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Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

and War-Related Stress
D i s o r d e r

S t r e s s

P o s t t r a u m a t i c

Copyright © 1999

Designed by Steven McIntosh

Production: Words of Art

Typefaces: Bodoni, Goudy Old Style and Times New Roman


Ivor Hele
Private John White 1941
crayon with charcoal
56 x 37.8 cm

All Photos and Artwork used with the permission of the Australian War Memorial

ISBN: 0–642–41460–2

Posttraumatic Stress
Disorder (PTSD) and
War-Related Stress
Information For Veterans And Their Families
National Centre for War-Related
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

The National Centre For

War-Related PTSD.
Locked Bag 1,
West Heidelberg,
Victoria 3081.

Tel: (03) 9496 2922

Fax: (03) 9496 2830

The National Centre is a collaborative project between

the Department of Veterans’ Affairs,
The University of Melbourne, and
the Austin and Repatriation Medical Centre.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress i


How To Use Then move on to the next section. You

will gain much more from the book if
you read it slowly and carefully. If you
This Book have a partner or close friend, you may
wish to read it with him or her. Take
it in turns to read a section and then
discuss it – does it apply to you and your
relationship? If so, is there anything you
can do about it?
When you have finished the book,
T his book was developed by mental you may decide that you would like
health professionals with considerable to obtain some extra professional help.
experience in the area of posttraumatic By then you will have a good know-
stress. Although it is directed primarily ledge of traumatic stress and the
at veterans and their families, the infor- kinds of things that treatment may
mation is equally applicable to survivors involve. In the meantime, we hope that
of other kinds of trauma. the information in this book will help
A large amount of information and you understand your problems and how
advice is contained in these pages and to begin the process of recovery.
we recommend that you do not try to Remember, there is much that you can
master it all in one go. Read a small bit do to improve your quality of life, your
at a time and, if necessary, re-read it relationships, and the way you feel.
several times until you understand it. Good luck!

Light Horse Signallers at Tiberius (WW1) – AWM.B00277

iv Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress


tance in the production of this book-

Acknowledgements let. Staff and veterans from the PTSD
treatment program at the Austin &
Repatriation Medical Centre, and
staff and veterans from VVCS
P osttraumatic Stress Disorder: Queensland, for their suggestions on
Information for Veterans and Their early drafts of the manuscript. Wes
Families was produced by the Kilham and Ros Woodward from
National Centre for War-Related VVCS Head Office for their critiques
PTSD. It was written by Mark and comments. Staff from the
Creamer and David Forbes (National Younger Veterans Program of the
Centre), and Grant Devilly Department of Veterans’ Affairs for
(University of Queensland). their assistance with the practicalities.
The National Centre would like And, finally, Joanne Cesario and
to thank several people for their assis- Terry Lewis from the National Centre
for a host of other things.

“The Original 11th Battalion, 3rd Brigade AIF, Egypt 1915 – AWM.A02875

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress v


vi Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress


How To Use This Book iv

Acknowledgements v

Background 4

What is PTSD? 5
What is a traumatic event? 6

Common Symptoms of PTSD 8

Intrusive symptoms 8
Avoidance symptoms 9
Arousal symptoms 10
Why do traumatic stress symptoms develop? 11

Associated Problems 14
Anxiety 15
Depression 15
Alcohol and Drugs 17
Impact on Relationships and Work 18
Family functioning 18
Occupational functioning 20

Coping 22
Coping yourself 22
Coping within a family 26
Sleeping better 28

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 1


Treatment 30
Stabilisation and engagement 31
Education and information 33
Symptom management 34
Exposure therapy: confronting feared situations 37
Exposure therapy: confronting the memories 38
Cognitive restructuring 40
Psychodynamic psychotherapy 41
Relapse prevention 42
Alternative and adjunctive treatments 42

Resources 43
The Vietnam Veterans Counselling Service 43
The National Centre for War-Related PTSD 44
Accredited PTSD treatment programs 45
Support groups 45


2 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress



Ivor Hele
Australian Soldier, Libya 1941
oil on canvas
58.4 x 48.2 cm

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 3


Background has no simple answer. However, we

know that between 12 and 15 percent
of war-zone veterans – including
peace-keeping forces – will go on to
experience a chronic condition known
as Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
W hether in the military or as a (PTSD), while a further 12 to 15
civilian, at some point during our lives percent will experience at least some
nearly all of us will experience a of the symptoms associated with this
traumatic event that will challenge our condition. This booklet is aimed at
view of the world or ourselves. providing information for veterans who
Depending upon a range of factors, have developed some of the more com-
some people’s reactions may last for just mon symptoms of PTSD. It is designed
a short period of time, while others may to provide some suggestions as to what
experience more long-lasting effects. veterans can do to help themselves and
The question of why some what they can expect in the way of
people are affected more than others treatment for this condition.

Ivor Hele, Meteor Jet, 1952, oil on canvas on plywood, 40.4 x 45.6 cm – AWM.40326

4 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress


ed with PTSD during combat. In the

What is PTSD? Vietnam War, this became known as
a “combat stress reaction”. Some of
these people continued on to develop
what became known, in 1980, as
PTSD is a psychological response to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.
the experience of intense traumatic Traumatic stress can be seen as part
events, particularly those that threaten of a normal human response to intense
life. It can affect people of any age, experiences. In the majority of people,
culture or gender. Although we have the symptoms reduce or
started to hear a lot more about it in disappear over the first few months,
recent years, the condition has been particularly with the help of caring fam-
known to exist at least since the times ily members and friends. In a
of ancient Greece and has been called significant minority, however, the
by many different names. It is referred symptoms do not seem to resolve quick-
to often in literature and the work of ly and, in some cases, may continue to
Shakespeare provides several good cause problems for the rest of the per-
examples - some of these appear in this son’s life. It is also common for symp-
book. In the American Civil War it toms to vary in intensity over time.
was referred to as “soldier’s heart”, in Some people go for long periods with-
World War I it was called “shell shock”, out any significant problems, only to
while by World War II it was known relapse when they have to deal with
as “war neurosis”. Many soldiers were other major life stress. In rare cases, the
labelled as having “combat fatigue” symptoms may not appear for months,
when experiencing symptoms associat- or even years, after the trauma.

VJ Day Melbourne – AWM.AO3637

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 5


the individual has experienced a

What is a Traumatic threatening event that has caused them
Event? to respond with intense fear, helpless-
ness, or horror. For military veterans,
the trauma may relate to direct combat
duties, being in a dangerous war-zone,
Trauma is a very personal thing. or taking part in peacekeeping missions
What traumatises one person can be under difficult and stressful conditions.
of less significance to others. This For civilians, the trauma can stem from
variation in peoples’ reactions occurs either man-made events (such as physi-
because of their individual personality, cal assault, sexual assault, accidents,
beliefs, personal values, and previous and witnessing the death or injury of
experiences (especially of other trau- others) or natural disasters (such as
matic events in their life). It occurs also fires, earthquakes, floods, and
because each person’s experience of the cyclones). Overall, there are no hard
incident is unique. However, in all cases and fast rules to define trauma.

