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Table of Contents

1. Coastal Life Vacations 12. Cleaning and Maintenance

2. Locally Owned and Managed 13. Accounting

3. Marketing 14. Owner Portal

4. Professional Photos 15. Guest Experience

5. 3-D Virtual Tour 16. Guest Portal

6. 17. A’ La Carte Services

7. Email Campaigns 18. Coastal Life Staff

8. Barefoot System

9. Rental Projections

10. Remote Lock

11. Damage Protection Plan

Coastal Life Vacations Office: 410-746-2668

Coastal Life Vacations

Coastal Life Vacations is a locally-owned and

operated property management company
specializing in quality vacation rentals in Ocean
City, MD and the surrounding areas. Our primary
goals at Coastal Life Vacations are:

Maximize rental returns based on the

property owner’s goals
Protect the owner’s property and ensure it
is properly cared for
Ensure the owner’s guests have a great
vacation experience

Coastal Life Vacations’ experienced staff

accomplishes this through a focus and
commitment to first class customer service,
utilization of best-in-class technology,
implementation of finely crafted systems and
management of strong vendor relations.

Coastal Life Vacations Office: 410-746-2668

Locally Owned and Managed

Coastal Life Vacations is locally owned, managed

and operated. Our local roots enable us to
provide valuable insight and knowledge to both
our owners and guests that many other rental
companies servicing this area can not offer.

Coastal Life Vacations focuses on quality over

quantity and works to make the vacation rental
process stress free and enjoyable for both our
owners and their guests. We will never be the
largest rental company, but we will always strive
to be the best.

Coastal Life Vacations accomplishes this by

investing considerable resources and training
into our staff. We are also committed to the
constant innovation and improvement of our
marketing processes, technology platforms and
management systems.

Coastal Life Vacations Office: 410-746-2668


Coastal Life Vacations’ marketing team advertises our properties across a variety of platforms in order
to generate maximum exposure for our rental listings. Our property management system provides real-
time calendar synchronization and payment coordination, which keeps everything organized across all
of the websites.


Coastal Life Vacations Office: 410-746-2668

Professional Photos

Vacationers consistently rate photos as the most

important factor in determining which property
they ultimately choose to book. If your property’s
photos are low quality they will make a poor
impression on vacationers and they will pass right
by your listing online.

Coastal Life employs a professional photographer

to shoot high quality images for all of our
rental listings. These high quality images are
then utilized throughout the entire marketing
campaign for your property.

This process ensures your listing stands out from

the competition and makes a positive impression
on vacationers, which ultimately leads to more
bookings and higher rental rates.

Coastal Life Vacations Office: 410-746-2668

Interactive 3-D Virtual Tour

Photographs are static elements that can

only go so far in providing vacationers
with the true feel and flow of a property.
As a complement to the professional
photos Coastal Life has interactive
3-D virtual tours created for all of our
property listings.

These immersive 3-D virtual tours enable

vacationers to tour your property online
from any device and interact with it much
as if they were physically walking through
it. It is essentially like having a 24 hour
open house.

There is a lot of competition in the

vacation rental market. These interactive
3-D virtual tours will truly set your listing
apart from the competition and make it
stand out online.

Coastal Life Vacations Office: 410-746-2668

Our best-in-class website is built on one of the

most innovative and reliable platforms available. It
is the central-hub for Coastal Life Vacations where
both owners and guests can access all of the
information and resources they need.

Online Booking 24 hours a day

Optimized for Mobile Devices and Tablets
Search Engine Optimized (SEO)
Area Information and Resources
Owner and Guest Portal Access
Coastal Life Realty Group Referrals

Coastal Life Vacations drives traffic to the website

via SEO, social media marketing and direct
referrals from our real estate sales division. Your
rental listing will be prominently featured on with all of the beautiful
marketing we created in the initial steps.

Coastal Life Vacations Office: 410-746-2668

Email Campaigns

Coastal Life Vacations maintains a

database with all of our guest’s contact
information. This gives us the ability
to stay in touch with these guests and
market to them with a subtle, content
based approach.

One of the ways that Coastal Life does

this is with targeted email campaigns.
The content of these emails will include
local events, useful area information,
vacation tips, promotions and more. All
of the emails will include a “call to action”
to book your property.

These repeat guests are highly sought

after as they are familiar with your
property and were good guests
previously. The more and more these
guests stay at your property the more
vested in it they become.

Coastal Life Vacations Office: 410-746-2668

Barefoot Technologies Management System

Coastal Life Vacations utilizes a best-in-class property management system to manage our rental
properties. The property management system is the central location where all of the information
and data pertaining to your property is stored. As information is entered or updated in the property
management system it is automatically synchronized on the other platforms Coastal Life Vacations
utilizes. The property management system is constantly updating, ensuring property information and
related data is always up to date on these platforms.

