Armored Barbarian

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Accursed Knight

Accursed knight's combine the tactics of both tribal warrior's and civilised knight's to create a
deadly combination of skills to aid them in combat, unburdened by the rules of civilised society
and trained in the use of their tools of war Accursed knights make an imposing sight on and off
the battlefield.

Armored Rage
Your tribe shunned you due to your choice of equipment as they believe only the weak wear
heavy armor but it was they who were wrong. You used your head and changed with the times,
they weren't as lucky and died in the past.

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in heavy armor, and you may gain the benefits of Rage while
wearing heavy armor but no longer gain those benefits in light armor. Additionally, While raging,
once per turn you may deal an additional 1d8 damage with a melee attack from a Heavy melee
weapon. Additionally you gain the savage attacker feat.

Paragon of War
At 6th level, your mastery of armor allows you to casually stroll into battle, unburdened with silly
worries like "dodging" and "walking to a better position".

If you move 10 feet or less during your turn, attack rolls against you have disadvantage until the
start of your next turn. Additionally when you take damage from a creature that is within 5 feet of
you, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature.

Abandon Reason
You become reckless when enraged as your strength lifts the limits of your body making a
mockery of even the strongest warriors.

Starting at 10th level when you rage, you can now wield Two-Handed weapons such as
Greatswords in one hand, and you can dual wield them. Additionally you now crit on a 19-20
and 18-20 at 14th level regardless of raging or not.

Of Malice and Madness

Your hatred and willpower have surpassed any limits thought possible as it corrupts even your
very blade and even forces you to live on even in the face of death.

Starting at 14th level when you rage, you may declare Malice dealing an additional 10d10
necrotic damage to your attack once per long rest. At the start of each of your turns while
raging, you regain hit points equal to your 1d4 per level+Con+Str+Proficiency modifier if you
have received damage. When a creature attempts to charm or use spells such as charm
person, friends, suggestion, enthrall, dominate person, crown of madness, etc. The spell
automatically fails and the caster takes psychic damage equal to your base HP÷2.

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