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Resources, Conservation and Recycling 54 (2010) 666–672

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The long-term performance of two fly ash stabilized fine-grained soil subbases

Sazzad Bin-Shafique a,∗ , K. Rahman b , Mustafa Yaykiran a , Ireen Azfar a
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Texas at San Antonio, One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249, USA
Public Works Department, City of San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78283, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An experimental study was conducted to investigate the long-term performance of fly ash stabilized two
Received 22 April 2009 fine-grained soil subbases. One low plasticity clay soil and one high plasticity expansive clay soil were
Received in revised form 23 October 2009 stabilized with a Class C fly ash with fly ash contents of 0%, 5%, 10%, and 20%, and compacted statically at
Accepted 14 November 2009
the maximum dry density (standard Proctor) and at the optimum moisture content of the corresponding
soil to prepare ten sets of replicates from each of the combinations. After curing all specimens for 7 days,
the first set was subjected to plasticity index tests, unconfined compression tests, and vertical swell tests
Long-term performance
to estimate the improvement due to stabilization. Similar tests were also conducted on another nine sets
Fly ash
Wet–dry cycle
of replicates in which six sets were subjected to 12 wet–dry cycles (three sets with tap water and the
Freeze–thaw cycle other three sets with saline water), and the other three sets were subjected to 12 freeze–thaw cycles in
Soft soil a laboratory controlled environment to simulate the weathering action. The effect of wet–dry cycles on
Expansive soil stabilized soils was essentially insignificant; however, the fly ash stabilized soils lost up to 40% of the
strength due to freeze–thaw cycles. Even after losing the strength significantly, the strength of stabilized
soils was at least three times higher than that of the unstabilized soils. The swell potential of stabilized
expansive soils also increased due to freeze–thaw cycles. The vertical swell increases rapidly for first four
to five cycles and then increases very slowly.
© 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction tion of plasticity and shrink–swell potential (Abduljauwad, 1995;

Buhler and Cerato, 2007; Cokca, 2001; Nalbantoglu and Gucbilmez,
After introducing the Federal Coal Combustion Partnership 1998; Nalbantoglu, 2004; Phani Kumar and Sharma, 2004).
Program (C2 P2 ), many of the states in the U.S. allow fly ash For fly ash stabilization, the selection of a mixture of soil, fly
for geotechnical applications with minimal regulatory control ash, and water usually depends on which one would provide
(Buckley et al., 2005). In recent years, beneficial reuse of fly ash the intended geotechnical properties on a short-term basis (Bin-
in soil stabilization, especially for highway embankments, has Shafique et al., 2004; Kaniraj and Havanagi, 1999; Kumar et al.,
increased significantly throughout the nation and the trend is 2007). The long-term performance of fly ash stabilized soils in the
expected to grow in future years. In most subgrade applications, fly context of field environments after exposure to successive differ-
ash is used to stabilize the fine-grained soils so that a stable work- ent weather cycles, such as wet–dry or freeze–thaw cycles, is often
ing platform can be provided for highway construction equipment ignored. Very few studies have been conducted on the effect of
(Ferguson, 1993; Nicholson and Kashyap, 1993). A variety of lab- weathering action on fly ash stabilized soils so far; however, the
oratory and field studies have shown that cementitious fly ashes effect of weathering cycles on natural soils and soils stabilized with
(Class C) are very effective in improving the geotechnical proper- other cementitious materials, such as lime and/or cement, sug-
ties of fine-grained soils (Bergeson et al., 1985; Edil et al., 2002; gests that the weathering action might have a pronounced effect on
Ferguson, 1993; Misra, 1998; Prabakar et al., 2004; Puppala and the long-term performance of fly ash stabilized soils (Parsons and
Musenda, 2000; Senol et al., 2006; Turner, 1997). The fly ash sta- Kneebone, 2005; Toutanji et al., 2004; Zhang, 2002). In cold regions,
bilized soils are typically strong and stiff, and provides necessary freeze–thaw damage is one of the major problems in road construc-
support as a subbase (Arora and Aydilek, 2005; Edil et al., 2002; tion and earthwork applications (Cruzda and Hohmann, 1997).
Kolias et al., 2005). Moreover, the stabilization of high plasticity Cracking and spalling are the most common results of freeze–thaw
soft and/or expansive soil(s) with fly ash causes significant reduc- damage in stabilized subbases (Yarbaşı et al., 2007).
The effect of wet–dry cycles on cementitious materials is usually
insignificant. In many cases, the strength of cementitious materials
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 210 458 6476; fax: +1 210 458 6475. subjected to wet–dry cycles increases due to long-term hydration
E-mail address: (S. Bin-Shafique). (Rahman, 2007; Toutanji et al., 2004; Yaykiran, 2008). However,

0921-3449/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Bin-Shafique et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 54 (2010) 666–672 667

Table 1
Properties of the soft and expansive soils.

