Partner Identification: Organization

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Partner Identification

Organisation ID E10155895
Promoter's legal name (national language) ARDA Beratung & Bildung GmbH
Promoter's legal name (latin characters – if ARDA Beratung & Bildung GmbH
Acronym, if applicable ARDA
National ID number, if applicable HRB 163667
Department, if applicable -
Legal address Taylorstr. 8A, 14195 Berlin
Postal code 14195
City Berlin
Country Germany
Region Berlin
Web site
Email info@ar-da-de,
Telephone + 49 30 25580178 / + 49 173 6316077
Fax + 49 30 667 737 82
Title Ms.
Family name Dr. Dündar Isik
First name Susam
Position manager
Telephone + 49 30 25580178 / + 49 173 6316077
Fax + 49 30 667 737 82
Title Mr.
Family name Dr. Dündar
First name Süleyman
Position coordinator
Same address as the organisation yes
Telephone + 49 30 25580178 / + 49 173 6316077
Fax + 49 30 667 737 82
Status Privat
Type of organization profit/Non-governmental organisation
Activity level Local

Founded in 2010 in Berlin, ARDA Beratung & Bildung (ARDA) is an institute of academy for
education & training. Being accredited by the German National Agency in 2015, ARDA is carrying
out and participating in EU-funded projects in the frame of the Erasmus+ programme by its highly
qualified academic staff since then.

ARDA offers internship opportunities for pupils and students tailored to their interests in close
cooperation with its local and international working partners on an European level. Furhermore, our
institute provides a wide range of courses, seminars, vocational and on-the-job training
opportunities for teachers, engineers, academics and civil society representatives in accordance with
their skills and experience. The services offered comprise the following fields: management,
electricity, job security, informatics, IT, mechanics, engineering, automation, welding, food control,
beauty expertise, skin care, construction, disabled care and the education of handicapped pupils,
nursing of old and ill people, child care, pre-school education, media, textile, etc. ARDA‘s
successfull work results, in the fields of education, sciences, social walfare and culture, ensure
continuous quality and the compotence provided by this organisation.

Through its efforts and activities, ARDA aims not only to further promote the exchange of
knowledge, information and experience on a national and international level, but also an important
contribution to social integration, peace, tolerance and empathy. One of the other objectives of
ARDA is to establish itself as an European institute to support the business and social life processes
of people regardless of their ethnic origin, religion, belief, disabilitiy, age or sexual orientation. The
whole activities will enable ARDA to build a strong friendship and cultural bridge between different
actors, countries, languages and cultures on a global scale. In order to achieve its mission, vision
and goals, ARDA sets high professional and ethical standards, whereby its core values consist of
integrity, honesty, respect for people, tolerance, equality and transparency.

ARDA's staff consists of experienced and educated specialists who always carry out their social and
conscientious responsibilities in their work, and fulfil their duties willingly and effectively towards
our common goals and values. Our working group is made up of five people with different relevant
backgrounds and experiences responsible for carrying out this collabrative project. They bring more
than 20 years of experience in the field of the international education by having worked with
international partner.

In the near future, ARDA will especially be focusing more closely on the following areas by
planning, initiating and carrying out projects, events, programmes and activities in close
cooperation with small and medium sized enterprises, associations, universities, schools,
organizations and municipalities.

➢ Using digital techology in the education sector;

➢ promoting and supporting youth employement and enterpreneurship;
➢ supporting people with physical, mental, and emotional handicaps;
➢ organizing and implementing projects and seminars, aiming to improve much more
environmental awareness in the world’s society;
➢ organizing and offering languages courses to facilitate economic, social, cultural and
political participation of migrants into host countries;
➢ promoting gender equality and the role of women in society;
➢ improving the quality of the educational and vocational training system.

