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February 15, 2021

Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Describe the application and limits of procedural, object-oriented, and event-driven programming paradigms............4

Describe the factors influencing the choice of programming language...........................................................................7

Explain Sequence, Selection and Iteration as used in Computer Programming.............................................................11

Outline the benefits of having a variety of data types available to the programmer.....................................................13

Explain the role of software design principles and software structures in the IT systems development lifecycle..........16

Use appropriate tools to design a solution to a defined requirement...........................................................................20

Explain the importance the quality of code................................................................................................................... 24

Justify the choice of data types and software structures used in a design solution.......................................................28

REFERENCES.................................................................................................................................................................. 29
The current trend of fast pace in the any industry is necessary, as this will allow the competition to fall
behind. If an organization need to speed up various process within its system, it requires
implementation of various technologies. Newer and improved software can be introduced to improve
the functionality and productivity of specific sectors. PollUTest is an organization that will require
applications made using both procedural and object-oriented programming. The application that will
be developed can be planned using system development life cycle. Automation can also be introduced
if proper staff is available.

There are several different types of languages that have different paradigm. Some programming
languages use a combination of different paradigms. Paradigms are the key feature and structure of
the programming language. Three of the most important programming paradigms are event-driven,
procedural, and object-oriented.

Procedural Programming Paradigm

The procedural programming paradigm uses a top-down problem-solving approach. It treats data and
procedure as two different entities. The paradigm uses multipole procedures also known as a routine,
subroutine, or function to complete the program. These functions are reusable and can have unique
behavior and attributes.

Procedural Programming

When we use the procedural programming language to code, we break down the main program into
smaller parts and call them procedures. Each procedure is programmed for a specific task and is called
by the main program when needed. Procedure programming is fairly easy to learn but it is hard to
write, but it is user-friendly thus it is always a suitable language for beginners.

Procedural programming is used for different types of calculations. It is a simple programming

language that works well with a basic system.

Object Oriented Programming Paradigm

The object-oriented programming paradigm uses a bottom-up approach to solve problems. Problems
are represented as objects that are made up of data and functions. Communication between objects is
made using functions but the data in a function is exclusive to the particular function of an object, and
cannot be accessed by other functions thus it can’t be modified.

Object Oriented Programming

Object-oriented programming revolves around objects. Programs are made up of objects which include
various data and functions. Objects are defined by classes for their values and behavior. An object-
oriented programming language is used for complex problem-solving in an advanced system since it
has a more adaptive and flexible programming structure when compared with procedural
programming. Objects in this programming language mimic real-life objects, that is why it is easily
understandable. Also, objects that make up the program are self-sufficient thus can be easily reused in
other parts of the program.

Event-driven Programming Paradigm

In an event-driven programming paradigm flow of the program is determined by events. Events are
defined as actions by users such as mouse click, pressing a button, setting up a notification, etc. Input
from the events is sent to the scheduler, which determines the type of event and forwards the
response to the appropriate event handler for output. The modern operating system uses GUI and
integrates this paradigm for providing a fulfilling user experience.

Event-driven Programming

Event-driven programming allows a program to respond according to the input by the user. Even
though event-driven programming is different from other programming languages, all object-oriented
and visual languages utilize event-driven programming. Event-driven can be written in any
programming language. Programmers construct event procedures that respond to various user inputs.

How these languages can be combined

Every program is aimed at solving different aspects of a problem but we cannot use different types of
paradigms together as they are not mutually exclusive. The modern programming language combines
aspects of different paradigms, this way it enables us to use a unique language with improved
functionality. For example, languages like Visual basic, which is a procedural language but uses some
features of Object-oriented language.

Why these languages are important

Machine code is a low-level programming language that a computer uses to pass commands and to
communicate. A programming language allows us to communicate and program computers without
learning machine code. Programming a computer would be a lot slower and harder if we had to use
machine code which consists of binary and hexadecimal numbers. The programming language was
invented for ease of use, it is human-friendly and highly functional. It is also easy to use and learn for
human beings, thus allowing us to effectively program computers.

