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Minutes of Board Meeting

Monday, August 16, 2021

The Crescent Hills Subdivision Homeowners Association held a Board meeting on

Monday, August 16, at Sharon’s house.

Meeting called to order at 2:00

A. Operating Account
Debbie reported that there is currently $8640.81 in the operating account
and $13350.74 in the reserve as of August 16. There are currently164
recorded homeowners.

MOTION: Sharon motioned to approve the financial report. Tim seconded the
motion and it passed unanimously.


MOTION: Sharon motioned to approve the May 11minutes. Tim seconded the
motion and it passed unanimously.

A. Rules Infractions
There was discussion as to the policies for political signs being left in
yards, garbage cans being left out in front, and weeds in yards. There was
discussion about increasing fines. Tim agreed to rework up another
spreadsheet and send to Debbie for owner distribution.

MOTION: Tim motioned to increase the fines and prepare a new schedule to send
to homeowners. Sharon seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

There was discussion for the board to create a policy to allow political
signs. The signage should be limited to 1 sign per yard and should be of
the current election and must be somebody registered and running in the
election. Debbie reported that there is currently a city ordinance as to time
limits of signage.

MOTION: Tim motioned to create a new policy to allow 1 political lawn sign per
household which would be for the current election of somebody registered and in
accordance with the city time ordinances. Sharon seconded the motion and it
passed unanimously.
There was discussion about limiting rentals in the subdivision. The board
agreed to place the item on the annual agenda for interest.

B. Other

A. Common Area Replacement
It was mentioned that due to the flood, our common area landscaping had
been ruined including the ground beneath the sidewalks. Our landscaper
gave a bid of $25,000 to redo. This would include compacting dirt up
underneath of the sidewalk. Debbie reported that she tried to obtain other
bids but they were either too busy or did not have the equipment. The
work has since been completed and board members have viewed the
project and approved.

B. Annual Meeting
The annual meeting will be held at the City Library on Thursday
September 23 at 6:00. Tim agreed to do the newsletter and get out to the
board for approval before sending to homeowners. The 2021-22 budget
was reviewed and discussed. It will be presented at the annual meeting for

C. Other
It was discussed that many homeowners wanted to revisit the park
donation. It was mentioned that topic is no longer an option and the vote
was already established at the last annual meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 3:35 pm. Next meeting would be the annual meeting

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