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Coordinates: 20.27°N 73.


Annexation of Dadra and Nagar Haveli

The Annexation of Dadra and Nagar Haveli

Annexation of Dadra and Nagar Haveli
was the conflict in which the territories of Dadra
and Nagar Haveli passed from Portuguese rule to Part of Indian Conquest of Portuguese India
independent rule, with Indian allegiance, in 1954.

Dadra and Nagar Haveli were small undefended

Portuguese overseas territories, part of Portuguese
India since 1779. The territories were enclaves,
without any access to the sea, administered by the
Portuguese Governor of the district of Damão.

After India attained independence in 1947, some

residents, with the help of volunteers from left-
wing organizations such as the United Front of
Goans (UFG), the National Movement Liberation
Organization (NMLO), the Goa People's Party Map of Dadra and Nagar Haveli in the 1950s.
(affiliated to Communist ideology), the Date 22 July – 11 August 1954
Communist Party of India as well as right-wing
Location Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Portuguese
organizations such as the Rashtriya Swayamsevak
Sangh (RSS) and the Azad Gomantak Dal (AGD) India
occupied Dadra and Nagar Haveli in 1954 and Result Indian Rebel victory
displaced Portuguese rule. The territories were
subsequently merged into the Indian Union in
1961. Portuguese India
Nationalist and
Communist rebels
from India
United Front of
Goans (UFG)
The Portuguese Situation
National Liberation
Invasion of Dadra
Invasion of Naroly
Organization (NMLO)
Invasion of Luhari
Goa People's Party
Invasion of Silvassa
Surrender of Captain Fidalgo Communist Party of
India (CPI)
Integration into India
Swayamsevak Sangh
External links (RSS)[1]
Azad Gomantak Dal
Commanders and leaders
After Indian independence in 1947, pro-India J.D. Nagarwala, DIG Virgílio Fidalgo,
activists in the Portuguese Indian provinces, as of Maharashtra Police Administrator of Nagar
well as Indians from other places, proposed of Francis Avely
removing Portuguese control of Goa, Daman, Diu, Mascarenhas, leader of
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and integrating them with
India.[2] This was in line with the ideology of
Com. L.B. Dhangar,
Mahatma Gandhi, who had, before India's
independence, affirmed that "Goa cannot be
allowed to exist as a separate entity in opposition Raja Wakankar,
to the laws of the free State [of India]".[3] leader of RSS
Prabhakar Sinari,
Appasaheb Karmalkar, a bank employee with the leader of AGD
Goa government took the reins of the National
Liberation Movement Organization (NLMO) for
the control of Portuguese-ruled Indian territories.
Simultaneously the Azad Gomantak Dal (AGD), Nearly 201,000 329 units in total:
led by Vishwanath Lavande, Dattatreya volunteer fighters:
Deshpande, Prabhakar Sinari and Gole, along Portuguese India
with volunteers of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak 200,000 CPI Adivasis Police constables
Sangh led by Raja Wakankar and Nana Kajrekar 50 UFG Rebels
had been planning an armed assault on Dadra and 200 RSS Militants
Nagar Haveli. Wakankar and Kajrekar visited the
AGD Fighters
area around Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman
several times in 1953 to study the topography and NLMO Fighters
to get acquainted with workers and leaders who Indian Police forces
were agitating for the merger of the Portuguese
territory with India. Casualties and losses
Unknown 2 killed
The National Movement Organisation (NMO),
Azad Gomantak Dal (AGD) and RSS agreed to form a United Front for liberation of D & N, in April
1954. Raja Wakankar and Nana Kajrekar of RSS reported that Lavachha, a village in Union of India,
which was situated in between Dadra And Nagar Haveli, which was separated from each other by 4 km
belt of land, was the most suitable place for liberation operation[4]

Separately, the Goa People's Party and the then- Communist Party of India had also been arming and
mobilizing Warli Adivasis in the neighboring districts since the mid-40's. Com L.B. Dhangar, Roopji Kadu
and 'Godutai' Godavari Parulekar led the Warli communists during the Dadra Nagar Haveli struggle against
Portuguese colonialism, around the slogan of 'Land to the tiller!'[5]

In April 1954 the NLMO, AGD and RSS agreed to form a United Front for invasion of Dadra and Nagar
Haveli. At a meeting in Elphinstone garden, an armed assault was planned. Independently, another
organization, United Front of Goans (UFG), also pursued similar plans.[2]

On 21 July 1954, the Communist Party of India forced the Portuguese to retreat from Dadra, a small
landlocked territory bordering Nagar Haveli under leaders like Francis Mascarenhas, Narayan Palekar,
Parulekar, Vaz, Rodriguez, Cunha.[6][7]

J.D. Nagarwala, DIG of the Special Reserve Police, which had been deployed along the territory, had been
sympathetic with the separatists. He had himself visited the area often and advised the separatists on the
next moves.[2]

The Portuguese Situation

The situation all around Dadra and Nagar Haveli was controlled by Special Reserve Police (SRP) of the
Government of India. Mr. J. D. Nagarwala DIG was in overall control of SRP with the purpose of
checking and preventing the infiltration of military personnel and material from Goa to Nagar Aveli, via
Damão and Dadra. The SRP also controlled the entry of civilians, to and from the Portuguese areas, by
issuing permits, to stop the possibility of infiltration of undesirable persons, like workers and leaders of
Communist Party. The Portuguese Chief of Police at Silvassa, Señ. Falcão, had a total Police force of 329
constables – out of which, 3 were at Dadra and 9 were at Naroly.

