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Prepared by Tin học Cộng

Month_Source worksheet

Insert a new row

1. Insert Row Directly before row 2
 Add a new row

Apply cell styles to the selected cell range

Cell range A1:S1
2. Cell styles  Accent 2
Cell range A2:S2
 60% - Accent 2

Change the formatting of number

3. Format cells Cell range C2:S2
 14-Mar, English (United States)
Add value into cell range
4. Add the header Cell range B2, C2:S2
row  B2: “Date:”
 C2:S2: “28-Aug, 3-Dec,...., 27-Nov”
Change the value of cell
Merged Cell B1:S1
5. Edit text
 Edit to text ”Section 3 - Homework
Make columns invisible to user
Column A
6. Hide Column
O through R
 Hide the columns
Summary worksheet
Insert a picture into worksheet
7. Insert picture Right of data
 logo.jpg located at E13_Full Task 1 folder

MOS EXCEL 2013 1

Crop picture to remove any unwanted areas
8. Format picture
 Crop picture to shape Snip Same Side
Corner Rectangle
Modify the alignment of contents of cell
Cell L1
9. Cell Alignment
 Horizontal: Right (Indent)
 Indent: 1

Define a cell range for printing

Cell range B6:F29
10. Set Print area
 Set range to the Print area
 Enable Print with gridlines option

Find the average score of each student from

Month_Source worksheet
Cell range C7:C29
11. Average
 AVERAGE formula
 Number1: Possible scores of each student
from Month_Source worksheet

Create a named range for a group of cells

12. Named range Cell range C7:C29
 Name the cell range: “Homework”

Find the lowest score of students

Cell range D7:D29
13. Min function  MIN formula
 Number1: All scores of each student from
Month_Source worksheet
Find the highest score of students
Cell range: E7:E29
14. Max function  MAX formula
 Number1: All scores of each student from
Month_Source worksheet

MOS EXCEL 2013 2

Count the number zero score of each student
Cell range F7:F29
 COUNTIF formula
15. Countif function
 Range: All scores of each student from
Month_Source worksheet
 Criteria: “0”

Calculate the average score of IDs have zero score

Cell M1
 AVERAGEIF formula:
16. Averageif function
 Range: F7:F29
 Criteria: “0”
 Average_range: Homework

Create a table from a cell range

17. Insert table Cell range B6:F29
 Display First column

Change the style of table and rename table

Cell range B6:F29
18. Format table
 Table style: Table Style Medium 3
 Rename the table: “Scores”

Create a new formatting rule

Cell range C7:F29
19. Conditional  Use Color Scale type: Green – White – Red
formatting Color Scale
 Midpoint : Percentile – 70
 Maximum : 100
Join text from multiple cells
Cell K2
20. Concatenate
 Text1: “Student with no ”
 Text2: Header column F, Absolute reference

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Sort data in 2 columns
Cell range B6:F29
21. Sort table
 Zero Score column: Largest to Smallest
 IDs column: Smallest to Largest

Apply filter to a table

22. Filter Cell range B6:F29
 Hide the Students do not have Zero score

Create a chart using data from a cell range

To the right of data
 Exclude all filtered rows
23. Create Chart
 3-D Clustered Column Chart
 Series 1: value of Zero Score column
 Horizontal value: Labels from IDs column

Change the style of chart

24. Format Chart 3-D Clustered Column Chart
 Style 9

Add text to Chart Title

25. Chart title 3-D Clustered Column Chart
 Add text: “Homework Scores”
Section5 worksheet

Insert a new worksheet

26. Insert worksheet Right after any worksheets
 Rename the sheet tab: “Section5”

Import text from a file

Cell A1
27. Import data  Use file tinhoccong.txt located at E13_Full
Task 1 folder
 Tab Delimited

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Display particulars of a cell
Cell B5
28. Create Formulas  RIGHT formula
 Text: cell B2, Absolute reference
 Num_chars: “16”

Insert a hyperlink
Cell A5
29. Hyperlink
 Cell reference: cell A2
 Sheet reference: Summary worksheet

Change the theme color of the workbook

30. Change page
Source of month.xlsx workbook
 Slipstream

Add value to document property

31. File properties Subject field
 Add the value: “Tin hoc Cong”

-The end!-

Thanks for choosing Tin học Cộng

MOS EXCEL 2013 5

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