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Biomass and Bioenergy 141 (2020) 105693

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Biogas production from chicken manure at different organic loading rates

in a mesophilic full scale anaerobic digestion plant
Linas Jurgutis, Alvyra Slepetiene, Jonas Volungevicius, Kristina Amaleviciute-Volunge *
Institute of Agriculture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LAMMC), Instituto al.1, LT-58344, Akademija, Kedainiai Distr., Lithuania


Keywords: The objective of this work was to determine the potential of using chicken manure (CM) as a sole feedstock for
Biogas renewable biogas production under anaerobic conditions before spreading the digested chicken manure biomass
Chicken manure on the fields as an organic biofertilizer. The chicken manure samples from four different locations of Lithuania
were analysed and compared in order to better understand the chemical composition of the locally generated
biomass resource. The annual quantities of chicken manure produced were investigated allowing estimation of
Inhibition the biogas potential if such biomass was treated anaerobically. Laboratory biomethane potential (BMP) tests
performed indicated the biogas potential of methane – 508 mL CH4 g− 1 VS added and this result was compared
to biogas yields obtained in full scale anaerobic digestion plant using manure as a core substrate. Fermentation
process data analysis of anaerobic digestion performance indicates that the system is able to adapt even if the
same operational conditions, such as organic loading rate and retention time are applied. Once adapted, the
performance of biogas plant fermenter was able to deliver 93% of chicken manure biogas potential with an OLR
of 3.14 kg VS L− 1d− 1 and TAN concentration of 5.5 g L− 1. The results indicated that it is possible to digest
chicken manure as a stand-alone feedstock if ammonium concentration was carefully controlled via optimized
fresh water dilution process.

1. Introduction technology for the waste treatment approach.

The national interest in biogas has resulted in 10 new agricultural
In Lithuania, the national energy sector development strategy was biogas plants in Lithuania since 2015. However, there are still many tons
approved in 2018 with 35% of locally sourced electricity production by of biomass suitable for biogas production unutilized in Lithuania.
2020 and approaching 100% by 2050 [1]. Biogas is expected to play a Currently, chicken manure is not used at any biogas plant in Lithuania.
ponderable role in reaching these electricity production targets. Due to The literature suggests that digestate quality, which is comparable to
base load electricity production, abundance of local resources suitable that of the raw substrate, has a lower total solids (TS) content than the
for anaerobic digestion (AD) process and advanced technology devel­ original substrate. However, this depends on the total solids content of
opment level, biogas power plants have the potential to expand the original substrate [4]. It was found that treatment of chicken manure
significantly. under diluted anaerobic digestion conditions can produce biogas and
Agricultural anaerobic digestion serves not only in electricity and does not reduce biofertilizer value.
heat production, but also in production of nutrient rich digestate stream, By 2017 there were 40 biogas plants operating in Lithuania, 30% of
that is the side product of anaerobic digestion plant. As a side product for them were agricultural biogas plants [5,34]. Only one biogas plant in
energy produced (in the form of biogas), anaerobic digestion facilities Lithuania was partially using chicken manure as the feedstock for the
generate significant quantities of collateral biomass known as digestate limited time period and has switched to other feed stocks recently. The
which is often recycled to soil as fertilizer [2,3]. Such holistic approach feedstock portfolio change has been made due to the increased chicken
when anaerobic digestion process is considered as both energy pro­ manure feedstock price, large amount of water needed for dilution and
duction and quick release biofertilizer generation technology should other high operational expenses associated with chicken manure
make the agricultural anaerobic digestion process the dominant digestion.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (K. Amaleviciute-Volunge).
Received 24 January 2020; Received in revised form 2 July 2020; Accepted 23 July 2020
Available online 17 August 2020
0961-9534/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Jurgutis et al. Biomass and Bioenergy 141 (2020) 105693

