Faml150 Document ExampleCareerProfile

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Career Profile Name: Jane Doe

Job Title: Social Assistance Industry

1. Example Organization (organizational name, web site, street address, phone number, etc.):
-Faith Family Assistance at 737 Cleveland Street Apt 1 in Idaho Falls, Idaho. There
phone number is (208)-522-1056. They do not have an on line site.

2. Career Contact (name, contact information): Do not know anyone in this career.

3. Working Environment (e.g., large or small organization, typical work hours, degree of workplace flexibility or personal
independence, family-friendliness):
- For this type of job the hours can be late because the organizations are open twenty four
hours a day so an employee may have to work night shifts, weekends, or holidays. There
are many types of organizations that are part of this job they can be with shelters or
daycares. Some of the part time jobs are voluntary jobs. The hours may be long if there
are not enough workers and it can also cause them to travel around to local areas often.

4. Typical Stressors:
- With few employees there can be more work put on those working causing more hours
and more work. These jobs have to deal a lot with others in groups and one-on-one
counseling so you have to be able to deal with others stress and be able to help them
organize. You also have to keep being positive and making it a happy place because it
can often be stressful. You must be able to take criticism and change for both good and
bad and be able to work with other in a productive way.

5. Typical Benefits (health, retirement, and other financial and in-kind benefits):
- While looking for the benefits that are available for those people in this field I could not
find any information that said that they were able to get benefits. Those who work in this
field might have to supply their own health insurance and retirement plans because it
does not seem like they offer it for them!

6. Common Job Tasks:

- In this career you are in constant communication with people. There are four different
areas with in the social assistance field there is the individual and family services
(community food and housing, and emergency and other relief services), vocational
rehabilitation services, and child daycare services. You often work with the homeless, do
individual counseling, helping those in need find financial stability, training people that
are unemployed so they are able to find a job to support them self. You may be in charge
of making and preparing food for shelters and may have to travel to local shelters. You
might have a role in working with children and getting them in to foster homes or
adoption. You can also have the opportunity to work with the children in daycares also.
The job tasks would be come more specialized when and individual chose a certain area
to work in.
7. Educational Requirements (relevant degrees, recommended course, supplemental certification, etc.):
- Many of the jobs with in the large category of social assistance need some type of
certificate specializing in the area that they work in they could be a state license or
training through the business whether it in class training or on sight training. Many of the
jobs offer some clinics or seminars that employees can go to get additional information.
Those jobs that deal with nursing, social work, or high management positions require that
the person gets their degree in that area (bachelors or masters). These all vary with the
area that the person is going in to.

8. Starting Salary Range: Experienced Salary Range:

- The salary that a person can earn all depends on which area they decide to go into.
There are jobs starting out at eight dollars an hour and can go up to as much as twenty
dollars an hour for those that have a degree in areas such as nursing. The average wage is
about ten dollars an hour for most of the jobs in these areas. The average yearly income
in the United States is about $24,700.

9. Miscellaneous Career Information:

- In the near future there will be more jobs available in the area of taking care of the older
people. Those that were born in the “Baby boom” era are now getting to the age that
more help will be needed in this area.
- There is a desire to create more home health care then creating centers for people to go
to so that will be a part of this job that will growing in a few years

10. Information Source:


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