Vichy surrender 1941 – AWM.8997

6 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress



Ivor Hele
Briefing room 1953
oil on canvas on plywood
40.3 x 45.5 cm

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 7



PTSD is characterised by three main

groups of problems. They can be classi-
fied under the headings of intrusive,
avoidant and arousal symptoms.

‘Jericho’ – AWM.B1477
Intrusive Symptoms:

Memories, images, smells, sounds,

and muscle tension when things hap-
and feelings of the traumatic event can
pen which remind them of the inci-
“intrude” into the lives of individuals
dent. Overall, these “intrusive” symp-
with PTSD. Sufferers may remain so
toms cause intense distress and can
captured by the memory of past horror
result in other emotions such as grief,
that they have difficulty paying attent-
guilt, fear or anger.
ion to the present. People with PTSD
report frequent, distressing memories of
the event that they wish they did not
have. They may have nightmares of the
event or other frightening themes.
Movement, excessive sweating, and
sometimes even acting out the dream
while still asleep may accompany these
nightmares. They sometimes feel as
though the events were happening
again; this is referred to as “flashbacks”,
or “reliving” the event. They may
become distressed, or experience physi-
cal signs such as sweating, heart racing, New Guinea. 1944 – AWM.016593

8 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress


often try not to think about, or talk

Intrusive Symptoms of PTSD: about, what happened, and attempt
to cut themselves off from the painful
w Distressing memories or images of feelings associated with the memories.
the incident In their attempts to do this, they often
w Nightmares of the event or other withdraw from family, friends, and soci-
frightening themes ety in general, and begin to do less and
less. This may help them to shut out
w Flashbacks (reliving the event)
the painful memories, but it can also
w Becoming upset when reminded lead to a feeling of not belonging to the
of the incident rest of society and no longer taking part
w Physical symptoms, such as in activities they used to enjoy. In this
sweating, heart racing, or muscle way the person can become “numb” to
tension when reminded of the their surroundings and not experience
event normal everyday emotions such as love
and joy, even towards those close to
them. Such reactions can lead to
depression, feelings of isolation and
problems within the family. They can
also lead to severe problems with moti-
Avoidance Symptoms: vation – people with PTSD often find
it hard to make decisions and
get themselves going. They may have
difficulty making the effort to help
Memories and reminders of trau- themselves or even to do things that
matic events are very unpleasant and they would previously have found
usually lead to considerable distress. enjoyable or easy. This can be very hard
Therefore, people with PTSD often for family and friends, who often think
avoid situations, people, or events that that the sufferer is just being lazy or
may remind them of the trauma. They difficult.

9th Division, 1942 – AWM.41991

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 9


for long, getting only a small amount

Avoidance and Numbing of work completed in a few hours,
Symptoms of PTSD: easily distracted). Disturbed sleep is
very common.
w Trying to avoid any reminders of Anger is often a central feature in
the trauma, such as thoughts, PTSD, with sufferers feeling irritable
feelings, conversations, activities, and prone to angry outbursts with
places and people themselves, others around them, and
the world in general. Many veterans
w Gaps in memory – forgetting
feel let down, abandoned, and judged
parts of the experience
by others. They may have a sense of
w Losing interest in normal activi- betrayal about the way they were treat-
ties ed by a range of people on their return
w Feeling cut-off or detached from to Australia or about things that have
loved ones happened since. These feelings of
betrayal often result in bitterness and
w Feeling flat or numb anger. Some people only express their
w Difficulty imagining a future anger verbally (which can still be very
damaging). Others become physically
aggressive and violent to property or
people, even to those who are closest to
them. Often veterans feel unable to
control their anger. The power of their
anger may be frightening for them and
Arousal Symptoms: they often feel considerable remorse
afterwards. Such symptoms frequently
cause major problems at work, as well as
with family and friends.
Often people who have experienced
a trauma have been confronted with
their own mortality. Their assumptions
and beliefs that the world is safe and
fair, that other people are basically
good, and that “it won’t happen to me”,
may be shattered by the experience.
After the event, these people often see
danger everywhere and become “tuned
in” to threat. As a consequence, they
may become jumpy, on edge, and feel
constantly on guard. This can lead to
being overly alert or watchful and to
having problems concentrating (for
example, not able to read a book Gulf of Oman. 1990 – AWM.P1403.48

10 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress


Aust. Spitfire, Millingimbi 1942 – AWM.60732

a mass of new information that is hard

Arousal Symptoms of PTSD: to accept or understand. It doesn’t fit
with our view of the world or ourselves
w Sleep disturbance – the way we think things are or should
w Anger and irritability be. Human beings have a natural
tendency to try and make sense of
w Concentration problems things that happen around them.
w Constantly on the look-out for When people experience a trauma, the
signs of danger event keeps coming back into their
mind in an attempt to make sense of
w Jumpy, easily startled what happened. This is a natural way
of trying to deal with, or come to terms
with, difficult experiences and seems to
work well for many stressful life events.
However, due to the high level of
distress associated with memories of
Why Do Traumatic more severe trauma, the thoughts and
feelings tend to be pushed away to
Stress Reactions protect the person from this distress.
Develop? The result is that, whilst the memory
may go away for a while, the need for
it to be dealt with has not been
addressed and it keeps coming back.
It is important to understand where The movement backward and forward
the signs and symptoms of PTSD come from intrusive thoughts and feelings
from. One of the leading clinicians in about the trauma to avoidance and
the area, Mardi Horowitz, described numbing can then continue almost
trauma as an experience that is, by its indefinitely unless the cycle is
very nature, overwhelming. It contains addressed in some way.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 11


Throughout this, alternating bet- battle or other situations of threat. It

ween short bursts of painful memories hypes us up and promotes our survival –
and periods of avoidance and numbing, it may often be an adaptive way to
the sense of feeling keyed-up persists. respond to a life threatening situation
The traumatised person has been and certainly better than being immo-
through an event that potentially
bilised with fear. Again, however, it is
threatened their life, or the life of
no longer useful for our survival once
someone else, so the mind and body
stay on alert to make sure that it won’t the danger has passed. In fact, as we
miss any sign in the future that such an all know, it starts to cause serious
event may recur. It is safer to get it problems in our day to day lives.
wrong by overestimating potential Traumatic stress reactions are
threat than to risk the possibility of therefore sensible and adaptive both as
missing any future threat. The persis- part of survival during the trauma and
tent activation of this threat detection in attempts to come to terms with the
system, however, leaves the traumatised trauma afterward. Once we recognise
person feeling keyed-up or on edge where these symptoms come from, it is
much of the time. In addition,
easier to understand the typical trau-
the threat detection system is so
matic stress reactions.
sensitive that it is constantly going off
when there is no danger, in a way that The difficult part is letting go of aspects
interferes with the person’s capacity to of these reactions that have ceased to
live a normal and happy life. provide benefit and are
A similar explanation exists with primarily interfering with the trauma-
regard to anger. Anger was useful in tised person’s quality of life.