ARDA has been involved up to 70 projects in the frame of the Erasmus+ programme since 2010.
Among those projects, ARDA has taken part in five strategic partnership projects and successfully
completed three of them up to now. Two of them are currently going on despite the novel
Coronavirus Pandemic. We were able to gain very valuable experience and expertise in the highly
relevant topic "digitization and digital transformation" while being involved in the KA2 project
named "E-Learning Platform for Medical Informatics to Improve Vocational and ICT Practice (E-
MEDIVIP)“ in 2015 which was developed under the consortium of three universities and ARDA.
The main objective of the project, with the number: 2015-1-TR01-KA202-022634, was to design an
e-learning environment in order to develop ICT skills of health employees trained at different levels
of education, such as at vocational schools of health services, in biomedical engineering and at
medical schools. For that purpose, five different open-source education moduls were created, and a
large number of distance education materials was developed (

Furthermore, ARDA has succesfully completed another KA2 project named “Creating an
Applicable Curriculum on Occupatıional Health and Safety for Occupational Health and Safety
Professionals” with the number "2017-1-TR01-KA202-045736” in close cooperation with seven
international universities and organisations recently. Within the scope of this project, we were able
to create a curriculum applicable to occupational health and safety for occupational health and
safety specialists, and to develope an e-learning platform and mobile application software which
can give them access to educational courses related to this topic

Additionally, we have been involved in a project titled “Discover your Talents and Remove ‘Dis’ in
your Ability“ with the number 2018-1-TR01–KA204-058728 since 2019. In the frame of this
project, ARDA is collabrating closely with four universities and organisations across Europe. The
main goal of this project is to prepare module programmes in order to increase the life satisfaction
of handicapped pupils with the help of digital education and social media tools by creating suitable
e-learning programs. It is important to note that this project had to be interrupted for a certain time
due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, and is still going on. ARDA is curretly participating in two further
approved KA2 projects, numbered 2019-3-TR01–KA205-080194 and 2019-1-TR01-KA204-
077450 and named “HARMONY” and “My Disability is NOT an Obstacle for my Sexuality”
respectively. They are currently continued inspite of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Our working group is made up of seven people with different relevant backgrounds and
experiences. Mrs. Dr. Işık is one of the key persons of the task force, who has had several years of
experience in project management. As an experienced Erasmus+ coordinator, she has managed
more than 70 Erasmus+ projects up to now. Mrs. Dr. Işık was able to gain meaningful first-work
experience in the field of school and vocational education at “BWK BildungsWerk” in Germany,
whilst she was coordinating the project “the JOBSTARTER initative” supported by Federal Insitute
for Vocational Education and Training (Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung–BIBB) between 2005 and
2008. The project's central aim was the deepening of relationships between companies, chambers of
commerce and employment agencies in order to create more training places for young people with
an immigrant background, as well as refugees and non-German students and their parents.

In the course of this training structure programme, Mrs. Dr. Işık succeeded in finding apprentice
places for 152 young people in the dual vocational training system and systematically integrating
them into job training, while the BWK BildungsWerk was selected as one the most successful
executive organization among 52 German organizations that carried out JOBSTARTER projects. In
2007, she was selected as the “Woman of the Year” twice in Berlin while organizing and conducting
a broad variety of cultural and social activities as a member of the executive board member and
media spokeswoman for the Football Club Türkiyemspor in Berlin, which at that time played in the
4th Football League in Germany. Mrs. Dr. Işık was also awardad several prizes for the social,
cultural and work activities carried out by her in order to promote the integrity, peace, equality. Dr.
Susam Dündar Isik is also active as a breath transforming life, success and motivation coach and
NLP-coach (neuro-linguistic programme trainer-mind language programme).

Other members of our working group are students and professionals who have PhDs in the field of
natural and social sciences. Our executive team are also represented by Dr. Süleyman Dündar and
Dr. Kemal Isik, both acting as assistant general manager of ARDA, and being responsible for the
implementation of projects. Dr. Dündar graduated from the Berlin Technical University in the
geology and mining faculty in 2004, and received his PhD from the Berlin Free Universtity in the
geophysics faculty in 2012. Dr. Isik obtained his PhD degree in vetarinary medicine in 2006 from
the University of Leipzig. All three members of our executive team have an international academic
background having lived and lectured in higher education in more than one European country. They
all together have attended many international education conferences, successfully managed various
education projects in Germany and Turkey over the years. One of the most important qualities of
them to consider is their ability to speak three languages fluently (German, Turkish and English).

