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5/8/2020 Windows 10 PowerToys: A cheat sheet - TechRepublic

Windows 10 PowerToys: A cheat sheet

by Mark Kaelin in Software on July 31, 2020, 4:24 PM PST

Users are always searching for ways to make their computing lives better--the Windows 10
PowerToys are made specifically for this purpose.

Cheat Sheet: Windows 10 PowerToys

WAT C H N O W ( )

No matter how many features Microsoft crams into its Windows 10 operating system, there will
always be users looking for a faster, better, or at the very least, different way of doing things.
The iteration of an operating system (no matter how well it works) is just part of human nature
and it cannot be suppressed, so, why not embrace it?

More about Windows

Microsoft Teams: A cheat sheet (free PDF) (


20 pro tips to make Windows 10 work the way you want (free PDF) (
library/whitepapers/20-pro-tips-to-make-windows-10-work-the-way-you-want/)… 1/18
5/8/2020 Windows 10 PowerToys: A cheat sheet - TechRepublic

Windows 10 run commands you should know (but probably forgot)


Windows 10 PowerToys: A cheat sheet (

Microsoft's acknowledgement of this force of human nature is the Windows 10 PowerToys

download. A set of slightly unusual free Windows tools has
been a part of the Windows operating system landscape since Windows 95, but their
availability has been noticeably absent for Windows 10 (
10-the-smart-persons-guide/)—at least until September 2019.

In 2019, Microsoft, in partnership with development company Janea Systems, released the
first two PowerToys for Windows 10 (
your-desktop-and-remind-you-of-shortcuts/), accompanied by a promise of more releases in the near
future. This TechRepublic cheat sheet describes each available tool or feature provided by
Microsoft's official Windows 10 PowerToys. Note: This article is also available as a download--
Cheat sheet: Windows 10 PowerToys (free PDF) (

SEE: 20 pro tips to make Windows 10 work the way you want (free PDF)
want/) (TechRepublic)

When was Windows PowerToys first available?

The first set of Windows PowerToys were made available for Windows 95. That first set of 15
free utilities were published and endorsed by Microsoft and made available in a free

From the beginning, PowerToys were designed to be used by "power users" seeking ways to
tweak the way the operating system functions. In some cases, a careless change made using
a PowerToys utility by an inexperienced user could cause havoc with the Windows operating
system, so novice users were encouraged to use caution.

For the most part, though, PowerToys would allow users, whether they considered themselves
"power" or not, to more easily make tweaks to the look and feel of Windows without a deep… 2/18
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dive into configuration screens or the dreaded and dangerous edit of the Windows Registry
file. Windows 95 PowerToys included:

TweakUI was used for tweaking obscure Windows settings.

CD Autoplay allowed all CDs to autoplay, not just audio CDs.
Command Prompt Here opened a command prompt in the current directory.
Explore from Here opened File Explorer in the current directory.
FlexiCD allowed a user to control an audio CD from the Taskbar.
Xmouse 1.2 allowed a user to change window focus by moving the mouse cursor, no click

Through the years and the various Windows versions, individual PowerToys have come and
gone. Each new Windows version inspired a new set of tools based on what developers
perceived was needed to improve and enhance that version. Windows 10 has inspired a
completely new set of PowerToys.

Additional resources

In nostalgic move, Microsoft brings back PowerToys for Windows 10

( (ZDNet)
Microsoft resurrects PowerToys for Windows 10 (
powertoys-for-windows-10/) (CNET)
How to fix slow boot times in Windows 10 when other tips have failed
Join the ranks of the power users with Windows XP PowerToys
powertoys/) (TechRepublic)
Choosing your Windows 7 exit strategy: Four options (
library/whitepapers/choosing-your-windows-7-exit-strategy-four-options/) (TechRepublic Premium)

How can I get Windows 10 PowerToys?

Traditionally, each power toy has been offered as a separate executable file, available as a
free download from a specific Microsoft website. For Windows 10, Microsoft is taking a slightly
different approach: All Windows 10 PowerToys are now included as part of a free… 3/18
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downloadable system that users can configure. Figure A shows you what the Windows 10
PowerToys system looks like.

Figure A


Windows 10 PowerToys Version 0.20.0 is available

( on GitHub right now. Release v0.20.0 adds
a Color Picker to the list of PowerToys utilities. This app allows users to pick a color from their
screen and save it to the Windows 10 clipboard.

These PowerToys are currently available:

FancyZones… 4/18
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Windows key Shortcut Guide (

Preview Pane addons for File Explorer
Image resizer
Window walker
PowerToys Run
Keyboard Manager
Color Picker

SEE: All of TechRepublic's cheat sheets and smart person's guides


What can Windows 10 PowerToys do?

Here is a list of available Windows 10 PowerToys with a brief description of what each toy


FancyZones ( allows

users to manage where and how each separate application window open on a Windows 10
desktop will display.

For example, you could use FancyZones to set up a Windows 10 desktop where Outlook
always displays on the right-hand side of the desktop, Twitter or other social media always
displays on the left-hand side of the desktop, and Word or Excel always displays in the middle
between the other two. There would be three distinct and perpetual zones displayed at all
times. Figure B shows how you select that configuration.

