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9/21/21, 4:52 PM (3) What is Pakistan known for in your country?

- Quora

What is Pakistan known for in your country?

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66 Answers Asked in 8 Spaces

Nor Reza, lives in Selangor, Malaysia (1998-present)

Answered January 7

First as a disclaimer.

I'm not trying to attack any country here.

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It's just what local media tells me.

Basically to put it short.In Malaysia,Pakistan is known for:

Being “fellow brothers in Islam”.

One of the sources of cheap labor for my country.
Quite an amount of Pakistani but obviously not all abuse their local spouses
here in Malaysia on the slightest “assumption” that the female was cheating
when to my knowledge of all the cases that I've read,none did.
Occasionally pick fights with India.
Sizeable amounts of Pakistani are sent to Malaysia as students.

That's it really.

Nothing much is told about Pakistan besides those things.

My 2 cents as an outside observer. 2/55
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Khengchat Ng, Self Employed (1986-present)

Answered August 1, 2020
I met a Pakistani customer ( male in twenties ). He was shedding tears. I thought his
mother had passed away and asked him what was the problem. He said England beat
Pakistan in an one day cricket match and P allowed E to score over 400 runs. One
Pakistani has burnished an image of a cricket mad country.
353K viewsView 901 upvotes

44 comments from Khengchat Ng and more

Noel, An Enthusiast in South Asian Geopolitics

Answered September 13
Pakistan is mostly perceived ill in India. Lets discuss why.

Starting from the positive side, younger generation of Indians enjoy Pakistani music and
Pakistani Dramas (followed by Hollywood, Kpop and Anime). Since the newer
generation are much educated, they are more accepting from their previous generation.
Younger generation also love Pakistani cricketers and actors. But as a whole, Pakistan
doesn’t have any influence or soft power over India like India does on them and common
Indians don’t know much about Pakistan except for the fact that it was born out of
Hindu/Indo hatred. To previous generation, Pakistan is a memorial for partition horrors.

Otherwise Pakistan has have a very bad reputation nainly because of its terror
fundings/activities and use of violence for every single issue. Guerilla warfare by
Pakistan is what makes Indians disgusted of. Sometimes Pakistan can be a butt of Joke
for their distorted form of history narration and over obsession with their armed force.
One of India’s prominent political spokesperson, Mr Shashi Tharoor once said, “Every
country has an Army, but Pakistani army has a country” for their excessive obsession
with Military or anything that is related to force.

In India, state has an army; in Pakistan, army has a state: 3/55
9/21/21, 4:52 PM (3) What is Pakistan known for in your country? - Quora
In India, state has an army; in Pakistan, army has a state:
The Congress MP bats for India-Pakistan cricket…

North eastern India condemns Pakistan for its massacre over East Bengal and blames
Pakistan for the refugee crisis post 1970. West Bengal celebrates Bangladeshi
Independence and openly shows hatred towards them. Immigrants who moved to India
post 1970 violence recall their barbaric activities which in turn makes the Whole North
East India very anti pakistan.

Bangladeshi Genocide 1971 memorial in streets of Kolkata, India

South neither cares about Pakistan nor North India.

At political level, Pakistan is seen as an aggressor because of its history of attacking first
and in disguised forms. Its funding and training of militants in certain regions of India
like Kashmir, Punjab and North-east India often gives it the tag of a “terrorist country”.
Indians view Pakistan as the only country in Asia that carries out international terror
activities and is often involved in crimes that are happening as far as in UK. Pakistan is
also known as the terror’s den since wanted Indian criminals like Dawood Khan find
safe haven in Pakistan (Including the 9/11 mastermind Osama Bin Laden) Pakistan
always finds itself in international conflicts including the high profile ones like the 9/11
twin tower attacks, plane hijackings, London/paris Bombings etc which makes Indians
very averted to Pakistan. Greatest of all terror attacks in India are all carried out by

Sometimes Indians pity Pakistan because they are victims of their own terror. the
militants they train and fund often attack their own people which makes Pakistani 4/55
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economy suffer a lot. Also China’s disguised Colonialism over Pakistani territory and
assets are often laughed and joked about in India.

According to pew research this is how India perceives Pakistan

Only 13% Indians hold favourable opinion on Pakistan: Pew

Agencies , Agencies : Washington, Mon Sep 10 2012, 22:31 hrs While significan……

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Anindo Chowdhury, Originally from Bangladesh

Answered August 29, 2020

In my country, Bangladesh, Pakistan is not viewed very positively in general. That is

largely due to the 1971 liberation war of Bangladesh in which Pakistani soldiers killed 3
million Bengalis and raped several thousand women.

Bangladesh has repeatedly tried unsuccessfully to get Pakistan to apologise for the
crimes it committed during the 1971 war.

