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Origin of Life ● ​ eated Chicken Broth.

The chicken
Biology-study of live and living organisms broth became malabo and the
Branches of Biology microbes daw is from the dead so it
● Botany-study of plants supports ABIOGENESIS.
● Zoology-study of animals
● Microbiology-study of microscopic Lazzaro Spallanzani (Biogenesis)
organisms ● ​Repeated Needham's experiment
● ​Embryology-study of but he removed the air by closing
embryogenesis, development of an the flask. Scientists critique it by
embryo from a fertilized egg saying that air is important in able to
● Anatomy-structures of living things. produce living chuchu.
Dates back more than 2,000 years
to Ancient Greek Louis Pasteur (Biogenesis)
● Physiology-functions ● Repeated Needham's experiment
● Genetics-study of heredity again but he used swan neck flask
● Evolution-study of change in to address Spalanzani's problem,
characteristics the "we need air to produce
● ​Biotechnology- organisms chuchu ''. It is open. He
then broke the neck so he believed
Early Theories on the Origin of Life that microorganisms in the air
● ​Divine Creation-we are created in caused the growth. He is the one
His likeness who disproved Abiogenesis
● ​Abiogenesis Theory-aka talagaa!!!
spontaneous generation. Life is from
non-living or inanimate objects. The Other Theories
rat is from the pile of clothes and The Original Oppa (Oparin and Haldane)
weeds(food?). ARISTOTLE ● ​Life came from inorganic molecules
proposed it!!! They believed it for at that were converted by lightning to
least 2,000 years. be organic molecules. Their powers
Ancient Egyptians, Aristotle, John are limited, so
Needham. ● ​Miller and Urey conducted their
● ​Biogenisis Theory-life came from concept in an experiment
pre-existing life. Proven through a ●
series of experiments. Panspermia
Francesco Redi, Lazzaro ● ​By Svante Arrhenius
Spallanzani, Louis Pasteur ● ​Life was formed in outer space and it
was transferred to Earth through
Francesco Redi Experiment (Biogenesis) asteroids. I knew it, Alien tayo^.^
● Three jars with meat. Maggots were
from flies and not from the dead Characteristics of Life
meat. Disproved the spontaneous a. All organisms are made up of cell
generation for big animals(?) Classification of Cell based on the Presence
of Nucleus
John Needham (Abiogenesis)
● ​ rokaryotes-cells that do not have
P ● ​ apability of an organism to respond
nucleus. Simplest cell. Eg. Bacteria. to stimuli or external factors like
● ​Eukaryotes-have a true nucleus. light, sound, pressure, presence of
More complex compared to the chemical substances.
former because it has nucleus and H. Adaptability: Survival of the Fittest
membrane bound organelles. Eg. ● ​Capability of an organism to make
Plant cell, fungi, nerve cell, amoeba. adjustments to changes
We can also classify cells based on I. Motility: Keep it Moving
the number of cells. Amoeba is ● ​Use of the locomotor organs.
considered unicellular, because it ● ​Organisms tend to move in order to
can live nang mag-isa lang. Nerve reproduce, adapt in the environment.
cell is multicellular because it needs J. Homeostatis: Keeping Balance
to be marami to function ● ​Ability to maintain a constant internal
B. Cellular Organization environment despite the changes in
● ​Organisms can be classified based the external environment.
on the six kingdoms that we have. ● ​Eg. Sweating, Goosebumps, Ear
C. Reproduction:Continuation of Life popping when riding a plane.
● ​Reproduction for Perpetuation be it Shivering
sexually or asexually. K. Evolution: Change is Permanent
Asexual Reproduction-organisms makes a ● ​Changes in characteristics of a
copy of themselves. Common in lower life group or organisms over time.
forms because it only involves one ● Evidences of evolution
individual. 1. ​Similar Genes-chimpanzees and
● ​Binary Fission-divides itself. They human’s genes are quite similar.
are identical. 2. ​Anatomical Evidence-comparisons
● ​Spore Rain-Mushroom showers it of organisms based on their
spores to produce offspring. anatomy.
Sexual Reproduction-two individuals are Two types:
involved. They contribute their sex cells to Homologous-structures similar in
produce a unique individual of their kind. related organisms because they
D. Heredity: Unity Amidst Diversity were inherited from a common
● ​Involvement of DNA ancestor.
E. Growth and Development:It's inevitable Analogous-similar in unrelated
● ​Growth-increasing of tissues. Eg. organisms.
Plants. 3. ​Natural Selection-one of the basic
● ​Development-stages in an mechanisms of evolution.
organisms life cycle which are 4. Lamarckism-use and disuse.
accompanied by life changes. Eg. Giraffes have shorter necks but they
