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PPST DOMAIN 1 & 6 Domain 1.3.

Diversity of Learners
STRANDS 3.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of differentiated teaching
to suit learners; gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences.

PROGRAM OUTCOMES OF 6.2.0 Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and
TEACHER EDUCATION delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their environments
SFSAT Competency Framework for Southeast 3.0.2 Employ strategies that cater to students teaming styles and to elicit
Asian Teachers for the 21st Century
active learning
5: Understanding My
Learners, Their 'Strengths,
Needs, Interests and
Desired Learning Outcomes
 Identify the needs, strengths, interest and experiences of my learners
 Demonstrate knowledge and understandings of differentiated teaching
 to suit learners; gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences.
 Research on one (1) study about the diversity of learners.

Essential Questions
 What is meant by diversity of learners?
 How do learners differ?
 What differentiated activities must be applied to suit learners' needs, strengths, interests and
Diversity of learners refers to the differences among students most especially in the way they
learn in a variety of settings, through a variety of processes with varied outcomes.
Teachers can facilitate the learning process among diverse learners by first recognizing and
respecting individual differences, then using the knowledge about students' differences to design
differentiated learning activities to ensure that all students can attain desired learning goals. (PPST
Domain 3)
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, Article VIII Sec. 3 dictates that “Under no
circumstance shall a teacher be prejudiced nor discriminatory against any learner."
Learners' differences stem from many factors: gender, race, ethnicity or cultural background
(nationality, province, language) intellectual abilities, religions sexual preferences and socio-
economic status, needs, interests, strengths and experiences.

• All learners have different ways of thinking, learning and absorbing.

• Students' self-awareness is enhanced by diversity.
• Student diversity contributes to cognitive development. It can also r harmony.
• Learners are diverse and subjects must be taught differently to rest
their needs, interests, strengths and experiences.
 Reach every student at his/her level.
 Assist your students to grow and celebrate success.
 All learners are worthy of respect and dignity.

Internship Portfolio | 27.

My Performance Task
Performance Task 1 Make an infographic on diversity of learners (these are graphic visual representations of
information, data or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly.

Internship Portfolio | 28.

Performance Task 2 There are different learners based on learning modalities. They are auditory, visual
and tactile leaners. Cite applications on how you can stimulate their strengths, needs and experiences
based on their learning modalities.
Types of Learners based on How shall I stimulate learning through their learning modalities?
Learning Modalities

Internship Portfolio | 29.

Performance Task 3 Create a teaching matrix of differentiated teaching based on the various intelligences
of learners.
Intelligences Strategies Application to my subject area

(Linguistic Intelligence)







How do these strategies contribute to my learning? Write a one-liner statement.

Internship Portfolio | 30.

My Assessment Tasks

Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer before the number.

______1. Which group of students learns best through music, songs and parodies?
A. Nature smart
B. Music Smart
C. Self Smart
D. Word Smart

_____2. Which group of learners finds joy in working with others?

A. Nature smart
B. Music Smart
C.People Smart
D.Self Smart

______3. Which group of learners needs to see the teacher's body language and facial expressions to
fully understand the lesson?
A. Auditory learners
B. Kinesthetic Learners
C.Tactile Learners
D.Visual Learners

______4. Which group of students learns through hands-on activity like, exploring the world around
A. Auditory Learners
B. Kinesthetic Learners
C. Tactile Learners
D. Visual Learners

______5. Which group of students learns best through verbal lectures, discussion, talking things
through and listening to what others have to say?
A. Auditory Learners
B. Kinesthetic. Learners
C. Tactile Learners
D. Visual Learners

Internship Portfolio | 31.

My Learning Artifact(s)

Go to the library and get a research abstract on student diversity.



Internship Portfolio | 32.

My Scoring Rubric

Meets Approaching Meets Does Not Meet

INDICATORS Standard of Standard of Acceptable Acceptable
Excellence Excellence Standard Standard

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1 Score
Performance Tasks · Has all the · Has some · Has minimal · No aspect of
aspects of work aspects of work aspects of work work meets
that exceed level that exceed level that meet level level of
of expectation. of expectation. of expectation. expectations.
· Shows · Demonstrates · With some · Has errors,
exemplary solid errors and omissions and
performance performance and MASTERY is misconceptions
understanding not thorough

Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answers answers answers correct answers

Learning The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of

Artifacts evidence of evidence of evidence of evidence of
learning is/ are learning is/are learning is/are learning is/are
aligned with aligned with aligned with ONE NOT aligned
learning SOME of the learning with the learning
outcomes. of the learning outcomes. outcomes.

The learning tasks are The learning tasks The learning The learning
Creativity and done very creatively are done creatively tasks are done tasks are
Resource- fulness and resourcefully. and resourcefully. quite creatively poorly done
and resourcefully. and need
The assigned The assigned The assigned improvement.
The assigned
learning tasks are learning tasks are learning tasks learning tasks
Submission of
submitted on or submitted a day are submitted are submitted 3
before the after the deadline. 2 days offer days or more
deadline. the deadline. after the


Practicum Supervisor

Internship Portfolio | 33.