Furthermore, two four staff members reinforce the ARDA team. They have taken part in several
Erasmus+ projects since 2014. Ms. Constanza Alvarez will especially support the working group in
the full and smooth implementation of the main project steps during the execution phase. She is
currently completing her bachelors of science in computer science at the Technical University o
Berlin. Mr. Samuel Willson will be acting as an assistant to the management team and responsible
for maintaining a stable infrastructure. Mr. Willson is currently continuing her study of computer
science in order to obtain her master‘s degree at the Berlin Free University where he already
completed her Bachelor degree. Ms. Gamze Aslan studied psychology at the Berlin Technical
University. At the Berlin Free University, she completed her PhD in developmental psychology.
Mrs. Rose Mukundi Kapunya studied psychology at the Free University of Berlin and also earned
her doctorate in psychology from the Department of Education and Psychology aat the Free
University of Berlin. In order to carry out such project, we will closely work together with
organisations working in the field of psychology and we will receive support from universities, as



1- "Life Long Skill Education (HBBE)": One of the most important projects successfully
completed by ARDA Beratung & Bildung between 2015 and 2016 is "Life Long Skill Education
(HBBE)" with number 2014-1-TR01-KA102-000765, which was supported by Turkish National
Agency belonging to the Ministry of European Union Affairs of the Republic of Turkey. This
project was carried out in close collaboration between ARDA and the General Directorate of
Vocational and Technical Education of the Ministry of Natural Education, whereby ARDA acted as
a direct application partner by providing high service quality (
hareketlili%C4%9). It is important to note that this initiative was a teacher mobility project, which
is characterized by the highest budget and the maximum number of participants (260) within the
Erasmus+ programs for the last few years. Within the framework of this program, ARDA provided
vocational and educational and training opportunities for 159 teachers originating from 22 different
cities in Turkey, together with its strong German partners.
Other key project mentioned is "Work-based learning 2020" which was implemented by ARDA in
close collaboration with the Ministry of National Education of Turkish Republic in the scope of
“Life Long Skill Education” programs. The work of this cooperative initiative was evaluated and
selected as one of the "BEST PRACTICE” projects during the meeting “3rd European Monitoring
Conference NetWBL”, to which the National Agency, ministers, schools and company
representatives from among the European Union countries participated between June the 28 th and
29th of 2016 (

2-“E-Learning Platform for Medical Informatics To Improve Vocational And ICT Practice (E-
MEDIVIP)”: Furhermore, we were able to gain work experience and expertise in the scope of a
preject dealing with digital e-learning programs.In this manner, ARDA contributed to the
implementation of the “STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP PROJECT (KA-202)” named "E-Learning
Platform for Medical Informatics To Improve Vocational And ICT Practice (E-MEDIVIP)", together
with its project partners from Turkey and Spain. This project was originally signed between the
executive institution “Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University” and the Turkish National Agency within the
framework of the Grant Contract (2015-1-TR01-KA202-022634). Being a partner organisation
from Germany, ARDA completed the project by successfully preparing as „E-Learning-Plattform"
the module 5 and 6 questionnaires, intellectual output, German, English and Turkish course
presentations and speeches (

Project Owner: Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University, Turkey

Project No: 2017- 1- TR01 – KA202-022634
Project participating countries and institution: ARDA Beratung & Bildung GmbH (ARDA)
- Germany, Centro De Investigacion Biomedica En Red  (CIBER) - Spain, Bandırma Akşemsettin
Mesleki Teknik Anadolu Lisesi (Bandırma Akşemsettin Vocational and Technical High
School) - Türkei, Tıp Bilişimi Derneği (Turkish Medical Informatics Association (TurkMIA)) 

3. Internationale E-Learning curriculum and Videos about National Occupational Health and
Safety Employee's Strategic Partnership Project with Certifacate: Furthermore, ARDA
participated and succesfully completed “National Occupational Health and Safety Employee's
Strategic Partnership Project" with number "2017- 1-TR01-KA202-045736” in close cooperation
with Gaziantep University and other 6 international universities recently. In the scope of this
project, an applicable E-Learning cirriculum on occupational healty and safety for occupational
healty and safety professionals was developed by the project's partner for distance digital education
with the help an E-Lerning Platform: (

4- TAMEB: In addition to that, we have been participating actively in a project termed as