Sample location Soil classification Specific gravity P200 (%) LL (%) PI (%) VS (%) wN (%) wopt (%) ( d )max (kN/m3 )


San Antonio CL A-7-6 (11) 2.69 56 44 26 N/A 12 17 17.6

Helotes CH A-7-6 (57) 2.71 89 81 57 17 22 26 15.1

Note: LL: liquid limit; PI: plasticity index; VS: vertical swell; wN : natural water content; wopt : optimum water content; ( d )max : maximum dry unit weight; N/A: not applicable.

Table 2
Chemical and physical properties of fly ash.

Properties Boral fly ash ASTM C618 Class C AASHTO M295 Class C

Chemical properties
Sum of SiO2 , Al2 O3 , Fe2 O3 (%) 61.70 50.0 min 50.0 min
Calcium oxide (CaO) (%) 25.81 N/A N/A
Sulfur trioxide (SO3 ) (%) 1.48 5.0 max 5.0 max

Physical properties
Moisture content (%) 0.02 3.0 max 3.0 max
Loss on ignition (%) 0.14 6.0 max 5.0 max
Specific gravity 2.69 N/A N/A

Note: N/A: not applicable.

the effect of wet–dry cycles using saline water, which simulates

the groundwater in coastal area, is detrimental to the performance
of cementitious materials (Toutanji et al., 2004). The salt attacks the
bonding of the cementitious materials, thereby causing the mix to
develop cracks and eventually fail. Thus, the effect of wet–dry cycles
on fly ash stabilized soils using saline water needs to be evaluated
to understand the long-term performance.
Despite all the advantages of using fly ash stabilized subbases,
an unacceptable long-term performance would result in roadways
of poor condition and a huge economic burden to a community.
Thus, the evaluation of long-term performance of fly ash stabilized
subbases is essential to assess the technical viability and economic
sustainability of using them in highway construction.
This paper is focused on a systematic study of the effect of
weathering action, such as wet–dry cycles and freeze–thaw cycles
on the performance of fly ash stabilized fine-grained soils. Speci-
mens prepared from low plasticity clay (referred here in as “soft
Fig. 1. Particle size distribution curves of the soils.
soil”) and high plasticity expansive soil (referred here in as “expan-
sive soil”) stabilized with a Class C fly ash were subjected to 12
cycles of wet–dry cycles and freeze–thaw cycles in a controlled lab- expansive soil according to AASHTO classification. The grain size
oratory environment and the change in geotechnical properties of distribution curves for both soils are shown in Fig. 1. The grain size
the weathered fly ash stabilized soils was evaluated to understand distribution is uniform for both soils. The percent fines (P200 ) is 56%
the long-term performance. for the soft soil and 89% for the expansive soil. The compaction char-
acteristics of the soils are shown in Fig. 2. The maximum dry unit
weight (standard Proctor compaction) and optimum moisture con-
2. Materials

2.1. Soils

Two different types of soils were stabilized with fly ash: (1) low
plasticity soft soil and (2) high plasticity expansive soil. The soft soil
was collected from a construction site at Helotes, TX and the expan-
sive soil was collected from the intersection of I-35 and Walters
Street in San Antonio, TX. The soft and expansive soil samples were
collected at a depth of 0.6 and 1.0 m, respectively. The soil sam-
ples were subjected to a series of tests, such as grain size analysis,
specific gravity, Atterberg’s limits, swell potential, and compaction
test to characterize the soils.
The properties of the soils are shown in Table 1. The plasticity
index is 26% for the soft soil and 57% for the expansive soil. Both
soils have similar specific gravity. According to USCS, the soft and
expansive soils are classified as low plasticity clay (CL) and high
plasticity clay (CH), respectively. Both the soils are classified as A-
7-6 with a group index (GI) of 11 for the soft soil and 57 for the Fig. 2. Compaction curves of the soils.
668 S. Bin-Shafique et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 54 (2010) 666–672

and clamped together to use as molds to prepare the specimens

for the unconfined compression tests. To compact all the speci-
mens prepared with expansive soil, a very thin layer of petroleum
jelly was applied inside the molds to minimize skin friction and
boundary effects during vertical swell. The MTS machine was pro-
grammed in such a way so that it would compact the specimen
exactly 125 mm. Ten sets of replicates were prepared from each
combination of soil and fly ash mixtures. In addition, two sets of
replicates were prepared only with expansive soil to measure the
vertical swelling during and after weathering action. After the com-
paction, the molds were wrapped with plastic wrap and allowed to
cure for 7 days in a moist condition. After 7 days, one set of repli-
cates was taken out of the mold and subjected to testing. From
the remaining nine sets, three sets were subjected to freeze–thaw
cycles and six sets were subjected to wet–dry cycles, three sets
using tap water and the other three sets using saline water.

