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952 Appendix A Cost Equations and Curves for the CAPCOST Program In general, these units are generally bought as a package, and installation in the plant is not expensive. The bare module factors for these units are taken to be the field in- stallation factors given by Guthrie [1, 2] Data for the purchased cost of the equipment, at ambient operating pressure and using carbon steel construction, Ce, were fitted to the following equation: logisCs = Ky + K,logy(A) + Kyflog.g(A)P (a2) where A is the capacity or size parameter for the equipment. The data for K,, K,, and Ky, along with the maximum and minimum values used in the correlation, are given in Table A.1. These data are also presented in the form of graphs in Figures A.1-A.17. It | should be noted that in these figures, the data are plotted as C2/A as a function of size at- tribute A. This form of the graph clearly illustrates the decreasing cost per unit of capacity as the size of the equipment increases. Data from the R-Books software, marketed by Richardson Engineering Services, Inc. [4], were used as a basis for several of the graphs and correlations; acknowledgment is given in the appropriate figures. (text continues on p. 969) aL 953 (gona) 0% 8T weary «BHTO- | THPSO SEIS, Aeay, oor s queasy 2400- SLIT SSE ‘pany se “Aze10y, os so quay OFEL'O 1ezz0 wash wnig: skiq ose Sz MATomod yous steVO~ 9990 sugsz ——_—4yoord dup /ado—ouno91 009% a ma ‘amod yeug 78zz0- HILT O9S6L ‘| 009% se Ma‘amod yeys —96 EEE St gst Ta || test IEEE it Bs} 84 i & I _|{| {| 4 i" | i 8 j ste Pas os g ait] EE ° _ sf Poe ee = qt. 3 EES yng hf || wy ge | YS i eat | l ES é | { 1 s - + = 100,000 (,W/8) Wi,"9 ‘Basy JoKeAUOD Jo lun Jed sokeauog jo ys09 paseyound (WIS) Ale’ ‘@uunton s9zII1EISAID JO wun sad JeziIieysAi9 Jo ys0g peseysing a ) vim Volume of Crystallizer, Figure A.11. Purchased Costs for Crystallizers 966 Appendix A Cost Equations and Curves for the CAPCOST Program 80,000 x TH cercr= 307 || 2 LH seot2001 2 HH ac 3 l | ge | 3& 10,000 + | Z° E + | é g num Dyer B< | | an 52 Rotary Dryer - gas fr 88 Tit | Rotary Dryer - gas fires as 1] 1000 | L Lt | rt i ‘Tray Dryer {—t Ht t eat 500 u L Pe Ft 02 1 10 100 400 ‘Area of Dryer, A (m?) Figure A.12 Purchased Costs for Dryers 200,000 7 7 oo | CEPI = 087 t LL) Sept 2001 100,000 10,000 1000 Purchased Cost of Dust Collector per unit of Dust Collector Volume, C,"/V (S/m*) 0.05 0.1 1 10 +100 500 Volume of Dust Collector, V (m°) Figure A.13 Purchased Costs for Dust Collectors Purchased Cost of Mixer per Appendix A Cost Equations and Curvés for the CAPCOST Program 967 200,000 100,000 21a (Sim?) = 10,000 1000 Purchased Cost of Filter per unit of Filter Area, C, 100 10,000 ravity, and —, late and Frame Area of Filter, A (m?) Figure A.14 Purchased Costs for Filters yf cerar = 397 F] Sept 2001 ~ 1000 Impellor Unit of Mixer Power, C,°/P (S/kW) 100 oH 600 Power of Mixer, P (kW) Figure A.15 Purchased Costs for Mixers 968 Appendix A Cost Equations and Curves for the CAPCOST Program CPCI =397 E ETH Sept 2007 100,000 : — + ler 10,000 t fit { . Inoculum Tank T Jacketed and Agitates and Fermenter Purchased Cost of Reacter per unit of Reactor Volume, ,°/V ($/m°) T Ht + AI 1000 500 i 1 0.01 o4 1 10 50 Volume of Reactor, V (m’ Figure A.16 Purchased Costs for Reactors 50,000 T 97 = |_| sept 2001 z_ | | ae | ce Cf sé f Yoreteg and Rotary B= 10,000 PEE oo | \ tt Se { { XT Bg t 8s L [ g< | | ost { Bs mai +h £5 fo | | as in| i } Stationary 1000 L —— O41 1 10 20 Area of Screen, A (m?) Figure A.17 Purchased Costs for Sreens