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Background Of Study

Covid-19 is currently a hot topic of discussion in any part of the world. This has made
several countries set policies to implement a lockdown in order to break the chain of the spread
of Covid-19, so that all activities carried out outside the home must be stopped until this
pandemic subsides, including in the field of education. As safety , many schools and academic
institution adopted online learning that allows students to studying at home and facilitation of
online learning becomes the safest method to protect students from the danger of Covid-19
pandemic. With this policy , many teacher feel challenged when conduct online learning
especially at Jiarawanon-Utis 4th School, Loei province, Thailand. Online learning is a type of
teaching and learning activity which (1) the students has a long distances with teacher (2) the
students take advantage of technology to acquire learning materials (3) students use technology
to interact with teacher (Anderson, 2011). Online learning also defined as a learning activity that
requires an internet network with connectivity , accessibility , flexibility , and the ability to
generate various types of learning (Patricia, 2020).

Jiarawanon-Utis 4th school puts two teacher to teach English virtually. The first teacher is
from Indonesia who teach English using Line Video Call as e-learning application , while the
second teacher is from Thailand who help to assists students during teaching and learning
process virtually. When conduct online learning the materials are delivered indirectly and the
teacher and students communicate or interact through network access using technological
devices or application (Milliner, 2017). In the context of ELT, listening is considered as difficult
skill that receives the impact in online learning. (Renandya & Farrel 2011) stated that the most
impact from the spread of coronavirus was listening class where the implementation of such kind
of online with a sudden preparation is not an easy task.

In this case the researcher revealed that the students at Jiarawanon-Utis 4th school get
challenge in learning listening in English course because English is rarely used in their school ,
the lack of students motivation in learning English, in addition the teacher rarely provide
listening materials and interesting media. Many students have difficulty when they want to
knowing the meaning of what they hear. Listening have an important influence towards daily
communication and the implementation of language however, listening is known as challenging
skill especially for EFL learners (Adnan, 2014). It is undeniable that the position of English in
Thailand is only as a foreign language, this reason is also causes students not familiar with varied
English vocabularies ,so it can impact on their listening skills. When students have difficulty in
listening , it can affect other skills because listening is the first skill that students must be
mastered before other English language skills such as speaking , writing , and reading. Listening
is not easy as people think, when listening to something the listeners must focus on what they
heard to get the point, this is why learning listening is important because listening makes people
gain knowledge, information and will make it easy for everyone to communicate with others. So
for EFL students , listening is the first skill that must be taken by students before they have to
learn a foreign language. Listening is very complex skill compared to other skills for ESL and
EFL learner; it is caused by lack of practice and limited knowledge to follow listening activity in
the class (Schmidt, 2016). So in this case, the effective media is needed to solve the problem in
this virtual classroom. The teacher must create interesting media to improve students motivation
in listening practice.

Gamification is useful in overcoming the difficulties in learning and motivating

participation within the learning activities (Codish & Ravid, 2014; Bruder, 2014). (Pello , 2018)
stated that the use of media in the form of online games in teaching and learning activities can
encourage students' motivation to be more enthusiastic in learning. The media that can be used
by teachers during the learning process in the online classroom is the use of applications. (Siti
Niah , 2019) conducted a study that application based game Duolingo is effective to improve
students’ listening and speaking. Not only that (Lidya, 2018) also stated that Duolingo app can
improve student listening skill and motivate them in learning English.

Quizizz is one of the learning media in the form of an application-based game. Quizizz
is an academic app that applies the concept of gamification (MacNamara & Murphy, 2017). The
colorful interface, avatars and music provide students an identical experience as a game does. 
(Safitri et al. 2019) also stated that Quizizz is an application that can create an interactive and fun
atmosphere for the learning process. There are interesting features in the form of images and
audio in Quizizz. This feature can be used by students in practicing listening skills.

The researcher decided to use Quizizz as a game based learning in improving students'
listening skills. Not only that the fun activity in Quizizz can bring different atmosphere in virtual
class and it consider than can be an alternative strategy in enhancing students’ listening skill
especially in online learning. One of the games is supported by the previous study conducted by
(Agung Perdana & Lilis , 2020) the study stated that the use of quizizz can enhance students in
German Listening Skill. Therefore the researcher used this media because this media has not
been used in measure listening skills in English course and its to help students to solve their
problem in listening skill.
2. Methodology

The research was conducted at 8th grade of Jiarawanon-Utis 4, Loei Province , Thailand
consist of 6 students. The participant of this research was students at 8th grade of Jiarawanon-Utis
4th School. This research was conducted using CAR (Classroom Action Research). The
Classroom Action Research are developed by Kemmis and Mc Taggart (1992) , which is every
cycles have four steps. They are planning , implementation , observation , and reflection. The
cycle will continue when there are still some defects in the first cycle and there will be re-
planning , acting , observing , and reflecting (Echeverria et al., 2011). There were three
instrument that used in this study , they are listening test (pre-test and post-test) , observation ,
and questionnaire.

To collect the data , researcher used both quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative
data analysis is used for analyze the result of listening quiz and questionnaire. Mainwhile ,
qualitative data analysis is implemented to analyze the implementation of the planned strategy.
After that triangulation data is needed in reflecting stage by comparing observation result ,
questionnaire , and the result of listening quiz.

Indicator to measure students listening skill

Ability to focus
Students’ general understanding
Listening for details
Accuracy of answer

According Shockingawful in Irubric (2017)


Course : English

School : Jiarawanon-Utis 4th School

Class : Mathayom 2

Topic : Daily Activity

Time Allotment : 60 minutes

Objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to match what they
heard with the right picture

Media : Line , PPT , Quizizz

Before the class

 Identify the learning objective

 Prepare all media that will be used in the learning process

During the class

 Pre-Teaching
- Teacher give nice greeting to students
- Teacher start to check students’ attendance list
- Teacher shows the picture and brainstorming by giving some question related to the
picture (Warm-up)

 Whilst-Teaching
- Teacher start to showing the picture using Power Point , then the teacher pronounce
the vocabulary based on the picture (Presentation)
- Teacher ask students to repeat
- Teacher choose students and ask to pronounce the correct vocabulary based on the
picture (Practice)
- Telling to the students , they will have listening activity
- Teacher check students’ listening skill using Quizizz (Application)
- Teacher appreciates the students
 Post- Teaching
- Teacher giving feedback and reviews the topic of today’s lesson (Wrap-up)
- Teacher end the teaching and learning process

After The Class

- Teacher doing evaluation whether the learning activities is succesfull or not


1. Be able to work individual

2. Have no problems in playing game
3. Concentrate in playing game
4. Show the enthusiasim in playing game
5. Show glad during learning activities

1. I like learning strategy by the game

2. Listening using game is very interesting
3. Listening using game can make the class interesting and fun
4. Listening using game make teaching and learning activities are not boring
5. This game motivate them in listening
6. I am not have feeling under pressure to accomplish listening task by game
7. Using game , my listening skills is improve

Lukman syafii et al , 2020 from International Journal on Studies in Education

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