“TAMEB”-project. This deals with the improvement of the life standards of refugees and
disadvantaged young people from Turkey by providing the Syrian and Turkish participants with
skills for earning income from salaried employment or entrepreneurial activities.This project is
coordinated by Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. We were selected by
them as a suitable parfor this project since we know both cultures very well and enough experience
in this field. One result of this project is the integration of the certified skilled workers into the
Turkish labor market (here in particular into Turkish construction companies). To this end, Turkish /
international (construction) companies are to be won over to provide internships.One of the tasks of
ARDA consists especially in introducing course modules prepared by the Department of Lifelong
Learning of the Ministry of National Education
E- Learning Module for curses (
Module 1:
Module 2:

5. “Discover Your Talents and Remove"Dis" in Your Ability“ (Cooperation for innovation
and the exchange of good practices): Preparing module programs in order to increase the life
satisfaction of disabled students by increasing the use of digital education and social media with the
e-learning program.
Project Owner: Edirne Hüseyin Hüsnü Tekışık Directorate of Guidance and research
Project No.:2018- 1- TR01 – KA204-058728
Participating countries and institutions: ARDA Beratung & Bildung GmbH (ARDA) – Germay,
Italy, Greece and Romania

It is important to note that this project has been going on since 2018. Due to covid 19 pandemic, the
project was interrupted for a certain time.

6. “My Disability is NOT obstacle for my Sexualit“: Providing Autistic students to their sexual
education with E-Learning methods, digital education and videos in school and family education
Project Owner: Manisa Directorate of Guidance and research Center, Turkey
Project No.: 2019- 1- TR01 – KA204-077450
Participating countries and institutions: ARDA Beratung & Bildung GmbH (ARDA) -
Germany,  Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Governorship of Manisa, Turkey, Manisa Special Education
School Business Applications - Turkey, Teacher Sukran Bilginer Private Education Application
Center II. Step – Turkey

Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

It is important to note that this project has been going on since 2019. Due to covid 19 pandemic, the
project was interrupted for a certain time.

7. HARMONY (Understand Youth, Understand Matters) (Collaboration for innovation and

exchange of good practices):

Project Owner: T.C. Antalya Governorship Family, Labor and Social Services Directorate –
Project No: 2019-3- TR01 – KA205-080194
Participating countries and institutions: ARDA Beratung & Bildung GmbH (ARDA) - Germany,
Institute of Clinical Psychology Antalya-Turkey, Antalya Provincial Directorate of Health - Turkey,
Municipio de Lousada – Portugal

