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Below: Complete skeleton o[ a dimetrodon, pelycosaurian reptile o[ the Late

Permian, Texas.

This ring is present in other marine reptiles, such as, for ex- Subclass Synapsida
ample, the Askeptosaurus italicus. The eyes of ichthyosaurs must The subclass of the synapsids appeared at the beginning of the
have had good vision and were, .in fact, large and located in evolutionary history of the reptiles, during the Permian (286-
large openings. These openings affected the temporal area of 245 million years ago). The members of this group are of fun-
the skull, which was very narrow. On the upper part of the damental importance in the history of the evolution of verte-
temporal area was a temporal opening, while the nostrils, as brates since they led, presumably during the Triassic, to the
in a11aquatic forms, were located toward the back, at the be- first mammals.
ginning of the long snout. While the first synapsids demonstrate characteristics that tie
This body structure, so specialized to life in the sea, brought them unquestionably to cotylosaur reptiles, from which they
about important physiological changes in the ichthyosaurs. Since were probably derived, the groups that carne after these most
they could not leave the water to lay their eggs, the ichthyo- primitive forms present a cIear tendency toward the acquisi-
saurs became ovoviviparous, thus giving birth to sma11living tion of mammalian traits, and the most advanced forms show
ichthyosaurs encased in a membrane (sac), as demonstrated such strong mammalian characteristics that it is often difficult
by several female specimens found in deposits at Holzmaden to understand where the synapsids end and the mammals be-
in which the sma11embryos were preserved. gin. They are called mammal-like reptiles.
The ichthyosaurs appeared during the Triassic with forms In general, one can say that during the course of their evo-
already so specialized that this group cannot be connected to lution the synapsids underwent a reduction in the bones of
any preceding group of reptiles. The origins of these animals the skull, the development of differentiated teeth, an enlarge-
are not, however, unknown: During the Triassic they were ment of the neurocranium, and the creation of columnar (more
represented by sma11 forms, about one meter (3.3 ft.) long. directly positioned underneath the body)-a11 traits typical of
These were mixosaurs already specialized for aquatic life but the mammals. Thus, the subcIass Synapsida incIudes reptiles
probably without the strong caudal fin that was typical of the with mammalian traits characterized by a sku11with one lower
more evolved forms. Mixosaurs are very abundant in ltalian temporal hole (synapsid sku11). These are divided in two large
deposits at Besano and at Monte San Giorgio, in Switzerland. groups: the pelycosaurs, the most ancient and most primitive,
Ichthyosaurs more advanced than mixosaurs appeared during tied by some traits to their cotylosaurian ancestors, and the
the Early Jurassic and are grouped in the families Ichthyosaur- therapsids, the most advanced forms.
idae and Stenopterygiidae, to the first of which belong the most The pelycosaurs appeared during the Early Permian and lived
classic forms of the genera, the Ichthyosaurus. The two fami- throughout that period, becoming extinct at its end. The old-
lies survived until the end of the Cretaceous period, with forms est are the ophiacodonts, which incIude the genus Ophiacodon,
in sizes that varied from 1.5 meters (4.5 ft.) to five meters (16.5 2.5 meters (8.25 ft.) long, which lived in the lakes and plains
ft.) in length. of the Permian, and the genus Varanosaurus, much smaller and


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