The Rocky Road of Walt Disney

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The Rocky Road of Walt Disney

Walt Disney is known as the producer of the world’s first animated film. He
was born in 1901 in Hermosa Illinois. Disney was one of five siblings, his family
was so poor that he had to deliver 1300 newspapers a day, then his father would
take away all the money. His brothers ran away because they were fed up with the
hardships at home. At very young age he started to draw and paint, then he would
sell his pictures to relatives and neighbors. He attended drawing and photography
classes, in McKinley School Chicago. He also made cartoons for the school paper.
At age of 19, Disney started his lifelong dream which was his own animation
company. In 1920, he had little money that he had to live with friends, but he failed
to sell a single cartoon and his company went bankrupt. He once worked as a
cartoonist in a newspaper, but the newspaper editor fired him, claiming him lazy
and a person without any creativity and imagination.
To pursue his childhood dream, he went to hollywood. He started an
animation studio in an old garage. He worked for 5 years without any income, but
Disney finally tasted success with a short film, “oswald the rabbit”, in 1928. But he
lost the copyright after his coworker took it from him. Disney’s life was miserable at
that point he did not have any place to live and little money for food but all the
adversities he had in his life strengthened him even more
so he tried with a new character but the audience was not impressed with his
film he then made a second film but couldn’t find a distributor in the third attempt
he finally got success his character mickey mouse became a hit and brought a
great fame to him he dreamt of it and made it into reality he opened walt disney
studios in burbank in 1939 and in 1955 he opened the disneyland theme park
which is famous in all over the world
in 1966 he left this world because of lung cancer but he gave the gift of
entertainment to the children of all over the world he tasted failure many times but
he did not quit after falling down he got up with a lot more energy because of his
patience and hard work he believed in his dream unquestionably and worked hard
for it

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