Assure Model

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Select Methods, Media & Materials

Introduction (verbal)

Since we already know our audience and have a clear idea of what they get out of the lesson then
this is the time to select the appropriate, method for a given learning task, select available
materials, modify existing materials or design new materials to help accomplish the task.

At this step the instructor should connect the audience to the objectives and to connect the two,
the teacher must determine what method to use.

A systematic plan for using media demands that media be selected systematically at first.

Selection Process

The selection process has two stages

1. Deciding on the appropriate method for the given learning task.

First it would be overly simplistic to believe that there is one method that is superior to
all others or that serves all learning needs equally well. Teachers often structures
assignments to allow the students with different preferred learning styles to pursue their
individual practice through different methods.

2. Choosing an appropriate media format and selecting, modifying, or designing the specific
materials within the format.

A media format is the physical form in which a message is incorporated and displayed.
There are different formats of media such as flip charts, slides, audio, film and other
computer multimedia.

Things to consider in media selection models:

a. Instructional Situation or Setting

-Is it large group, small group or self-instruction?

b. Learner Variables and the Nature of Objectives

* Is it reader, non reader or auditory preference

* Is it cognitive, affective, motor skill or intrapersonal

c. Capability of each format to give feedback to the learner

If you cannot locate any suitable materials, you can always modify what is available this can be
both challenging and creative.

Utilize Methods, Media & Materials

 This is where you develop your plan for implementing your media and materials, for each
type of major materials the teacher selects and describe in how they are going to
implement the media in to your lesson to help your learners meet the lesson objectives.
 The media, materials and technology selected should be focused on carrying out the
selected method.
 If you decide to use electronic equipment make sure to use it before, practice using it if
you have to. Make sure that equipment is functioning properly and to practice the lesson
itself before introducing it to learners.
 Prepare the room, equipment and facilities because both the learner a teachers should be
ready for the learning experience.

Utilization Procedures

1. Preview the materials

- no instructional material should be used blind that is why during the selection process you
should have determined that the materials are appropriate for your audience and objectives.

2. Practice the presentation

- you should practice a portion of your presentation, just make sure not to over practice or your
presentation will sound canned.

3. Prepare the Environment

- the facilities should always be put in order, utilization of many media requires darkened room,
a convenient power supply and access to light switches.

4. Present the Material

- this is your most awaited moment, or what we called showmanship, instructor should be able to
direct attention in the classroom.

 This step requires you to describe how you get each learner actively and individually
involved in the lesson. Students learn best when they are actively involved in the learning
 Whatever your teaching strategy, be sure to incorporate interaction like question and
answer, discussions, group work and hands on activities.
 Pay attention to your students and make sure that they are grasping something from the
lesson and not just merely listening.
 Feedback must be provided to the learner before the evaluation is conducted.
 Educators realized that participation in learning process by the learner enhances learning
 John Dewey urged reorganization of the curriculum to make student participation a
central part of the process.


 This is the last step of ASSURE method, and the evaluation should be matched with the
objectives. You must evaluate the instruction process from start to finish, using the
objectives you used in the beginning.
 This is the most important part, this is where we can determine if the lesson is effective
and whether any steps is needs to modify or re-examine.
 The ASSURE model supports the field of educational technology. While the ASSURE
model is used to systematically design instruction, it steps away from the traditional
means of instructions.

Multiple Choice

1. When you already know your audience and have a clear idea of the objectives your students
should achieve. What would be the next step in ASSURE model?

a. Utilize Methods, Media & Materials

b. Evaluate Student Performance

c. Select Methods, Media & Materials

2. This is the step in ASSURE model where you start developing a plan to implement your media
and materials.

a. Utilize Methods, Media & Materials

b. Evaluate Student Performance

c. Select Methods, Media & Materials

3. What step in the ASSURE model that states "Students learn best when they are actively
involved in the lesson "?

a. Require Learner Participation

b. Evaluate Student Performance

c. Select Methods, Media & Materials

4. Who urged reorganization of the curriculum to make student participation a central part of the

a. John Dowey

b. B.F Skinner

c. John Dewey
5. This is the most important stage of ASSURE model.

a. Utilize Methods, Media & Materials

b. Evaluate Student Performance

c. Select Methods, Media & Materials

6. What should come first, the feedback or the evaluation?

a. Feedback

b. Evaluation


7-10) What at the four utilization procedures that you must follow to get maximum learning
impact from your presentation?

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