Increasing poultry breeding industry produces extensive amounts of concluded that acetate oxidation and hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis
manure waste. In line with increasing intensive chicken farming, large pathway dominant when chicken manure was digested at high free
amounts of chicken manure biomass are being produced. It has been ammonia nitrogen (FAN) and high organic loading rate (OLR) condi­
estimated that world produces around 20 708 million tons, Asia pro­ tions responding to the shift in the microbial community [13].
duces 11 514 million tons and Europe produces about 2039 million tons In recent years, researchers focus on enhancement of chicken manure
of chicken manure annually and only 30–40% to this manure is con­ mass usage as the biogas production feedstock. The major methods
verted into biogas by anaerobic degradation [6]. The technological found in the recent publications of chicken manure digestion are co-
barriers of chicken manure limit its broader utilization for the renewable digestion with other organic feedstocks, chicken manure pre-treatment
energy generation purpose. It is due to the fact that chicken manure is and digestate post-treatment for the sake of ammonia stripping. In
difficult to degrade into biogas efficiently [7]. According to EUROSTAT terms of co-digestion, the suitable co-substrates for chicken manure
data production of poultry in the EU-28 in 2018 was as follows: Poland – digestion is carbon rich biomass such as lignocellulosic biomass [6,16,
16.8%, UK – 12.9%, France – 11.4%, Spain – 10.7%, Germany – 10.4%, 17]. However, due to the seasonality, local availability and the feedstock
Italy – 8.5%, Hungary – 3.5% [8]. In China, about 155 million tons of market price, other wastes are still being sought that could be processed
chicken manure are produced annually and this has the potential to together with chicken manure [8].
produce 3×1014 KJ energy [13]. The effect of introducing external additives, such as microelements
The most common methods for managements of chicken manure [10,13] or activated carbon [11] was also studied. For example [10],
include the applications of this biomass for soil (land spreading of un­ found that 280 mg/L Fe2+ and 2 mg/L Ni2+ supplements on chicken
processed manure, production of fertilizers and soil improvers) and for manure addition demonstrated biomethane yield of 0.241 L gVS− 1
production of biogas through anaerobic digestion [10]. The ideal con­ compared to reference digester of 180 L CH4 gVS− 1. Molaey et al., 2018
tent of C:N:P in fertilizer shall be 100:10:1. Therefore, utilization of [13] researched Ni+2, Co+2, Mo+6, Se+4,W+6 impact for biogas yield as
chicken manure as soil fertilizer require an additional source of carbon, chicken manure was digested as mono-substrate. Se+4 was identified as
which would result in avoidance of nitrogen and phosphorus leaching. the critical trace element for the stable anaerobic digestion of chicken
Furthermore, mineral components potentially available to plants are manure [13]. They also found that without trace element supplemen­
released gradually over 2–3 years, therefore, chicken manure cannot be tation, severe acetic and propionic acid accumulation occurred, causing
spread to given soil every year [10]. the CH4 yield to decrease below 0.12 m3 kg− 1 of VS added [13].
Treatment of chicken manure is important as phosphorus run off into Another promising method of effective chicken manure digestion is
water bodies, nitrate leaching into ground water, green house gases and dilution of manure feedstock through liquid digestate recirculation.
release of pathogenic microbes are the main problems if chicken manure However, the ammonium nitrogen concentration should be reduced in
was used without anaerobic digestion treatment as a fertilizer in the recirculation stream and this is often done via ammonia stripping
different crops [11]. However, the technological barriers of chicken process. Described in literature, efforts to mitigate the accumulation of
manure limit its broader utilization for the renewable energy generation ammonia result in 0.250 L CH4 g− 1 of VS added production at total
purpose. It is due to the fact that chicken manure is difficult to degrade ammonium nitrogen (TAN) concentration 5800 mg L− 1 and 0.187 L CH4
into biogas efficiently [7]. Moreover, ammonium inhibition resulting g− 1 of VS added production at TAN concentration 6800 mg L− 1 [18].