Appendix A Cost Equations and Curves for the CAPCOST Program 969 AZ PRESSURE FACTORS As was pointed out in Chapter 7, the costs of equipment increase with increasing operat- ing pressure. In this section, the method of accounting for changes in operating pressure through the use of pressure factors is covered. A.2.1 Pressure Factors for Process Vessels ‘The pressure factor for horizontal and vertical process (pressurized) vessels of diameter D meters and operating at a pressure of P barg is based on the ASME code for pressure vessel design [5]. At base material conditions using a maximum allowable stress for car- bon steel, 5, of 944 bar, a weld efficiency, E, of 0.9, a minimum allowable vessel thickness of 0.0063 m (1/4 inch), and a corrosion allowance, CA, of 0.00315 m (1/8 inch) gives the following expression: (+d Sey 0.00318 50 = 0.6(P + 7)] (a2) Fomag = FOF fou > 0.0063 m If Fr, ca i8 less than 1 (corresponding 40 frei < 0.0063 m), then Fp yay = 1. For pressures less than -05 barg, Fp, yagi =1.25. It should be noted that Equation (A.2) is strictly true for the case when the thickness of the vessel wall is less than / D; for vessels in the range D=033 to 4.0 m, this occurs at pressures of approximately 320 barg, A.2.2 Pressure Factors for Other Process Equipment ‘The pressure factors, F,, for the remaining process‘equipment are given by the following, general form: logis Fe = Cy + C,logig P + C3 (logio PY (A3) ‘The units of pressure, P, are bar gauge or barg (1 bar = 0.0 barg) unless stated otherwise. ‘The pressure factors are always greater than unity. The values of constants in Equation (A.3) for different equipment are given in Table A.2, and also shown are the ranges of Pressures over which the correlations are valid. The values for the constants given in Table A.2 were regressed from data in Guthrie [1, 2] and Ulrich [3]. Extrapolation outside this range of pressures should be done with extreme caution. Some equipment does not have pressure ratings and therefore has values of C,-C, equal to zero. If cost estimates are required for these units at high pressures and the equipment cost is affected by pressure, then the correlations should again be used with caution. o 0 sorrel zz2090 ° rem podeing sioSueyoxo way aievo 0 yay pany aAADeaIUON, e0r6°0 toro 0 aoeusmy sisspoxhg eezro sorro 0 0 0 aooumny sou0j>x, seoeusng, scoro~ 6690z0 ° o 0 o scev0- 668070 0 0 0 suey erro z66z0- Bus 0 0 stoyerodeag, 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 soau, 0 ° 0 stossoxdwo3, adh. quowdynby [Ge sia sme 5 9 5 (Cel pn pue ‘{z “t] azyang ut eeg wo1y peyeya1109) yuauidinby ssa2014 304 si0}9e4 BuNsso4q ZV ayGEL 71. » oot>a>0t seewro-es6e0 See 0~ oma o ° ° 1 ooi>a>ot e9e100- st06Ge0 zeecteo~ ora ° 0 ° suouroverdsp aansog oor>a>ot e9etoo~ sT06eeo zeesnco- ora ° ° 0 . Supesoidison, sdumg + ; * sypesan ss20034 = : ° ° Sunpeg Oraroc WHEEL ECP zeOHeEZ oma ° 0 0 4 sajoq wag ooc>a>z scs0r0- se99s00 eev100~ say sae oop>a>06t 0 cero sttzo~ ost>d ° ° 0 (uo 29na) aqm ends oor>a>oer 0 sero stor Ost>d o oO 0 (eqn pu IS yRoq) aqny yexids oor>a>ot Tseeo0~ I9est0 sero orma ° o ° so1000 a1y 6I>d 0 0 0 ayer jexrds pue ayeid yep ooe>a>001 sore pes9zt~ son oor>a>or acco 0160-22090 ta ° ° 0 mu pu add qanocy Obl>d>s e100 = Zz900'0— FLO (dquo agra) aqna-7, Si ° 3 0 2129 ‘Peay Buheoy 948 9 onl>a>g es1800 © wztT0- 188000 (2am pue Toys Rog) aqm-7 pue ‘iapoqas od ° ° 0 2mi9y ‘peoy Smeoy 9945 qh poxy oun keg (Grea) abuey amssang 59 5 won dyoseg woudynby adh awourdnby (Panunzwea) (Le] wun pue ‘[z ‘t] euyang uy eyeq wos, payejaii03) yuawidynb3 ssar0d 