The Ehling Report: Letter From Editor

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The Ehling Report Public Relations Student Society of America

Lunch the
date with
PRSSA visits
Inside: Letter
“First Editor
Lady” of PR
Welch Allyn
Professional Highlight
By: Elizabeth
By: Brianna Quaglia
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The Capital Connection: People,
Often called the mother or With a career in agency and
How members
Press, enjoy a tour
and Politics, ofyour
Welch Allyn’s
Washington, D.C. I&.)01KL-.)+#$$#.%.#/.&(+#.)4%M0.%'0.#%06%H-.0$2*%60$$0D%NHIO9PQRR%01%CD(++#.4
“First Lady” of public relations, corporate PR, she was a former
newly renovated facilities: pictured with Kathy
summer connections Betsy % Plank, APR, Fellow executive
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Girth, of the Customer Experience Center, and S%'(?%06%#-@#.%BTOOS% T#$-+(01)% U#,-.+'#1+% ^<-(.%
PRSA, remained active in the Daniel J. Edelman
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Jamie Arnold, Manager of Public Relations and)&'% '#':#.)%:#@-1%+0%7$$%+<#%/<-(.)% U.4% I.#12-% _.(@$#J*% D-.'$J%
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PRSSA Holiday Party!
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her 0.@-1(Y#2%
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PR Michael Cherenson, APR and
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Z(/#% B.#)(2#1+% 06% B.0@.-'(1@% past chair of PRSA, said, “Betsey
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Plank was the .#/.&(+#.)%
first female6.0'% public relations practitioners
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Bartlett Room
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head a division of Illinois with her thoughtful counsel
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Bell (now Ameritech), the on the most important issues
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#+% &+% 6-//-+(1(% /&'*% )(+-)% '(*% 3&#%
first woman president of the facing the profession. She was
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Publicity Club of Chicago in a tireless, dedicated advocate
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1963, and became the first for %the profession. Z-1% 2#.% We wouldn’t
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female president of the Public be),#1+% here today-% <-$6%
without her
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PRSSA Initiative
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Relations Society of America in pioneering leadership and steady
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Makes Front Page 1973. According to the Chicago presence,” in an article for PR
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Connect with Us!
OJ.-/&)#%;1("#.)(+JG)%BTOOS%/<-,+#.%<-)%,-.+1#.#2% Network, an organization Plank Tactics, a PRSA publication.
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co-founded to connect Chicago’s
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women leaders, she was also Plank is notably the only
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Syracuse PRSSA
OJ.-/&)#%()%01#%06%7"#%/0$$#@#)%1-+(01D(2#%,-.+(/(,-+(1@% the first woman that readers of person to have been the president
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Inside: s Networking within PRSSA
(1%+<#%,.0@.-'*%D<(/<%.#/J/$#)%2#1('%+0%,.0"(2#% Public
% Relations News voted
C<#% ,&:$(/% as of<-)%#1a0J#2%<#.%+('#%-+%+<#%7.'%
.#$-+(01)% Publicity Club of Chicago,
Professional of
&12#.@.-2&-+#%the Year
-12% in 1979.
@.-2&-+#% Welfare
-12% Public
-22#2% Relations
+<-+% Forum,()%
<#.% ),#/(-$+J%
s 7 Rules for Networking Success
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the Public Relations Forum.
s Mastering the Elevator Speech
as well. “It was an act of faith and – in devoted much of her time to speaking
Plank also received a Gold Anvil in my case – the beginning of a lifetime to and advising students and young
1977, the Paul M. Lund Public Service love affair with students,” Plank told professionals. Those who knew her
Award in 1989 and the first Patrick PR Tactics. said she called them her children. Plank
Jackson Award for Distinguished indeed acted as a mother to public
Service to PRSA in 2001. She was “Betsey was the ultimate ‘Champion’ relations students as well as matriarch
the first person to be awarded all three for public relations education and to the field.
of these top honors. Public Relations students. She gave a lifetime to
News honored her in 1984 as one of advancing students, especially members Born in April 1924, Plank graduated
the World’s Forty Outstanding Public of PRSSA,” Jeneen Garcia, Director with a bachelor’s degree from the
Relations Leaders. In addition, Plank of Education for PRSA told Tactics, University of Alabama in 1944. After
received the Arthur W. Page Society “Her service to the student society was graduating, she worked in radio before
Distinguished Lifetime Achievement unsurpassed, from her professional and entering the PR profession in 1947.
Award. financial contributions, to arranging Her alma mater inducted her into its
for legendary professionals to speak Communication Hall of Fame and
Heavily involved with PRSA, Plank was with students, to serving as historian it’s Center for Leadership in Public
a founding member of the PRSA College and mentor to all – including me. She Relations bears her name.
of Fellows. The organization honors has left a legacy of ethical practice and
more than 400 senior professionals interest in public relations education Plank passed away on May 23, 2010
and educators whom have contributed for all in this profession to uphold.” in Chicago after a brief illness. She
significantly to the field of PR. participated actively in PRSA, The
In 1987, Plank co-chaired a national Arthur W. Page Society, and many
While Plank certainly found success commission to create guidelines other organizations until her death.
in her own career, she was determined for public relations curriculum in
to help students and other professionals undergraduate studies and would Her legacy will live on not only
in the field as well. later start a system for reviews and through PRSSA scholarships offered
certification of university programs. in her name and the Plank Center for
Plank aided in the creation of the She appeared to speak before a number Leadership in Public Relations at
Public Relations Student Society of of student organizations and PR classes. her alma mater, but through future
America (PRSSA) at the Philadelphia generations who become a part of
PRSA Assembly in 1967. She acted as According to a profile of Betsy by the PRSSA, which she helped establish. •
a national advisor to the organization, Chicago Tribune after her death, she