To make matters even worse, in 2013, Pakistan officially condemned the execution of a
notorious Islamist leader who fought against the liberation of Bangladesh in 1971.
Bangladeshi youths protested against Pakistan's condemnation, telling the country to stay
out of Bangladesh's internal matters. Relations between the two countries reached a new

Bangladesh has also repeatedly accused Pakistan of providing support to terrorist

activities within the country. Immediately following the 2016 terrorist attack at a cafe in
Dhaka, Bangladesh blamed Pakistan's ISI for the attack. 6/55
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However, more conversative sections of the younger generation (those born after 1971)
see Pakistan more positively. Since they never personally witnessed the horrors of 1971,
they only see Pakistanis as fellow Muslim brethren. Those conservatives, however, often
face criticism from other Bangladeshis as a result.
81.8K viewsView 323 upvotes

102 comments from Sumit Kumar and more

Alex Zhang, lives in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

Answered January 23

Well, I would like to quote our prime minister Li Keqiang's words:

"when it comes to Pakistan, the first word that comes to the mind of Chinese is "iron
brother". To us Chinese, Pakistan is always a trustworthy friend who is as solid as
iron. Actually, Chinese netizens refer to Pakistan as "Iron Pak". This testifies to the
strength of China-Pakistan friendship." 7/55
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As regards how ordinary Chinese people view Pakistan in general, let's try Baidu related

1. Why Pakistan and China is in a very good relationship?

2. Pakistan Rupee to Chinese Yuan
3. The latest news of the covid 19 pandemic in Pakistan
4. The capital of Pakistan
5. What language do Pakistani speak? 8/55
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1. Pakistani is actually very bad

2. Pakistan don't treat China as good as we imagine
3. Why Pakistan and China have such a deep friendship?
4. Top five hoaxes in Pakistan
5. The situation of the covid 19 pandemic in Pakistan
6. The feelings after marry to a Pakistani wife
7. The shocking truth behind China-Pakistan relation
8. Why Pakistan treat China so good?

So as you can see, for ordinary Chinese people, most of them don't know too much about
Pakistan, because we don't share many things in common in terms of culture, custom,
religion, etc (except muslim minorities in Western China). In addition, Pakistan is not a
popular travel destination for Chinese people. Therefore, some of them confused about
why China has such a deep friendship with Pakistan in government level.
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14 comments from Inam Tanveer Talks and more

Dave Davidson, Writer of Everything (2018-present)

Answered July 22, 2020
In my country, which is the UK, it is known for a variety of reasons both good and bad.
The nation I am talking about has seen more than a million of Pakistan immigrants arrive
to help lift the Economy following the devastating WW2. For the bad, Pakistanis have
especially from the Kashmir region who came very poor compared to their Punjabi and 9/55
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muhajir brothers got involved in a lot of crime such as gangs and rapes etc. But
Pakistanis are also known for many other things here. There are several prominent
politicians of Pakistani descent along with many businesses started by the new
immigrants. The politicians who are most famous here are probably the mayor of
London (one of the greatest cities to ever exist on the earth): Sadiq khan and Sajid Javid
who was the chancellor a small time ago (literally a few months back) and they both
were very prominent in our society. Bare in mind that there are 10+ Pakistani MPs in the
UK so they form a big part of politics int he UK. Then you have many other individuals
such as boxers like Amir khan or actors like Riz Ahmed. Of course, if you are a true
Brit, then you'd know that there re many Pakistani corner store owners and taxi drivers
so they form a big part of our culture and especially our curry culture- they played a
major role in bringing that. Overall, some pretty good, interesting and bad things all at
the same time!

Sajid javid

Sadiq khan-mayor of london 10/55
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Actor, who has scored big roles recently including Venom.

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29 comments from Fred Wick and more

Can Hacıoğlu, Manager at Jilany Sons Jilany Abdullah Abdulrahman M. (2017-

Answered August 4, 2020

Dear Tom Fuzery first of all thanks for your question.

Pakistan is a well known country in Turkey. We like the country as Pakistan, even we
love her as our sibling’s country. Check my previous written answers:

Can Hacıoğlu's answer to Do Turkish people know about Pakistan’s love for Ottomans?

Can Hacıoğlu's answer to Do Turkish people like Pakistani people?

Can Hacıoğlu's answer to Why do Turks like Pakistanis so much?

Can Hacıoğlu's answer to Do Turkish people like Pakistani people?

Can Hacıoğlu's answer to Why do Turkey have very good relations with Japan and South
Korea but not China?

Can Hacıoğlu's answer to Why do the flags of Turkey and Tunisia look similar?

Can Hacıoğlu's answer to What do Turkish people think of Bengalis? 11/55
9/21/21, 4:52 PM (3) What is Pakistan known for in your country? - Quora

Can Hacıoğlu's answer to What are the differences of the Mughal and Ottoman Empire?