Calendar Owner and Payment

Synchronization Guest Portals Processing

Full-Trust Vendor E-Signature

Accounting Management Documents

Revenue Centralized Guest

Management Communications Database

Coastal Life Vacations Office: 410-746-2668

Rental Projections and Pricing

Coastal Life Vacations will create a

custom rental revenue projection for
your property based around your goals
and intended use of the property.
The rental revenue projection will be
based on thorough market research of
comparable rental properties, current
market trends and overall rental market

Coastal Life Vacations offers a variety

of rental plan options to choose from
depending on your goals, property
location, seasonality and property type.

Once the property is actively listed

we will monitor the rental rates
and bookings. We will recommend
adjustments to the rates where needed
and constantly be looking for additional
booking opportunities.

Coastal Life Vacations Office: 410-746-2668

Remote Lock

Coastal Life Vacations installs smart locks and

software on all of our rental listings. These
smart locks secure your property and provide
controlled access for guests, cleaners, vendors
and maintenance personnel.

Contactless Check-In
No Lock-Outs or Lost Keys
Expiring Access Codes for Security
Fully Monitored Access History
Multiple Options for All Door Types
Dedicated Owner Codes
Keyed Entry Available

Coastal Life Vacations Office: 410-746-2668

Damage Protection Plan

One of Coastal Life Vacations’ primary responsibilities is to ensure your property is secure and well
taken care of. Our properties are inspected immediately after check-out and any issues are promptly
reported to Coastal Life Vacations management.

Coastal Life Vacations requires all guests to purchase an Accidental Damage Protection Plan. This
plan affords the owner protection for accidental damage to their property for up to $2500 in repair
or replacement expenses.

Coastal Life Vacations Office: 410-746-2668

Cleaning and Maintenance Management

Clean, well maintained properties are vital to
a successful rental property. As such, Coastal
Life Vacations invests a lot of time, training
and resources into the cleaning professionals
we work with. We only employ professional,
licensed and experienced housekeepers to
clean and inspect our properties.Coastal
Life’s cleaners are well compensated, which
results in us working with the best cleaning
professionals available.

Coastal Life Vacations will also manage any
maintenance issues that come up during
a guest’s stay. We have well established
relationships with contractors of all kinds that
can handle any type of issue that may arise.
Barring unforeseen issues Coastal Life will
be able to schedule same day service, which
your guests will appreciate.

Coastal Life Vacations Office: 410-746-2668


Coastal Life Vacations prepares detailed

accounting reports at the end of each month.
The accounting reports provide a comprehensive
breakdown of all bookings, rental rates,
management fees, cleaning charges, credit card
fees, room taxes and maintenance invoices paid.

Once the accounting reports are completed they

are emailed to you and stored in your owner
portal for future reference. All owner payments
are made via direct deposit for fast and efficient
processing. In addition to the monthly reporting
we provide the following accounting services.

Vendor Invoicing and Payment

Annual 1099 Preparation
Worcester County Room Tax Payment

Coastal Life Vacations Office: 410-746-2668

Owner Portal

The owner portal provided via our property management system provides a centralized hub for you
to monitor your rental listing and access information you may need at any given time.

Real-Time Information

View Calendar and Bookings

Schedule Owner Blocks

View Monthly Statements

Submit Work Orders

Update Property Information

Coastal Life Vacations Office: 410-746-2668

Guest Experience

One of Coastal Life Vacations’ primary goals is ensuring our guests have a great experience while on
vacation. We accomplish this by making the overall process easy for them from start to finish and
being responsive to their wants and needs. Happy guests lead to highly sought after repeat bookings.

Seamless Online
Instant Booking Contactless
Reservations and
Confirmation Check-In

Fully Staffed
Enhanced Cleaning Office and 24/7 Responsive
Services Answering Service Customer Service

A’ La Carte Same-Day
and Concierge Guest Portal Maintenance
Services Response

Coastal Life Vacations Office: 410-746-2668

Guest Portal

Our guest portals provide a convenient tool for our guests to keep their vacation details organized.
All of the pertinent information regarding their stay with Coastal Life Vacations will be accessible in
their portal.

Centralized Communication Hub

Property Access Codes

Pertinent Reservation Information

Important Contact Numbers

Maintenance Issue Reporting

Payment History

Coastal Life Vacations Office: 410-746-2668

A’ La Carte Services

Protects the guest in the event of unforeseen medical issues, weather events and more.

In the event your property does not provide linens, we make it easy for your guests to order
a linen package for their stay.

Coastal Life will assist your guests with securing any type of equipment they need to make
their stay more enjoyable.

Our local roots enable Coastal Life to provide your guests with expert local advice on
activities, dining, attractions and more.

Activity related app that provides your guests with free activities and attractive discounts
throughout the city.

Coastal Life Vacations Office: 410-746-2668

Coastal Life Vacations Staff


Operating Partner Managing Partner Broker Partner


Administrative Assistant Listing Coordinator

Coastal Life Vacations Office: 410-746-2668

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