An afternoon with Welch Allyn By: Elizabeth Holton

The picturesque hills of Skaneateles, N.Y.,
are home to the corporate headquarters of Allyn gave the PRSSA members a hearty
Welch Allyn, Inc., producer of more than 90% greeting at the entrance to the company’s
of medical diagnostic supplies for the United newly renovated wing, unveiled only the
States. previous day.

On Friday, Nov. 5, PRSSA members had the Since Welch Allyn’s establishment over
opportunity to tour the Welch Allyn facilities, 90 years ago by Dr. Francis A. Welch and
located about 25 minutes south of Syracuse William Noah Allyn, the company has
University. remained in the Allyn family. Three family
members, including Eric Allyn, are currently
Pictured: Eric Allyn, one of Fourth-generation Allyn family member and on the board of directors.
the three fourth-generation Allyn tour guide Eric Allyn “was really entertaining
members on the company’s board and informing,” said public relations graduate Today, Welch Allyn’s curved glass and
of directors. student Colin Thorn. cement building, built into the side of a hill
and surrounded by walking trails, might on long-lasting, well-made products. Susan Deluca works in assembly; she
look more at home in Silicon Valley One marketing tactic Welch Allyn explained how the company rewards
than in central New York. Welch Allyn uses is the highly discounted sale of its for workers who go above and beyond.
is home to manufacturing, assembly, basic products to medical students, in Employees who are noticed for doing
shipping, development, research, the hopes that the future doctors will something kind or extraordinary receive
customer service and communications return to purchase equipment for their a balloon and a discount towards the
teams, among other divisions. practices. company cafeteria, said Deluca. “It’s
just a little thank you.”
Allyn, accompanied by Public Other tour highlights included a small
Relations and Communications but well-equipped gym, which any Welch Allyn also has a solid history
Manager Jamie Arnold, gave PRSSA employee may use for just $3 a week, of sustainability in the workplace. “My
students unique insight into the inner and the Customer Experience Center, granddad was a borderline militant
workings of the corporation. Arnold managed by Kathleen Garofalo. environmentalist,” said Allyn. “He
said he was pleased that the PRSSA believed that the water that leaves
students showed such an interest in Garofalo led PRSSA members Welch Allyn should leave here cleaner
Welch Allyn, not limited to its public around the museum-like center, which than it came in.”
relations functions. featured an interactive touch screen
with history on the company and facts Allyn said the facility is LEED
A unique internal communication from worldwide Welch Allyn locations. certified, which according to gbci.
challenge for Welch Allyn’s MarComm Displays of working Welch Allyn org, “is the internationally recognized
department is the lack of computer medical products provide customers, distinction that a building… is
use, especially for employees working businesses and hospitals with an up- environmentally responsible, profitable
in assembly or manufacturing, said close look at the models. and a healthy place to live and work.”
“I think we have a world class Other environmentally friendly
The use of electronic notification brand,” said Allyn, standing next to a initiatives include sun-sensitive office
boards, posters, printed newsletters and long display case of medical products lighting technology and several waste
the Welch Allyn intranet, accessible dating back to 1915. recycling programs.
through several computer stations, has
proven effective in informing everyone, One long-standing component of “Our experience at Welch Allyn
said Arnold. the Welch Allyn brand is treating was incredibly valuable,” said Ehling
employees extremely well. Allyn’s Chapter President Megan Alexander.
Another large challenge for Welch grandfather, William G. Allyn, had a “We were able to see corporate
Allyn is Chinese medical supply favored saying: “be always kind and communications in action while
competitors. “Everything that we make, true,” a mission that lives on in the meeting an executive with years of
China makes,” said Allyn. However, company today. “We want to spoil industry experience.” •
the company refuses to compromise its these guys, we want to keep them
raw material quality, focusing instead happy,” echoed Eric Allyn.

