 Embankment dams. Upstream slope protection - Review and recommendations

Bulletin-63 New construction methods - State of the art Bulletin-92 Rock materials for rockfill dams - Review and recommendations

Bulletin-64 Register of dam heightenings Bulletin-93 Ageing of dams and appurtenant works

Bulletin-65 Dams and environment - Cases histories Bulletin-94 Computer software for dams - Validation

Bulletin-66 Dams and environment - The Zuiderzee damming Bulletin-95 Embankment dams - Granular filters and drains

Bulletin-67 Sedimentation control of reservoirs - Guidelines Bulletin-96 Dams and environment - Water quality and climate

Bulletin-68 Monitoring of dams and their foundations - State of the art Bulletin-97 Tailings Dams - Design of drainage

Bulletin-69 Moraine as embankment and foundation material - State of the art Bulletin-98 Tailings Dams and Seismicity - Review and Recommendations

Bulletin-70 Rockfill dams with concrete facing - State of the art Bulletin-99 Dam Failures - Statistical Analysis

Bulletin-71 Exposure of dam concrete to special aggressive waters - Guidelines Bulletin-100 Dam and environment - Ridracoli : A model achievement

Bulletin-72 Selecting seismic parameters for large dams - Guidelines Bulletin-101 Tailings Dams. Transport. Placement. Decantation - Review and recommendations

Bulletin-73 Savings in dam construction - Comments and proposals Bulletin-102 Vibrations of Hydraulic Equipment for dams - Review and Recommendations

Bulletin-74 Tailings dams safety - Guidelines Bulletin-103 Tailings Dams and Environment - Review and Recommendations

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한국대댐회 40년사 부록

No. Title No. Title

Bulletin-104 Monitoring of Tailings Dams - Review and Recommendations Bulletin-133 Embankment Dams on Permafrost

Bulletin-105 Dams and related structures in cold climate - Design guidelines and case studies Bulletin-134 Weak Rocks and shales in Dams

Bulletin-106 A guide to Tailings Dams and impoundments - Design, construction, use and rehabilitation Bulletin-135 Geomembrane sealings systems for Dams

Bulletin-107 Concrete dams - Control and treatment of cracks. Bulletin-136 The specification and quality control of Concrete Dams

Bulletin-108 Cost of flood control in dams - Review and recommendations Bulletin-137 Reservoirs and seismicity

Bulletin-109 Dams less than 30 m high - Cost savings and safety improvements Bulletin-138 General approach to Dam Surveillance

Bulletin-110 Cost impact of rules, criteria and specifications - Review and recommendations Bulletin-139 Tailings Dams safety

Bulletin-111 Dam Break flood analysis - Review and recommendations Bulletin-140 Sediment transport and deposition in reservoirs

Bulletin-112 Neotectonic and dams - Recommendations and case histories Bulletin-141 Concrete Rockfill Dams - Concepts for design and construction

Bulletin-113 Seismic observation of dams-Guidelines and case studies Bulletin-142 Report on safe passage of extreme floods

Bulletin-114 Embankment dams with bituminous concrete facing Bulletin-143 Historical review on ancient Dams

Bulletin-115 Dealing with reservoir sedimentaiton Bulletin-144 Cost savings in Dams

Bulletin-116 Dams and fishes - Review and recommendations Bulletin-145 The physical properties of hardened conventional concrete in dams

Bulletin-117 The gravity dam : a dam for the future - Review and recommendations Bulletin-146 Dams and Ressetlement - Lessons learnt and recommendations

Bulletin-118 Automated dam monitoring systems - Guidelines and case histories Bulletin-147 Sedimentation and sustainable use of reservoirs and river systems

Bulletin-119 Rehabilitation of dams and appurtenant works - State of the art and case histories Bulletin-148 Selecting seismic parameters for large dams - Guidelines (revision of Bulletin 72)

Bulletin-120 Design features of dams to resist seismic ground motion Bulletin-149 Role of dams on the development and management of rivers basins.

Bulletin-121 Tailings dams risk of dangerous occurences - Lessons learnt from practical experiences Bulletin-150 Cutoffs for dams

Bulletin-122 Computational procedures for dam engineering - Reliability and applicability Bulletin-151 Tropical residual soils as dam foundation and fill material

Bulletin-123 Seismic design and evaluation of structures appurtenant to dams Bulletin-152 Cost savings in specific dams

Bulletin-124 Reservoir landslides : investigation and management - Guidelines and case histories Bulletin-153 Sustainable design and post-closure performance of tailings dams

Bulletin-125 Dams and floods - Guidelines and case histories Bulletin-154 Dam safety management: Operational phase of the dam life cycle

Bulletin-126 Roller-compacted concrete dams - State of the art and case histories Bulletin-155 Guidelines for use of numerical models in dam engineering

Bulletin-127 Remote sensing for reservoir water quality management - Examples of initiatives Bulletin-156 Integrated flood risk management

Bulletin-128 Management of reservoir water quality - Introduction and recommendations Bulletin-157 Small dams: Design, Surveillance and Rehabilitation

Bulletin-129 Dam Foundations. Geologic considerations. Investigation Methods. Treatment. Monitoring Bulletin-158 Dam surveillance guide

Bulletin-130 Risk Assessment in Dam Safety Management. A reconnaissance of Benefits. Methods and Current Applications - -

Bulletin-131 Role of Dams in Flood Mitigation - A review - -

Bulletin-132 Shared Rivers : Principles and practices - -

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