Types of languages

1. Scripting languages
A scripting language is used for writing computer scripts, they are used in software applications,
web pages and sometimes in operating system shells and games, most modern structure supports
scripting language. A scripting language is a series of command and does not need a compiler to be
executed, can be interpreted. It is fast, short series of codes, and supports cross-platform mean it
does not require additional software to be installed to run them. JavaScript is a scripting language
that is combined with HTML for web development.

2. Mark-up languages
Mark-up language is not classified as a programming language but presents itself as a programming
language. It is used for text processing, formats the text, and manages the style and structure of a
document. There are many different kinds of mark-up language but the most common one is HTML
(hypertext mark-up language) which helps with the basic layout and style of the text of a web page.
Mark-up languages are used with other scripting languages to make a functional website.


Choosing the Right Programming Language

There is about 700 programming language, so for an organization choosing the right type of
programming language can be difficult and very important as well. There are numerous elements that
an organization considers when they chose a programming language, below are the factors that
influence when choosing a programming language.

Factors Influencing the Choice of Programming Language

Organizational Policy: Every large organization has their policy for maintaining themselves, so when an
organization considers buying software from another company or tech firm, they usually have a policy
stating the type of language they prefer. This policy is heavily influenced by the type of hardware and
software the organization is currently using. The organization may also have a policy like a guideline for
setting the standard for the tool that is being developed, this helps the organization in keeping the
consistency of quality.

Suitability of Features and Tools: There are many options when choosing a programming language but
a company might need to select a language that is suitable for their system and works well with
specific tools. There are many languages, some with unique features that can meet the requirement.
So, a company should consider analyzing different languages before selecting one.

Availability of trained Staff: When considering the type of language an organization should keep in
mind the expertise of the employees for that particular language. This is will save a lot of time because
the staff will be capable of producing a fast solution. Some employees can be trained easily if the
language is easy to learn but taking into account the time and money for training. In other cases, the
company might have to consider hiring a new specialist for new projects.

Reliability: Every programming language comes with different features, when choosing a programing
language, a company should consider a few things in terms of reliability. The language needs to be
robust and easily maintainable also how often will it crash. These are a few of the good questions to
think about when considering a language in terms of reliability.

Development and Maintenance Costs: Every organization's primary goal is to make a profit, when
considering the type of language few factors should always be checked, the maintenance cost and the
cost of development. The cost of development depends on the scarcity of the language, if it is a
common programming language like C or Python it should cost considerably less but for a rare
language like Cobol, the development and maintenance cost may rise.

Expandability: Expandability is one of the most important factors for an organization. An organization
should always consider choosing a language that allows building a program that supports multiple
users without causing any technical issues. It is therefore critical to keep in mind the expandability of
the solution.

Common Uses of Programming Languages


Websites use a combination of languages; this includes a compulsory markup language called HTML
along with CSS (cascading stylesheet) and for added features like web applications JavaScript is used.

Operating Systems

Three of the most popular operating systems in the market are; Linux, Mac, and windows. These three
operating systems use the same programming for building different systems. A kernel is a very crucial
aspect of the Mac and Linux operating system, and the kernel is built using C programming language,
also windows use C programming language throughout various stages in its programming.

Mobile Applications

Mobile phone applications are developed using either Java or Objective-C. IOs and Android is the most
popular mobile OS currently in the market. Apple uses Objective-C which is a very stable language and
it is not used in any other mobile application platform. Android on the other hand uses Java to program
its applications.

Video Games

The most common programming language that game designer uses is C++, C, and Java. C++ is the most
popular among the three, because it is an object-oriented language that is very widely used, has a lot
of community support and a variety of tools is available for developers. Also, C++ is the most
compatible language means it runs on most devices.
Companies That Use Programming Languages


Facebook is a social networking site that uses a combination of programming languages. This includes;
Python, JavaScript, HACK, C++, Java, PHP, D, Haskell, and few others. The Facebook back end is
programmed using mainly C++ and JAVA is used for frontend and mobile application.


