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Title of Story: Avenues of the Diamond

Author: Gwynette Jan Saludes

Characters: Samantha Maureen Vera
Clyden Jaile Ramirez

1. Setting: How well was the setting developed? Did the author involve all his senses to
setting of the story?
 The author create a vivid setting that will transport you to the story.

2. Characterization: How well-drawn are the characters in the story? How do the characters portray
their roles effectively?
 Samantha Vera is the epitome of kindness despite of having toxic and manipulative parents,
she still managed to have a good and pure heart. Clyden Jaile just stole my freaking heart a
man who is firm with his principles and values, would support you to chase your dreams
and self growth even without him, who is socially well oriented, most of all a loyal one.

3. Conflict and Pilot: How interesting are the conflicts?

 I cried a lot after I finished reading the story. From how her sister died, to how they broke
up, to how they met again after so many years, to how they separated their ways again and
lastly their final walk. I will definitely miss the story!

4. Emotional and intellectual pay offs: How did the story arouse powerful emotions? Were they the
proper emotions for the intended audience?
 Mixed emotions felt while reading the story. Avenues of the Diamond journey as a whole
was a roller coaster ride, mixed emotions. Nonetheless, everything was mature, how the
character coped up with their burdens and how they managed to rise after their downfall.

5. Theme: Does it raise interesting questions about life and provide profound insights?
 Avenues of the Diamond taught me how to value myself that I don’t need a man in my life to
stand up for myself and reach for the stars and that love can really wait. It taught me to
never compromise my dreams for love that I should prioritize myself and goals before

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