Can Hacıoğlu's answer to What is your opinion if Pakistan and Turkey emerge as one

Can Hacıoğlu's answer to How and when did Turks and Pakistanis (and automatically,
Turkey and Pakistan) establish such a great relationship? Pakistanis have never been
under Turkish rule (or the other way around), for example. Did it really start in the 20th

Can Hacıoğlu's answer to How much time do I have to spend every day to become fluent
in Turkish in a month? I’m a native Urdu speaker.

Can Hacıoğlu's answer to Are Pakistanis descendants of long-lost illegitimate children of

Turk invaders? Is that why Pakistanis love Turkey?

Some parts may feel you boring because some are repeated. But if you really want to
know how Pakistan known in Turkey, this is it ! Dot ! BIG DOT !

I hope my answer helps you.

227.6K viewsView 149 upvotesView sharesAnswer requested by Tom Fuzery

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Suhaib Khateeb, Blogger (2020-present)

Answered August 1, 2020

That all Pakistanis men wear 12/55
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That Pakistani women wear 13/55
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That Pakistanis are trouble makers and they hate Hindus :

Because of some terrorists, they have a bad reputation that all the Pakistani hate Hindus,
especially Indians… I have never experienced any hatred or rudeness any Pakistani till
date, instead they are very helping and very friendly…

That Pakistanis is a crowded country and there are no touristy places there 14/55
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That all Pakistanis are terrorist :

Believe me they are not, because of a some terrorists they had a bad reputation. Instead
they are very sweet… 16/55
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Also to all Pakistanis reading this, we Indians too don't hate you, instead we love
your culture, we love your food, we love you people, we love your country…
22.1K viewsView 80 upvotesAnswer requested by Tom Fuzery

24 comments from Jonathan Buttall and more

Prima Aksara (Faustina), Interested in every countries history

Updated August 14, 2020
[Disclaimer: the answer may be biased]

This is what majority of Indonesian know about Pakistan:

Muslim version of India

K-2, 2nd highest mountain after Mt. Everest 17/55
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Malala Yousafzai

Very conservative country 18/55
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Benazir Bhutto

My deepest apologize if Pakistan has bad reputation in Indonesia. But, chill, I don’t hate
Pakistani at all :) 19/55
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37 comments from Muhammad Mutawakkil and more

Nav, Blogger (2019-present)
Answered August 2, 2020

Mumbai Terror Attack has been done By Pakistani Terrorist Group

lashkar -E-Taiba.
A Pakistan -based terrorist organization. Armed with automatic weapons and
hand grenades, the terrorists targeted civilians at numerous sites in the
southern part of Mumbai, including the Chhatrapati Shivaji railway station, the
popular Leopold Café, two hospitals, and a theatre.
pakistan has been accused by neighbouring countries India, Afghanistan and
Iran and other nations, including the united state, of involvement in terrorist
activities in the region and beyond.

world trade center attack has been done By pakistani Terrorist Osama bin Laden. 20/55
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Osama bin Laden, the founder and first leader of the Islamist terrorist group,
Al-Qaeda, was killed in Pakistan on May 2, 2011.
Recently Pakistan PM Imran Khan calls Osama bin Laden ‘martyr’ in
Terrorist list living in pakistan with full freedom

Abu-Hafiz handled 26/11 from Pak control room 21/55
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another one

Pakistan, a state which sponsorsr terrorism. 22/55
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Peter Hendriks, Journalist
Updated August 4, 2020
Pakistan is famous for religion based intolerance. You often see religious fanatics
shouting for someone’s death or burning some flags for some reason. In the old days
they excelled at field hockey, but nowadays the Western European teams and Australia
are the dominant forces.
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Cristian A. Rodriguez, Autonomous at Industrial Maintenance (2011-present)

Answered January 14
Part of the fallen English Empire as muslim India.
War with India, Cachemira.
Terrorists safe heaven
Supporters of Al Qaeda and the Taliban
Contraband of Opium and weapons from and to Afghanistan
Supporters of the US invasion of Afghanistan
Facilitators of illegal arms supplies from the CIA to Afghanistan during the
Soviet war.
Money laundry country for terrorists and Saudis.
Sold nuclear weapons to Saudi Arabia in case Iran makes them, but retain
them until for deniability.
From Hollywood that their sky is yellow and all streets are narrow dirt streets
full of people and cars impossible to walk, and street vendors selling food in
filthy conditions. Gotta love the yankees for the nice propaganda.
Homeland series told us much of this.
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Fiorella De Jesus, lives in The United States of America

Answered October 21, 2020

In my country Pakistan is known for having very good Cricket teams. India vs. Pakistan
is usually a fun eventful match. Pakistan also produced a legend in Cricket Imran Khan
who helped Pakistan win the World Cup in 1992.
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Peter Dunlop, former Engineer at Scotland England Ireland Wales Singapore

