Guide Interview Questions

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(Statement of the problem no.1. What is the nature of school leaders’ workload in
terms of: additional workload, excess workload)

A. Respondents’ additional workload

1. Aside from observing teachers’ actual teaching routine which is a part of your
instructional supervision duty, what other instructional supervision duties do you
perform as a school principal?

2. How are you coping with your increased workload? How do these additional
workloads affect your performance of instructional supervision?

3. How do you feel about not being able to conduct instructional supervision tasks
due to your increased workload?

4. Do you believe your additional responsibilities as a school principal are as

important as your instructional supervisory responsibilities? Why do you think
that is?

5. In your opinion, which should come first: instructional oversight or greater

workload when performing the tasks of a school principal?

B. Respondents’ excess workload

1. Aside from those that you mentioned as your additional instructional oversight
functions, what extra workload does a principal perform not to mention
instructional supervision?

2. How are you getting along with your extra/excess workload?

3. How does your excess workload performance affect your instructional

supervision workload performance?

4. How do you feel about not being able to undertake instructional supervision tasks
because of your overburdening workload?
5. Do you believe your excess responsibilities as a school principal are as
important as your instructional supervisory responsibilities? Why do you think
that is?


(Statement of the problem no. 2: How do the additional and excess workloads affect
the school heads’ instructional supervision performance?)

1. How would you rate your instructional supervision performance if you were
solely focused on it and not doing anything else?

2. How will you evaluate the amount of time you spend on instructional supervision
to the amount of time you spend on other work (additional and excess)?

3. Do you believe that your ability to handle greater workload has a significant
impact on your ability to supervise teachers? Why do you think that is?

4. Which would you prefer, increased performance in instructional supervision or

increased performance in your added workload, and why?

5. If you had to choose between enhanced instructional supervision performance

and higher workload performance, which would you prefer? Why?

6. Which would you consider a determinant in your execution of instructional

supervision duties, the actual number of additional and excess assignments you
undertake or the amount of time you spend doing them?


(Statement of the problem no.3. What are the factors affecting the performance of
school heads in terms of: instructional-related problems, errors in the provision of
TA, slower task performance)

A. Instruction-related

1. How would you describe your overall instructional supervision performance?

2. What factors contribute to your favorable/unfavorable/high/low instructional

supervision performance?
3. What aids you in carrying out your instructional supervision responsibilities

4. What prevents you from doing a good job as an instructional supervisor?

5. Do you have confidence in your ability, knowledge, abilities, and attitude to carry
out your responsibilities as an instructional supervisor? Please elaborate on your

6. What do you believe you require the most in order to improve your performance
as an instructional supervisor?

B. Errors in the provision of technical assistance

1. Do you consider you may have made a mistake in giving technical assistance as
a principal? Why do you think that is?

2. What are some of the most typical blunders you believe you've made while
providing technical assistance?

3. What are the causes of these mistakes?

4. Do you believe that the performance of many other responsibilities has a

significant impact on mistakes made in providing technical assistance to
teachers? Please expand on your ideas.

5. Do you believe that if you focus on your job as an instructional supervisor, you
would be able to minimize, if not fully avoid, technical help errors? Why do you
think that is?

6. How would you, in your opinion, prevent further errors in the provision of
technical assistance?

C. Slower task performance

1. How would you characterize the impact of additional/excess workloads on your

instructional supervision performance?

2. Despite a heavy workload, how do you stay on track with your scheduled
instructional supervision responsibilities?
3. Aside from other equally important responsibilities, what else do you believe
slows down your ability to fulfill your instructional supervision responsibilities?

4. Which of the equally important responsibilities slows down the most your ability
to perform instructional supervision functions? What are your thoughts about it?

5. Which of the equally vital responsibilities does not impede your ability to perform
instructional supervision functions? What are your thoughts about it?


(Statement of the problem no. 4: What measures are adopted in relation to
instructional supervision performance of school leaders with additional and excess
task or workload?

1. What opportunities do principals with extra/excess workloads have in respect to

their instructional supervisory responsibilities?

2. How, in your opinion, can the Department of Education support school principals
in tackling the issues of increased workload?

3. Are you willing to embrace multitasking as a school principal? Why do you think
that is?

4. How do you prepare yourself to embrace multitasking work schedule?

5. What is the tendency of your instructional supervision performance while

executing other equally important jobs, based on your honest assessment? Do
you see an improvement, a decrease, or the status quo? Please elaborate on
your response.

6. What would you recommend in terms of managing greater workload among

school principals so that you can fulfill the real number of instructional
supervision required of your position?

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