Google uses various programming languages for its search engine as well as other applications.
Primarily they use Python, Java, JavaScript, C, and C++. C++ is used because it is one of the fastest
languages and allows the programmer to execute commands efficiently in the browser and other
Google applications. Java is used for its functionality and low maintenance features when compared to
other languages such as C and C++. Python is also used for its speed and efficiency.


Amazon uses a programming language that is fast and efficient, they programming languages includes
Perl, Java, and C++. Although all three are languages that amazon uses but recently amazon is
preferring C++ over java because of its low maintenance requirement. The content delivery system of
Amazon uses Perl as this language provides a reusable module and also it can be used in combination
with other languages.


Initially, Twitter used Ruby on Rails as their go-to programming language for its simplicity, and also the
language is very adaptive, but later on Twitter decided to change its programming language for the
back-end system to Scale, which is an extension of Java. The reason behind it is because SCALE is less
costly and has shorter latencies.


It is a simple set of instructions that is used to build a program. This set of instructions is executed one
after another in an orderly fashion according to the way it is written. Below is a diagram of a sequence
being executed in a code.
Figure 1

In Figure 1 a program is instructed to execute a set of instructions, which includes printing 7

statements. Each print statement has an alphabet in descending order from A to G. When we run the
program, the sequence also runs as well and the instruction is executed in accordance to the order that
it was written in.


It is a simple structure that refers to the process of how a command is repeated until the condition is
met, which is defined in the particular program. Iteration has two tools for performing the repetition
process, which is also known as loop. The two tools are:

 For loop
 While loop

Figure 2
In Figure 2, we used a while loop for implementing iteration. The program contains a variable num and
while loop which has a condition. The condition states that as long the “num” variable is less than 9 it
will print “num”, then the program has print num and adds +1 to it. This process is repeated until the
num variable is greater than 9.


A selection is also known as a decision that allows the program to take two different routes.
Depending on the value of the variable, a program may choose the route that satisfies the condition of
the particular route.

Figure 3

In figure 3 a selection statement is used. In the statement two routes are presented, the selection of
the route depends on the value of the variable. If the value of variable “num” is 1 then it will print the
value of variable doubled but if it is not 1 then it will print the value when it is multiplied by itself.



Advantages of having a variety of data types

Data types are used to define data of its character, value, and feature. It allows the computer to easily
interpret the value of the variable, and use the built-in data type to define the data, and also store the
data accordingly. Numerous data types are used in programming to represent data. Below is a table
that contains the most commonly used data types in C#:

Data types Description Size (bytes) Range Example

Int Whole numbers 4 -2,147,483,648 1, 2 , 3 , 4, 556
2, 147, 483, 648

String Sequence of 2 per character N/A “Hello World”


Boolean Represents True or 1 True or False


Char Single character 2 N/A A,b,4,5

Decimal Fractional or Integral 29 significant digits

type with a decimal

When making a program using different kinds of data types it is beneficial for the user, as this will
reduce the usage of memory when storing data. It also allows the user to easily manipulate the data by
changing the value simply by editing a line of code. It also helps in restricting users from giving the
wrong type of input because data types can be used to define the type of input that the user should
provide, in any case, if the user inputs a wrong value the program will not run, thus is very useful.

Data type also helps in making data more secure by providing specification limits when a variable is

Choosing the right data type for a variable

 Importance of choosing the right data type

Selecting the right data type is crucial for a programmer because the wrong data type can cause an
unexpected error or even in most cases the program crashes. The right data type also saves a lot of
space, it also allows the programmer to dictate if the variable defined should be global or local.

 The outcome in an event of the wrong choice

A wrong data type can cause a program to crash, as wrong data types take up too much space,
sufficient space will not be available for the program to run properly thus causing the program to