Fig. 3. Experimental set up for the specimens subjected to weathering cycles: (a) 3.2. Weathering action
the split mold and (b) the vertical cross-section of the mold.

Specimens that were subjected to weathering action were kept

tent of the soft soil is 17.6 kN/m3 and 17%, respectively. Similarly, inside the mold to simulate the confining pressure in the field. Geo-
the expansive soil has a maximum dry unit weight of 15.1 kN/m3 textiles (adsorbent pad) were used to seal the bottom of the molds
and an optimum moisture content of 26%. The sulfate content of that were placed in plastic tanks. The split molds were secured
the soils was also measured and was insignificant for both soils. tightly and kept in a vertical position using clamps. An additional
surcharge of 7 kPa was added to all specimens to simulate the over-
2.2. Fly ash burden pressure from the base and hot mixed asphalt layer using
base plates (Fig. 3). The extension rod of a base plate for the spec-
Class C fly ash was collected from Boral Material Technologies imens prepared for swell testing was attached to a dial gauge as
in San Antonio, TX. Chemical and physical properties of Boral fly shown in Fig. 3. The reading of the dial gauge was recorded after
ash are shown in Table 2 along with the requirements of Class C each cycle.
fly ash (ASTM C618 and AASHTO M 295). The total percentage of For the dry–wet cycles, one of the tanks was filled with tap water
the three major metal oxides (SiO2 , Al2 O3 , and Fe2 O3 ) is 61.7%, and and the other one with saline water, and the specimens were placed
the sulfur trioxide (SO3 ) is 1.48%, which satisfies the requirements in a submerged condition at room temperature (approx. 25 ◦ C) for
of both ASTM C618 and AASHTO M 295. The lime (CaO) content, 12 h (ASTM D559). Saline water comparable to groundwater in the
which is primarily responsible for cementitious property of fly ash, coastal area (35 g/L NaCl) was used to create an aggravated sit-
is 25.8% and has self-cementing capabilities. The specific gravity of uation. After 12 h, the water was drained out and the specimens
the fly ash is 2.69. The moisture content is 0.02%, and the loss on were allowed to dry at room temperature for 12 h to complete one
ignition that represents unburned carbon is 0.14% for Boral fly ash. wet–dry cycle. To enhance the drying process, an air circulating fan
was used.
3. Methods For the freeze–thaw cycles, the tank was placed in a freezer at
−5 ◦ C for 12 h. Then freezer was disconnected and the door was
3.1. Specimen preparation opened for 12 h to allow the temperature to rise. The empty 125 mm
of the mold on top of the specimen was filled with crushed ice, and
For a meaningful comparison of the test results, all specimens free potable water was made available to the absorbent pads under
were prepared at the maximum dry density (standard Proctor) and the specimens to permit absorbing water by capillary action during
at the optimum moisture content of a specific soil. Specimens were the thawing period (ASTM D560).
prepared with the mixture of soil, fly ash, and water. Three fly ash Following the similar procedure, the specimens were subjected
contents of 5%, 10%, and 20% (by weight), were used along with to 12 cycles of weathering action. One set of replicates was taken
the control (0% fly ash). To prepare the mixture of a specimen, the out of the mold and subjected to unconfined compression testing
required amount of soil and fly ash was calculated from the target immediately after finishing the 12 cycles of weathering action. The
dry density and the volume of the specimen. All soil lumps were moisture content of the specimens was also measured. Since the
broken and sieved through a US # 4 sieve. The required amount of moisture content increases during the weathering cycles, one set
soil and fly ash was taken in a tray and was mixed in a dry state. from each type of weathering cycles were allowed to dry for 6 h and
After thoroughly mixing, the required amount of water based on the other set for 24 h in room temperature before testing to esti-
optimum moisture content of the soil was added to the mixture. All mate the unconfined compressive strength at different moisture
mixing was done manually and proper care was taken to prepare contents. All specimens were trimmed to 100 mm long before test-
homogenous mixture at each stage of mixing. At the end of the ing to avoid any damage at the two ends of the specimens during
mixing, the tray was weighed, and if required, additional water was weathering action. After the weathering cycles, the two additional
sprayed on the mixture to compensate for any loss of water due to sets of specimens prepared for swelling tests were kept submerged
evaporation. As soon as the mixture was ready, it was transferred to until the volume changed.
a mold and compacted statically in a MTS insight electromechanical
testing machine until it achieved the target volume. The machine 3.3. Test procedures
is capable to apply 300 kN compressive force.
Thick-wall 50 mm diameter PVC pipes were cut into 375 mm Unconfined compression tests were conducted according to
long pieces for 250 mm long mold with an additional 125 mm ASTM D2166. A constant axial strain of 2%/min was applied. Load-
extended collar as shown in Fig. 3. The pieces of pipes were split ing was continued until the load decreased with increasing strain,
S. Bin-Shafique et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 54 (2010) 666–672 669

