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1. I’m going to Mexico City ---- this weekend

at / on / -----

2. Every year I go home at Christmas.

at / on /in
3. We are getting married in the spring

at / in / on

4. Please sign at the bottom of the page

at / in / on

5. The conference starts on January 12th.

at / in / on

6. Steve, Alex, David. Alex is between Steve & David

below / next to / by / between

7. Brenda is in front of Gina. Gina is behind Brenda

above / next to / beside / behind

8. Come and sit next to/beside me.

next to / below / above / behind

9. There is a painting on the wall above the sofa.

next to / below / above / behind

10. We are having a conversation face to face. We are standing opposite each other.

opposite / below / next to / above

11. She worked at the hotel for 5 years

before / after / for /during

12. The rain started during the baseball match.

after /during / before / to

13. You need to brush your teeth before going to bed.

after /during / before / to

14. We eat stew after the soup.

before / after / for /during

15. They traveled for one year.

before / after / for /during

16. You must walk across the bridge

into / across / down / along

17. That woman going into the supermarket is my mother.

into / onto / down / across

18. Sally is talking to Michael

to / off / throught / up

19. We drove throught the tunnel

to / off / throught / up

20. He fell off his chair

to / off / throught / up

The pet store

George is at the pet store, looking at what kind of pet he might want to get for his birthday. George asked if
he could have a horse, but his parents said no because horses are too big.
First, he sees dogs and cats. Baby dogs are called puppies. Baby cats are called kittens. George likes them
because they are easy to take care of and can play a lot, but they will get bigger. George wants a small pet.
Then George sees animals that have to live in a cage. He sees rabbits, guinea pigs, and mice. Mice are what
you call more than one mouse. He likes these animals because they are small. Birds live in cages too.
George sees a parrot and a canary. He likes them all, but he doesn’t want to clean the cage.
George sees the animals in tanks. The tanks full of water have fish and turtles in them. He thinks about a
goldfish but decides he likes the turtles more. There are also tanks with rocks and sand that have snakes,
spiders, and scorpions, but George is afraid of them. George likes the turtles best, but they won’t fit in the
little fishbowls. Turtles need bigger tanks, so they can swim sometimes and hide sometimes.
George decides he wants to get a turtle for his birthday. He buys a book on how to take care of a turtle and a
list of what types of turtles the store has.

En base a la lectura anterior, contesta lo que se te pide.

1. What kind of pet did George want, but his parents said no because they were too big?
a) A puppy
b) A rabbit
c) A kitten
d) A horse

2. What kind of pet does NOT live in a cage?

a) Mice / mouse
b) Goldfish
c) Guinea pigs
d) Rabbits

3. Which kind of pet did NOT scare George?

a) The snakes
b) The Scorpions
c) The canaries
d) The spiders

4. What kind of pet did George decide he wanted to get for his birthday?
a) Goldfish
b) Mouse
c) Parrot
d) Turtle

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