 String: It is a data type that is made up of a group of characters that can contain alphabets,
numbers, or symbols. Strings is a data type which can be stored in a variable, and it implemented in
almost all type of programming languages.
 Char: It is used for holding a single character.
 Boolean: This data type holds two types of value, one is true, another is false. Boolean is mostly
used in “if” statements, where selection is used for the statement.
 Integer: This data type holds whole numbers. An integer is mostly used for ages and quantities.
 Double: Data types that store decimal numbers.
 Float: Float is data types that are made up of numbers but have decimals in them, such as 1.25,
856.54. Float is similar to integer in terms of character storing, integers store the whole numbers,
whereas float store decimal numbers.
Now we will discuss 6 different data types in terms of Java:
1) String: A string is a collection of characters that is used for storing a set of characters. Characters
are defined as spaces, numbers, letters, and symbols. Every character that is present on the
keyboard can be used in a string. For example:
string TeacherName = “Mohammad Iftakhar Alam”
Mohammad Iftakhar Alam” string is now stored in the variable “TeacherName”.
2) Int: Integer or Int is used for storing whole numbers, it is usually used for storing enormous values
in a program. An example is shown below:
int TeacherAge = 25
3) Byte: It is used for storing integers that have a small value, it has a range from -128 to 127.
4) Char: Character which is the full form of char is used for storing single characters like a letter,
number, symbol, or space.
5) Double: Double is used for representing decimal value of numbers, eg; 13.5, 25.9, 88.7, and so on.
Integers can’t express decimal value, hence double is used which allows the program to express
decimal value.An example of shown below
double LengthOfScale = 22.8;

6) Short: This data type is similar to byte, but has a bigger range than byte, which is -32,768 to 32,767.
Short data types also hold numbers like integers but its limitation is much smaller. An example is
shown below:
Short BabyDateOfBirth = 1999



A system is developed using a system development life cycle, which consists of six stages. These six
phases are used for creating a system for hardware, software, or a combination of both to meet the
user's expectations. This development lifecycle divides the process of development into simple stages
and is completed by a group of people which includes Executives, project managers, users, engineers,
and analysts.
The six phases of the System development life cycle

1. Analysis: To implement the system development life cycle, a strong idea of the current system and
its deficiencies needs to be studied, this also helps build a new system. As information is gathered
and analyzed it help determine the objective of the system and the requirement that will be
beneficial to the system. The analysis also determines the need for the replacement and its price.
This phase lays out the complete project scope that includes the development timeframe, key
personnel, economic and operational details.
2. Identifying System requirements/Specification: After determining the objective of the system, the
user requirement needs to be gathered and discussed with system developers. Communication
between the users and developers is very important, as this will give the developer a better
understanding of the expectation of the user. The designers and programmers need a clear
understanding of the program’s objective and purpose. They will also need to be well informed
about the current system so that they can build upon the original structure of the system.
3. Designing the system: After gathering and identifying all the requirements, the designers will
proceed to design a system that later the developers will use to build the system. A system design
should include a user interface, also taking into account the procedures and the data stored within
the system.
4. System development/Coding the program: When the designing phase is complete, programmers
can start coding the programs and the application that is required.
5. Testing: When the programmers finish coding the program, the software is tested for bugs, errors,
and other technical issues. The testing phase is initiated once a procedure of the software is
finished its development phase. Testing the software will allow the bugs and errors to be detected
and fixed before they are sent out to users. Testing is also useful to check if the program has met
the requirement.
6. Maintainance: Once the program is sent out to the user, it is installed and used by users for a long
period. During this period the users may detect many bugs, errors, or issues which the testing
phase missed out on, and for this reason, the system and software should be maintained regularly.
Maintainance is also important because as time goes by a system will require newer features that
will help it adapt to the present technology. Maintenance can issue updates, that can help adapt
with the current technology.

Tools used in Design Stage

 Structure Diagrams: It is a diagram that illustrates the different parts of a program for
development. It is useful in defining the different stages for making a program. Structure
diagrams can also be used to design various processes and routes in the program. During the
System design lifecycle, diagrams will help in coding the program. Figure 4 below is an example
of a structure diagram:

Figure 4

 DFD (Data flow Diagrams): Data flow diagrams are also used during the design phase of SDLC,
DFD illustrates the flow of data in a system, it also shows the relationship between different
classes in the system. DFD diagrams outline the process, and data storage in a system, this
helps the designer to meet the expectation of the users and the system. Real-world objects are
represented by the entity in the diagram. Figure 5 below is an example of DFD:
Figure 5