El Alamein 1942 – AWM.13660

12 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress



Ivor Hele
Private John Growns 1952
crayon with charcoal
56 x 37.9 cm

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 13


Associated are thought to be the result of people

trying to control either themselves and
their symptoms (such as alcohol and
Problems drug abuse) or their environment (such
as avoidance behaviour and angry
outbursts). Also, many of the signs are
directly related to stress (such as skin
PTSD is not the only psychological complaints and general aches and
response to trauma. People may pains). Overall, the most commonly
develop a range of other problems that associated problems in PTSD are those
can affect their quality of life, their relating to anxiety, depression, and
ability to relate to other people, and alcohol or drug use. These can be very
their capacity for work. These prob- disabling to the person suffering from
lems may occur on their own, or as part them, and may affect family members
of the PTSD. Many of these problems and work colleagues.

“Ajana” – AWM.PB0084

14 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress


Anxiety: Common Symptoms of Anxiety:

w Apprehension, fearfulness, or
Anxiety is best described as a state
of apprehension and worry that some- w Shortness of breath and tightness
thing unpleasant is about to happen. in the chest
It is often accompanied by a range w Palpitations and increased heart
of physical symptoms which are, in rate
themselves, very frightening.
Sometimes people experiencing these w Sweating
symptoms believe that they are going to w Shaking, trembling, or dizziness
die from a heart attack or go crazy.
Anxiety can be specific to certain situ- w Fear of losing control or going
ations (such as social events, crowded crazy
places, or public transport), or it can be w Excessive worry
a general state of worry about many
w Feeling restless and on edge
things in our lives. It can become very
disabling, as people tend to avoid a w Muscle tension
wide range of situations that make w Physical disorders (e.g., skin
them anxious. The symptoms are very complaints, stomach upsets,
unpleasant and may cause a great deal aches and pains)
of distress. Some of the common anxi-
ety and stress symptoms are shown at


Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 15


Depression: Common Symptoms of

w Feeling low, down in the dumps,
Depression is a general state of low miserable
mood and a loss of interest or pleasure
in activities that were once enjoyed. w Feelings of worthlessness, help-
Life becomes flat and grey, and lessness, and hopelessness
nothing seems fun, exciting, or enjoy- w Lack of energy, easily tired
able anymore. These depressed states w Lack of enthusiasm, difficulties
can be very intense, leading to a total with motivation
withdrawal from others and a state of
numbness, or they can be lower in w Loss of interest and pleasure in
intensity – just feeling “down in the normal activities
dumps”. They may last for as little as a w Lack of appetite and weight loss
few hours or as long as months or even
years. In more severe cases, the person w Loss of sexual interest
may believe that life is no longer worth w Difficulty sleeping or sleeping
living. Around 50% of people with too much
chronic PTSD also have significant w Poor concentration, memory,
problems with depression. Some of the and decision making
common signs of depression are shown
at right. w Thoughts of suicide / death

Sergeant R. Simes – AWM.23118

16 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress


Depression is often associated with

guilt. People with PTSD often report Alcohol and Drugs:
strong feelings of guilt, shame, and
remorse. This may be about the fact
that they survived while others did not; In an attempt to cope with the
it may be about what they had to do to unpleasant symptoms, many people
survive; it may be related to things they turn to alcohol or other drugs. Around
did about which they now feel 50% of males and 25% of females with
ashamed. The nature of war is such that chronic PTSD also have major prob-
there are often no acceptable or “good” lems with alcohol and drugs; the figures
options: all options are bad (for for veterans are even higher. In
example, kill or be killed). Sometimes Australia, the most common problem
the guilt results from trying to apply drug is alcohol but many people also
civilian, or peacetime, standards to a abuse other illicit drugs (for example,
combat situation. If we judge our marijuana) or prescription medications.
actions then by our standards now, we Drug and alcohol abuse impairs the per-
may end up feeling guilty and ashamed. son’s ability to function effectively and
For some veterans, those feelings can to relate to other people. It can cause
be very damaging and can get in the great difficulties in areas such as rela-
way of recovery. They are hard to work tionships, work, finances, and can cause
on, but it is important to try and reduce violent behaviour.
the intensity and strength of guilt by
challenging the thoughts and beliefs
associated with those feelings.

Housie, Empress Japan 1942 – AWM.3999

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 17


Impact on
Relationships and

Traumatised people can become

“consumed” or overwhelmed by their
feelings. They may become preoccupied
with survival in situations that they
perceive as threatening. This may lead
others to believe that individuals with
PTSD are selfish, thinking only of
themselves. This “egocentric” behav-
iour, together with the symptoms of
PTSD, can impact on relationships Sth Vietnam 1967 – AWM.EKN 67/130/VN
with family and friends, as well as on
the person’s ability to function at work,
hobbies, or other life areas.

ly intimate. On the other hand, feelings

Family Functioning: of worthlessness, anxiety, and depres-
sion may result in a complete loss of
interest in sex and difficulties becoming
aroused. This tends to compound
PTSD can directly affect family life
feelings of inadequacy or guilt and their
on a number of levels. A common sign
partner may become resentful and hurt.
of PTSD is inability or difficulty feeling
Traumatised people often feel a
and expressing emotions (for example,
more general sense of detachment –
love and enthusiasm). This may lead
feeling generally “cut-off” from other
partners, family members, and friends
people. This often leads to reduced
to feel “pushed away” and rejected.
participation in activities and hobbies
This, in turn, can leave the sufferer
that they used to enjoy before the
feeling isolated and unloved. In an
trauma. This absence of shared enjoy-
attempt to reassure themselves that
able activities makes it difficult to have
they are normal, traumatised people
a normal family life. The partner is
sometimes become sexually demanding,
often left with the full burden of
yet still find it difficult to be emotional-
running the family. In some cases, a

18 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress


great deal of time is spent focussing on to act in controlling ways toward fami-
the veteran’s problems at the expense ly members in attempts to protect them
of the partner’s needs. from perceived dangers.
Traumatised people are often tired, Over a period of time, these
due to disturbed sleep and depression, problems with family and friends can
and can become cranky and irritable. severely erode trust and intimacy.
Being worn-out by nightmares and an Eventually, it may become too much
inability to get a good night’s sleep for those close to the individual.
frequently means that the person Following trauma, the likelihood of
simply has less energy to offer the separation and divorce is considerably
relationship. They may say hurtful increased.
things without really considering the
implications of what they are saying.
Traumatised people may try to
compensate for their feelings of fear The feelings of detachment,
and vulnerability by using anger to difficulty in expressing emotion, and
pre-empt any perceived potential persistent irritability, which are
threat. As one veteran stated “the best frequently part of PTSD, can all
form of defense is attack”. This fear impact negatively on relationships
can also motivate traumatised people with the family.

Receiving mail – AWM.11303/25

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 19


from working effectively at all.

Occupational The decision to stop work is a diffi-
Functioning: cult one. The veteran needs to weigh
up the personal cost of remaining
in the workforce against the benefits
of trying to continue work, perhaps
with reduced hours or responsibility (for
The traumatised veteran may have example, sense of belonging, achieve-
difficulty coping with pressure at ment, self esteem, and financial well-
work. Irritability, jumpiness, mood being). Although the benefits of a regu-
swings, poor concentration, and mem- lar pension and retirement from the
ory problems may lead to disputes in the workforce may seem very appealing,
workplace and frequent job changes. this is not a decision that should be
They may be intolerant of other peo- taken lightly.
ples’ inefficiency, comparing “civvy
street” with the organised,
military way. Some veterans with PTSD
adopt a workaholic pattern, shutting Problems such as irritability, mood
themselves away in their work and swings, poor concentration, and mem-
putting in very long hours. This seems ory disturbance can often interfere
to be part of the avoidance component with the veteran’s capacity to work
of PTSD – keeping very busy helps to effectively. Alternatively, the veteran
prevent the memories and unpleasant may use a “workaholic” pattern as a
thoughts coming back. Other veterans way of attempting to avoid the
find that their problems prohibit them unpleasant memories.