Thailand Hong Kong Chin
Updated October 15, 2020

sadly, mostly not very good things

Cricket, they play well and have made a cricketer, formerly married to a Jewish woman,
as their prime minister. Pakistan has seen the murder of more than one prime minister
and Pakistan is an ally of China, largely I suspect because of its enmity towards India
and, oddly also an ally of the USofA. Pakistan has a very mixed relationship with the
Taliban of Afghanistan a movement deeply against any involvement of women in public
life and even of education for girls. Pakistan treats its faith minorities, particularly
Christians and Jews very shabbily. The army has much to much involvement in politics
and government and has provided a number of dictators. There is a large number of
people of Pakistani origin in the UK; some have joined in and done well in the
professions and in politics others many from a small and somewhat remote “tribal” area
perpetuate their prejudices that have no place in this country, some have been involved in
criminal abuse of young girls and very sadly, disgracefully even, the authorities have
bent over so far in a misguided attempt to be “fair” to an “ethnic minority” that they have
contributed to the abuse of those girls. A small number is involved in terrorist activity
inimical to life in this country. In short a very mixed message tending towards the bad.
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3 comments from Syed Adeel Mahmood and more

Valkata Elgetaitis, lives in Kaunas, Lithuania

Answered January 8
Lithuanian here.

Pakistan isn’t known for anything to absolute majority of Lithuanians. 24/55
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Personally I think that I know about Pakistan the following:

the capital city of Pakistan is Islamabad;

Pakistan is Islamic country;
Pakistan has nuclear weapons;
Pakistan has bad relationship with India because of two border states (can’t
remember their names, Kashmir and Peshavar?);
Pakistan plays cricket;
I can easily point out Pakistan in a map;
Pakistan was a British colony;
you had woman Premier Minister who had been assasinated, Benazir Bhuto, if
I remember correctly? I have no idea who are your leaders now.

Well, and that’s probably all I know about Pakistan. And believe me, I know about the
world much more than the average Lithuanian :)
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Jawad Husain, Human Rights (2013-present)

Answered September 29, 2020

Switzerland being a alpine country, Pakistan is known for K2 and the Karakoram
mountain range. 25/55
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In Switzerland, outdoor field Hockey and indoor field Hockey is played. Rules slightly
different for outdoor and indoor.

Field Hockey is not as popular as Football, Ice Hockey, Tennis and Basketball but those
who do play the game know India and Pakistan to be really good in Field Hockey. 26/55
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Pakistan used to be known for being champions in squash.

Pakistan known for making textiles, carpets and footballs. 28/55
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Pakistani mangoes and food 30/55
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Pakistani tribal area is very mysterious, invokes adventure, a Rudyard Kipling novel or a
spy novel. 31/55
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Pakistan is linked with Afghanistan and the Afghan refugee problem with UNHCR and
ICRC based in Switzerland.

Due to Afghan war of the 80s, 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden in Abbotabad, Pakistan has
been linked to terrorism and drugs in the news and in fiction. 32/55
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Katyayani Misra, M.Sc Chemistry, Nanyang Technological University (2010)

Updated August 3, 2020
This guy is removing the Hindu temple that was about to be built in Pakistan. 34/55
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Its how its known sadly.

However, abroad its how we are. You would never know who is who till they tell you
that they are from that particular country.


As countries we are divided

As people abroad: No difference at all. It never occurred to me.

Jai Parshuram.
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Jonathan Buttall, former Retired Professional in Behavioral Health Field

Answered July 29, 2020

Photos; Bin Laden, the Saudi terrorist leader protected by Pakistan after 9/11. 36/55
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K-2, the second-highest mountain in the world, and said to be the very hardest to climb,
and the most dangerous. There is massive such scenery in the North part of Pakistan.

It doesn’t have a good reputation. The US military and government made the major
blunder of giving Pakistan billions of dollars to use their paths into Afghanistan during
our failed war there.

But Pakistan, corrupt to the core with a military dictatorship overseeing an elected
government, at the same time did two acts that harmed the US;

(1) Pakistan helped bring the Taliban and other such groups back in power in
Afghanistan, thus the US lost that war after a brief victory.

(2) Pakistan protected Bin Laden and his al-Qaeda terrorist organization, which killed
3000 Americans in New York City, Pennsylvania and Virginia on 9/11/01.

About the only thing, one can admire there are the Karakoram Mountains, the
continuation of the Himalayan range. It has some of the most impressive natural scenery
in the world.