Figure B… 5/18
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Figure B

Windows key Shortcut Guide

The Windows key Shortcut Guide

will display all of
the available keyboard shortcuts for the current Windows 10 desktop (Figure C). This
PowerToy is activated by holding the Windows key down for the length of time specified in the
tool's configuration settings. The default is 900ms. Now users won't have to remember all
those Windows key-related shortcut combinations.

Figure C… 6/18
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Figure C


The PowerRename Windows 10 PowerToy

( provides
users with
advanced tools for bulk renaming of file names. The toy extends the Windows Shell Context
Menu to add an entry for PowerRename to File Explorer (Figure D). With PowerRename
enabled, simple search and replace or more powerful regular expression matching to the bulk
renaming process are added to your toolset. A preview area is displayed as you perform
search and replace procedures so users can see how file names will change before initiating
the action.

Figure D… 7/18
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Preview Pane addons for File Explorer

This Windows 10 PowerToy expands on the Preview Pane feature already available in the
standard File Explorer application by adding additional file types. Preview Pane allows users
to preview the contents of a file after clicking it in File Explorer without actually opening the
file, as shown in Figure E. Version 0.16.0 adds preview support for Scalable Vector Graphics
(.svg) and Markdown (.md) files. Additional file types are in development.

Figure E… 8/18
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Image Resizer

The Image Resizer Windows 10 PowerToy adds additional functionality to File Explorer by
allowing users to apply bulk image resizing. Users select images in File Explorer and then
select the new Resize pictures item on the context menu (Figure F), revealed with a right-click
on any image.

Figure F… 9/18
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Windows Walker

The Windows Walker Windows 10 PowerToy is designed to be an alternative to the standard

Alt-Tab feature of Windows 10. Users press the CTRL-Windows key combination instead of Alt-
Tab to pull up a search box (Figure G). A user enters keywords into the search box to narrow
down the currently open apps and screens on their desktop.

Figure G… 10/18
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PowerToys Run

PowerToys Run ( acts as a quick

launcher in Windows 10. It is another extension of the ALT-Tab concept and taps into the
Windows 10 file indexing system. To activate the tool, use the keyboard combination ALT-
Space and start typing the name of your desired application, as shown in Figure H. PowerToys
Run will search the system and start listing possible applications based on your search phrase.
When the application you desire appears, click or tap to run.

Figure H… 11/18
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Keyboard Manager

The Keyboard Manager (

application in Windows 10 PowerToys is a simple keyboard re-mapper. Run the application
from the PowerToys menu (Figure I) and either remap a single key on your keyboard or remap
a shortcut keyboard combination. Whatever you remap will remain active as long as Keyboard
Manager is enabled and PowerToys is running in the background.

Figure I

d67ca9eb5354/resize/770x/04237ea718fba6bcb90e931185ddbb20/i-keyboard-manager-v18.jpg)… 12/18
5/8/2020 Windows 10 PowerToys: A cheat sheet - TechRepublic

Color Picker

Color Picker ( was contributed to the

Windows 10 PowerToys project by Martin Chrzan. The utility allows you to identify any color on
your screen by either its HEX or RGB code and then save that information to the Windows 10
clipboard for later use (Figure J). It is a simple tool, but it can save time and prevent frustration
for developers and content creators working on color design.

Figure J


New Windows 10 PowerToys will be added to the list of available tools periodically.

Additional resources… 13/18
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How to use Windows 10 PowerToys Run to open applications, folders, and files
files/) (TechRepublic)
How to use the Preview Pane add-on for File Explorer in Windows 10 PowerToys
powertoys/) (TechRepublic)
How to find open apps with the Window Walker tool in Windows 10 PowerToys
Windows 10 Microsoft PowerToys reboot brings you these four new apps
Windows 10 PowerToys: How to use and configure FancyZones
How to batch rename files in Windows 10 with the PowerToys PowerRename tool
How to manage your notifications in Windows 10 (
How to turn features on and off in Microsoft Windows 10 from System Settings
settings/) (TechRepublic)
Microsoft Office 365 for business: Everything you need to know
( (ZDNet)

Why are Windows 10 PowerToys important?

Windows 10 PowerToys provide tools and features that can make users of the Windows
operating system more productive and, by extension, happier. Over the years, many users
have come to depend on one or more of these PowerToys for their daily computer
productivity. For many power users, PowerToys improve their quality of life.

Beyond making users more productive, PowerToys have also provided a glimpse of what
features and tools could become an integral part of the Windows operating system in the
future. Many of these once separate tools have become just another part of the operating
system during its next iteration.… 14/18
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Additional resources

Windows 10 security: A guide for business leaders (

library/whitepapers/windows-10-security-a-guide-for-business-leaders/) (TechRepublic Premium)
How to activate and use the built-in Windows 10 back-up feature
How to increase shutdown speeds in Windows 10 (
increase-shutdown-speeds-in-windows-10/) (TechRepublic)
How to optimize Windows 10 power settings for higher performance
Windows 10 how to: A free tech support and troubleshooting guide
Get more must-read Microsoft tips and news (
7b241c04y) (TechRepublic on Flipboard)

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Editor's note: This article was updated to reflect Windows 10 PowerToys version 0.19.0.

5/8/2020 Windows 10 PowerToys: A cheat sheet - TechRepublic

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By Mark Kaelin
Mark W. Kaelin has been writing and editing stories about the IT industry, gadgets, finance,
accounting, and tech-life for more than 25 years. Most recently, he has been a regular
contributor to,, and TechRepublic.… 16/18
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