Software Structure

A software is built using various software structure that uses different types of programming
paradigms to improve the quality of the code. A few of the different software structure is described

 Functions: A function is a set of code that is created for doing a specific task. The function takes
input processes it and gives out an output. A function can be used multiple times in an
application. Two types of functions are used by most programming languages; built-in functions
and user-defined functions. Built-in functions are part of the programming language and can be
used for validating user inputs. Example for some common built-in functions in C# are ‘.
Length()’, ‘ToLower()’, Substring() and etc. User-defined functions are made by the

 Procedures: It a subroutine that performs a specific task. It is called from the source code to
carry out a function. The procedure is used to improve the quality of code, as it is also used for
structuring the program. Improving the quality of code can also improve the readability of code,
which is helpful for other developers during bug fixing or updating.

 Classes and Objects: Class and object are used in object-oriented programming. Class in object-
oriented programming act as a template for an object which defines the range of value and the
maximum value of the object. A class can also define the behavior of an object. Within a class,
there are methods and attributes which are a part of data associated with the class and
methods are the functions of the class.
Objects in object-oriented programming represent real-life objects, they are the building block
of the program. Object and classes are used together along with other programming functions
to build a program.
Below are a few codes demonstrating objects and classes:

class Dog {
string name;
int age;
string breed;
dog method();
class female extend Dog {
name= “Appi”;
age = “5”;
Breed = “german shepherd”;
printf(“name”, “age” , “breed”);
Combat gym is a well-renowned gym that is currently planning to upgrade its membership
management to a software-based system. They have planned out the requirements that would include
an application that stores information of the members like; photos, name, date of birth, joining date,
expiration date of membership and generates random numbers for membership ID.

Information which is required by the application:

1. Name
2. Photo
3. Age
4. Gender
5. Joining date
6. Expiration date
7. Type of membership
8. Random membership ID

The software takes input from customer which includes all information listed above, and system
registers the customer and adds the all the details in a txt file. At the same after registration the
customer is given a randomly generated unique number as his/her ID, which can be used as a
membership identify number for ID, this number is also used in membership card, which is used to
access the gym. Combat gym keeps all the record of the customer visits to gym by using the
membership card and also structures unique diet plan for them. This unique ID number is almost
instantly activated after the purchase of the membership. ID number also hold the important data like
the expiration date and joining date. The main software processes the expiration date, 2 months after
the purchase date. When the customer ID reaches the expiration date, the system emails them a
invoice. The customer then has 10 days to renew the membership, or their membership cancels and
they lose access to the gym. To gain access to the gym the customer needs to renew their membership
User Interface

The UI (user interface) of the application is designed to be both efficient and user friendly for customer
and administrators as well. The registration is also fairly easy as it requires just the name, date of birth,
gender, and email. The password is required to be 8-character longs and must have at least one capital
letter and a symbol. The administrator panel can easily see the current members by just clicking a


There are few constraints while registering, the password must be 8 character long and must have
capital letter and a symbol. All required fields need to filled by customer to complete the registration.


The table below shows how much is requires for each task to complete:
Data types and Software structure

I am going to build a solution for combat gym using various kind of data types. Boolean data type will
be used to verify the membership if it is “Active (true)” or “Inactive (false)”. Depending on the Boolean
certain commands will function. Such as; If the Boolean = false, then add the membership ID to inactive
member list in .txt file and disable all features and access to the gym.

Strings will play a big part in this software design, String will used to collect names, passwords and
username to save to the .txt file for later use.
Integers will also be used for whole numbers as the current date and expiry date, which will later be
compared and used in “if” statement to trigger the Boolean according to membership status.

The final design includes an “if” statement to compare the date and the “exdate” (expiration date) to
verify if the membership is valid or not. This algorithm is used in the final design as it fit perfectly for
expiry system.

The importance of creating quality code

A programmer needs to be very skilled in coding to create a software that is reliable and robust. High
quality code makes a program more efficient and have less issues later in the testing and deployment

As the software is durable because of quality code it is also easily maintained by the users. Software
that is designed using quality code doesn’t not easily crash and responses correctly when given an
incorrect command. A program made from quality code can also be debugged with ease as it is easily
readable by other developers. So, a quality codes use an appropriate variable name, uses a good code
structure and formatting, the code is also well tested.