PPST DOMAIN 1 & 6 Domain 2. The Learning Environment

STRANDS 2.6.1 Demonstrate positive and non-violent discipline in the management of learner behavior.

PROGRAM OUTCOMES OF 6.2.0 Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and
TEACHER EDUCATION delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their environments
SFSAT Competency Framework for Southeast 2.D.2 Promote a caring and learning environment
Asian Teachers for the 21st Century
2.D.6 Maintain a collaborative learning
3.B.8 Manage classroom environment activities

6: Managing My
Classroom Structure
and Routines
Desired Learning Outcomes
 Identify classroom structure / routines
 Discuss the importance of good classroom structure / routines in class
 Design effective classroom management routines
 Demonstrate positive and non-violent discipline in the management of learner's behavior

Essential Questions
 What is the importance of having an organized and systematic classroom structure and
 As a teaching intern, what classroom routines shall you establish to ensure a positive and non-
violent discipline way of managing learners' behavior?

A classroom routine is simply a well-rehearsed response to a teacher's directive.
It is one of the teacher's primary labor — saving devices.
One way to become an effective teacher is to provide a structure in the
classroom. A very structured learning environment provides many benefits for the teacher and the learners. As structured
classroom translates to a positive safe and secure classroom. Learners enjoy learning in a very safe, friendly and non-
threatening environment.
1. Rules and expectations must be set on the first day.
2. Set high expectations. Explain its importance.
3. Hold students accountable for their actions in all areas of life.
4. Keep your rules simple.
5. Be prepared to adjust. It is essential to understand that every class and every learner is unique.
6. Be the primary model for your students when it comes to classroom
7. Be prepared and organized for the class each day.
8. Build a good reputation / image. This becomes easier with experience

Internship Portfolio | 34.

My Perfomance Tasks
Performance Task 1. Observe your teacher. Take down some important notes on how he/she manages his/her
class. What are his/her positive non-violent disciplinary practices in the management of learner behavior?

Internship Portfolio | 35.

Observation Log

Name of Cooperating Teacher____________________________________Date ______________

Time _______________________________________Subject ________________________

Performance Task 2. Take some photographs of the classroom structure / design that creates a positive
classroom atmosphere.

Internship Portfolio | 36.

Performance Task 3. Design your classroom routines to ensure an effective classroom structure.

My Classroom Routines

Internship Portfolio | 37.

What is the impact of these classroom routines to students learning?

My Assessment Tasks

Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer before the number.

Internship Portfolio | 38.

1. Which terms refers to are established ways of managing a classroom to ensure
an organized and systematic structure?
A. Classroom Discipline
B. Classroom Management
C. Classroom Routines
D. Positive Discipline

2. When is the best time to establish classroom routines?

A. At the start of the school year
B. At the start of each class
C. During class discussion
D. At the end of the year

3. These things can be routinized EXCEPT

A. passing of papers/books
B. checking of attendance
C. going in and out of the classroom
D. designing the Bulletin Boards

4. Which is the best way to minimize a noisy learner in class?

A. Stop him/her.
B. Ignore him/her.
C. Request him or her to go to the room.
D. Talk to him/her personally.

5. Which is the best way to know why a learner is always absent in class?
A. Look at his/her Facebook account.
B. Write a letter to the parent.
C. Call the parent/guardian.
D. Report to the Guidance Counselor.

My Learning Artifact(s)
Conduct an interview among students. Ask them why positive and non-violent discipline is effective in
the management of learner behavior.

Internship Portfolio | 39.


Name of Student



Name of Student



Name of Student

My Scoring Rubric

Internship Portfolio | 40.

Meets Approaching Meets Does Not Meet
INDICATORS Standard of Standard of Acceptable Acceptable
Excellence Excellence Standard Standard

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1 Score
Performance Tasks · Has all the · Has some · Has minimal · No aspect of
aspects of work aspects of work aspects of work work meets
that exceed level that exceed level that meet level level of
of expectation. of expectation. of expectation. expectations.
· Shows · Demonstrates · With some · Has errors,
exemplary solid errors and omissions and
performance performance and MASTERY is misconceptions
understanding not thorough

Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answers answers answers correct answers

Learning The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of

Artifacts evidence of evidence of evidence of evidence of
learning is/ are learning is/are learning is/are learning is/are
aligned with aligned with aligned with ONE NOT aligned
learning SOME of the learning with the learning
outcomes. of the learning outcomes. outcomes.

The learning tasks are The learning tasks The learning The learning
Creativity and done very creatively are done creatively tasks are done tasks are
Resource- fulness and resourcefully. and resourcefully. quite creatively poorly done
and resourcefully. and need
The assigned The assigned The assigned improvement.
The assigned
learning tasks are learning tasks are learning tasks learning tasks
Submission of
submitted on or submitted a day are submitted are submitted 3
before the after the deadline. 2 days offer days or more
deadline. the deadline. after the


Practicum Supervisor

Internship Portfolio | 41.

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