Dadra was surrounded from all sides by Indian territory and Naroly would get isolated by River Daman-
Ganga during the Monsoon. So, it was decided, by the separatists, to take over Dadra and Naroly during
Monsoon, in the month of July. And the takeover of Silvassa would be worked out after occupying Dadra
and Naroly.

Invasion of Dadra

Dadra had a total of 3 police officers to maintain law and security in the region. The UFG, led by Francis
Mascarenhas, Viman Sardesai and others, attacked the police station of Dadra on the night of 22 July 1954,
assassinating Aniceto Rosário, inspector at Dadra Police Station. There were 2 other police guards in the
police station, who were overpowered by the UFG forces.[8] The next morning, an Indian flag was hoisted
to declare Dadra a free territory. A panchayat for Dadra was formed under the administration of Jayanti
Bhai Desai.[2]

Invasion of Naroly

A total of 6 police officers were in charge of the security in the Naroly region, at that time. On 28 July
some 20 to 25 RSS activists led by Wakankar and 8 to 10 AGD volunteer fighters led by Sinari crossed the
Darotha river and reached Naroly and stormed the police station. The Chief, his constable and the other 4
Portuguese police officers were forced to surrender. Thus on 28 July 1954 Naroly was liberated from
Portuguese rule. On 29 July a Panchayat for Naroli was established.[2]

Invasion of Luhari

On 30 July, close to 200,000 Indian Adivasi Communist protestors rallied on the Indian side of the Dadra
Nagar Haveli borders. The small police force was unable to restrain them and a detachment charged into
Luhari village. 35 other villages in the Daman-Ganga area were attacked by the Adivasi people on that

While the Indian troops were supportive of the liberation struggle, the Morarji Desai-led Congress
government was wary of allowing Communists to lead the struggle. The CPI was the biggest national
opposition party at the time and the union government was anxious to contain its sphere of influence. Top
leaders, including Com. Roopji Kadu, were arrested from Silvassa and the Special Reserve Police was
deployed at the borders to not allow Communist detachments to enter. Instead, it was the RSS that led the
charge into the town of Silvassa, whom by now had made arrangements to receive 150 trained militants
from Poona.[9]

On February 4, 1948, the Indian government had banned the RSS due to its role in the assassination of
Mahatma Gandhi. However, as per the statement to the Bombay Legislative Assembly on September 14,
1949 (Proceedings p2126) the Home Minister Morarji Desai admitted that the ban on RSS was no longer
considered necessary and it was lifted unconditionally.
Invasion of Silvassa

After Naroly had been captured, there were roumors that thousands of Warli communists as well as UFG
fighters were planning an attack on Silvassa. The Portuguese police, under the leadership of Captain
Virgílio Fidalgo, retreated to Silvassa, leaving only 5 officers to protect the village of Piparia – a village
north of Silvassa, bordering the Indian village of Lavachha. The separatists led by volunteers of the RSS
and the AGD took this opportunity, crossed the river and captured Piparia.[2]

Captain Fidalgo was asked by the separatists (led by Karmalkar) to surrender, but as there was no response
from the Administrator the separatists decided to march towards Silvassa. Two units were led by the RSS
and the third was led by the AGD. All three units moved from three different directions to Silvassa. Fidalgo
with 150 Police personnel fled south, to the village of Khanvel, leaving the separatists with no resistance as
they entered Silvassa on 2 August. They then declared the territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli
independent. The RSS's Kajrekar was placed in charge of the unit, while the AGD's Lavande was put in
charge of treasury.[2]

Surrender of Captain Fidalgo

Rumors were circulating that Portuguese reinforcements were coming to Nagar Haveli from Goa via
Daman, so Kajrekar immediately contacted Nagarwala and requested a wireless set to enable the separatists
to keep in contact with the Indian SRP Headquarters. The wireless set obtained from the Indian SRP was
installed in one of the houses by the riverside. Bandu Karkhanis, an RSS volunteer, who knew how to
operate the wireless set was put in charge. He was under instructions that in case of an emergency, he
should throw the set in the river, cross the river and take shelter in the Indian territory which was just
nearby and protected by Indian SRP.[2]

Captain Fidalgo who was moving deep in Nagar Haveli with his 150 men were constantly followed by the
militants. While the Portuguese set up rearguard defenses on the river bank, the Indian volunteer forces
crossed the flooded river with local ferries on 10 August, assaulting the Portuguese forces at Khanvel and
forcing them to retreat. The Portuguese unit eventually surrendered to the SRP at Ulad (Udva) on 11
August 1954.[2]

