IFC Ed Board - 2018 - Epidemics

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Neil Ferguson Hans Heesterbeek

London, UK Utrecht, Netherlands


Rustom Antia Bette Korber

Atlanta, USA New Mexico, USA
Pierre-Yves Boelle James Lloyd-Smith
Paris, France California, USA
Sebastian Bonhoeffer Louise Matthews
Zürich, Switzerland
Glasgow, UK
Don Burke
Pennsylvania, USA Graham Medley
Rob de Boer London, UK
Utrecht, Netherlands Lauren Meyers
John Edmunds Texas, USA
London, UK Gerardo Chowell-Puente
Wayne Getz Georgia, USA
California, USA Lone Simonsen
Bryan Grenfell Washington DC, USA
New Jersey, USA Derek Smith
Simon Gubbins Cambridge, UK
Surrey, UK
Tanja Stadler
Elizabeth Halloran Basel, Switzerland
Washington, USA
Claudio Struchiner
Dan Haydon
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Glasgow, UK
Matt Keeling Cecile Viboud
Coventry, UK Bethesda, USA
Katia Koelle Mark Woolhouse
North Carolina, USA Edinburgh, UK

Aims and Scope

The journal will publish papers on infectious disease dynamics in the broadest sense. Its scope covers both within
host dynamics of infectious agents and dynamics at the population level, particularly the interaction between
the two. Areas of emphasis include: spread, transmission, persistence, implications and population dynamics of
infectious diseases; population and public health as well as policy aspects of control and prevention; dynamics at
the individual level;interaction with the environment, ecology and evolution of infectious diseases, as well as the
population genetics and molecular evolution of infectious agents.
The journal will only publish papers that use high quality novel or published data in their analysis. Successful
manuscripts are typically multidisciplinary and integrative. Papers of a more theoretical or methodological nature
which do not contain significant data-analysis, will be considered if they represent a major conceptual advance of
practical or scientific interest. Purely mathematical papers without such broader relevance will not be appropriate
for the journal.
Aside from original research and reviews the journal will also publish short essays (between 300 and 800 words)
as well as editorials.

A full and complete Guide for Authors can be found at: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/epidemics


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