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Writing reference

Read Franz’s review below. Which paragraphs say:
You studied and practised writing what the book is about?
reviews in Units 4 and 10. why we would all enjoy it?

Give your review

‘The Time Traveler’s Wife’ a title.
Read the writing task below. by Audrey Niffenegger
Underline the points you must deal
with. This is an original and moving love story
Underline anything else you think is told from the point of view of the two main Mention:
important. characters, Henry and Clare. Henry is a
Who will the reader(s) be, and where librarian who has a genetic problem which
will your answer appear? causes him to move backwards and forwards
in time. Without warning, he disappears film different.
leaving everything behind and arrives at
another time in his life. He can’t control
when or where he’s going.
When he travels, he often meets the same
girl, Clare, at different times in her life.
Eventually they fall in love even though
sometimes when they meet he is much
older than her and at other times they are Use plenty of adjectives
the same age. to describe:
enjoy it.
I think everyone will enjoy this unusual
story because it combines a little science
ction with a wonderful romantic story.
Henry’s problem causes situations which
are funny, sometimes frightening, usually
awkward and often very strange. The novel
I think everyone will
is fascinating because it makes you think
enjoy this ... (book/
about the nature of time. At the same
film/restaurant, etc.)
time, you see how the characters and their
because ... The ... (book/
relationships change during their lives but
film/restaurant, etc.) is
how their love grows stronger.
marvellous because ...
This ... (book/film/
restaurant, etc.) is really
worth (reading/seeing/
visiting, etc.) because ...


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