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1. Read the text again and underline the most important ideas.

Are you aware how healthy you are?

What kind of lifestyle do you have?
Nowadays people are worried about
different issues such as work, money,
politics, the new series on TV and so on,
but are they aware if they have healthy

Being healthy is about consistency and lifestyle. It involves more

than eating salad or going for a short walk once every week. You
should put in some effort; your health is well worth it. You ought
to choose healthy food instead of junk food or fast food. You
should have vegetables, fish, and eggs. It is very important to vary
these foods every single day. You should also drink two litres of
water and avoid drinking soda or sugary drinks. You should do
more exercise and physical activity into your daily routine, if you
can’t go to the gym; target 10,000
steps a day, go for a walk, do
aerobics, go running or jogging.
Practice good hygiene, you must
have a bath or shower every day,
wash your hands before eating,
wash your teeth 3 times a day. You
ought to limit computer use, be kind to yourself and others, and
get plenty of sleep, find time to relax and reduce stress. You must
avoid unhealthy habits like fat dieting, neglecting sleep, spending
time watching so much Tv, wasting time using your mobile phone,
skipping breakfast and you shouldn´t oversleep, and be negative
and stressed. Remember that eating
with family will always be beneficial.

To conclude, keep your body in good health is a duty, otherwise

we are not able to keep our mind strong and clear. Lifestyle
improvements require some gradual
adjustment, so improve your health
is your own decision. If you eat
healthy and do exercise, you will
grow strong both mentally and

2. Classify those ideas in four groups, each one with

its own heading. After that start doing your visual
organizer. (Remember it is about the Reading). Add
to your visual organizer an original quote.

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