Sydney, NSW, C. 1918? – AWM.H11576

20 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress



Ivor Hele
Flight Lieutenant Peter Middleton 1952
oil on canvas on plywood
45.5 x 40.5 cm

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 21


Coping Some people who develop PTSD

seem to recover completely and are left
with little or no on-going distress and
impairment. For others, the symptoms
may persist and the individual must
learn to manage and cope with them in
It is not very helpful to think of order to minimise the effects on their
“curing” PTSD in a black-and-white, lives. There is much that people with
all-or-nothing manner. Everyone who PTSD can do to help themselves deal
experiences trauma will be affected by with the disorder.
it. Some of those changes may be
positive – for example, the survivor may
become stronger in some ways, perhaps
more caring and understanding of
other’s misfortune. They may find that
the experience has made them better
Coping Yourself:
equipped to deal with future life stress.
Unfortunately, some of the changes will
be negative, especially in cases of PTSD, The following is a list of tips that
and coping with even the smallest some people have found to be useful.
frustrations and difficulties becomes a Many of them are basic common sense,
major challenge. but that does not mean they are unim-

Salvation Army Hut – AWM.93717

22 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress


portant. On the contrary, if you can do may be able to find programs in your
the basics (which is not easy) you will local community or VVCS (such as
go a long way to successfully managing Heartsafe, Gutbusters, and Lifestyle
your PTSD symptoms. Programs) to assist with some of these
Do not try to do everything at once. areas.
When you have read the following
sections, you may wish to stop for a
w Eat healthy meals. This sounds so
while and work out a “plan of action”.
simple, but how many of us actu-
Which strategies sound particularly
ally do it? A poor diet will
useful for you? Which ones are you pre-
increase your stress levels – if in
pared to try? We suggest that you select
doubt, talk to your general
only one or two to begin with. Work
practitioner or a dietician.
out a plan to achieve them, one at a
time, and set yourself some realistic w Get regular aerobic exercise like
goals for the next week. At the end of walking, jogging, swimming, or
the week, review your progress: modify cycling. You might want to
your goals if necessary and/or try some take the opportunity to go for reg-
additional strategies for the following ular walks with your partner.
week. Over time, you will gradually Exercise is vital in effectively
develop a range of coping strategies and managing stress. If you have
changes to your lifestyle that will help PTSD, your body is almost
you to feel more in control of your constantly geared up for “fight or
symptoms and get more out of life. You flight”. Exercise helps to burn up
those chemicals (like adrenalin)
that are hyping you up and will
help you to become more relaxed.
w Get enough rest, even if you can’t
sleep. Rest will help to increase
your reserves of strength and
energy. You may wish to try some
kind of meditation, yoga, or
relaxation exercises. (See also the
section on “Sleeping Better” later
in this booklet).
w Establish, and try to stick to, daily
routines (e.g., go to bed at a set
time, get out of bed at a set time,
plan activities for the day).
Routine is very important in
helping us to feel in control and
to function effectively.
Firebase – AWM.CRO-68-579/VN

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 23


w Set small, realistic goals to help a defined period (perhaps 30 min-

tackle obstacles. At first, things utes each day between 6:00 and
may seem insurmountable but 6:30pm). If unwanted thoughts
broken down into small steps come into your mind at other
they are manageable. Some times, gently remind yourself that
people like to keep lists of tasks you will be thinking about it later
to accomplish when they feel in the day.
capable, crossing them off as they
are completed. This can be very w Ask for support and help from
rewarding, helping you to your family, friends, church, or
acknowledge that you are achiev- other community resources when
ing something. you need it. This is not a sign of
weakness. In general, other peo-
w Redefine your priorities and work ple are very keen to help as long
out what is, and is not, achiev- as you let them know what you
able. Try to be realistic – expect want.
neither too much nor too little of
yourself. Then focus your energy
w Join or develop support groups–
and resources on those priorities.
sharing experiences with others
w To help stop the constant stream who understand is often useful.
of worrying and anger-producing Good starting points would be
thoughts, set aside a specific time the veterans’ organisations (e.g.,
each day for thinking. Give RSL, VVAA, VVF, etc.) or the
yourself permission to reflect and Vietnam Veterans Counselling
deal with issues related to the Service (VVCS) despite the
trauma (e.g., corresponding with name, they welcome inquiries
the DVA) at appropriate times for from veterans of all conflicts).

SEYMOUR, VIC. 1944-11-25.


SAUNDERS (left),


24 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress


w Continue to educate yourself and us – make an effort to do this from

your family about reactions to time to time.
trauma. A good understanding of
w Acknowledge unresolved issues
PTSD and related disorders is
and be honest with yourself:
important in coming to terms
what do you still feel hurt or
with your experiences and begin-
frightened or angry or guilty
ning to deal with your problems.
about? Recognising, and admit-
ting to, the issues is an important
w Look after your partner, if you first step to recovery. Use the hurt
have one. Try to clarify your feel- and pain as a motivator to make
ings and assumptions about him the necessary changes to heal
or her, and check out whether (i.e., if you don’t want to contin-
those feelings and assumptions ue feeling like that, what can you
are accurate. Many problems are do about it?).
caused by one partner jumping to w Talk to your children. Try to be
conclusions or assuming that they supportive and patient. Obvious-
know what the other is thinking. ly, this is not always easy, but
Remember that men and women losing control and getting angry
tend to react differently. Women only makes things worse. Set an
tend to be caretakers and put oth- example by expressing your feel-
ers first. Men tend to have more ings gently, controlling your
difficulty acknowledging and anger, and showing problem
expressing feelings of helplessness solving skills in dealing with
and sadness and believe in family difficulties as they arise.
“toughing it out”. We all like our (What exactly is the problem?
partners to say and do things that Let’s work out a plan to handle it
show that they value and care for and see how we go).

VJ Day Balikpapan – AWM.113723

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 25


w When you’re feeling rotten,

remember that those around you Coping Within A
are probably also under stress. Family:
w Focus on your strengths and cop-
ing skills. It may not feel like it at
times, but you have many Partners and close friends are often
strengths and strategies to deal at a loss as to how to help someone with
with difficult times. PTSD. There are several things that
loved ones can do to help the
w Try not to use your PTSD or your traumatised person and you may find
war experiences as an excuse for the following suggestions useful.
hurting yourself or others. There
is no excuse for being violent, w If possible, listen and empathise
aggressive, or otherwise mistreat- when the traumatised person
ing other human beings. It is wants to talk. Remember that it
important that you take responsi- may be very hard for them to
bility for your own behaviour. express what they’re going
through. A sympathetic listener
w Remember that you are not is important in minimising the
alone. Lots of other veterans over tendencies of people with PTSD
the centuries have experienced to withdraw and “shut down”. It
these kinds of problems. There is is best not to say “I understand
always hope. what you’re feeling” (you proba-
bly don’t, since you haven’t been
Often some simple strategies through the same experiences).
and healthy habits can go a long Instead, show your empathy by
way to better managing your
symptoms. The little things can
make a difference in the way you
look after yourself!