304 su03>e4 aanssa1g_Z"V aTaeL Appendix A Cost Equations and Curves for the CAPCOST Program 973 AB MATERIAL FACTORS AND BARE MODULE FACTORS As was pointed out in Chapter 7, the costs of equipment change with changes in the ma- terial of construction. In this section, the method of accounting for different materials of construction is covered. A.3.1._ Bare Module and Material Factors for Heat Exchangers, Process Vessels, and Pumps ‘The material factors, Fy, for heat exchangers, process vessels, and pumps are given in ‘igure A.18, with the appropriate identification number listed in Table A.3. The bare mod- ule factors for this equipment are given by the following equation: Cam = CoFau = CoB, + BaF uF) (a4) The values of the constants B and By are given in Table A4. The bare module cost for ambient pressure and carbon steel construction, C2y, and the bare module factor for the equipment at these conditions, F3,,, are found by setting Fy, and Fp equal to unity. ‘The data given in Tables A.3 and A.é and Figure A.18 are average values from the follow- ing references: Guthrie [1, 2], Ulrich [3], Navarrete [6], Perry et al. (7], and Peters and Timmerhaus [8] (text continues on p97) Material Factor, Fy, ° 10 20 30 40 Identification Number from Table A.3 Figure A.18 Material Factors for Equipment in Table A.3 (Averaged Data from References [1, 2,3, 6,7, and 8) ereRteerenensnrronenm ror (1201 (sr0m0} Surpnus (s10m0y Supnus (e12004 sqassan ssa301q 8 ay Apa RUD gs peu0> joo ny ot sa8reyax0 1297] uon2an.3suo9 Jo 7eHOIEW wond9soq yuoudinby adh yuoudinby, s2quiny uoRe>yRU=PT ay ainbis sf pasn ag 04 slung pue “s}9859q ssa20u4 ‘SJo6uey>xg 29H 404 Sio;DeS YeUAIEW 404 SlOquINY oReDYRUOPT EV o14eL IN ov ss 6 yeas woqueD, 8 wo 356 “ a juauaoejdsip aanysog ve foie ws juawuade|datp a ea $8 e foe n> es pars one, ze uuost 3503, juouraneydsip aantsog 1 1 Buneooidvoy 0 Suye2odi 6 ra foype 8 az [pais uogne>, 9 uuor 3503, Suneooidsoy sdung % ‘wogannsuo) 40 jeuaeH worduosag quawdinb3 adh, quowd nb saquiny woneayAUEPL (panuyquog) stv aunbs 4AM pasn eg 07 sdund pue ‘sjasson ssa2oid ‘siBBueY>xg ea} 404 $10 984 JeLOIEW 404 SIAqUINN UOEINUSPT EV e14eL 975 976 Appendix A Cost Equations and Curves for the CAPCOST Program Table A.é Constants for Bare Module Factor to Be Used in Equation (A.6) (Correlated from Data in Guthrie [1, 2] and Ulrich [3]) Equipment type Equipment Description BB Heat exchangers Double pipe, multiple pipe, scraped wall, and spiral tube 174158 Fixed tube sheet floating head, U-tube, bayonet, kettle 1631.66 reboiler, and Teflon tube Air cooler, spiral plate, and flat plate 096 121 Process vessels. Horizontal 149152 Vertical (including towers) 225° 182 Pumps Reciprocating 1891.35 Positive displacement 189135 Centrifugal 189135 Table A.5 Equations for Bare Module Cost for Equipment Not Covered by Tables A.3 and A4 Equipment Type . Equation for Bare Module Cost Compressors and blowers without drives Cay = CFs Drives for compressors and blowers Coe = CF ae Evaporators and vaporizers Cou = CF Fe Fans with electric drives, Cove = CFF Fired heaters and furnaces Cau ™ CF meFoFr Fis the superheat correction factor for steam boilers (F; = 1 for other heaters and furnaces) and is given by Fy = 1 + 0.0018447 — 0.00000335(871" where AT is the amount of supetheat in °C. Power recovery equipment Cau = CoP ow Sieve trays, valve trays, and Cou = CENFeuy demister pads where N is the number of trays and F, is a quantity factor for trays only given by : logo Fy = 04771 + 010851610839 N~ (0.3473 (logiy NP for N<20 Tower packing RAST 8 7 16 18 4 13 12 " 