Projects still going on or already completed

EU- Year Project Identification Applicant /
Programs Beneficiary Name
Strategic Partnership Project
(KA202, KA204, KA205)
5 Erasmus+ 2019 HARMONY (Understand Youth, 02-Understand T.C. Antalya
KA205 Matters) 2019-3- TR01 - KA205-080194 Governorship
Participating countries and institutions: ARDA Family, Labor and
Beratung & Bildung GmbH (ARDA) - Germany, Social Services
Institute of Clinical Psychology Antalya-Turkey, Directorate Turkey
Antalya Provincial Directorate of Health - Turkey, Turkish NA
Municipio de Lousada - Portugal
The project is still going on!
4 Erasmus+ 2019 My Disability is NOT obstacle for my Sexualit Manisa Directorate
KA204 (sexual educatin for autistic people ... E -Learning of Guidance and
platform for Teacher, Family, youth and adults) research
2019- 1- TR01 – KA204-077450 Center, Turkey
Participating countries and institutions: ARDA Turkish NA
Beratung & Bildung GmbH (ARDA) -
Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Governorship of
Manisa, Turkey, Manisa Special Education School
Business Applications - Turkey, Teacher Sukran
Bilginer Private Education Application Center II. Step
- Turkey
The project is still going on!!
3 Erasmus+ 2018 Discover Your Talents and Remove"Dis" in Your Edirne Hüseyin
KA204 Ability“ Hüsnü Tekışık
2018- 1- TR01 – KA204-058728 Directorate of
Participating countries and institutions: ARDA Guidance and
Beratung & Bildung GmbH (ARDA) – Germay, Italy, research Center,
Greece and Romania (E-Learning Platform ) Turkey
The project is still going on! Turkish NA
2 Erasmus+ 2017 E-Learning Platform ( Gaziantep
KA202 "National Occupational Health and Safety Employee's University,
2017- 1-TR01-KA202-045736 Turkey
Participating countries and institutions: ARDA Turkish NA
Beratung & Bildung GmbH (ARDA) – Germany,
Slovenia, Spain, Poland
This project was succesfully completed!
1 Erasmus+ 2017 E-Learning Platform for Medical Informatics To Bilecik Şeyh
KA202 Improve Vocational And ICT Practice (E- Edebali University,
MEDIVIP) ( Turkey
2017- 1- TR01 – KA202-022634 Turkish NA
Participating countries and institutions: ARDA
Beratung & Bildung GmbH (ARDA) – Germany,
Spain This project was succesfully completed!
Already completed projects
EU-Programs Year Project Identification Applicant /
Beneficiary Name
ERASMUS+ Projeckt
(KA101, KA102, KA104, KA105)
64 Erasmus+ 2020 Applications for fire and burglary alarm systems, Turkish NA
KA102 applications for biometric systems, practical training
for applications for alarm and access control systems
İstanbul Beylikdüzü GÜRPINAR İMKB Vocational
and Technical Anatolian High School
Number of Participants: 10
63 Erasmus+ 2020 Artvin Adult Education and Information Turkish NA
KA102 Communication Technologies
Artvin Public Education Center and Evening Art
School Directorate
Number of Participants: 14
62 Erasmus+ 2020 Cellulosic and Basic Electrode-TIG-MIG Welding Turkish NA
KA102 Internship in Germany and Spain
Edirne Uzunköprü Architect Muslihiddin Vocational
and Technical Anatolian High School
Number of Participants: 16
61 Erasmus+ 2020 Healthy Touches That Make a Difference in the Turkish NA
KA102 Kitchen
Amasya IMKB Hotel Management and Tourism
Vocational High School
2020-1-TR01-KA102- 084322
Number of Participants: 14
60 Erasmus+ 2020 Rising Value in Logistics Sector Logistics Village Turkish NA
KA102 Practices and Activities Internship
Kırklareli, Ahmetbey Şehit Teacher Uğur Gören
Multi-Program Anatolian High School
Number of Participants: 14
59 Erasmus+ 2020 Possible with my European Internship Turkish NA
KA102 2020-1-TR01-KA102-085477
Batman Vocational and Technical Anatolia high
school, Turkey
Number of Participants: 20
58 Erasmus+ 2020 Programming Internship with Embedded Systems Turkish NA
KA102 and Arduino
Trabzon 80. YIl Vocational and Technical Anatolia
high school, Turkey
Number of Participants: 14
57 Erasmus+ 2020 Orff Schulwerk and Android Coding, in Europe; Turkish NA
KA102 Employment Future From Innovation
228 2020-1-TR01-KA102-088682
İstanbul Ali Kul Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi
Number of Participants: 16
56 Erasmus+ 2019 Increasing Employment in the Field Turkish NA
KA102 2019-1-TR01-KA102-062332
Kırklareli Mehmet Akif Ersoy Vocational and
Technical Anatolia high school, Turkey
Number of Participants: 8
55 Erasmus+ 2019 Increasing Employment in the Field Turkish NA
KA102 2019-1-TR01-KA102-062332
Kırklareli Mehmet Akif Ersoy Vocational and
Technical Anatolia high school, Turkey
Number of Participants: 7
54 Erasmus+ 2019 Periodic Control in Electrical Installations and Turkish NA
KA102 Installation of Earthing Lightning Rod Installations
Malatya Şehit Kemal Özalper Vocational and
Technical Anatolia high school, Turkey
Number of Participants: 6
53 Erasmus+ 2019 Adults Access Turkish NA
KA104 2019-1-TR01-KA104-065044
Kırıkkale Sulakyurt Public Education Center
Number of Participants: 10
52 Erasmus+ 2019 The Key to Integration in Non-Formal Education Turkish NA
KA104 2019-1-TR01-KA104-062575
Niğde center Public Education Center
Number of Participants: 6
51 Erasmus+ 2019 European Internship of Disadvantaged Student Turkish NA
KA102 2019-1-TR01-KA102-070361
Istanbul Bağcılar Alaattin Nilüfer Kadayıfçıoğlu
Vocational and Technical Anatolian
Number of Participants: 28