Returning Prisoner of war 1945 – AWM.108005

26 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress


comments such as “it must be and that you want to understand

really difficult for you; I can see and assist them.
that it upsets you; is there any-
thing I can do to help?” w Re-assure them that they are now

w Spend time with the traumatised w Care about each other. Give
person. There is no substitute for hugs. Tell each other how much
personal presence. Just keep they are appreciated. Offer praise.
doing the usual things that peo- Make a point of saying something
ple do together. Do not feel that nice to each other every day.
you have to talk about the trauma Good relationships are charac-
or be their counsellor. Just being terised by lots of positive interac-
with people who care about them tions, but they take a lot of hard
is very important for traumatised work.
individuals. Equally, try to respect
the person’s need for privacy and w Don’t be afraid to suggest that
private grief at times. they see a clinical psychologist,
psychiatrist, or counsellor, or that
they seek support from peer
w Don’t tell survivors that they are groups. (But remember to do this
“lucky it wasn’t worse” or to “pull in a tactful and caring manner –
themselves together and get over not in the middle of an argu-
it”. They are not consoled by ment!).
such statements. Tell them,
instead, that you’re sorry they w Laugh. Use humour (although
were involved in such an event, not about the traumatic event).

35th Infantry in Captured Punt, New Guinea 1944 – AWM.73274

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 27


meal within a couple of hours of

Sleeping Better: going to bed
w Starting a gentle exercise routine
and losing a bit of weight often
helps with sleep
Sleep disturbance is very common
in PTSD and in depression. Medication w Don’t do anything in bed except
sometimes helps, but it should be used sleep (and, perhaps, sex): don’t
with caution and only as directed by watch TV, read, do crosswords, or
your medical practitioner. There are think about worrying things.
several simple “non-drug” strategies you Reserve bed for sleeping.
can try that can be very helpful in w Get into the habit of doing some-
improving sleep: thing relaxing before bed: listen
w Get into a regular routine. In par- to a relaxation tape or some
ticular, get up at the same time relaxing music, have a warm
each morning even if you haven’t bath, slow down!
slept well w Try not to worry about not sleep-
w If you are not asleep within 30 ing: the more you worry about it,
minutes, get up for a while before the less likely you are to drop off
returning to bed. If you don’t drop to sleep. You can survive without
off within 30 minutes, get up much sleep, even though you will
again and so on be tired
w Try to avoid caffeine (coffee, tea, w Sleep, like any habit, takes a
cola, chocolate) from 6 pm while to change. Try to stick to
onwards. Avoid alcohol and, if the above guidelines for at least
possible, cigarettes from dinner- two weeks before deciding
time onwards. Try not to eat a whether or not they help

VJ Day Melbourne – AWM112854

28 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress



Ivor Hele
Untitled 1949
crayon with charcoal
37.9 x 56 cm

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 29


Treatment Treatment for PTSD often involves

several stages:
1. Crisis stablisation and engage-
2. Education about PTSD and relat-
ed conditions
Obtaining appropriate treatment for 3. Strategies to manage the symp-
PTSD is not always as straightforward as
one might think. First, the person has to toms (such as anxiety, anger,
accept that there is something wrong depression, alcohol abuse, sleep
and see the benefit of seeking help. problems, and relationship prob-
Getting help is often frightening – for lems)
many, it is a leap into the unknown – 4. Trauma focussed therapy (con-
but without this first step, progress is not fronting the painful memories
possible. Secondly, it is not always easy and feared situations)
to find a helping professional who
5. Cognitive restructuring (learning
understands PTSD and to whom you
to think more realistically and re-
can relate and trust. Sometimes it may
evaluating the meaning of the
be necessary to try a few different
sources of help until you find the
right one for you. As one starting 6. Relapse prevention and on-going
point, contact details for some useful support
organisations are provided in the back
of this booklet. Alternatively, try asking It is important to remember that
your general practitioner, community treatment can be painful and hard
health centre, or veterans’ organisation work. Unfortunately, there is no easy
for advice. There are many different way to get rid of the memories or
aspects to treatment and many different make them less distressing. There is no
approaches. However, this section will magic wand and no “sweet oblivious
deal predominantly with the most antidote”. But the long term gains can
common forms of treatment and the be enormous: effective treatment can
ones that have been shown to be effec- dramatically assist your recovery,
tive. Most require the services of an helping you to live a normal life once
experienced mental health professional. again.

Vichy Surrender – AWM.8997

30 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress


Stabilisation Of A Crisis
And Engagement In
Macbeth consults a doctor about Treatment:
his wife being troubled with thick
coming fantasies that keep her from
rest. He demands of the doctor:
“Cure her of that: PTSD symptoms are not usually
Canst thou not minister to a mind constant in their intensity. Rather, they
diseas’d; tend to fluctuate and there may be
Pluck from the memory a rooted times when they “flare up” or worsen.
sorrow; Although this can occur at any time, it
Raze out the written troubles of is most likely to be triggered by things
the brain; such as anniversaries or other reminders
And with some sweet oblivious of the trauma and stressful life events
antidote (such as family arguments, problems at
Cleanse the stuff’d bosom of that work, death of a friend or relative).
perilous stuff Crises can occur at any
Which weighs upon the heart?” time of the day or night. Several 24-
The doctor replies: hour telephone counselling services are
“Therein the patient must minister available (for example “Veterans’ Line”
to himself” – see the back of this book under
Shakespeare: Macbeth “Resources”). Although talking on
(Scene 1, Act 5) the telephone to someone you do not
know may not sound like much help,
it can often be very effective. At least
it may help you get through the
night or weekend until other support is
available. During especially difficult
times it may be necessary for the
veteran to attend hospital as an inpa-
tient. During his or her stay, the crisis
may be treated with medication, psy-
chotherapy, and general counselling.
As well as stabilising the symptoms, a
brief inpatient stay also provides a
“time-out” period for both the veteran
and their family to refocus on their
It is important that any current life
crises are resolved, or at least put “on
AWM.P516.05.03 hold”, before the real treatment of

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 31


PTSD can begin. It is not possible to treatment team if you are taking part
devote the necessary concentration, in a group program). You will need to
time, and energy to your recovery if spend some time getting to know each
you are constantly worried about your other, and building trust, if you are to
job, your relationship, your children, work on the difficult issues. We call
or other important life areas. That is this process “engagement”. For many
not to say that you have to be able to veterans with PTSD, this is a very dif-
solve all those problems before you ficult process – it may have been a
can work on your PTSD, but you will long time since they really trusted
need to be able to put them to one side another person, particularly someone
for a while to concentrate on your who is not a veteran. In many cases,
treatment. Therapy is hard work – you will need to tell your therapist
there is no easy way to do it – and you about experiences and feelings that
will need to devote all your personal you have never discussed with anyone
resources to the task. before. We need to recognise that this
The first part of treatment will is a difficult process that will take a lot
often be devoted to developing a rela- of courage, but it will be worth it and
tionship with the therapist (or the it is the only way to recovery.

