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Rules of Thumb :

Speed, Height, Distance conversion

Level flight deceleration allow 10kts/nm & 1kt/sec (deceleration is faster at lower weights)

Descending deceleration allow 5kts/nm & 0.5kt/sec

Idle descent allow 3nm/1000'

Approach Profile Planning

Aim for 250kts, 10,000ft by 30nm out

Aim for 210kts, On ILS at 12nm

Cruise N1

N1 = (2 x Alt/1000) + 10 eg at FL350 = 70+10 = 80% N1


FF = (IAS*10)/2 -200 eg 250kts = 2500/2 -200 = 1050 kg/hr/engine

N1's & Pitch Attitudes

Phase of flight %N1 Attitude (deg

nose up)

Level Flight:

250kts 65 4

210kts 60 6

Flap 1, 190kts 60 6

Flap 5, 180kts 62 7
Gear down, flap 15, 150kts 70 8

Gear down, & on glideslope:

Flap 15, 150kts 52 4.5

Flap 25, 140kts 52 4

Flap 30, Vref + 5 55 2.5

Flap 40, Vref + 5 62 1

Remarques: All the above based on a gross weight of 47.5, N1 may vary by 5% and attitude
by 2° at other weights.

Add 2% N1 in turns.

For single engine add 15% N1 + 5% N1 in turns.

Climb Speeds

If ECON info not available, use 250KIAS until 10,000ft then 280KIAS/M0.74 thereafter.

Best Angle = V2 + 80

Best Rate = V2 + 120

Kinetic Heating

Increases TAT by approximately 1°/10kts IAS


Driftdown speed and level off altitude are for the terrain critical case; if terrain is not critical
you may accelerate to Long Range Cruise (LRC), this will cost approximately 3000ft.
Otherwise slowly accelerate to LRC at the level off altitude as weight reduces with fuel burn.
If anti ice is required, the altitude penalties are severe. See table below for figures (QRH

Altitude penalty for engine bleed requirements

737-300 737-700
Terrain Terrain
Bleed requirements LRC LRC
critical critical
Eng Anti-ice ON -1500ft -4000ft -5600ft -5900ft
Eng & Wing Anti-ice ON -4800ft -7600ft -12500ft -13000ft

Fuel Consumption Formulae

The 737 burns approx 30kg/min.

Trip Fuel Reduction = Weight reduction x Flight time in hrs x 3.5%

Eg: 10 pax less over a 2hr flight = 1000kg x 2 x 3.5% = 70kg lower trip fuel.

Landing Flaps

Flap 30 uses 25kgs less fuel than flap 40 from 1500 ft to touchdown.

Anti Ice

Engine Anti-ice burns 90 kg per hour.

Engine + Wing Anti-ice burns 250 kg per hour.

Non-Normal Configurations

Compared to 2 Engine LRC at Optimum Altitude for any given weight:

Engine Out LRC burns 21% more fuel.

Engine Out LRC increases Time Interval by 13%.

Depressurised LRC (2 Engines@10,000') burns 49% more fuel.

Depressurised LRC increases Time Interval by 20%.

Gear Down burns 89% more fuel! Gear Down increases Time Interval by 29%.

Hint. you can check the Depressurised figures quoted above by entering 10,000' as a "step
altitude" in the CRZ page and compare the fuel remaining at your destination.

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