Vigus DND 5e (WIP)

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“The oldest race known to Yvendor, the Vigus, have been long dead before the arrival of

other humanoids. Being innate technological geniuses, the Vigus built their empire from
the ground up with their arcane technology, utilizing every single resource at their
disposal. However their natural gifts had brought forth their downfall, leading to their
complete extinction… Or did it?” - Chuck Fuckem, Gifted Archaeologist.

Vigi are humanoid beings bearing the head, arms and torso of a humanoid and joined at the
waist to the body and legs of a large reptile and sport various colourful gills and bony
protrusions along their bodies, being most prominent around their heads, collarbones and tails,
making them appear very alien. They are commonly recognised as being extremely intelligent
and inventive, said to possess an exclusive magic dubbed ‘technomancy’, and that they take
great pride in their inventions. Capable of using their innate magic to turn even the most
mundane objects and scraps into brilliant tools and machines, they commonly seek out those in

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Alignment. Vigi often organise themselves into large colonies in places rich with material, and
often stray to the lawful neutral alignment.
Age. Vigi are born after their male parent is consumed by their birthmothers in order to
reproduce, reaching maturity around 30. Males of the race often die sooner than females,
expiring around 100 years of age while females are said to live past 500 years.
Size. Vigi are generally much taller than average humans, males reaching 6 feet tall while
females can grow up to 7-8 feet. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet.

Subrace. Rain, Song, Dancer

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
Rain Soul. You adapt a mastery over water, allowing you to hold your breath for 10 minutes
while submerged.
Excellent Identifier. You gain proficiency in 2 Wisdom skills of your choice.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2.
Song Heart. Your
Memorable Traveller. You gain proficiency in 2 Charisma skills of your choice.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Dancing Spirit. After making an attack, you can choose to take the disengage action as a
bonus action.
Fleet Footed. You gain proficiency in 2 Dexterity skills of your choice.
Racial Feats. (Huge WIP)

Arcano-Mechanic Prerequisites: Spellcasting Class, level 5, Vigus.

You gain an unbreakable bond with what is artificial, allowing you to release mysterious energy.
As an action, you can cast a ray of red electricity that is 5 feet wide and 60 feet long. Creatures
caught in it’s range must succeed on a Constitution saving throw equal to your spell save DC or
take 5d6 force damage on a failed save and take half as much on a successful one. You can
adjust the route of the ray like a chain of lightning to reach around corners and over obstacles.
allowing you to change its direction every 5 feet.
You cannot use this feature again until you have completed a short or long rest.

Beyond Skies
Your gills emit air, generating your own turbulence. You gain a flying speed of 30ft and
creatures within 5ft of you can breathe underwater and at high altitudes.

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