Japanese Swords, Labuan 1945 – AWM.109724

32 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress


it happened. This is because, when we

Education And are under threat, our attention is very
Information: focussed on the source of the
danger and we do not take in all
the other things that are happening
around us. We may end up with a
distorted and confused memory of the
Trauma can sometimes feel like an experience, so that it becomes difficult
incomprehensible cloud that hangs to understand and make sense of the
over all areas of the person’s life. The event. This confusion often stops us
first step in treatment is to understand from being able to put the experience
exactly what trauma is, why we have behind us. For this reason, your
the symptoms we do and, therefore, therapist may help you to find out more
why it is treated the way it is. In this about what happened during the event.
regard, it is hoped that the current (Although we have put this under the
booklet is a first step in understanding heading of “Education and
the disorder. You need to know what Information”, it is actually something
the common signs and symptoms are, that may happen at several stages
and you need to recognise that you are throughout treatment). This process is
not alone – many people who have important in being able to “put the
experienced traumatic events have pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together”
responded in exactly the same way as and make sense of your experience. A
you have. You need to understand why good understanding of exactly what
the symptoms have appeared – the happened and why it happened often
fact that they were very useful for facilitates recovery. Unfortunately, of
survival while the traumatic events course, this is not always possible.
were happening but that they are Sometimes we may never find out
no longer useful. They have become exactly what happened or, more com-
“maladaptive” and now only serve to monly, why it happened and we have to
create problems and distress for you. learn to live with that uncertainty.
You need to understand what treatment
will involve and how it may affect you.
It is very important that you feel able to
ask your therapist questions about the
nature of your problems and the process
of treatment. He or she will not have
all the answers, but together you will
reach a better understanding of what
has happened and how you will recov-
Sometimes, people who have been
through a traumatic event have trouble
understanding what happened and why

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 33


w Techniques to help you organise

Symptom Management: your time effectively, scheduling
enjoyable and productive activi-
ties and providing some structure
As already noted, PTSD has many to your days
symptoms that interfere with the trau-
matised person’s daily functioning. Anger Management: Techniques to
Part of treatment usually involves reduce levels of anger and irritability
providing the person with strategies to with others is always an important part
cope with and manage these symptoms. in helping the PTSD sufferer. Not only
Medication will often play a part in this does it help them to be more relaxed,
stage of treatment. Unfortunately, such but it assists them in relating to others
strategies rarely make the symptoms go and being part of normal society.
away altogether. However, they help Strategies that are commonly used
sufferers to carry on with their day- include:
to-day functioning, no longer being w Education to understand the
“helpless victims” of the symptoms. A nature and purpose of anger
range of strategies may be used and
some of the more common are outlined w Methods of identifying early
below. However, it is important to keep warning signs of stress and
in mind that the following is just a irritability
guide; an experienced and qualified w Methods of identifying high risk
therapist can help you accomplish these situations and how to prepare for
techniques. them
w Methods of realistically re-evalu-
Anxiety Management: Techniques ating the situation, keeping it in
aimed at reducing levels of anxiety and perspective
arousal are an important part of treat-
ment. These techniques may include: w Strategies to reduce arousal and
stay calm in difficult situations
w Relaxation training to reduce
overall levels of anxiety w Effective communication meth-
ods (verbal and non-verbal)
w Breathing techniques to reduce
panic-like symptoms w Differentiating assertive from
aggressive behaviour
w Thought stopping methods to
break the tendency to ‘ruminate’ w Problem solving strategies to
or think excessively about the effectively deal with disagree-
past ments

w Rational self-talk to help manage w Distraction and removal tech-

high anxiety situations and niques to avoid ‘flare-ups’
depressing thoughts w Practice in imagined and real-life

34 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress


Management of Depression: As Medication Self-Management:

mentioned above, people with PTSD Medication is frequently used to help
frequently develop symptoms of manage severe PTSD symptoms
depression. Therefore, strategies to (although, on its own, it will not
reduce and manage depression are change the underlying problems and
frequently employed as part of treat- should be combined with other treat-
ment. Strategies may include the fol- ments). To minimise unintended diffi-
lowing: culties associated with medication, the
w following strategies are frequently used:
Increasing positive, enjoyable
events and scheduling these into w Education about the use and
daily living effect of the drug

w Methods of understanding the

w Education about possible side-
effects and activities or sub-
underlying assumptions and
stances to avoid
beliefs about the self (e.g., “I’m a
worthless failure”) or the world w Methods of keeping track of
(e.g., “Nobody cares about me”) medication use
that can lead to feelings of w Discussing the effects and desire
sadness and depression
to change medication with your
w psychiatrist
Identifying patterns of depressive
thoughts on a day-to-day basis w Methods of reducing and stop-
ping medication intake
w Realistically evaluating and chal-
lenging negative beliefs and

w Rational, realistic coping self-talk

Gulf War, I. Parrot – AWM.P1403/47

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 35


Substance Abuse: As mentioned, Relationship Difficulties: People who

many people with PTSD attempt to have been traumatised often lose track
cope or “self-medicate” with excessive of who and what they can trust in the
amounts of alcohol and inappropriate world. This often has a major impact
drug use (including prescribed drugs). on relationships. To address the diffi-
Treatment for alcohol or other drug culties that can occur between couples
use can include: and family members, PTSD sufferers
w are frequently taken through a range
Education about the use and
of strategies to improve relationships.
effect of the substance
Some of the methods used may
w Decisions regarding total absti- include active listening (how to really
nence versus controlled use of listen to your partner or children),
the drug communicat-ion training (how to say
w Recording “danger” times and effectively what you need and feel),
identifying patterns of use and problem solving (how to solve
everyday problems without fighting).
w Developing coping strategies for Some of this may occur with the vet-
high risk times eran alone and some with their part-
w Assertiveness training for when ner. Separate support and counselling
others are applying peer pressure for the partner is often beneficial.
Sometimes family therapy is provided,
w Planning and scheduling activi- where the whole family meet to
ties not associated with the address their issues, with the aim of
substance developing a healthy environment for
w Response prevention – methods all.
of resisting the ‘urge’

Sleep Disturbance: Many sufferers of

PTSD report disturbances of sleep.
Several strategies may be useful in
addressing the difficulty of going to
sleep, waking repeatedly throughout
the night, or waking early in the
morning. It is common for therapists
to assist clients in developing a
healthy sleep routine in line with the
suggestions provided above. Other
strategies, including medication, may
be adopted when those are not prov-
ing effective. (See the earlier section
on Sleeping Better). Sergeant J. Trease, Vietnam – AWM.FOD.71254/VN