Introducing our Blog:

The Network: PR 3.0
A moment-relevant collection of Public Relations
information, commentary and trends from Syracuse
University PRSSA students. To contribute contact: Emmelie De La Cruz

PRSSA Ehling chapter news

SU collects over 1,200 jeans

for denim drive
By: Laura Foti

Syracuse University’s PRSSA chapter has

collected 1,229 pieces of denim for the Cotton. From
Blue to Green. Denim drive. Student-Run PR Firm Assists in
“The amount of support and generosity Crisis Communications
we’ve received from the University and surrounding By: Katie Di Vita
community has been fantastic,” team leader Laura Over the past months the Syracuse PRSSA student-run PR
Foti, a sophomore PR major, said. “It’s important for firm has worked closely with Director of Communications
our generation to learn about sustainability and the Betsy Bedigian to meet the public relations needs of North
denim drive has done a wonderful job relaying this Medical, P.C. Several company incidents indicated that
there was a need for a crisis communications plan for the
SU competed with five schools across the
organization, which prompted Betsy to employ the services
nation in Cotton’s “Cotton. From Blue to Green”
of Hill Communications. The North Medical account team,
campaign and doubled its original goal of collecting
500 jeans during the month of October. The call- led by Katie DiVita, began by preparing bios, press releases
to-action denim drive recycles donated denim into and other items on an as-needed basis. The team’s first
UltraTouch™ Natural Cotton Fiber used to insulate major task was to help organize the reopening of the new
houses in communities in need. SU’s contribution and improved Urgent Care Center, a building affected by an
will be enough to insulate two entire houses. electrical fire in July. They prepared a press release, media
The State University of New York College alert and fact sheet for event, which was scheduled for
of Environmental Science and Forestry’s Green October 19. They also used Cision to update and improve
Campus Initiative also partnered with the denim her existing media list with more current information. They
drive. The SU team also received support from also utilized the media list to call reporters, anchors and
members in the community such as the Carrier producers in Central New York to remind them of the event.
Corporation, South Louis High School, and Queens Many attended and the client was pleased with the media
College. The SU denim drive was also featured on
the Channel 9 news. •
Now that the Urgent Care Center has officially opened for
business, the team is focusing on the crisis communications
campaign. Utilizing their faculty adviser, Michael Meath,
as well as their own research, they developed a framework
for a crisis communications plan. This framework was
presented to the client on November 9. The client approved
the framework and helped the team develop the specifics
of each section of the plan. Now, their task is to complete
the plan by the end of the semester. The client expects to
implement the plan into the framework of the company
once it is completed. In addition to the crisis planning, they
also continue to monitor media coverage of North Medical,
P.C. and provide Betsy with bi-weekly news forwards. •
Boutique PR firms:
the next “small” thing By: Elizabeth Holton

Corporate public relations agencies far overshadow before the economy soured.
boutique firms in earnings. Yet even in today’s cloudy Survey respondents chose “flexibility, ability to meet
economic climate, small agencies are flourishing. deadlines, level of service, quality of strategic counsel and
New York-based Edelman, the top independent firm of return on investment” as the top five benefits of a small
2009, employed over 3000 workers and netted more than agency.
$440 million, according to an O’Dwyer’s report. Boutique Large agencies may staff a wide range of specialists, but
PR firms may not be top industry earners, but according to they may also experience a high employee turnover rate.
a recent survey, some companies prefer the mom-and-pop Short tenures could mean a less thorough understanding
alternative to corporate agency giants. of client products.
Boutique PR firms typically offer specialized services Practitioners at a large agency may be from lower
to clients in particular focus, such as technology or travel, levels of management; Burson-Marsteller’s entry-level
boasting direct involvement from senior practitioners at a employees are known as “client executives.”
lower price. That doesn’t mean that clients won’t receive quality
But it’s not just current economic concerns that are results from a large, structured firm and that all boutique
driving clients toward small firms. Bill Cowen, president PR agencies are better. In the end, all that matters is that
of PR Boutiques International and CEO of Metrospective the client chooses the best model for their unique PR
Communications, said a recent PRBI survey “found that challenge •
clients made conscious decisions” in hiring boutique firms

November Report Staff

Emmelie De La Cruz

Contributing Writers
Laura Foti
Elizabeth Holtan
Brianna Quglia
Katie Di Vita

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