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Belowleft: Reconstruction o[ a cycad o[ the genus Palaeocycas.

Below right: Reconstruciion o[ a Benneitiale o[ the genus Williamsonia.

Permian, 245 million years ago, all the present continents had
joined to form the supercontinent of Pangaea.
In the Northern Hernisphere, a dry, at times desert, clima te
replaced the warrn, humid one of the Carboniferous periodo
The Pteridospermales, Cordaitales and Cycadeoidales beca me
the dominant elements of the flora.
In the Southern Hemisphere the evolution of plants took
another step with the appearance of the first conifers with the
genus Walchia, similar to the modern Araucarias. On the con-
tinent of Gondwana during this period appeared a flora corn-
pletely different, characterized by species unknown in north-
em lands. Thesé were forests of Glossopteris, a Pteridospermale
with simple, oval fronds, Equisetaceae as well as Cordaitales.
A new change in terrestrial vegetation took place at the be-
ginning of the Mesozoic era, during the Triassic, which began
about 230 million years ago. The reign of the gymnosperms
began, the Lycopsida and Equisetaceae tree forms disappeared
and the Pteridospermales were drastically reduced. At the same
time the Northern Hemisphere experienced a great diffusion
of the Cycadeoidales, with the genera Otozamites and Zamites, sperms are from the Early Cretaceous and were found in
the Ginkgoales and the conifers, with the first Araucarias, the Greenland, where plants that survive today, including a type
Cupressaceae, the Taxodiaceae. In the Southern Hemisphere of poplar, existed together with forms that later disappeared.
the Glossopteris disappeared. The appearance of the angiosperms and the subsequent
From this period through all of the Triassic and the follow- changes in terrestrial vegetation had an enormous impacto New
ing [urassic, for about 95 million years, there were no impor- groups of animals adapted to the new vegetation (one need
tant changes in terrestrial flora. During the Jurassic the known think only of insects); others became extinct. One can say that
flora is composed principally of Cycadeoidales and conifers, the birth of the angiosperms marked the arrival of the modern
among which appeared the first sequoias, the genera Araucaria age, from the point of view both of plants and of animals.
and Widdringtonia, both genera still in existence. As for the During the course of the Cretaceous these plants became
Pteridophytes, they were by then reduced to the herbaceous increasingly abundant and differentiated. Even during the early
forms we know today. Some new groups of plants did appear part of the period there appeared plant genera that exist to-
during this period; these were the bennettilaeans, gymno- day, such as the magnolia, the eucalyptus, the willow and the
sperms that have since be come extinct. These plants had larch. During the second half of the period many new families
feathery leaves and a cylindrical trunk whose principal char- made their appearance, most of which are still alive. Among
acteristic was the presence of a bisexual flower that anticipated the monocotyledons appeared the Gramineae and the palms;
the flowers of future angiosperms. In the largest exarnples, among the dicotyledons, the fíg, the vine, the birch, the oak,
this flower grew to a size of 12 cm. (4.8 in.) in diameter and the Leguminosae and the chestnut.
was often located on the trunk between the scales left by fall- From this point onward, which is to say from the beginning
ing leaves. of the Tertiary about 65 million years ago, terrestrial vegeta-
The appearance of angiosperms-flowering plants-without tion did not undergo other significant evolutionary changes.
a doubt the most revolutionary occurrence in the evolution of Small variations were the consequence of minor geographic
plant life, took place during the Mesozoic era, in the Creta- and clima tic variations. During the Paleocene, the first epoch
ceous period, about 130 million years ago. From the Mesozoic of the Tertiary period, these plants were practicalIy identical
forest made up of conifers, Cycadeoidales, bennettilaeans and to that of today: the angiosperms then constituted 90% of the
Ginkgoales the transformation was made in this period to for- flora, with genera equal to or very similar to our own.
ests of angiosperrns, already quite similar to modern-day veg-
etation. The development of angiosperms happened suddenly
at the beginning of the Cretaceous, although it is possible that PLATE I
Carboniferous plants from the deposits of Mazon Creek, lIIinois:
the first representatives appeared even earlier, during the [u-
(1) Pecopteris; (2) Pecopteris; (3) Neuropteris; (4) Pecopteris; (5)
rassic, if not even the Triassic. Neuropteris; (6) Oligocarpia; (7) Asterotheca; (8) Odontopteris; (9)
The angiosperms are without question the most highly Odontopteris; (10) Alethopteris; (11) Calamites; (12) Neuropteris; (13)
evolved of plants. They became, beginning in the Cretaceous, Cyclopteris; (14) Annularia.
the dominant plant group because of their greater ability to
expand and their ability to adapt to their surroundings, be- Miocene plants from the deposits of Kumi in Eubea:
cause of their specialized leaves and the extreme differentia- (1) Myrica; (2) Sequoia; (3) Quercus; (4) Glyptostrobus; (5) Quercus; (6)
tion of their reproductive structures. The oldest known angio- Quercus; (7) Ulmus; (8) Cinnamomum; (9) Myrica; (10) Ulmus; (11) Celtis.


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