due to increase ammonium in manure and limited techno-economic Niu et al., 2015 [19] demonstrated the process temperature impact
viability of techniques used to remove it are an important aspect of for chicken manure digestion. It was found that the tolerance of ther­
only one third of annual chicken manure bioenergy potential is pro­ mophilic reactor on TAN was 8000 mg L− 1 with free ammonia 2000 mg
duced via anaerobic fermentation [10]. L− 1 compared to 16000 mg L− 1 (FAN 1500 mg L− 1) of mesophilic
Therefore, anaerobic digestion of chicken manure is an important reactor. biomethane production was 0.29 L g− 1 VSin. Furthermore,
process to proper degradation when stabilizing organic matter along mesophilic reactor was successfully recovered from seriously inhibition
with biogas production from chicken manure [10]. In this way this of TAN 16 000 mg L− 1. In contrast, thermophilic reactor recovery was
biogas can be used for conversion of renewable heat and electricity and failed. Mesophilic reactor was dominated by acetoclastic methanogens
the remaining organic matter produced after anaerobic degradation is compared with the thermophilic reactor. The functional bacteria com­
then sustainably applied as an agricultural fertilizer [12]. The organic munity has a less diversity in the thermophilic reactor makes it more
fraction of chicken manure is deemed to be a high biogas yielding susceptible to sudden changes in ammonia loading condition [19]. Such
feedstock and so the anaerobic digestion of chicken manure is consid­ results indicate that mesophilic temperature is more favourable for the
ered as a priority option to treat such waste and produce renewable chicken manure digestion resulting in more stable fermentation process.
energy at the same time. Anaerobic digestion is a sustainable solution for Some research has been focused on sole digestion of chicken manure
chicken manure management technology from the energy recovery, and detailed process analysis was made. Bayrakdar et al. 2017demon­
biofertilizer production and greenhouse gas management points of view. strated laboratory scale chicken manure digestion and stable biogas
However, anaerobic digestion of chicken manure as the dominant sub­ production performance with the total ammonium nitrogen (TAN)
strate in the biogas plant reactor feedstock mix has been problematic concentration maintained below 4.0 g L− 1 when operating with organic
due to its high nitrogen content [13,14], causing inhibition of anaerobic loading rate of 3.56 g VSL− 1d− 1 [6]. The chicken manure co-digestion
digestion process when high organic loading rate is applied to the di­ and dilution with water were applied in order to control TAN levels in
gesters. Chicken manure has a higher nitrogen content than food waste, the fermentation media. Another researcher increased the OLR to 5.3 g
cow manure, pig slurry or waste activated sludge [15]. VSL− 1d− 1 reaching free ammonia nitrogen (FAN) concentration of 770
Anaerobic digestion is a biological process which results in biogas mgL− 1 in the fermentation media and producing 390 mL g− 1 VS biogas
production and digestate generation. The dominant component of with biogas yield descending as OLR was increased further [20]. Bi et al.,
biogas is methane gas. During anaerobic fermentation, methane is pro­ 2019 [21] studied the temperature and OLR effect on biogas production
duced through two major metabolism pathways: acetate decomposition efficiency for chicken manure digestion and demonstrated that ther­
or acetate oxidation and hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis. The effi­ mophilic digestion caused ammonia inhibition influenced methane
ciency of those two pathways can be affected by the various stress fac­ production of 220 mL CH4 g− 1 TS for OLR of 1.6 g VSL− 1d− 1 and 94 mL
tors such as ammonia inhibition. For example, it was reported that with CH4 g− 1 TS for OLR of 2.5 kg VS m− 3 d− 1. Table 4 summarizes recent
increasing total ammonium nitrogen (TAN) values in the digester results of chicken manure anaerobic digestion approach.
Methanoculleus was replaced by the genus Methanosarcina [13]. The The strategies to overcome the ammonium inhibition recommended
dominance of Methanosarcina under high TAN conditions may indicate in the literature are co-digestion, technical ammonium-ammonia strip­
that it has higher tolerance under such stressed conditions. The authors ping and trace element addition [25]. Another strategy to dilute the