10 Bare Module Factor, F, 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Identification Number from Table A.6 Figure A.19 Bare Module Factors for Equipment in Table A.6 (Average Data from References [1,2,3,6,7,and 8]) A.3.2 Bare Module and Material Factors foc the Remaining Process Equipment For the remaining equipment, the bare module costs are related to the material and pres- sure factors by equations different from Equation (A.4). The form of these equations is given in Table A.5. The bare module factors that correspond to the equations in Table A'S are given in Figure A.19 using the identification numbers listed in Table A.6. Again, the data used to construct Figure A.19 are compiled from average values taken from Guthrie {1, 2}, Ulrich [3], Navarrete [6], Perry et al. [7], and Peters and Timmerhaus [8]. In addi- tion, bare module factors for the equipment added to the third edition of the book (conveyors, crystallizers, dryers, dust collectors, filters, mixers, reactors, and screens) are given separately in Table A7. so siazuodea puv sioyeiodeng ot = st = a - 9 - st — + - s19mo0/q pue siossardwso> 10} S9AuC] et Aoqre IN. a ss 1 ry 42mojq 10 sossordwo> Supe: o ore 1N, Fomo[q 10 rossoxduro> Are,oy 6 $s amoyq 10 s0ssaadu0> & 8 s Z Kote 1, 9 ss s s somoiq 10 xossaxcho> , Aoqte wn sossarduo> [e8n € ss ssoucduno> [28 z ey ossoidiuo> [eh sromoyq/siossaidwo3 I ‘von anisue9 Jo JERE worsdynseq yuowdinby dK quowdinba JOqUnN UOREDYIUEPL 61'V 2unBiy um pasn 9g oF s'y a)ge4 us pars}7 wourdynby 10j siopey yeUETEH Jo WOREDYAUAPI 9°V aI9eL 978 979 sD a surg oO pep ut sr | a ov > jeULaIUT + [assan payoypel—iazuoden, F 594 payeypel—iezuoden, ® jewsayuT + Jassea payeype!—rezuodea, & sson parsypel—sezuode, we w oF 6 [essaa payaxpet—rozuode,, 8 [essa payaxpel—tazuode,, 4“ den, 9 den, se ypssoa paraypel—sezuode,, oa 88894 paraypel—rozuode,, CF ess9a poyarpe!—soztiode,, we 25800 payaspe!—sozuode,, ie sso pajaxpe!—soztuode,, of ssa payarpe(—sazuode,, « % & 2m paderss “wy 8 9 foute 2 Tem padenos uy 8 sz ‘wogansu0) 30 JEURIEW. wondyoseq quoudinb3 dA qwowdynby JaqunN UOREDYAUSPL (Panurzuo9) 6t-V ainBiy waUM posn 9g 03 S*V aqqeL, UY paIseT qUAUIEyN, 404 SsO}De4 JoLEREH Jo WORE YAUEPI 9°y 14° Supped 9 upped mo 99 og@or0n $s Sorte wn $8 pag sped sojsnuap pue sexy 0 Aone IN 6 ss 89 S juowdinba Araaooas s9s.0q “ — 95 ss ss pars fonry is 9 sooeuuny pur siaqeay es Aone IN ws ss 1s ssepBrogey os lwo}.aM2SU09 Jo TEBE uondyoseg quowdinby adh waurdynby J2quIAN UoREDY!U=pI (Panugzuop) 6-y 2in6 4 wae pasn 2g 0 g'y ayaeL uy porst7 juowidynby 10) sio}2e3 JeUOTEW Jo WOREDURUOPT o'y eye) ‘Appendix A Cost Equations and Curves for the CAPCOST Program Table A.7 Bare Module Factors f Mixers, Reactors, and Screens Conveyors, Crystallizers, Dryers, Dust Collectors, Filters, Equipment Type Equipment Description Bare Module Factor, Foy Blenders Centrifuges Conveyors Crystallizers Dryers Dust Collectors Filters Sereens Kneader Ribbon Rotary ‘Auto batch separator Centrifugal separator Oscillating screen Solid bow! w/o motor Apron Belt Pneumatic Screw Batch Drum Rotary, gas fired Tray Baghouse Cyclone scrubbers Electrostatic precipitator Venturi scrubber Bent Cartridge Discand drum Gravity Leaf Pan Plate and frame Table Tube Impeller Propeller Turbine Autoclave Fermenter Inoculum tank Jacketed agitated Jacketed nonagitated Mixer/settler DSM Rotary, Stationary Vibrating, When possible bare module factors are taken tobe equal tothe Feld installation Factors from Gut Items marked * are estimates, Lae iz 12 ie 2)

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