Daddy Master & Edit Notes: Ep 28 - The Bridges of Dad and Son County

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Daddy Master & Edit Notes

ep 28 - the bridges of dad and son county

Daddy Master Notes
Anthony’s notes outline a large scale combat mechanic which does not end up getting used, but the overall arc remains in
the episode because it seemed inevitable that we would deploy it eventually (and it does!)
Drawbridge into the castle

When you appear, the Dragon speaks for the purple robes: come in, just you four daddies, and we will speak.
As we said we would.

Layout of the castle:

Dungeon. Kids aren’t here
Main floor
Main spire overlooking entire castle/mountain, next to it is a slightly smaller spire with a flat top.

So dungeons are usually about preventing people from coming in, but they know you’re coming and want
you to come, so you’ll leave. So there doesn’t need to be a lot of exploration...they’ve got control of the castle
so they’ll just shut doors and stuff.

On the way up, you’ll see traps and stuff though, like

Pressure plates/darts
Big-ass rock a la raiders
Windows every flight
Bucket of hot oil
And all along the stairs, every step has a skeleton on either side

Ravenloft is 4 stories tall, each flight of stairs is 12 steps, each story is 2 flights, ergo there are 96 skeletons in
the stairwell

On the outside...500 skeletons. Easy to pop, but a lot of them.

What do the robes offer? Just leave. I’ll open a purple portal back in time...morgan freeman calls. You can
appear wherever you want to

Ravenloft stuff:
The purple robes make them an offer: we’ll send you back, just let us keep the kids. Why? Because if we
raise your kids, we get to stay alive. we ‘re being given another chance to do better, to redeem ourselves for
being so shitty at raising you. We get to be immortal, we get to be forever-fathers. By raising your kids it’ll
basically be enacting a ritual to grow our power as the omegadads, and then we can live forever. Come up
with by Ron’s dad, who arrived here when he died and became an evil warlock. When some people die, their
souls cross over to this plane and end up being changed. We need your kids specifically because they’re the
ones we felt like we could improve upon. We tried to enlist Darryl’s dad but his soul rejected me. It forgot its
responsibilities as a father, forgot who it was. And we already have a connection to your kids because your
confidence as fathers is so weak. Dad magic is the strongest magic.

“There are many kinds of magic in this world. Death magic. Fire magic. Truth magic. But when I died...
when my soul transferred to this...bizarre realm, I learned one truth. That the strongest magic…(they take off
their hoods, revealing their identities) is Daddy Magic. (END EPISODE)” Bill Close (rogue), Willy Stampler
(warlock/necromancer), Barry Oak (druid).

“We wish only one thing of you: leave. We have that which we need. And we will give you what you desire.”

“We will raise them, and do a better job than you ever could. They will grow up happy, strong. And we will
become more than just dads. We will become: omegadaddies. Immortal. Wise. Powerful. We can be the dads
of not just your children, but this entire realm. This world needs daddies. And we. Are those daddies.“

“You lack confidence. Or boundaries. Emotional dexterity. Basic human morality. You cannot raise these
children as we could.”

But if that is not enough to convince you to leave…

Darryl’s phone rings. It’s Morgan Freeman. Alive.

“Hey, Glenn, I’m on my way home, need me to get anything at the store?”

“When we send you back, we can send you back to any time after the birth of your children. Your lives will
more or less continue exactly as you wish them to, with the knowledge you now have. Glenn, you could save
her. Stop her from getting into that car on that rainy day. Or get the brakes on your Toyota corolla changed
out. Or better yet, buy a quality Honda vehicle like a Fit, or a Civic, or an Accord.”

“You will go back to any time after the birth of your children. And your children will develop an interest in
soccer, and on the day of their big game, you won’t drive them -- they will be picked up. By a bus. A small,
purple bus. And that will be the last you see of them.”

The robes are at the top of the tallest spire, with the kids. THey speak to you in the main floor via webcam
projected onto a white wall. Roll sleight of hand for nick to hide the orb away.

Audio Edit Notes & Commentary

Title and Intro Notes
This buckwild episode is the big reveal that Anthony’s been building to. The section where Glenn and Henry
are “not listening” ends up being not as interesting in retrospect given the nature of Daddy Magic.

Episode Notes with Timestamps

7:22 Mike Rosenthal (@vectorbelly) is the creator of Boss Dragons and Scrambled Eggs -

10:15 Random side note - but if you ever sign autographs, don’t sign with your legal signature
because you don’t want to let people know what that looks like!

12:09 The existence of a Mark Likely has been theorized by the fanbase and here finally

13:47 DJI will likely never ever sponsor a D&D podcast called “Dungeons and Daddies,” but
we’re still all holding out for a Honda sponsorship.

17:57 The natural 1 roll on the vibe check and then Beth stepping in is a good example of a
roll that would otherwise be cut because it’s not adding anything or revealing and new
information. That, combined with Anthony making whatever Beth says as true requires a
bit of trust on the part of both the DM to let the player state something and make it true in
the game universe.

27:42 Drone injuries are no joke.

28:19 I tried Googling what Anthony is referring to here, and I have no idea what the fuck he’s
talking about.
30:18 Beth relates an extraordinarily familiar conversation here for us Angelinos.

35:15 Relistening I realize I need to remove me saying “if it’s a no, the drone flies out” because
that’s confusing because we do see the drone.

38:20 We lose the Paeden working on a decoy army idea because Paeden ends up accompanying
the dads anyway.

40:08 Anthony and I, being the two guys who listened to

41:25 Will says he’s not a Kanye fan, yet he’s the only one who’s dropped Kanye lyrics HMMM

47:18 We lose a really fun segment here with Dad Sneezes with Chekov’s Gun because the form
the smoke takes is a big giveaway to the ending of the episode and we want to not telegraph
that at all. That’s the source also of Beth’s sneeze joke a few minutes later.

57:19 The joke of us interjecting gets trimmed for tonal reasons, as once we get into the
conversation with the robes, we don’t want to break that tension.

59:09 Occasionally Anthony let slip with calling the robes “he” vs “it,” but us as lame-o players
definitely don’t pick up on that.

1:00:02 I’ve been using the Zoom Livetrack L-8, which has a sound board segment. For this, we’re
using the built in applause/cheering loop, which was the closest thing we got to white noise.

1:01:53 This segment has a small pickup with regards to some of the details of exactly how the deal
works out between us and the robes. Although the point is for us to reject their offer, we
clarified amongst ourselves at the next episode recording exactly what the deal should be
with regards to our memory, etc. It’s a small tweak but it’s important for consistency with
the next episode (which was recorded by the time this was edited)

1:08:49 We remove this little shoutout to Huey because of the intensity of the sound design and
this moment. There’s also a very slight alternation with one of my lines to try and hit this
section a bit stronger emotionally.

1:12:59 GI Joe PSA reference. I’m full of them.

1:14:05 This entire segment is sound designed out for timing. The timing of the car horn especially
was important here and I spent a lot of time finding the right faraway sounding horn and
timing it so the anticipation of the moment coincides with the climax of the sound of the

1:15:37 We had a brief discussion afterwards, and we realized we didn’t pay off the drone. We use
Beth’s first read and reaction of Abraca-dad-bra because that’s the most authentic response.
Gasps are pulled from a number of reactions for the cleanest version from everyone.
Having the ending beat in mind was important to ensure we got all the pieces we needed
from the players in this record session.

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