L. Jurgutis et al. Biomass and Bioenergy 141 (2020) 105693

chicken manure with process water is often applied in full-scale anaer­ operator did not indicate the exact origin of chicken manure since it was
obic digesters. All of the above-mentioned strategies are effective and delivered from 4 chicken farms located in Lithuania. Chicken manure
mitigate the ammonia inhibition problem; however, they increase the feedstock was delivered at the same quantities and was fed once mixed
process complexity and significantly raise biogas plant operational with the same proportions during all the experimental period. The
expenses. experiment could not be continued further since the biogas plant oper­
Long term full scale mono digestion data of chicken manure is scarce. ator changed the feeding mix to other biomass partly replacing CM as a
Few information is available about full scale mono fermentation of mono substrate due to a cheaper feedstock identified on the market.
chicken manure in order to understand how to effectively manage the
chicken manure digestion process. Typically, as the anaerobic digestion 2.4. Chicken manure analyses
process disturbance resulting in (temporary) biogas production slow
down and methane composition drop happens, full scale biogas plant The total solids (TS) of the CM samples were evaluated after drying
operators apply re-inoculation strategy or over dilute the process with to a constant weight at 105 ◦ C. Volatile solids (VS) were determined by
fresh water stream. Such approach does not ensure fermentation media loss on ignition at 550 ◦ C for 24 h. The pH of CM was measured by
adaptation to increased TAN environment and adaptation is postponed. homogenization followed by deionized water extract (1:5 w/v) appli­
Furthermore, only few articles demonstrated recovery strategies and cation. Ammonium nitrogen was measured by a spectrophotometer at a
system adaptation behaviour once reactor inhibition occurred. wavelength of 550 nm with the cuvette test LCK 302 (HACH Lange,
The objective of this study was to evaluate chicken manure biogas Germany) using the standard procedure. The total Kjeldahl nitrogen
potential and to explore the full scale biogas plant digestion perfor­ content was evaluated in the fresh chicken manure samples.
mance in order to better understand the stability of chicken manure The organic carbon content was determined after wet-combustion by
digestion process and full scale anaerobic digestion system recovery a spectrophotometric measurement at a wavelength of 590 nm using
strategy. glucose as the standard according to the Nikitin-modified Tyurin
method (Nikitin, 1999) [26].
2. Materials and methods The total phosphorus concentrations were quantified spectrophoto­
metrically by a colour reaction with an ammonium molybdate vanadate
2.1. Chicken manure quality parameters reagent at a wavelength of 430 nm on a Cary 60 UV–vis spectropho­
tometer (Varian Inc., USA), and the total potassium content was deter­
During 2018, chicken manure was collected from several chicken mined using the flame atomic absorption spectrometry measurement on
farms located in Lithuania. The farm size ranged from small scale (1–50 Analyst 200 (PerkinElmer, USA) after the wet digestion process with
chicken heads), to medium scale (150 000–250 000 chicken heads), up sulfuric acid.
to large scale (900 000–1 000 000 chicken heads). Before the biogas
potential analysis tests were performed, chicken manure (CM) samples 2.5. Anaerobic digestion process analyses
were measured in terms of total solids (TS), volatile solids (VS), Total
Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), organic carbon Digestates from full scale anaerobic digestion process were centri­
(OC), pH and ammonium nitrogen (N–NH4). CM samples were homog­ fuged at 10 000 rpm at 10 ◦ C for 10 min (16R H. Megafuge, Thermo
enized with a laboratory blender while mixing the biomass deionized Scientific, USA) and the supernatant was used for volatile fatty acids
water to 15% TS. The samples were stored at 5 ◦ C and further used for (VFA) analysis. VFA/TAC analyses were made by automatic titration
biogas potential analysis experiments. with 0.1 mol L− 1 H2SO4 to pH 5.00, 4.30, 4.00 using a Titrator T90
(Mettler Toledo International Inc., Switzerland) according to the to the
2.2. Batch biogas potential experiments method [27].
VFA were calculated:
The biochemical methane potential of the seven CM samples was ( ) NH SO NH SO
determined by the Automatic Methane Potential Test System (AMPTS II, VFA = 131340 × VpH4.00 − VpH5.00 × 2 4 − 3.08 × 1000 × VpH 4.30 × 2 4
Bioprocess control, Sweden). The inoculum digested sludge was used
− 10.9
from full scale biogas plant co-digesting pig slurry with ensiled beet root
pulp biomass. The total reactor volume was 500 mL while working
volume was 400 mL. The chosen inoculum to substrate ratio was 2 on g
VPR – centrifuged sample volume, mL
VS basis. The inoculum was stored at ambient temperature and incu­
NH2SO4 – normality of the acid, mol L− 1
bated at 35 ◦ C before the batch biogas tests launch. The reactors were
VpH X – volume of acid needed to endpoint pH x, mL
adjusted with distilled water in order to have the same test volumes. The
headspace of reactors was flushed with nitrogen gas. The tests were
FAN is the concentration of free ammonia nitrogen in the digester in
carried out in triplicates and operating temperature was set at meso­
g L− 1. FAN was calculated:
philic conditions (35 ± 1 ◦ C). The incubation period was set to 40 days.
⎛ ⎞
Biogas produced passed through gas flow meter counter (Ritter TG 05
miligas counter, Ritter Apparatebau GmbH & Co., Germany) and then ⎜ 10− pH ⎟
FAN = TAN × ⎝1 + ⎠
CO2 was removed by passing through sodium hydroxide solution. 10− ( 0.09018 + 2729.92
Methane yield was determined by AMPTS system’s gas flow meter.

2.3. Full scale anaerobic digestion experiment TAN – concentration of N–NH4, g L−
T (K) – temperature, Kelvin
Valuable data were obtained during full scale anaerobic digestion of
chicken manure in 400 kW power capacity biogas plant located in The ratio of full scale CH4 yield to biomethane potential yield was
eastern part of Lithuania. A single digestion tank reactor with a working used to determine the performance caused by industrial operational
volume of 2500 m3 was operated continuously at 35 ± 1 ◦ C with four conditions. The following formula was used for efficiency calculations:
mixers stirring once every hour for 15 min mixing interval. The duration
%CH4 × Vbiogas
of the experiment was 217 days. The experiment was started after the η, % =
digester had been running under stable conditions. The biogas plant