50 Erasmus+ 2019 Employment Sun Turkish NA
KA102 2019-1-TR01-KA102-073148
Bolu Izzet Baysal Vocational and Technical
Anatolian High school, Turkey
Number of Participants: 12
49 Erasmus+ 2019 Technologi Usage İntership the Machine Turkish NA
KA102 2019-1-TR01-KA102-063327
Arsin organize Sanayi Bölgesi Vocational and
Technical Anatolian High school, Turkey
Number of Participants: 24
48 Erasmus+ 2019 Waldorf Approach in Parenting Education Program Turkish NA
KA104 2019-1-TR01-KA104-070532
Istanbul Pendik Public Education Center, Turkey
Number of Participants: 10
47 Erasmus+ 2018 From inside to outside: Success with positive Turkish NA
KA101 psychology everywhere
2018- 1- TR01 – KA101- 056140
Mersin Naim Süleymanoglu Sports High
Number of Participants: 8
46 Erasmus+ 2018 Rivers Flow Into Life Turkish NA
KA105 2018- 3- TR01 – KA105 - 061589
Sakarya Kargenc Club TURKEY
Project participating countries and
Institution:  ARDA Beratung & Bildung GmbH
(ARDA) - Germany, Turkey - Sakarya Province
Directorate of National Education,  Bosnian-Herzeg.,
Czech Republic, Lithuania, Spain, Portugal
Number of Participants: 43
45 Erasmus+ 2018 Fit für Europe Germany NA
KA102 2018- 1- DE02 – KA102 - 054067
Campus Berufsbildung e.V. Berlin / Germany
Number of Participants: 56
44 Erasmus+ 2018 The Development of Knowledge and Experience of Turkish NA
KA102 Our Students and Teachers with Traning and
Intership Activities
2018- 1- TR01 – KA116 - 056730
Bilecik Bozüyük Vocational and Technical Anatolian
High School,
Number of Participants: 20
43 Erasmus+ 2018 Innovative and Creative Kitchens Turkish NA
KA102 2018- 1- TR01 – KA102- 051168
İzmir Kocaeli  Vocational and Technical Anatolian
High School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 12
42 Erasmus+ 2018 We are in Europe for Our Safe Vocational Turkish NA
KA102 Educational Work Places (Pastry & Montosori
2018- 1- TR01 – KA102 - 049831
Kayseri Kocasinan Vocational and Technical
Anatolian High School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 16
41 Erasmus+ 2018 Training in Elderly Care in Europe Turkish NA
KA102 2018- 1- TR01 – KA102- 054368
Gönen Hacı Şükriye Ipek Vocational and Technical
Anatolian High School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 9
40 Erasmus+ 2018 New Approaches in Elderly Care and Nursing, Turkish NA
KA102 European İntership
2018- 1- TR01 – KA102 - 056375
Ardahan Şehit Uzman Çavuş İbrahim
Erdoğan Vocational and Technical Anatolian High
Number of Participants: 10
39 Erasmus+ 2018 Cohesion Education  Practices Student Internship at Turkish NA
KA102 Pre - School Educatäon an Europe
2018- 1- TR01 – KA102 - 055184
Balıkesir Gönen Vocational and Technical Anatolian
High School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 10
38 Erasmus+ 2018 Internship in the European Union about the Turkish NA
KA102 Implementation of the Internet
2018- 1- TR01 – KA102 -  049770
Ankara Yenimahalle Ahi Evran Vocational and
Technical Anatolian High School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 12
37 Erasmus+ 2018 Intership in Electric and Automotive Technology Turkish NA
KA102 2018- 1- TR01 – KA102 - 049879
Edirne Havsa District Directorate of National
Education, Turkey
Number of Participants: 12
36 Erasmus+ 2018 Youth Hand to Hand for Clean Seas, Istanbul Mun. İstanbul
KA105 2018- 1- TR01 – KA105-057816 Metropolitan
ARDA Beratung & Bildung GmbH (ARDA) Municipality, Turkey
- Germany,  United Kingdom, Italy, Slovenia, Czech Turkish NA
Republic, Morocco, Romania, Lithuania, Albania
Number of Participants: 60
35 Erasmus+ 2017 A Healthy Breath Turkish NA
KA102 2017- 1- TR01 – KA102-040150
Şanlıurfa - Ceylan Vocational and Technical
Anatolian High School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 12
34 Erasmus+ 2017 The care of ill and old People in the EU Countries Turkish NA
KA102 2017- 1- TR01 – KA102-041760
Antalya Toros Vocational and Technical Anatolian
High School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 12
33 Erasmus+ 2017 The Development of knowledge and experıence of Turkish NA
KA116 Students and Teachers with Training and Internship
2017- 1- TR01 – KA116-043445
Balıkesir Bozüyük Vocational and Technical
Anatolian High School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 8
32 Erasmus+ 2017 Training in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Turkish NA
KA102 (ADHD)
2017- 1- TR01 – KA102-038856
Erzurum Pazaryeri Hasan Basri Demirbağ Multi-
Program Anatolian High School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 12
31 Erasmus+ 2017 Training in Ready Made Clothing Manufactured Turkish NA
KA102 by Computer Aided Design Systems “Konasana
and Lectra”
2017- 1- TR01 – KA102-040079
Balıkesir Bigadiç Vocational and Technical
Anatolian High School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 20
30 Erasmus+ 2017 Baking a cake and get the Jobs Turkish NA
KA102 2017- 1- TR01 – KA102-039374
Project Owner: Izmir Halim Focalı Vocational and
Technical Anatolian High School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 5
29 Project 2016 Turkish-German cooperation in the professional Project supporter:
supporter: competence development project (TAMEB) Federal Ministry for
Federal Project - Institute: ARDA Beratung & Bildung Economic
Ministrny for Germany, Türkiye Toplum Hizmetleri Vakfı, Cooperation and