(I do admit that I have a Social media Pakistani friend my wife and I communicate with.
But he isn’t part of any of the above problems and does give us a lot of information
about Pakistan that’s more positive. He does seem to have a good life there. So I admit
there are two sides of this discussion).
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Amélie Fujiwara-Golitz, interpreter and translator

Answered July 26, 2020

Mainly for trouble with India, for religious intolerance, easily excitable people and for
lots of emigrants to the United Kingdom.
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İsmayıl Hüseynov, Interested in life in the USA

Answered October 24, 2020

To be a 6good friend of my country (Azerbaijan),also it has big population and nuclear


P.s. In our schools Pakistani modern history is taught as well.Its politicians and so on.
759 viewsView 6 upvotesAnswer requested by Tom Fuzery 37/55
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Paul Sol, Dip, PGCert Psychology from University of Central Lancashire (2012)

Answered January 24

Great cricketers.

Not such great cricket test umpires.

Great cooks and restaurants.

Religious intolerance in Pakistan whilst demanding tolerance in the UK.

Subjugation of women.

Honour based violence primarily against women to preserve an insular racist community.

A devout, anti materialistic, communal minded people.

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Jenny Calder, Writer, Researcher and Artist (2011-present)

Answered October 19, 2020

In South Africa Pakistan is known for cricket. The two countries have competed against
each other a number of times over many years until that horrific attack on the Sri Lankan
bus at Gaddafi Stadium in Lahore in 2009. Pakistan was banned in international cricket
until Zimbabwe agreed to play there in 2015 signalling a trickle back into the game.

Pakistanis in South Africa are also known to be shopkeepers. You always know when it’s
a Pakistani shop because when you enter there is always a small corner for cellphone
repairs and sales of various cellphone gadgets. They also have barber shops in nooks and
crannies, often in the back room of the shop.

There is some speculation that they are into organised crime and run drug cartels. That is
not something you automatically tie to Pakistanis though. It just doesn’t seem real.

The Pakistan South Africa Association in Pretoria represents Pakistanis all over South
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Mohammad Ali, studied at Iran

Updated March 13

What is Pakistan known for in your country?

For several items, amongst: An Islamic populated historical neighbor country, with nice
hospitable people.

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Cade Lewis, lives in Sri Lanka

Updated March 28

In my country, Sri Lanka, Mostly known as a Muslim and Cricket Nation. And most of
the SriLankan knows that, They have supported us in many ways including helping in
major civil wars. Personally I know Pakistan is a very beautiful country with many
historic sites. And I would really like to travel Pakistan one day. But due to the security
reasons people are scared to visit the country now. But once its over most of the Sri
Lankans will in que to visit Pakistan for sure.
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Puneet Virk, Ph.D. Social Sciences & Psychology, Thapar Institute of

Engineering and Technology (2021)
Updated January 24

In the Indian Punjab, liberals know Pakistan for their very pretty suits and gararas.
Women from here love to buy Pakistani suits especially lawn cotton suits and also Gota
Patti embroidery. We consider Pakistani Punjab more fashionable than the Indian Punjab.

A Lawn cotton suit: 39/55
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A Gota Patti suit:

A Garara: 40/55
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Nick Pehar, Consultant
Answered July 29, 2020

In Australia, mainly for Imran Khan, Benazir Bhutto, a civil war resulting in the
secession by Bangladesh (formerly known as East Pakistan) and the fact that Osama-bin-
Laden was hiding there. 41/55
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Indivar Rathore
Answered February 1

Pakistan is known as a savage, hungry, illiterate, dirty, poor, ill, barbaric, corrupt
orthodox terrorist islamic country, without which the world will probably be a better
place to live. There was no Pakistan before 1947. This photo best describes Pakistan

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Answered August 3, 2020
In the UK Pakistan is known for terrorism and for being a third world country, in
England I haven’t heard one positive about Pakistan and I’m just being honest; a lot of
people many say they have delicious food but their rival India gets all the praise from
Brits, I haven’t heard much bad about India just a lot of good, with Pakistan most people
immediately associate it with the country full of terrorists.
2K viewsView 23 upvotes

6 comments from Adil Jawed and more

6 42/55
9/21/21, 4:52 PM (3) What is Pakistan known for in your country? - Quora
Answered September 24, 2020

In Croatia, Pakistan is not a particularly well known country. It’s known mostly perhaps
as the “Muslim India” which is in bitter conflict with the non-Muslim one. Pakistan’s
role is also a bit unclear in relation to radical Islam terrorism. Not really sure whether
Pakistan is for or against this… It feels like they aren’t clear either. We also know that
they have nukes, supposedly to protect them against India, but it’s still an uneasy feeling.
826 viewsView 6 upvotes

1 comment from Adil Jawed

Raihanul Haque, Content Creator of "" Youtube Channel

Answered November 1, 2020

I am a Bangladeshi . In my area pakistan known as religious extreme country , also

known as terrorist country .
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Paul Clifford, former System Specialist / ApplicatioArchitext / Designer (1981-

Updated January 11
What is Pakistan known for in your country?

I’m Australian and an old guy.