L. Jurgutis et al. Biomass and Bioenergy 141 (2020) 105693

day (based on average daily live weights during the birds’ production
% CH4 – methane content in the biogas cycle) are approximately 0.12 kg for layer chickens, 0.08 kg for meat
Vbiogas – volume of biogas produced, m3 d− 1 chickens. Additionally, personal communications of the biggest layer
BMPCM– biomethane potential determined in this research, m3 CH4 chicken farm in Lithuania indicated the daily manure production of
t− 1 0.082 kg per single bird. Therefore, the annual manure production
mCM – chicken manure fed daily to the digester, t estimation of 29.2 kg was used in this research paper. The abundance of
available Lithuanian chicken manure makes this biomass an attractive
feedstock for biogas energy production.
2.6. Gas volume and composition analysis The latest data of chicken manure quantities and their distribution
according to the counties are shown on the map (Fig. 1). According to
Gas composition was measured during a fixed hour on a daily basis. logically reasonable chicken manure transportation distances, it is most
The concentration of CH4 was measured using a Sewerin Multitec 540 advantageous to use chicken manure in the anaerobic digestion power
device, allowing measurement of methane (0.0–100%), carbon dioxide plants operating in Vilnius, Šiauliai, Panevėžys districts. The largest
(0–100%), oxygen (0.0–25%), hydrogen sulphide (0–2000 ppm), and quantities of chicken manure are concentrated closer to the Vievis
carbon monoxide (0–500 ppm). Gas composition measurement was anaerobic digestion power plant.
measured every week using standard etalon gases provided by a Lithu­ The uneven distribution of chicken manure in municipalities is
anian company with a standard mixture of 65% CH4 and 35% CO2. determined by the territorial differentiation of poultry farming in
Volumetric biogas production was registered by a Kohne OPTISONIC Lithuania. The system of poultry farming consists of small breeders of
7300 Biogas flow meter. poultry, poultry farms and poultry yards. Small poultry breeders
specialize in the production of different species of poultry, while the vast
3. Results and discussion majority of poultry farms are focused on hen production. Poultry yards
are also involved in hen production. Large poultry yards are located near
3.1. Chicken manure quantity and quality the largest cities of Lithuania (Vilnius, Kaunas, Panevėžys, Šiauliai,
Alytus), therefore the greatest amounts of chicken manure are generated
The number of chicken birds farmed in Lithuania increased by 86% in these and the adjacent municipalities. Most of the chicken manure is
from 2000 to 2019 (Table 2). concentrated closer to the Vievis anaerobic digestion power plant (BP1).
Scarlat et al., 2017 [29] estimated the 9.5 million chicken birds in Next to it, there are three large poultry yards, which collectively
Lithuania in 2013. generate 50 %of the total amount of chicken manure produced in
According to Juška (2017) [30], it is estimated that feeding per day is Lithuania per year (17957 t). The location of this plant is also favourable
about 0.115–0.1177 kg of feed and about 13% of the feed’s nutrient from the geo-ecology viewpoint. The surrounding municipalities are
conversion yields to product. The amount of excrement produced per dominated by eroded soils (approx. 15–25% of the total agricultural
day is 0.158 kg. This number is higher than that reported by other au­ land) and, as a side product of chicken manure processing, digestate
thors in literature [31] 0.11 kg day-1, while Food and Agriculture Or­ becomes a valuable resource to be used for increasing soil organic matter
ganization (FAO) [32] estimates of the manure excreted by 1 bird per

Fig. 1. Amounts of chicken manure accumulated in Lithuania in 2019.

L. Jurgutis et al. Biomass and Bioenergy 141 (2020) 105693

and improving soil fertility. Table 2

The characteristics of seven different chicken manure samples are The number of chicken birds in Lithuania at the beginning of each year. Data
given in Table 1. from [28].
The variation of chemical parameters of the seven chicken manure County 2000 2005 2010 2015 2019
samples analysed indicates that chicken manure is an chemically un­ Vilnius 2 177 3066 3 280 3569 179 2 836
stable feedstock. The total solids and organic matter deviation can be 932 293 369 428
explained due to different bedding material used at the farms. Another Alytus 462 930 231 605 576 449 473 946 1 472
factor affecting TS, VS and other chemical parameters might be the 420
Kaunas 1 245 1919 2 380 3385 792 3 486
storage conditions as well as storage time of the chicken manure.
035 845 088 264
Chickens are uricotelic animals and they excrete uric acid as the nitro­ Klaipėda 580 179 635 624 447 991 391 835 571 408
gen removal channel. Once released into the atmosphere, uric acid is Marijampolė 306 247 212 946 182 989 77 072 71 033
gradually converted into ammonium via enzymatic transformations Panevėžys 287 796 665 950 616 018 1 029 1093 801
[37]. As uric acid to ammonium conversion occurs gradually, other 257
Šiauliai 409 851 433 410 371 862 218 249 839 275
biochemical metabolisms take place resulting in differences in manure Tauragė 151 288 153 613 144 763 56 063 217 175
chemical composition depending on the manure biomass age and Telšiai 377 755 646 004 708 146 644 132 737 582
environmental conditions. Utena 209 506 262 511 316 738 247 582 236 700
In total for 6 208 8227 9 025 10 093 11 562
Lithuania 519 801 413 107 086
3.2. BMP tests

