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Unit 3:

Sensation and Perception Organizer,
Chapter 6
Shoot Heta
Turn ouer Essential Questions
How do the 5 senses receive and translate signals to the brain for processing? How
does each of the senses affect behavior? What are the limitations of each sense,
and how do these limitations affect behavior? How do sensation and
perception differ?
- -- How does the brain process sensory signals accurately? Inaccurately?
Cyclops one eye,
Zero deptn. perception Standards and terms SP1 Principles of sensory
Discuss basic principles of sensory transduction, including absolute threshold,
difference threshold, signal detection, and sensory adaptation; Explain the role of
top-down processing in producing vulnerability to illusion

SP2 Sensory process and common sensory disorders

Describe sensory processes (eg, hearing, vision, touch, taste, smell, vestibular,
kinesthesis, pain), including the specific nature of energy transduction, relevant
anatomical structures, and specialized pathways in the brain for each of the senses);
Explain common sensory disorders (eg, visual and hearing impairments) 14.
17. Pupil
15. Hue
18. Iris 16. Intensity
19. Lens

45. kinethesis 46. vestibular sense

SP3 Principles of sensation and other phenomena

- Describe general principles of organizing and integrating sensation to promote stable
awareness of the external world (eg, Gestalt principles, depth perception);
- Challenge common beliefs in parapsychological phenomena 47. Gestalt
54. Monocular cues 48. Figure-ground
55. Phi phenomenon 49. Grouping
56. Perceptual constancy 50. Depth perception
57. Color constancy 51. Visual cliff
58. ESP-extrasensory perception 52. Binocular cues
59. parapsychology 53. Retinal disparity
Snapshots at adresem

SP4 Discuss experience, culture, and attention in perception

- Discuss how experience and culture can influence perceptual processes (eg,
perceptual set, context effects); - Discuss the role of attention in
behavior 60. Perceptual set

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Intro to Sensation





• Difference
Weber's Law

Practice. Next to each example, mark if it is absolute threshold (AT), subliminal threshold (ST),
or difference threshold (ST). 1.
A woman preparing for a trip to Mexico tries to learn Spanish using a
“Learn while you sleep" App.

A sentry on night duty notices a very soft noise and calls out for the thief to

A father takes his children to the playground. During the night, a child starts to cry.
Without looking, the father can tell it is not his child's cry.

There is a sale in 5-pound prepacked russet potato bags. In order to make sure that you get
the most for your money, you pick up several to see which is the heaviest.

You help your friend look for her contact lens on the white kitchen floor.

A music group records the phrase “Buy our CD" backwards in one of their songs.

It is late at night and you are trying to go to bed without waking your roommate.
You want to find your favorite nightwear without turning on the light. After quietly
opening your dresser drawer, you reach in and try to pick it out of the other garments in the

You are one of the judges in the chili-tasting contest and are trying to select the winner of the
"Hottest Chili" award.

9. _
In that same contest, you are asked to identify which of the ten chili samples contain cinnamon.
7 Senses
Sensory system
Neural impulse
of retina
To visual cortex via the thalamus
Optic nerve
Visual Organization Notes

Example Names
Big idealway to remember

1. Gestalt

2. figure ground

3. Grouping Proximity

4. grouping continuity

5. grouping-- closure

6. depth perception

7. visual cliff

8. binocular cues

9. retinal disparity

10. monocular

11. phi phenomenon

perceptual constancy-- color

13. perceptual
Visual Organization Notes

constancy brightness/ lightness

14. perceptual constancy shape

15. perceptual constancy size

16. Moon illusion

17. Ames room

18. perceptual adaptation p 243

19. ESP

20. Restored Vision p. 242

21. Darrell Bem/James Randi

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