Attributes of quality code

There are many attributes of quality code as they have stated above, some of the few more important
attributes will be mentioned below, which will improve the quality of the code.

Reliable and Robust

When developer creates a program, they are not always used according the development plan, some
users may type or give wrong inputs, which can cause the variable to have incorrect value and might
crash the program because it expected data was not provided. Programs can sometimes also freeze
due to invalid inputs etc. The programmer needs to develop a software that is reliable and robust and
can deal with various type issues when its deployed and distributed to the users.

Reliable and robust applications can easily handle few errors in code which are cause by the user input;
the programmer can program the application to give a error message asking the user to rectify their
input. There are ways to improve the reliability and robustness of a program by testing the system and
performing validation routine.

To improve the usability the programmer can include a virtual interface that can allow users to interact
with the program. Also designing the program in a simple way will make it easier to use. On the off
chance that the program requires a progression of text or mathematical directions to be introduced,
the Programmer can program to get letters; So, it assists with infusing different orders. Then again, if
the user interface has various controls (catches, text boxes, show boxes ...), they can be coordinated
into gatherings, for example, a capacity order or capacity. Clients can without much of a stretch gain
power, however putting together gatherings into assignments permits them to see how the program


A high-quality program can be used on all software platform, since a program that is created for client
will be used on different devices, in case of a System update. Programmers must develop application
that can be used on any platform and Hardware. Java is a prime example of such language


Maintainability is a very important factor as software that is developed with high-quality codes and
features is easier to maintain compared to low-quality codes. A high-quality program has many added
features such as; use of comment, software structure, and variable names. Such features not only
improve the maintainability but also the readability of the code.

How to improve your programming readability of code

Programming is an emerging field that is always updating. A person can achieve great things
throughout programming by continuing to learn. This is basically what is taught throughout many
graduate courses, also the prime objective of most courses is writing a program that is easy to
understand. Thus, readability is considered a very important part of programming.
The usage of functions

To improve the readability developers should use standard functions and data structure to code. It is
best to use the default library than to use your own. Below is list of attributes a developer should

1. Prototype should be coded in a simple way so that it is easier to read.

2. During development phase algorithm that is utilized are usually quicker.
3. Default features are written in a standard version and can handle error better.

Language features

A good programmer should only use features when is it absolutely necessary, and in case of usage, the
programmer should always choose best language feature. This will help in improving the readability.
Below is the list of things we avoid and use in all language features.

1. Picking the right data type

2. Using CONST data type who value will remain the same, this improves the readability
3. Must remember to optimize the memory
4. Avoid complexity by using loop appropriately
5. Try not to use GOTO statements
6. Try not to use Magic Numbers
7. To define magic numbers, use macros

Magic number: A constant number that is used in a code without any particular reason.
KISS Principle (keep it simple, stupid)

In programming complicated expression is very common as they help build execution and evaluation
speed of compilers. If proper indention is used for complex expression it improves the readability for
other programmers.

Use comments effectively. Comment should define the value and clearly state any assumption and
what the code is made to do. It can be regularly assumed that most programming system can perform
better if they are stored in a simple way. So better to make a single expression easy to implement

1. Use many levels of Parentheses

2. Use interim variables to avoid one-line calculation

3. . You can utilize a particular name for the temporary variables that will in turn increase the

4. . Use whitespace to separate disparate areas of code.

Though there are lots of ways to construct a readable and optimized source code, these are a
merely few which are often used knowing that I desired to share.
Boolean was used in the design because helps separate the active and inactive members, also the
memory is saved and process is pretty quick because there are only two statements.

Strings are the only data type that stores word; thus, it can be best option for using in the design for
reading and writing the information provides by the customers

In my design solution there no use of decimals, so integers were implemented as this make the code
execute much faster and takes less memory.

Class was included in my code because separate windows or panels was needed in the same window,
this also made it easier to code.

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