The biomethane potential (BMP) test of the seven CM samples show

the variation of specific methane product within the range of 275–350 L Table 3
CH4 kg− 1 VS added. The results of BMP tests are reported in Table 3. It is Average biogas and biomethane production of seven chicken manure samples.
obvious that chemical composition of chicken manure affects BMP po­ Farm size, L biogas L CH4 % CH4 L biogas
tential significantly, resulting in the biogas production per quantity of thousand chicken kg− 1 VS kg− 1 VS kg− 1 FM
heads added added
fresh mass (FM) with 145 ± 57 L biogas kg− 1 FM). However, once the
BMP results were evaluated in terms of volatile solids fed into the biogas CM1 0.001–0.05 442 ± 8 275 ± 12 62.2 ± 166 ± 11
reactor, the methane production is similar between each CM tested 1.2
CM2 750–1000 514 ± 18 316 ± 17 61.5 ± 101 ± 13
resulting in 7.3% deviation (312 ± 23 L CH4 kg− 1 VS added). 0.7
The BMP results indicate that chicken manure under mesophilic CM3 750–1000 551 ± 14 350 ± 23 63.6 ± 126 ± 7
conditions can produce biogas with methane content of 61.5 ± 1.6%. 1.1
The obtained gas composition results are similar to those reported by CM4 750–1000 490 ± 15 309 ± 9 63.0 ± 97 ± 8
other researchers. Niu et al., 2013 [38] indicated 62% methane pro­
CM5 750–1000 535 ± 16 326 ± 8 61.0 ± 88 ± 9
duction during the early phase of experiment, while Nie et al., 2015 [13] 1.5
demonstrated the biogas quality of 64.4 ± 1.0% CH4 before inhibition CM6 500–750 524 ± 13 309 ± 11 59.0 ± 226 ± 11
and 58.9 ± 1.0% CH4 in the biogas during partly inhibited process due to 1.6
FAN concentration (0.58 g L-1) and high process OLR (6.0 g VSL− 1d− 1). CM7 500–750 497 ± 9 298 ± 12 60.0 ± 211 ± 12
Specific biogas production kinetic rate indicates that most of the Average 508 ± 18 312 ± 23 61.5 145 ± 13
biogas is produced during the first 10 days of anaerobic digestion and ± 1.6
the 95% of the obtained BMP potential is produced during the first 25
days of digestion incubation. The biogas production results are reported
in Fig. 2. The error bars represent standard deviation. The deviation of 3.3. Full scale anaerobic digestion process results
each chicken manure sample was lower than 10% during the first 15
days of experiment and the deviation decreased after 15 days of incu­ 3.3.1. Variation of biogas production and quality
bation. The reason for initial deviation within the chicken manure re­ The full scale anaerobic digestion process was analysed for 220 days.
actors might happen due to inhomogeneity of the biomass samples used. The experiment was divided into three stages: stable production (days
Another reason for the deviation might be the organic matter content of 0–22), unstable adaptation stage (days 22–67) and adapted new accli­
each chicken manure sample. However, the average deviation of mated conditions stage (days 67–217). Such division is based on biogas
methane production was 4% during 40 days of experiment, indicating production quantity during each experimental period. During the first
the representative and reliable biogas yield potential result. The biogas 22 days, 506 m3 of biogas per ton of loaded biomass was produced (m3
production started immediately with no lag phase in any of the tripli­ t− 1 VS in), while there was a significant drop in the biogas production as
cates, thanks to the inoculum obtained from the full scale anaerobic the adaptation period started reaching 451 m3 t − 1 VS in at the lowest
digestion plant treating pig slurry as the dominant biomass inlet stream. production point at experiment day 48. The biogas production recov­
ered since day 48 and kept increasing up to 495 at day 67 of the
experiment. The biogas production stabilized and produced 489 m3

Table 1
Chemical parameters of seven chicken manure samples collected in Lithuania.
Farm size, thousand chicken heads TS, % VS, % (TS) N, % (TS) P, % (TS) K, % (TS) Corg, % (TS) N–NH4, g/L pH

CM1 0.001–0.05 81.80 ± 1.75 45.90 ± 2.05 2.43 ± 0.04 1.52 ± 0.04 2.41 ± 0.11 27.00 ± 2.00 1.47 ± 0.23 8.30 ± 0.01
CM2 750–1000 31.60 ± 1.40 62.00 ± 1.76 4.37 ± 0.05 2.81 ± 0.02 2.81 ± 0.06 33.8 ± 1.70 8.05 ± 0.60 8.72 ± 0.03
CM3 750–1000 31.63 ± 0.92 72.10 ± 2.17 5.24 ± 0.02 1.53 ± 0.02 2.23 ± 0.03 38.02 ± 2.00 6.05 ± 0.45 7.28 ± 0.05
CM4 750–1000 32.75 ± 1.63 60.42 ± 2.62 3.26 ± 0.01 3.00 ± 0.05 2.20 ± 0.02 33.4 ± 1.40 5.76 ± 0.22 8.90 ± 0.02
CM5 750–1000 27.71 ± 1.13 59.50 ± 1.43 2.87 ± 0.14 2.32 ± 0.02 3.14 ± 0.01 32.76 ± 0.70 5.98 ± 0.45 9.20 ± 0.01
CM6 500–750 50.30 ± 0.75 85.88 ± 0.88 2.3 ± 0.07 1.97 ± 0.01 3.04 ± 0.03 50.21 ± 1.21 2.65 ± 0.11 8.01 ± 0.02
CM7 500–750 51.70 ± 1.50 82.09 ± 1.14 2.6 ± 0.12 1.99 ± 0.04 3.02 ± 0.01 45.61 ± 0.65 2.57 ± 0.11 7.90 ± 0.01
Average 43.93 66.84 3.30 2.16 2.69 37.26 4.65 8.33