36 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress


had this experience in a range of

Exposure Therapy – situations, such as going to a shopping
Confronting Feared centre or watching a movie about war.
Very often people believe that if they
Situations: do not leave the situation they will
“lose control”, “go crazy”, “have a heart
attack”, or have some other dire conse-
quences. At the very least, they are
Anxiety frequently causes people to likely to believe that the unpleasant
stay away from the frightening situa- feelings will be intolerable. Exposure
tion. It is quite normal for people to therapy aims to show that this is not the
want to escape or avoid situations, case by helping the person to
thoughts, memories, or feelings that are confront the feared situation. This is
painful or distressing. However, this is done in a very controlled and gradual
one of the major impediments to fashion, overseen by therapists who are
recovery. Avoidance and escape pro- experienced with the procedure, so that
vide temporary relief – the anxiety discomfort is kept to a minimum. By
reduces. Unfortunately, the next time building upon repeated successes in
the person encounters that situation facing these feared situations, the
again, he or she is likely to become person is eventually able to confront
anxious long before it is planned to them without anxiety and they are no
occur. We call this “anticipatory longer avoided.
anxiety”. The more the situation is In many ways, this approach is
avoided, the more the person continues common sense. Let’s take an example of
to believe that it is dangerous. Further, a little boy who is standing on the
even if the person does not avoid, the beach when a big wave knocks him
anxiety may continue to build once over. He becomes very frightened of the
they are in the situation. You may have sea and refuses to go to the beach the

VJ Day Balikpapan – AWM.113723

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 37


next day. How would his mother or

father help? In order to overcome the Exposure Therapy –
fear, his parents may take him for a walk Confronting The
along the beach, staying away from the
sea, holding his hand and Memories:
reassuring him. Gradually, they walk
closer and closer to the water’s edge.
Eventually, the boy is able to go into
A form of exposure therapy is also
the sea again unaided. This is a simple
used to treat distressing memories of the
example, but exactly the same process
trauma. In cases of PTSD, the
applies to treating more severe and
memories are the “feared situation”.
complex fears in adults.
These memories are so frightening, and
In conducting exposure treatment,
cause so much distress, that the person
your therapist will work with you in
tries to avoid or escape from them by
constructing a hierarchy – a list of
blocking them out. Often, exposure
feared situations in order of difficulty.
treatments are used to assist in
Treatment involves tackling each item,
confronting the memories. Exposure is
one at a time, and moving on to the
only one term used to describe this
next only when you are confident to
process. Some people talk about “trau-
do so. More difficult items may be
ma focus work”, “working through the
broken up into several steps. Exposure
trauma”, “coming to terms with the
treatment can be difficult and painful,
experience” or simply “confronting the
but it is the most effective way of treat-
memories”. There are many analogies
ing many anxieties.
used to explain this process to PTSD
sufferers before treatment commences.
The following analogies may help you
to understand the process.
“Very often, after a trauma we tend
to pack the event away into a box. We
try to file away what happened, putting
it to the back of our mind. We then use
a little strength to keep the lid tightly
closed and try to leave it undisturbed.
However, over time, two things
happen. Firstly, our strength begins to
wane and it becomes more of an effort
to keep it sealed. Secondly, due to the
pressure, the box begins to lose its shape
and small cracks begin to appear. What
we experience as symptoms (such as
memories of the trauma, and having
nightmares and disturbed sleep) is like
Sth Vietnam 1967 – AWM.EKN 67/130/VN the content of the box spilling out

38 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress


through these cracks. This is usually fine for a few weeks or months, but the
very frightening, so we try to avoid problems would keep coming back as
anything that reminds us of the trauma. the tooth continued to deteriorate.
We try to stop thinking and talking Instead, they spend some time drilling
through what happened and how we and scraping, cleaning out all the decay
felt. In this way the content of the box before putting the tooth back together.
becomes a “ghost” which we have This is a very unpleasant and painful
learned to fear. As part of therapy, we process, but we know it is worth going
are going to open the box and inspect through this short term pain for the
the content for what it really is. In long term gain. Traumatic memories are
this way we can talk through what a bit like tooth decay. We need to make
happened and how you felt. We will be sure that we have confronted all aspects
inspecting the “ghosts” that have been of the trauma before we try to put the
created and throwing away any mal- event behind us. We need to give our-
adaptive and distressing beliefs you may selves time to face up to even the worst
have about the event. We find that parts of the experience so that there are
once the trauma has been dealt with in no skeletons in the closet to come and
this manner the symptoms become haunt us in the future. Like the dentist’s
much less severe and less frequent.” drilling, it is a painful process but an
Another analogy talks about the important part of recovery”.
dentist: A final analogy comes from the
“When dentists work on a decayed work of Edna Foa, one of the leading
tooth, they don’t just slap the filling on experts in the treatment of PTSD:
top of the decay. If they did, it may be “Suppose you have eaten a very
large and heavy meal that you are
unable to digest. This is an uncomfort-
able feeling. But when you have digest-
ed the food, you feel a great sense of
relief. Flashbacks, nightmares, and trou-
blesome thoughts continue to occur
because the traumatic event has not
been adequately digested. Treatment
will help you to start digesting your
heavy memories so that they will stop
interfering with your daily life”.
Exposure based treatments are not
for everybody. In some cases, if the
memories are not causing too much of a
problem, it may be best not to drag
everything up again. You may wish to
talk to your therapist about whether
this approach would be beneficial for
Somalia, 1993 – AWM.MSU93/138/14

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 39


In a similar vein, people often

Cognitive believe that certain events cause specif-
Restructuring: ic reactions. For example, one may
believe that being in a crowded shop-
ping centre causes panic, as if there is
some automatic connection between
Following a traumatic experience, shopping centres and panic. However,
people may be left with a range of the anxiety that people feel is not the
negative interpretations or beliefs about result of the event itself. An inanimate
what happened, as well as about them- object such as a shopping centre cannot
selves and the world. For example, they make someone anxious by its own
may think that they are bad or evil for doing. It is our interpretation about the
acting in the way they did; they may situation that creates the anxiety, and
think that what happened was their this interpretation is based upon beliefs
fault; they may see themselves as weak we hold. In the above example the
or inadequate; they may think that the active belief may be that one is in dan-
world has become a dangerous place ger of being trapped. Therefore, when
and that other people are nasty, cruel, the person is in a shopping centre they
and out to take advantage. Sometimes, may have thoughts such as “I’m
there may be elements of truth in these trapped, I can’t escape, I’m going to lose
thoughts. Often, however, they are control”. It is these thoughts that cause
completely untrue or, at least, grossly the feelings of panic.
exaggerated. This kind of thinking Cognitive restructuring is a proce-
leads to all sorts of unpleasant emotions dure whereby people’s thoughts,
such as depression and guilt, anxiety beliefs and interpretations about past
and fear, and anger. Sometimes therapy experiences are identified and mistakes
will be aimed at helping the person to in thinking are highlighted. (Cognition
identify those maladaptive thoughts, to is just a technical word for thoughts).
challenge and dispute them, and to For example, it may be that the
replace them with a more realistic view person is thinking in “black and white
of themselves and the world. terms” – seeing things as all good or all

