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Ateneo de Zamboanga University

Senior High School Unit

Department of Social Sciences & Physical Education

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HUM 112

INSTRUCTIONS: Construct a concept plan from your chosen genre in contemporary art forms.

1. From the eight (8) contemporary art forms discussed, choose only one (1).
2. Then think of a possible product based on your chosen contemporary art form from Unit 1 Evaluation.
3. Your plan should have objectives about the chosen contemporary art form and should include the following:
a.) Chapter I - Introduction
 Introduce your chosen contemporary art (you may include here your outputs in Units 1 and 2
b.) Chapter II - Proposal
 Place here your conceptual plan, your vision, and the reason why your proposal should be
c.) Chapter III – Conclusion
 Summary
4. Write your draft in the box provided and place the final draft in a Microsoft Word document using the
following format:
a.) Font style: Times New Roman
b.) Font size: 12
c.) Double Spacing
d.) Justified
4 3 2 1
Outstanding Proficient Developing Beginning
The concept plan
The concept plan has
demonstrates a complete The concept plan has great The concept plan is not
sufficient information that
CONTENT and comprehensive deal information that is clear; information
relates in the modern
(x7.5) understanding of the not clearly connected to included that does not
trends and has uneven
chosen contemporary art the understanding of the relate in understanding the
understanding of the
_____/30 form and how these chosen contemporary art chosen contemporary art
chosen contemporary art
innovations relate in the form. form
modern trends.
The concept plan shows
The concept plan shows The concept plan is a
ORIGINALITY substantial originality and The concept plan shows
some originality and repeat of other’s idea
(x5) creativity and the ideas are an effort at originality and
creativity and the ideas are and/or graphics and shows
presented in an inventiveness in some
presented in an interesting very little effort at original
_____/20 exceptional and areas.
way. thought.
interesting way.

All of the instructions The instructions listed
INSTRUCTIONS Most of the instructions Some of the instructions
listed about the concept about the concept plan
(x3.75) listed about the concept listed about the concept
plan making are well- making are not followed
plan making are followed. plan making are followed.
followed. at all.

Content and selected

All the content and all Content and some selected Content and selected
COHERENCE details of chosen
selected details of the details of chosen details of chosen
(x3.75) contemporary art form are
chosen contemporary art contemporary art form contemporary art form are
relevant, but perhaps not
form are well suited to suited to audience and not relevant and not suited
_____/15 consistently well chosen
audience and purpose. purpose. for audience and purpose.
for audience and purpose.

QUALITY OF The concept plan shows The concept plan shows a

The concept plan shows The concept plan shows
WORK good effort and provides little effort and provides
effort and provides the no effort and the details
(x2.5) complete details about the some details about the
details about the chosen needed about chosen
chosen contemporary art chosen contemporary art
contemporary art form contemporary art form
_____/10 form form

The concept plan is clear The concept plan is

The concept plan is The concept plan is
CONSTRUCTION and organized in a logical somehow needed
organized and easy to organized in a reasonable
(x2.5) and easy to follow the organization in the format
follow the format that format that outlined the
format that outlined the to follow that outlines the
outlined the chosen chosen contemporary art
_____/10 chosen contemporary art chosen contemporary art
contemporary art form form
form form

______ / 100 TOTAL

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