L. Jurgutis et al. Biomass and Bioenergy 141 (2020) 105693

Table 4
Chicken manure anaerobic digestion brief literature review.
Method Proportion of Pretreatment Reactor Temperature Experiment Yield biomethane (Ym) or FAN or TAN Reference
substrates specifications duration, d yield biogas (Yb)

Co-digestion CM (laying No Lab scale, Mesophilic 240 d Ym 0.36 L g VS− 1 was TAN up to 6650 mg [6]
hens) and continuous, obtained when the TAN L− 1
spent poppy OLR: 2.78 to and FAN concentrations
straw 3.56 gVS were below 4000 and 300
4.3:1 w/w L− 1d− 1 mg L− 1 The results showed
that microbial consortia
were acclimated to high
ammonia concentrations
and a methane yield of
about 0.28 L g VS− 1 was
achieved up to 6100 mg
L− 1of TAN. When the TAN
concentration in the
digester increased above
6500 mg L− 1, the methane
yield sharply decreased
below 0.14 L g VS− 1
Co-digestion CM:WS WS-oxidative Lab scale n.d. 20 days Ym 0.297 L gVS− 1 TAN 1280 mg L− 1 [16]
cleavage with H2O2 OLR 1.5–4.5 Ym 0.170 L gVS− 1 FAN 49.9 mg L− 1
7.5% gVS L− 1d− 1
Co-digestion CM:CSI No pretreatment Lab scale n.d. 30 days Ym up to 0.356 L gVS− n.d. [17]
20:80, 30:70, Volume 2.5 L
40:60, 60:40 BMP assay
CM CM+ 1000W mircowave Lab scale 37 ◦ C 47 days OLR 1: Ym 0.123 L gVS− n.d. [22]
pretreatment activated pretreatment CSTR 0.4 L OLR 2: Ym 0.223 L gVS−
carbon +0.037–0.149 OLR 1: 3.5 gVS OLR 3: Ym 0.287 L gVS−
mmpowdered L− 1d− 1
activated carbon OLR 2: 4.7 gVS
pH of 5.0–7.0 L− 1d− 1
OLR 3: 5.8 gVS
L− 1d− 1
1 1
In situ CM Biogas pumping Lab scale, 37 ◦ C 194 d Ym 0.250 ± 0.014 L gVS− TAN 5800 mg L− [18]
ammonia rate of 15 s every 5 CSTR 12 L FAN
stripping min, and the biogas OLR 5.3 gVS 600 mg L− 1
flow rate was 2 L L− 1d− 1
min− 1.
1 1
Monodigestion CM No pretreatment Lab scale, 37 ◦ C 194 d Ym 0.187 ± 0.017 L gVS− TAN 6800 mg L− [18]
OLR 5.3 gVS 500 mg L− 1
L− 1d− 1
Monodigestion CM No pretreatment Lab scale, 35 ◦ C 30 d Ym 0.294 ± 0.002 L gVS− n.d. [23]
batch test,
volume 0.12 L
Monodigestion CM No pretreament Lab scale, 37 ◦ C 93 d Ym 0.360 ± 0.010 L gVS− FAN 410 mg L− 1 [13]
CSTR 12 L TAN 2300 mg L− 1
OLR 1.8 gVS
L− 1d− 1 to 5.3
1 1
Monodigestion CM No pretreament Lab scale, 37 ◦ C 87 d Ym 0.340 ± 0.02 L gVS− FAN 1420 mg L− [13]
CSTR 12 L TAN 5000 mg L−
OLR 2.7 gVS
L− 1d− 1
Monodigestion CM No pretreament Lab scale, 37 ◦ C 193 d Ym 0.190 ± 0.02 L gVS− FAN 650 mg L− 1 [13]
CSTR 12 L TAN 6900 mg L− 1
OLR 5.3 gVS
L− 1d− 1
1 1
Monodigestion CM No pretreatment Lab scale, 37 ◦ C 100 d Ym 0.355 ± 0.026 L gVS− TAN 5634 mg L− [9]
OLR 2.5 gTS
L− 1d− 1
Micro element CM+ 280 mg/L Fe2+ and Lab scale, 37 ◦ C 147 d Control digester: FAN 600 mg L− 1 [24]
supplements Fe2++Ni2+ 2 mg/L Ni2+ CSTR 12 L Ym 0.180 ± 0.009 L gVS− 1 TAN 6900 mg L− 1
supplements on OLR 4.8 gTS Fe–Ni digester:
chicken manure L− 1d− 1 Ym 0.241 ± 0.008 L gVS− 1
Micro element CM+ Ni+2, Lab scale 36 ◦ C 262 days Ym 0.27 ± 0.020 L g VS− 1 TAN 6560 ± 455 mg [10]
supplements Ni+2, Co+2, Mo+6, Volume 0.8 L L− 1
Co+2, Mo+6, Se+4,W+6 prepared OLR: 3.62 gVS
Se+4,W+6 in distilled water L− 1d− 1
Thermophilic CM No Lab scale Thermophilic 200 days Yb (0.74 m3 kg− 1VS) was TAN [19]
digestion Volume 12 L reactor 55 ◦ C harvested both in 60000 mg L− 1
pH 8.1 FAN 2118 mg L−
(continued on next page)