Moth, Life cycle of a butterfly. need to survive so they reach higher
F. Metabolism:Gathering and Using Energy than usual so their necks become
● ​Catabolism-break down. Gathers longer because they always use
energy. them.
● ​Anabolism-build up. Making energy. 5. Biogeography-geographic
G. Irritability:Respond to Stimuli distribution of organisms on earth.
Has something to do with tectonic ● ​ nvironmental-used in waste
movements. Eg. Kangaroos can be treatment and solution. Eg.
found in Australia and America and it Bioremediation
proves that the plates are once
together. Application of Biotechnology
● *Nutrient
Adaptation vs. Evolution Supplementation-application for the
Adaptation-adjustment in a short period of production of golden rice
time ● ​Abiotic Stress Resistance-need to
Evolution-change in the characteristics of develop crops that can handle
the organism over a period of time. abiotic stress like salinity.
● ​Industrial
Biotechnology Biotechnology-manufacturing beer
​Technology that uses biological and wine
systems, living organisms or parts of this to ● ​Strength Fibers-getting the gene of
develop or create different products. spider webs and combining it with
silk to make strong fibers.
Tools of Biotechnology ● ​Biofuels-energy production sector.
● ​DNA Sequencing Oils. Eg. Using corn as an
● ​Recombinant DNA-technology that alternative in running cars.
uses enzymes to cut and paste ● ​Healthcare-development if
together DNA sequences of interest. pharmaceutical drugs
Can be carried to vectors ● ​Food Processing-method of
● ​DNA Synthesis-natural creation of fermentation
DNA. But it can also be an artificial ● ​Fuel from waste-alam mo na 'yan
DNA. We are talking about the ● ​Commodity Chemicals and Specialty
Artificial here and not the natural. Chemicals-synthesis of undesirable
products such as hydrochloric acid
Types of Biotechnology ● ​Hi-tech Finishing Fabrics-textile
● ​Medical-use of living cells or other industry. Eg. Produce a
cell materials to better the health of biotech-derived cotton.
humans. Eg. Vaccines, Antibiotics ● ​Detergent Proteases-yields organic
● ​Industrial-industrial fermentation. Eg. fertilizers
Biocatalysts, Fermentation, ● ​Wound Dressings-Dressings with
Microorganisms to generate sugar from shrimp and crab shells
products that are environmentally
useful Advantages and Disadvantages
● ​Agricultural-focuses on developing Genetic Engineering
genetically modified plants to ● ​Artificial Manipulation,
increase crop yields. Eg. Pest modification,and recombination of
Resistant Crops, Plant and Animal DNA or other nucleic acid molecules
Breeding in order to modify an organism or
population of organisms.
● ​ he process of altering structure in
T ● ​ ytoplasm-"Swimming pool of
nature of genes in human beings, Organelles". Made up of 80 percent
animals, or food. water. Water and nutrients
● ​Has something to do with cytoskeleton
modification or addition of DNA of ● ​Endoplasmic Reticulum
organisms. a. Smooth ER-Lacks Ribosomes. It
● ​CRISPR-edited T Cells synthesize lipids.
b. Rough ER-Attached Ribosomes.
Cell Synthesize proteins.
● Robert Hooke-first person who ● ​Ribosomes-Protein factory of the cell
coined the term "Cell" a. Bound Ribosomes-attached to
● Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek-Father of Ribosomes
Microbiology pioneering work in the b. Free Ribosomes
field of microscopy ● ​Golgi Apparatus-Packaging site.
● Matthias Schleiden-concluded that ● ​Vesicles-Ships golgi products. Beep
all plants are made of cells beep! J&T po!
● Theodore Schwann-concluded that ● ​Lysosomes-Cell digestion and
all animals are made of cells. Enzyme sacks.
● Rudolf Virchow-concluded that all ● ​Nucleus-control center. stores DNA
cells came from pre-existing cells. ● ​Nucleolus-Makes rRNA
● Cell Theory-All living things are ● ​Mitochondria-powerhouse
made up of cells. Cells are the basic
unit of structure and function in an Organelles Found only in Plant Cells
organism. New cells arise from ● ​Cell Wall-surrounds cell
existing cells. (It is proven na even if ● ​Plastids-Make and Store needed
it is in "Theory" name pa.) Compounds. Eg. Chloroplast,
Leucoplast, Chromoplast,
Cells are different Amyloplast, Proteinoplast, Elaioplast
2 main types of Cells ● ​Chloraplast-site of Photosynthesis
a. Prokaryotes ● ​Vacuole-Storage of water,organic
b. Eukaryotes compounds and enzymes. Disposal
site of harmful byproducts chuchu.
Membrane bound organelles-may fluid
inside its part
Non-membrane bound organelles-no fluid
inside its part

Cell Organelles
● ​Flagella-proper like motion
● ​Cilia-back and forth beating
● ​Cell Membrane-separates the inner
part of the cell from the outside.
Gatekeeper. Structure follows Fluid
Mosaic Layer.

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