In Australia, from media reports, we assume Pakistan has a love of Cricket. Apart from
that, the perspective is that Pakistan is a nation rampant with judicial and political
corruption and violent religious fanaticism and intolerance.

Pakistan in Australia is also known to be nuclear armed nation (as is India) and in
perpetual conflict with India.

In short, we know little about daily life in Pakistan, except what immigrants from
Pakistan or the media tell us.
519 viewsView 2 upvotesAnswer requested by Tom Fuzery

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Gary McAdam, ECB-ACO registered umpire (27 years experience)

3 43/55
9/21/21, 4:52 PM (3) What is Pakistan known for in your country? - Quora
Answered September 4, 2020

Largely for cricket and as being the source of a sizeable minority immigrant influx
following World War II. Quite a few of said group have had families and descendants
who’ve contributed much to U.K society (and some who haven’t, but that’s another story
altogether) in various capacities - politicians, sportsmen, businessmen & women, actors
et al.

I have a number of valued friends & work colleagues with Pakistani heritage, whilst I’ve
got to know quite a few others through sports (the aforementioned cricket mainly -
they’re certainly keen cricketers and a pleasure to officiate)

The country doesn’t always have a great reputation (thanks largely to religious
intolerance and extremist factions) and there are a few bad apples over here in the U.K
too, but I’m not one for labelling an entire country as fanatics or terrorists based upon
the actions of a handful of zealots.
1.6K viewsView 3 upvotesAnswer requested by Tom Fuzery

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James Joseph, Experienced world traveller

Answered July 27, 2020

The only things I know about Pakistan are that they make nice cotton clothing, shirts,
etc. The other thing that sticks in my mind is that Pakistanis senselessly torment
Christians . As a result, most people I know won’t buy Pakistani clothing.
1.9K viewsView 4 upvotesView sharesAnswer requested by Tom Fuzery

1 comment from Adil Jawed

Ask Australians Anything

Ralph Brew, Educator and Advocate
Answered February 28

Cricket. Being Muslim majority. Assassinating a female Prime Minister because she was
a woman. Diverse geography and climatic range. Once part of Mughul India.
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Yasir Javaed, ELV / ICT Engineer

Answered January 5 44/55
9/21/21, 4:52 PM (3) What is Pakistan known for in your country? - Quora


Pakistan is known for many good things. if I explain one by one it takes thousands of
pages but the list goes on.

Truck Art

world best Mangoes

An Unpredictable Cricket Team

Beautiful Landscape

Best Footballs

you name it Pakistan has it.

342 viewsView 1 upvoteAnswer requested by Tom Fuzery

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Pakistan and Sri Lanka

RÖ§ÄRÌÖ , Student at China (2020-present)
Answered January 1

Malala, Food, and Islamabad.

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Shan Rana, lives in Mulatn

Answered November 9, 2020

well i live in pakistan… i love pakistan…..i just read some ans and want everyone to
know people's are hard working and some are lazy. some angry about religion and some
love Islam and Islam is Love to all humans. anyways if you wana see the real pakistan
come and see for you self then give an ans…
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Asad Zeeshan, lives in Pakistan

7 45/55
9/21/21, 4:52 PM (3) What is Pakistan known for in your country? - Quora

Answered October 25, 2020

I saw some drunked answering this question and so blind that they cant even see little
light. It is not a propaganda forum but 99% indian, Israeli and 70% US people are here
to continue propaganda against China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, Cuba, N Korea, I think you
should continue as world has stopped listening to you.
705 viewsView 7 upvotesAnswer requested by Tom Fuzery

1 comment from Ripunjoy

Adam Kennedy Palfrey, Paediatric Surgeon, lived in Canada, US + E Africa

Answered July 31, 2020

Benazir Bhutto, cricket, the Northwest Frontier and, increasingly, fundamentalist Islam.
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Apoorv Bansal, works at The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

Answered July 31, 2020

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Sagar Mamun, Market Analyst (2017-present)

Answered July 31, 2020

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Manuel Louro Mourão, former Think Thanker (2005-2020)

Answered July 31, 2020 46/55
9/21/21, 4:52 PM (3) What is Pakistan known for in your country? - Quora

By being a muslum country. The time of Buhto is forgeten.