Economic vocational Development
Cooperation Bauindüstri NRW gGmbH, Sequa gGmbH Germany
28 Erasmus+ 2016 Acquisition of qualifications and competences in the Turkish NA
KA102 field of Medical Informatics of the European Union
for the students of Vocational High Scholl of Health
2016- 1- TR01 – KA102-029566
 Balıkseir Gönen Haci Sükriye Ipek Vocational and
Technical Anatolian High School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 12
27 Erasmus+ 2016 Training and education program in geriatric patient Turkish NA
KA102 services in the European Union
2016- 1- TR01 – KA102-030651
Bandirma Aksemsettin Vocational and Technical
Anatolian High School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 14
26 Erasmus+ 2016 Using free open source resources for the purposes of Turkish NA
KA102 highly employment within the EU
2016- 1- TR01 – KA102-029543
Bandirma IMKB Vocational and Technical Anatolian
High School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 11
25 Erasmus+ 2016 Investigation of education and training services in Turkish NA
KA102 the EU for the purposes of developing of highly-
qualified workforce
2016- 1- TR01 – KA102-028659
Bandırma District Directorate of National Education,
Number of Participants: 22
24 Erasmus+ 2016 Developing Student’s Sectoral Skills through Turkish NA
KA102 Effective Monitoring (SeBeG)
2016- 1- TR01 – KA102-029618
Project Owner: Ministry of National Education in
Turkey, Inspection Board-Head of the Quality
Standards and Project Department, İskitler
Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School,
Abidinpaşa  Vocational and Technical Anatolian
High School, İncirli Vocational and Technical
Anatolian High School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 10
23 Erasmus+ 2016 Pre-employment training in Automation systems in Turkish NA
KA102 different sectors of vocational education
2016- 1- TR01 – KA102-028621
Ayvalık Atatürk Sanayi Sitesi TOBB Ayvalık Ticaret
Odası Mesleki Eğitim Merkezi, Turkey
Number of Participants: 26
22 Erasmus+ 2016 Multicultural Education" Practices in the Preschool Turkish NA
KA102 Period in the EU
2016- 1- TR01 – KA102-027816
Yozgat Nene Hatun Vocational and Technical
Anatolian High School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 9
21 Erasmus+ 2016 We manufacture Europa's furniture, design interior Turkish NA
KA102 space, PEFDIS 2016- 1- TR01 - KA102-031349
Ankara Keciören Vocational and Technical Anatolian
High School, Ankara  Mamak Ortaköy 80. Year
Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School,
Kütahya Vocational and Technical Anatolian High
School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 22
20 Altindag 2016 Remembrance culture of the city Ankara Altindag Altindag
municipality municipality "Ulucanlar Prison Museum" municipality Ankara,
Ankara Number of Participants: 6 Turkey
19 Erasmus+ 2015 In-situ observations of the manner and behaviours of Turkish NA
KA101 nursery and primary school teachers in European
schools in terms of universal values such as
responsibility, tolerance, empathy, respect for
2015-1-TR01- KA101-017640
Ankara Çankaya Türkan Yamantürk Primary School
Number of Participants: 10
18 Erasmus+ 2015 The Changing Role of Practitioners in the scope of Turkish NA
KA102 inclusive education
İstanbul Çengelköy Vocational and Technical
Anatolien High School, Turkey
 Number of Participants: 6
17 Erasmus+ 2015 The Reflection of the Importance of Work Safety in Turkish NA
KA102 EU Member States on Vocational Education and
Working Environment through Education and
Traineeship (Work Safety in Electronics)
Kırklareli Pehlivan Köy Multi-Program Anatolian
High School, Yozgat Şeffatli İsmail Yeşilyurt and
Technical Anatolian High School, Konya Akören Ali
Aşık Multi-Program Anatolian High School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 44
16 Erasmus+ 2015 High Quality Employment-relating program in High Turkish NA
KA102 Voltage
Edirne Babaeski Gazi Vocational and Technical
Anatolian School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 7
15 Erasmus+ 2014 Lifelong Learning (LL) Project („Hayat Boyu Beceri Turkish NA
KA102 Eğitimi”)
2014-1-TR01- KA102-000765
Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education –
General Directorate of Vocational and Technical
Education, Turkey
Number of Participants: 260
14 Erasmus+ 2014 Hand in Hand with Europe for Skills Training in Turkish NA
KA102 Businesses
Erzurum Oltu Yavuz Selim Vocational and Technical
Anatolian High School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 12
13 Erasmus+ 2014 I am Learning my Vocation in Europe Turkish NA
KA102 2014-1-TR01-KA102-003524
Trabzon Zübeyde Hanım Technical and Vocational
High School for Girls, Turkey
 Number of Participants: 24
12 Erasmus+ 2014 Nursing and Elderly Care in Europe Turkish NA
KA102 2014-1-TR01-KA102-003524
Çorlu Vocational and Technical Anatolian High
School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 22
11 Erasmus+ 2014 The Hope of the Future – Vocational Schools Turkish NA
KA102 2014-1-TR01-KA102-001890
Malatya Hasan Akbudak İMKB Technical and
Industrial Vocational High School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 29
10 LEO02 2013 Breeding of Walnuts Turkish NA
Bingöl Food, Agriculture and Animal Farming
Directorate, Turkey
Number of Participants: 21