At a public meeting, Karmalkar was chosen as the first administrator of Dadra and Nagar Haveli.[2]

Integration into India

The integration of Dadra and Nagar Haveli into Free Dadra (1954)
India was not recognized by any other countries Free Dadra and Nagar Haveli (1954–61)
before 1974. In the decision of 12 April 1960 in
the "Case Concerning Right of Passage Over मु दादरा आ ण नगर हवेली
Indian Territory", the International Court of 1954–1961
Justice clearly stated that Portugal had sovereign
rights over the territories of Dadra and Nagar Status De facto independent state
Haveli but India had the right to deny passage to claimed by Portugal
armed personnel of Portugal over Indian Capital Dadra (1954)
territories. The residents of the former colony Silvassa (1954–1961)
requested the Government of India for 20.27°N 73.02°E
administrative help. K.G. Badlani, an officer of Common languages English, Gujarati, Hindi,
the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) was Marathi
sent as the administrator.
Government Provisional
From 1954 to 1961, the territory was Administrator[10]
administered as Free Dadra and Nagar Haveli • 1954 R. V. Mudras
by a body called the Varishta Panchayat of Free • 1954 Vishwanath Lawande
Dadra and Nagar Haveli.[11][12] • 1954–1955 Appasaheb Karmalkar
• 1955–1960 Antonio Furtado
During the years the territories enjoyed de facto • 1960–1961 K. G. Badlani
independence, mail from Dadra and Nagar Prime Minister
Haveli was routed through the Indian town of • 1961 K. G. Badlani
Vapi close to the border. Initially, remaining Legislature Varishta Panchayat
stocks of stamps of Portuguese India were
Historical era Cold War
overprinted LIBERATED AREAS in two lines.
A single revenue stamp was also issued by Free • Liberation of Dadra 22 July 1954
Dadra and Nagar Haveli. • Liberation of Nagar 2 August 1954
In 1961 when Indian forces took over Goa, • Integration into 11 August 1961
Daman, and Diu, Badlani was, for one day,
designated the Prime Minister of Dadra and Area
Nagar Haveli, so that, as Head of Government, 1961 487 km2 (188 sq mi)
he could sign an agreement with the Prime Population
Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, and
• 1961 58000
formally merge Dadra and Nagar Haveli with
the Republic of India. This was done by the Currency Portuguese Indian rupia,
later Indian rupee
Tenth Amendment of the Constitution of India.
Preceded by Succeeded by
The territory was only recognized as part of the
Indian Union, together with all the other former Portuguese Dadra and Nagar
Portuguese possessions, after the recognition of India Haveli
that fact by Portugal, after the Carnation
Revolution of 1974. A treaty was signed on 31 December 1974 between India and Portugal on recognition
of India's sovereignty over Goa, Daman, Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli.[13]

Until 2006, Portugal continued to grant Portuguese citizenship to all natives of Dadra and Nagar Haveli
who wished to have it. In that year, this was amended to include only those who had been born before 19
December 1961.

1. Hindu Nationalism in India: Ideological corollaries. Deep & Deep Publications. p. 130. "The
RSS people also participated in 1954 in the liberation struggle of Dadra and Nagar Haveli
enclave from Portugal"
2. P S Lele, Dadra and Nagar Haveli: past and present, Published by Usha P. Lele, 1987,
3. M.K. Gandhi, H, 30-6-1946, p. 208 (
5. Prashad, Vijay (2016). Communist histories (
New Delhi, India. ISBN 978-93-80118-33-8. OCLC 954115551 (
6. "Revisiting Goa's Liberation Story on its 59th Independence Day" (
Revisiting-Goa-Liberation-Story-59th-Independence-Day). NewsClick. 18 December 2020.
Retrieved 24 July 2021.
7. "50 Years of Goa Liberation" (
n.html). Retrieved 24 July 2021.
8. "How 18th June road got its name" ( News Blog. Navbharat Times.
Archived from the original (
e) on 2 January 2014. Retrieved 26 February 2012.
9. Desai, Anita (2003). "Voices in the Liberation Struggle: The case of Goa, 1947-61" (https://sh (PDF).
University of Goa – via Shodhganga.
10. Cahoon, Ben. "States of India since 1947" (
#Dadra-Nagar). Retrieved 23 November 2014.
11. Constitution of India, 10th Amendment
12. Umaji Keshao Meshram & Ors v. Radhikabhai w/o Anandrao Banapurkar AIR 1986 SC
1272 ( this judgment
mentions the Administration of Dadra and Nagar Haveli in this period
13. Treaty Between the Government of India and the Government of the Republic of Portugal on
Recognition of Portugal of India's Sovereignty Over Goa, Daman, Diu, Dadra, and Nagar
Haveli and Related Matters 1974 (

External links
Case Concerning Right of Passage Over Indian Territory (

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