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Ask Australians Anything

David McCormack Mc, BSc and MBA from University of Strathclyde
Answered December 31, 2020

Ask Tommy Robinson

321 viewsSubmission accepted by Lee Boueri

1 comment from David McCormack Mc

Pakistan and Sri Lanka

Devon Carlton, Bcom from York University
Answered January 14

A few things, the average Sri Lankan knows about Pakistani cricket. We are huge fans of
Wasim Akram, Yusuf, Waqar, Inzy etc. Also sri Lankans also appreciate Pakistan for
their hand in helping us defeat the LTTE terrorists.
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Ask Australians Anything

Mike Doney
Answered January 26

Being India's neighbour? Pakistan and India were both on my travel itinerary before my
world turned upside down after a serious accident left me disabled. Still hope to visit
when travel conditions improve.
223 viewsSubmission accepted by Lee Boueri

1 comment from Sharyn O'Connell

Surendra Jamuar, Group Senior Vice President. at CNM Group (2000-present) 47/55
9/21/21, 4:52 PM (3) What is Pakistan known for in your country? - Quora
Su e d a Ja ua , G oup Se o V ce es de t. at CN G oup ( 000 p ese t)
Answered February 1

Good in cricket,Hockey etc but for the fact that they give shelters to all terrorists like
Osma,Daud,Hafeez Sayeed etc. and export terrorism all over the world.Sadly Pakistan is
known for most of the bad things in this world specially Narco terrorism.
96 viewsAnswer requested by Tom Fuzery

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Tobias Glendenning
Answered February 3

Muslim immigrants, for the UK. They used to be apart of the empire.

Can’t say I think most British people know anything more than that
73 viewsAnswer requested by Tom Fuzery

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Ask Australians Anything

Mick Jeffrey, Mail Sorter at Australia Post (2008-present)
Answered February 14

Cricket, and the satirical names derived by The 12th Man (Billy Birmingham) which
may or may not pass the appropriateness test in modern times.
244 viewsSubmission accepted by Lee Boueri

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Answered February 25
I am afraid, Pakistan has a bit challenging image in Hungary. Contrary to some other
countries, the more someone actually knows about the country the less positive image
he/she would have about Pakistan. However, I must add, the image is not based on direct
experience, only on some shallow information from TV or social media

To start with, the majority (55–60%) knows absolutely nothing about the country. It’s not
a tourist destination, it’s not a sports rival, not a major economic partner, so hardly ever
talked about. Most probably they could guess that it’s a Muslim country in Asia but only
because it is a -stan. But that’s it. 48/55
9/21/21, 4:52 PM (3) What is Pakistan known for in your country? - Quora

The little more knowledgable would associate the country with radical Islam, terrorism,
poverty and migration. Still very basic awareness, stereotypes. (25%)

The ones, who could tell you that it was once part of, but now the arch-rival of India, are
actually probably quite interested in politics and history. So they may add the nuclear
arsenal, the hiding place of Osama Bin Laden, Benazir Bhutto and things like that to the
picture. They have a negative or neutral image in mind (max. 15%).

And there is a maximum of 5% of the population who have any deeper understanding
and more balanced view about Pakistan…

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Michael Charton, lives in The United States of America

Answered March 9

For the United States, they were useful during the Cold War, when in India, Indira
Gandhi didn’t like Americans, and while officially neutral, learned toward the Soviet
Union. Most Americans I know see Pakistan, as a terrorist driven place, that luckily we
do not have to have anything to do with any longer.
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Zeyad Assem, Software Engineer at EasyPark (2019-present)

Answered June 30

Nuclear country 🔥🔥

Very kind and friendly people 🥰🥰

Beautiful nature 🏕️🏞️

India enemy 🪖

Jehadi extremists 🔫

Lot of loans 💰

Big population 👫👬👭

47 views 49/55
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Majeed Baniyan, CEO at Explore the Fact (2020-present)

Answered July 15

Pakistan is a beautiful, multicultural and agricultural land. It's a south Asian country.
There are Muslims in majority. It's 8th atomic power of the world.There are many tourist
attractions in southern and northern parts of this country. Its geographical position is
very important. China, India, Iran and Afghanistan are in its neighborhood.

There we find fascinations and unresist able attractions of natural beauties in top regions
of it.
56 viewsAnswer requested by Tom Fuzery

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Answered September 2

Am from Brazil. Pakistan is known as a terrorist country here. Mostly to do with their
religion. Pakistan is well known for supporting terrorism.

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Answered September 3

Am Russian and Pakistan is known as a terror hub in Russia. Pakistan has been
greylisted by the FATF and even Osama bin Laden was hiding there. Many terrorist
organizations are based in Pakistan and it is the centre of Islamic terrorism.

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Hamza Masood, studied at Chattahoochee Technical College

Answered July 22, 2020 50/55
9/21/21, 4:52 PM (3) What is Pakistan known for in your country? - Quora

In the US not many people know about it very few at the government level do but it’s the
usual good/bad stuff plus US was a long time ally of Pakistan so most of the stuff was
positive from that era

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Charles Frost, former Ex Customs Officer at Te Kawanatanga o Aotearoa |

Government of New Zealand (1977-2000)
Answered August 1, 2020

Migration to other countries

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1 comment from Huzaifa Sims

V Samarasan, former From Aviation sector

Answered September 8, 2020
The basic meaning and purpose of 'religion' consists of two parts: 're' meaning 'again' and
'ligio' meaning 'to come together'. That is to say, 'reuniting with God is religion'

Religion is intended for union of individual consciousness with divine consciousness, it

will manifest divine vision, knowledge and power in the individual. It is personal and
internal process. To rise from animal tendency to Human and to rise divinity is the path
and Goal of Human birth.