CWA Volunteers – AWM.89251

40 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress


bad – when in reality the world holds

much that is “grey”. It may not be per- Psychodynamic
fect, but it’s not all bad either. The per- Psychotherapy:
son may be overgeneralising (e.g., “no-
one can be trusted”) or over-focussing
on the negatives and minimising the
positives in most situations. They may
see one negative thing as confirmation Therapists working with a psycho-
that they are not coping, while ignoring dynamic approach attempt to integrate
other evidence that they are, in fact, the person’s traumatic experience with
coping quite well. Once these erro- his or her life as a whole. They do not
neous thoughts and patterns are discov- focus on symptoms alone, but seek to
ered, it is the goal of cognitive therapy make connections between the trau-
to replace these with more adaptive, matic experience and vulnerabilities in
realistic and flexible beliefs. This, of the person’s earlier life. They try to
course, includes re-evaluating our expe- understand how current situations
riences and, in particular, the traumatic evoke traumatic responses even
event. It is a difficult process that can though the original trauma is past. The
take a lot of hard work, but it can be psychodynamic approach seeks to
very effective in minimising and man- understand the way in which the indi-
aging unpleasant emotions. vidual continues to interpret the world
in distressing and often self-destructive
Disruptive and traumatic experience
earlier in life can predispose the
individual to more deeply troubled
responses to trauma later in life. So, for
example, even though he would not
have been responsible, a young boy
may feel that he caused his parents’
relationship to break-up, leading to
divorce. Later in life, as a young man,
he may feel responsible for the death
of his comrade in the war, even
though in fact he would have been
powerless to prevent his friend’s death.
Psychodynamic psychotherapy can
bring to light connections between
such experiences. By means of this
process, it may free the individual from
excessive and unreasonable guilt (for
example), once these experiences have
Vietnam: Kevin A. “Dasher” Wheatly – AWM.4438 been worked through.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 41


However, the focus of the therapy is have of doing something about it. Skills
on current life experience and persist- acquired during treatment can then be
ing difficulties. The past is re-visited applied to cope with the recurrence of
only to the extent that it is being symptoms. At times, additional help
replayed in the present, often in may be required – do not hesitate to
self-defeating ways. Psychodynamic seek professional assistance if you think
therapy is usually a longer term therapy you need it. Possible sources of help in
and is not suited to all people. case of relapse should be identified as
part of treatment so that you know
where to seek help quickly if you
require it.

Relapse Prevention:

In some people, even following Alternative and

treatment, PTSD can be a chronic
disorder with lapses from time to time. Adjunctive Treatments:
Preventing a recurrence of symptoms is
most important for veterans with
PTSD. Times of stress (for example, There are a host of other treatment
family or work problems, bereave- techniques ranging from homeopathy
ments, and financial difficulties) may to hypnosis that, while not being “run
lead to a recurrence of symptoms in of the mill”, can help some people. It is
some people. When this happens, it is our suggestion that these alternative
important to remember that it was techniques are used only when more
expected and not to feel that you are mainstream methods have proved
back to square one. As long as it is not ineffective or as an adjunct to those
too severe, and does not last too long, treatments when appropriate. Everyone
you can deal with it. is different in their reaction to therapy
As part of treatment, it is common and, occasionally, some treatments may
to provide specific help directed do more harm than good, especially in
towards maintaining the gains made the hands of inexperienced practition-
during therapy and, as far as possible, ers. Therefore, we suggest that, before
avoiding relapse. In order to do this, the embarking upon these treatments, the
coping strategies listed above are inte- sufferer discuss the possibilities with a
grated into all areas of the person’s life skilled mental health professional who
in order to minimise causes of is knowledgeable in all available
stress and it’s intensity. Education and resources for the treatment of PTSD.
discussion to identify the early warning
signs of a relapse is important – the
earlier you recognise that things are
going wrong, the more chance you

42 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress



Ivor Hele
Digger Walking 1941
65.5 x 39 cm

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 43



T his section lists some of the

resources available to veterans (and
families of veterans). These are in addi-
tion to standard health and mental
health services. To find out what is
available in your local area, you may
wish to talk to your general practitioner Sth Vietnam 1967 – AWM.EKN 67/130/VN
or community health centre. The fol-
lowing organisations provide more spe-
cialist assistance and advice:

include: crisis counselling (face to face

or telephone, and an emergency after
hours toll-free telephone service);
individual, family and group coun-
selling; country outreach programs for
rural Australia; education and informa-
tion resources (including a library); case
The Vietnam Veterans management roles; referrals to other
Counselling Service treatment services.
(VVCS): Contact details:

The VVCS is a free and confidential VVCS is available in all states - see
service provided by the Department of the phone book under Vietnam
Veterans Affairs. Despite the name, vet- Veterans Counselling Service for your
erans of any conflict are welcome to nearest office. A 24-hour emergency
attend and you do not need to have a free-call service is available on 1800 043
war-related disability or entitlement 503 in Sydney, Lismore and Newcastle,
from the Department of Veteran’s and 1800 011 046 in all other areas.
Affairs. Those who may use the services The postal address for VVCS is:
of the VVCS include Australian
veterans of all conflicts and peacekeep- VVCS National Office
ing operations, as well as their families. GPO Box 21
VVCS will also see people with Woden, ACT 2606.
concern for a veteran’s welfare who
wish to seek advice. Services offered Tel: (02) 6289 6168

44 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress


Accredited PTSD Support Groups:

Treatment Programs:
There are various support groups, run
by veterans themselves or by
In every state of Australia there are
associations related to the well-being
hospitals and/or community facilities
of veterans. Some of these are
which have been accredited by the
nationwide while others are based only
National Centre to provide treatment
within certain states. As the list of
for veterans with PTSD and related
organisations available can be different
problems. These facilities provide a
in various states, we suggest that
range of program options including
interested veterans (or their partners
inpatient/outpatient models, day hospi-
and families) contact either the VVCS
tal programs, and less intensive
or your local DVA office for available
community based treatments. These
organisations in that area.
treatment programs are carefully
evaluated and new programs are
continually becoming available. For an
up-to-date list of accredited programs
contact the National Centre or visit
their web pages.

Cambodia 1992 – AWM.PO2570.027

46 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress



This work is copyright. It may be reproduced in whole or in part for

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Reproduction for the purposes other than those indicated above,
require the prior written permission from the Commonwealth avail-
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and rights should be addressed to the Manager, Legislative Services,
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The National Centre shall not be responsible for the results of any
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nor for any errors or omissions contained therein. The publisher,
the National Centre, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, and the
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be done by any such person in reliance, whether whole or partial,
upon the whole or any part of the contents.

Cambodia 1992 – AWM.PO1748.100

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 47


The National Centre

For War-Related

The National Centre was formed to

improve services to veterans and cur-
rently serving personnel with PTSD
Contact details:
and related disorders. The mission of The National Centre For
the National Centre is to advance War-Related PTSD.
knowledge about PTSD, improve Locked Bag 1,
treatment of the condition, and West Heidelberg,
prevent the disorder. The goals of Victoria 3081.
the National Centre for War-Related
PTSD include: Tel: (03) 9496 2922
Fax: (03) 9496 2830
w Facilitating the development of
effective treatment services for
veterans suffering from PTSD Web:
and related problems
w Training health professionals in
the recognition, assessment and
management of PTSD
w Educating the general and veter-
an community, the defence
forces, and health professionals
about PTSD and related condi-
w Collaborating with the
Australian Defence Forces on
prevention and early interven-
tion in traumatic stress
w Encouraging and directing
research into PTSD
w Collaborating with international
agencies with similar objectives

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder & War-Related Stress 45

Lance Coporal Albert Jacka VC
ISBN: 0–642–41460–2

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