Table 3
Properties of fly ash stabilized soils before and after weathering action.

Properties Weathering action Soft soil Expansive soil

0% fly ash 5% fly ash 10% fly ash 20% fly ash 0% fly ash 5% fly ash 10% fly ash 20% fly ash

Plasticity index After stabilization & before weathering 26 18 16 12 57 32 27 26

After wet–dry cycles 26 18 15 11 58 29 26 23
After wet–dry cycles (saline water) 19 15 11 8 46 24 19 17
After freeze–thaw cycles 26 17 15 13 57 33 27 25

UC strength (kPa) After stabilization & before weathering 212 520 713 804 180 364 456 567
After wet–dry cycles 180 577 740 934 174 381 479 597
After wet–dry cycles (saline water) 162 480 442 852 191 386 490 618
After freeze–thaw cycles 136 389 456 685 94 211 304 347

Vertical swell (%) After stabilization & before weathering NA NA NA NA 17.2 9.8 5.5 4.1
After wet–dry cycles NA NA NA NA 16.9 10.2 5.6 4.3
After wet–dry cycles (saline water) NA NA NA NA 14.3 8.1 4.6 3.8
After freeze–thaw cycles NA NA NA NA 19.9 11.2 6.4 5.5

Note: UC strength: unconfined compressive strength; NA: not available.

or until 15% strain was reached. The unconfined compressive zolanic reaction and the expulsion of water due to the collapse
strengths were determined from the stress–strain curves. After of a diffuse double layer around clay particles are responsible for
finishing the unconfined compression tests, all specimens were improved unconfined compressive strength (Lambe and Whitman,
subjected to Atterberg’s limit tests to estimate the plasticity index. 1969).
Fly ash stabilization also reduced the vertical swell potential of
expansive soil from 17% to 9.8% for a fly ash content of 5%, 5.5% for
4. Results
a fly ash content of 10%, and 4.1% for a fly ash content of 20%.
4.1. Effect of stabilization
4.2. Effect of wet–dry cycles
The effect of fly ash stabilization and the weathering cycles on The effect of wet–dry cycles on plasticity index of fly ash sta-
the properties of the two fine-grained soils is shown in Table 3. bilized soil is shown in Fig. 5. The plasticity index decreased
The plasticity of the stabilized soils decreased as the fly ash content
increased; however, the rate of reduction decreased at higher fly
ash contents as shown in Fig. 4. The reduction of plasticity of fly
ash stabilized expansive soils was higher than that of soft soils. The
plasticity of stabilized expansive soils decreased 25% (from 57% to
32%) due to adding 5% fly ash and then decreased only 3% (from
32% to 29%) after adding 20% fly ash. Similarly, the plasticity index
of stabilized soft soils decreased 8% (from 26% to 18%) due to adding
5% fly ash and then decreased only 6% (from 18% to 12%) after adding
20% fly ash. The presence of calcium in stabilized soils increases
clay flocculation and reduces soil dispersion, and thus reduces the
plasticity immediately (Tishmack et al., 2001).
A general trend of increasing unconfined compressive strength
with increasing fly ash content was observed, and has been shown
in a later section as “control.” The addition of 20% fly ash increased
the unconfined compressive strength from 210 to 800 kPa for the
soft soil and from 180 to 560 kPa for the expansive soil. The poz-

Fig. 5. Effect of wet–dry cycles on plasticity index of the fly ash stabilized (a) soft
Fig. 4. Effect of fly ash stabilization on plasticity of stabilized soils. soil and (b) expansive soil.
670 S. Bin-Shafique et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 54 (2010) 666–672