However, Religion today has become rendered meaningless and valueless by all kinds of
misinterpretations given by sectarian and perverse exponents. People consider religion as
a bundle of doctrines do's and don't to be followed strictly. This is totally wrong. These
moral upkeepers call them selves as heads of religious sects and servent of God, they
dictate Governments.

During pre-independence movement a section of people from north planed and made a
move to create two states in the name of Religion and language. Urudustan for muslims
and Hindistan for Hindus. It became Pakistan and India. The compition for numbers and
land area dictates their relationship now.

Thanks to Abraham and his family of 12 nomadic desert people. We do not know when
Indian subcontinent will regain its peace and harmony.
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9/21/21, 4:52 PM (3) What is Pakistan known for in your country? - Quora

Nannu Dosani, Voracious reader of International affairs

Answered September 28, 2020

Pakistan is well known for exporting terrorism to rest of the world. It is no surprise that
Osama Bin Laden (biggest terrorist) was found hiding inside Pakistan. Pakistan is in fact
the world’s biggest terrorist factory.

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Ask Australians Anything

Tony Webster, lives in Australia
Answered February 1

Fighting the Russian's in Afghanistan.

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Answered January 8
In India, Pakistan is known as a hub of terrorism, a radical Muslim country which
sponsors and supports terrorism. Pakistan wants full Kashmir for itself. It lost four wars
to India. Each time Pakistan attacked India. Even bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan. In
1971 war, Pakistan lost, 93000 soldiers surrendered and Pakistan got partitioned.

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Ask Australians Anything

Turban Legend, Lived on 3 continents.
Answered February 1

The place where Biden was caught, errr…I mean executed.

161 viewsSubmission accepted by Lee Boueri 52/55
9/21/21, 4:52 PM (3) What is Pakistan known for in your country? - Quora

1 comment from Arjan Basra

Answered August 3, 2020

Every country has a good and bad side. Though Pakistan is a good country to visit it is
known for all the wrong reasons. Pakistan is known for supporting terrorism. Terrorist
groups operate from Pakistan who fight for Kashmir. It has many issues with India.
Almost half the population lives in poverty and they don`t have good infrastructure. The
media shows Pakistan as a terrorist hub. Even Bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan. Now
they have made friends with China, who can never be trusted. Hope Pakistan improves
its image in the world.

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Chooran Khan
Answered September 5, 2020

Besides India, Pakistan is known for a friendly and peace-loving Country. It is ONLY the
Indian propaganda that views Pakistan negatively because of Indian sponsored terrorism
in Pakistan. However, that narrative has changed.
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Ask Australians Anything

Damien McCusker, B.Nurs Nursing Experiences, University of Wollongong
Answered March 19

My daughter works for a large well known clothing chain in Australia, its name has
something to do with larger Creeks, water and is a plural. Over time I began to be
concerned that she was supporting some slave labour production in China but then I
found out that the clothes are all made in Pakistan. Large Factories that supply child care
for their workers and that the employment was actually better paid to the majority female

WTG Pakistan.
287 viewsSubmission accepted by Lee Boueri

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9/21/21, 4:52 PM (3) What is Pakistan known for in your country? - Quora

Answered August 3, 2020

UK here, I’ve only heard one thing about Pakistan, this is where all the terrorists were
born; and recently it got worse when your prime minister/ president went on and call the
bastered bin Ladin a Maytr that was appalling and with the comment most people’s
views of Pakistan have gone down dramatically, it’s fine I always preferred their
neighbour anayway.
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Andy Zeng, studied at University of Auckland

Answered July 30, 2020

Pakistan is China’s best friend, they are our iron brothers. Unfortunately, we have to live
with India as our neighbours. India is very greedy, always encroaching other countries’
land. They have eaten Sikkim, they have interfered with Bhutan and Nepal’s internal
affairs. They have occupied South Tibet and gradually eaten away China’s land near the
border, a little bit at a time, and of course they have a big fight with Pakistan over
Kashmir. In my opinion, Russia, India and the United States are the three biggest land-
grabbers in the world.

I don’t have a problem with their people, the Indian people have produced one of the
most beautiful and diverse cultures in the world, but the Indian government is very bad.
Maybe they are under pressure to feed such a big population, but that doesn’t justify
their action to rob other countries’ land and resources. They should try to grow their
economy by strengthen business ties with their neighbouring countries, not making
troubles which led to every neighbouring country disliking them.
2.2K viewsView 25 upvotesAnswer requested by Tom Fuzery

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65 answers collapsed (Why?)

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