L. Jurgutis et al. Biomass and Bioenergy 141 (2020) 105693

Table 4 (continued )
Method Proportion of Pretreatment Reactor Temperature Experiment Yield biomethane (Ym) or FAN or TAN Reference
substrates specifications duration, d yield biogas (Yb)

Mesophilic thermophilic and Mesophilic reactor

reactor 55 ◦ C mesophilic reactors has a higher
tolerance on TAN
than thermophilic
reactor. Mesophilic
reactor was
from seriously
inhibition of TAN 16
000 mg L− 1.

CM – chicken manure, WS – wheat straw, CSI – corn silage.

Fig. 2. Biogas production rate and kinetics.

biogas t− 1 VS during the rest of experimental period until day 217 rapidly changed type of feedstock as the organic loading rate remains
(Fig. 3A). the same but the deviation of feedstock degradation kinetics causes the
Chicken manure was used as the sole source of organic matter during system overload. The reason of such imbalance might be complexed;
the entire experimental period. Initially, the digester feeding organic however, since the same chicken manure mix was fed at the fixed OLR,
loading rate (OLR) was set to 2.24 kg/VS/m3/day and was kept stable the major cause of system imbalance should be considered accumulation
during the first 98 days of the experiment. After reaching stability and of ammonium nitrogen during VFA peak. The mechanism of VFA in­
due to biogas plant operator’s demand to produce more biogas per crease can be provoked by stable total ammonium nitrogen (TAN) in­
reactor volume, it was decided to increase the OLR up to 3.14 kg VS/m3/ crease in the digester, as TAN later is shifted to free ammonia nitrogen
day after day 110 (Fig. 3B). (FAN) which is known to demonstrate inhibitory effects on the anaer­
As shown in Fig. 3C, the gas composition varied during the different obic digestion system [39,40]. FAN was 572 mgL− 1 and TAN 3.98 g L-1
stages of the experiment. Initially, methane content in produced biogas at day 9 of the experiment, while FAN reached 686 mgL− 1 and TAN 5.01
was 60% until day 22, while during the second stage the methane g L-1 at day 58. However, this TAN level cannot be indicated as the
content in the biogas dropped to 51.1% (days 38–46) and slowly threshold level at which ammonium inhibition began, as this industrial
recovered up to 59.2% at day 66. There was a second drop in the biogas experiment was not designed to determine it.
quality during days 112–137 reaching 53%. However, after day 66, the Other authors have reported a wide range of ammonia inhibition
methane content in the produced biogas was 58.5% and was considered concentration ranging from 1.5 g L-1 to 7 g L-1 [41]. Such variation can
as stabilized biogas quality. be explained by the ammonium-ammonia inhibition mechanism which
is highly dependent on the temperature and pH conditions of the
3.3.2. Process biological behaviour digester. In addition to that, the increased tolerance due to system
During the experiment, the digester mass samples were analysed for acclimatization is also the reason for different ammonium inhibition
pH, VFA and N–NH4 on a weekly basis. On the 22nd day of the exper­ research results provided in literature. Garcia et al., 2009 [42] reported
iment, inhibition was observed as the VFA level started to increase and total inhibition of the methanogens at a FAN concentration of 250
the biogas quantity as well as quality started to decrease. A sharp VFA mgL− 1 in an unacclimated anaerobic digestion system, while metha­
increase was observed during the unstable adaptation stage, reaching nogens can grow at a FAN concentration of 700 mgL− 1 once the system
the VFA peak of 10.82 g L-1 at day 43. Typically, one of the major reasons is acclimatized. Acclimatization means adaptation of microorganism
of VFA increase caused by process imbalance is organic overloading as populations to changed environment. The shift of methanogenic path­
the hydrolysis phase outperforms the methanogenic digestion phase ways with the increase of TAN and VFA levels are suggested as causes of
resulting in acetic and propionic acid accumulation in fermentation process imbalance and reduction in methane yields.
media [20]. Another possible reason for symbiosis destruction might be The physical factor effecting the FAN and TAN ratio is the

L. Jurgutis et al. Biomass and Bioenergy 141 (2020) 105693

Fig. 3. (A–G). Biogas production and quality.

L. Jurgutis et al. Biomass and Bioenergy 141 (2020) 105693

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