Fig. 6. Effect of wet–dry cycles on unconfined compressive strength of the fly ash Fig. 7. Effect of freeze–thaw cycles on unconfined compressive strength of the fly
stabilized (a) soft soil and (b) expansive soil. ash stabilized (a) soft soil and (b) expansive soil.

slightly for specimens prepared with both soils due to wet–dry content and the strengths at a particular moisture content were
cycles using tap water. However, the plasticity index decreased sig- estimated from the plot.
nificantly for all stabilized soils that were subjected to wet–dry The vertical swelling of the fly ash stabilized expansive soil dur-
cycles using saline water. The presence of cations in water ing wet–dry cycles with tap water was only 3.2% for 5% fly ash
might be the reason for reduced plasticity (Lambe and Whitman, content and less than 2% for the 10% and 20% fly ash content. The
1969). vertical swelling was even less when saline water was used. After
The effect of wet–dry cycles on unconfined compressive 12 wet–dry cycles, the moisture content was increased only by
strength of fly ash stabilized soils is shown in Fig. 6. A slight increase 4%, which might be the reason for lower swelling during wet–dry
of strength was noticed for all specimens subjected to wet–dry cycles. However, the vertical swelling increased significantly when
cycles either with tap water or saline water despite of the type the specimens were continually submerged into water after the
of stabilized soils. The exact reasons for that slightly enhanced wet–dry cycles. After the wet–dry cycles, the vertical swelling of the
unconfined compressive strength were not investigated. However, fly ash stabilized soils was essentially the same when tap water was
it seems that it might be the consequence of extended curing dur- used and decreased slightly when saline water was used compared
ing wet–dry cycles. It must be noted here that all the unconfined to that of the controls.
compressive strengths shown in Fig. 6 represent the strengths at
the optimum moisture content of that particular soil, which is 17% 4.3. Effect of freeze–thaw cycles
for the soft soil and 26% for the expansive soil. Thus, the strengths of
the weathered specimens are compared to those of the controls at The effect of freeze–thaw cycles on the plasticity of both sta-
a constant moisture content to determine the gain/loss of strength bilized soils was insignificant. However, the effect of freeze–thaw
associated with weathering action. In fact, the strength of fly ash cycles on unconfined compressive strength of the stabilized soils
stabilized soils is a function of moisture content, and the strength was noteworthy and is shown in Fig. 7. In Fig. 7, all the unconfined
decreases with increasing moisture content similar to natural soil compressive strengths represent the strengths at the optimum
(Bin-Shafique et al., 2004). Thus, the comparison of strength of fly moisture content of the particular soil as in Fig. 6. The uncon-
ash stabilized soils at different moisture contents might lead to seri- fined compressive strength was about 20% lower for stabilized soft
ous inaccuracy. To obtain the unconfined compressive strength, the soils and about 40% lower for stabilized expansive soils compared
three replicates from each type of weathering cycles were allowed to those of the controls. However, the unconfined compressive
to dry at different degrees before testing so that the strength can strength of fly ash stabilized soils was at least three times higher
be achieved at three different moisture contents. Then the uncon- than that of the unstabilized soils. A reduction of strength of the
fined compressive strengths were plotted as a function of moisture unstabilized soils due to freeze–thaw cycles was also noticed. The
S. Bin-Shafique et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 54 (2010) 666–672 671

is perhaps associated with the volume change of the pore water

when it converted to ice during freezing because similar strength
loss was also observed for unstabilized soil (Abduljauwad, 1995).
Even after losing strength due to freeze–thaw cycles, the strength of
stabilized soils was still at least three times higher than that of the
unstabilized soils. The vertical swelling increased approximately
1% for stabilized expansive soils with 10% and 20% fly ash content,
and increased approximately 2–3% for unstabilized soil and stabi-
lized soil with 5% fly ash content due to freeze–thaw cycles. The
vertical swelling increased rapidly for first four to five cycles and
then increased very slowly.


Financial support for the research was provided by the Cen-

ter for Water Research at the University of Texas at San Antonio
Fig. 8. Vertical swell of the fly ash stabilized expansive soil during freeze–thaw (UTSA) and by UTSA through a Faculty Research Grant. The opin-
cycles. ions and conclusions described in the paper are those solely of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of
rate of reduction was essentially similar to that of the stabilized the sponsors or others that assisted with the study.
soils. Again, the exact reason of this observation was not investi-
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