9 LEO03 2013 Milk Production in Organic Animal Farming Turkish NA

Kastamonu Food, Agriculture and Animal Farming
Ministry Devre Kani District Directorate, Turkey
Number of Participants: 10
8 LEO03 2012 Multiple Intelligence Theory in the Education of Turkish NA
Children at Pre-school Age
Bursa Armutlu Dr. Enver Ören Multi-Program High
School, Turkey
Number of Participants: 27
7 LEO03 2012 Investigation of the Methods, Materials and Turkish NA
Techniques used in the Education of People with
Burdur Association for the Protection and
Sustenance of Persons with Disabilities, Turkey
Number of Participants: 8
6 LEO03 2012 Organic Agriculture for Future Investment Turkish NA
Gümüşhane Food, Agriculture and Animal Farming
Province Directorate, Turkey
Number of Participants: 10
5 LEO03 2012 Human Resource Management in Vocational Turkish NA
Çanakkale Çan National Education Directorate of
the District, Turkey
Number of Participants:  8

4 LEO02 2012 Application of PLC–Systems in Europe Turkish NA

Muş Korkut Multi-Program Vocational High School,
Number of Participants:  13
3 LEO01 2012 Providing Internship Opportunities for Child Turkish NA
Development Education’s Students in European
Çankırı Technical and Vocational High School for
Girls, Turkey
Number of Participants:  27

2 Erasmus+ 2012 Application of Safety Systems Turkish NA

LEO01 2012-1-TR1-LEO01-37472
Samsun Atakum Technical and Industrial Vocational
High School, Turkey
Number of Participants:  27
1 Erasmus+ On-site examination and application of the Turkish NA
LEO03 management of the water resources in Agriculture in
EU member states
2012-1-TR1-LEO03– 39139
 Amasya Regional Watering Cooperative Unit,
Number of Participants: 7

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