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Gia Cercone

Mrs. Neal


11 May 2021

Presidential March Madness Bracket

Round 1 (1845-1885):

Fillmore v. Pierce

Although both had many accomplishments, Pierce was more successful than Fillmore.

Under Pierce’s administration, the Ostend Manifesto and Gadsden Purchase were both

passed. Additionally, Pierce helped to open trade with Japan which was a pivotal event

for trade in the US. Although the Kansas-Nebraska Act was also signed during his

administration, eventually leading to “Bleeding Kansas”, under Fillmore, the

Compromise of 1850 and the Fugitive Slave Act were passed. Although it seemed

beneficial at the time, it only ended in rising tensions over slavery between the North and

the South and the eventual Southern secession from the Union.

Taylor v. Buchanan

Although Taylor died suddenly and was not able to do much of anything as president, he

still beats Buchanan. Buchanan is arguably the worst president in American history. This

because he backed the Dred Scott decision, he was very pro-slavery which increased

tensions between pro-slavery and anti-slavery supporters, and he was in office when the

Civil War broke out. While Taylor increased tensions during his short-lived presidency as

well, he was more well-liked than Buchanan because of his success as a war leader
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during the Mexican American War. Southerners threatened to secede following the stance

he took for anti-slavery, but overall, he still caused less problems than Buchanan.

Grant v. A. Johnson

Ulysses S. Grant was more successful during his presidency than Andrew Johnson.

Although Grant is often criticized for the scandals he was involved in, including the

Black Friday Scandal, he also had numerous accomplishments that benefited the country.

Grant worked to preserve the Union (he was even a Union general during the Civil War),

he passed the Amnesty Act that gave rights back to Confederate people to vote and hold

Senate seats (he wanted to bring the country back together), he pushed the 15th

Amendment, and promoted the First Civil Service Commission. Contrastingly, Andrew

Johnson, who assumed the presidency following Lincoln’s assassination, was a white

supremacist who opposed the 14th Amendment, vetoed the Civil Rights Bill, and was

ultimately impeached. While Grant was more popular in the North and Johnson was more

popular in the South, Grant had a longer lasting impact on the United States.

Round 2 (1845-1885)

Polk vs. Pierce

While both Polk and Pierce saw many accomplishments during their administration, Polk

was the more successful president. Polk was able to acquire the Oregon Territory as well

as New Mexico Territory and California with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe-

Hidalgo. Polk was able to accomplish everything he had hoped and worked to try and

please both the North and the South, although following his presidency the Civil War

broke out. Both Pierce and Polk promoted expansion in the United States.

Taylor vs. Hayes

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Hayes wins over Taylor because, not only did he have more accomplishments, but he was

also in office much longer than Taylor’s sixteen months. Hayes was in office at the end

of the Reconstruction Era and supported, African Americans, Native Americans, and

education for young African Americans in the South. Hayes also helped the economy by

bringing it back to the gold standard. Overall, Hayes experienced way more success in

office than Taylor did, and played a key role in easing tensions and improving the

economy at the end of the Reconstruction Era.

Grant vs. Lincoln

Lincoln was more successful than Grant because of many accomplishments, but most

importantly, the Emancipation Proclamation. While Lincoln advocated for freeing black

slaves in the South, historians argue that Grant took equality too far. Grant was

responsible for the Reconstruction Era, and many believe that he asserted too much

power in the South by putting troops to monitor the situation. Lincoln, although

following his presidency many Southern states seceded, was focused on freeing slaves

and preserving the Union. Lincoln also wins because he was in office during the most

difficult point in American history.

Arthur vs. Garfield

Chester Arthur was a more successful president than Garfield. One of the major reasons

for this is because Garfield was killed only months into his term. Garfield was not able to

do anything really because he simply did not have enough time to do so. Contrastingly,

Arthur left an impact on the US. During his term, he passed the “Mongrel” Tariff in 1883

because he believed the US needed to lower the tariffs. Although he did end up signing a

Chinese Exclusion Act, he believed the Chinese immigrants were important to US

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society. Overall, Arthur was more significant than Garfield because he was able to stay in

office longer to pass more legislation.

Round 3 (1845-1885)

Polk v. Hayes

Although Hayes played a key role in the role of America after Reconstruction, Polk was

more successful because he expanded America into what we know today. Through his

strong belief in Manifest Destiny, Polk was able to purchase a large amount of territory in

the West, including California, Oregon, and New Mexico. Also under his administration,

the Wilmot Proviso was signed which, for the good or bad, sparked a significant debate

in the country that inspired the Civil War.

Lincoln v. Arthur

While Arthur did do a lot to contribute to the US during his time in office, Lincoln easily

wins. Lincoln guided the country through the highest tensions it had ever faced, the Civil

War. He advocated freedom on behalf of black slaves in the South, worked to preserve

the Union, and issued important speeches/documents such as the Emancipation

Proclamation and the Gettysburg Address. He also had his famous “House Divided”

speech where he said that a country that is at war cannot stand together. This was spurred

from his want for the country to be one united country. Overall, Lincoln played a key role

in shaping the ideals we have in America today.

Round 4 (1845-1885)

Polk v. Lincoln

Even though Polk expanded America to what we know to today and accomplished all of

his goals, Lincoln still saw more success than Polk. As said in the previous rounds,
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Lincoln spent his presidency working to help African Americans in the South.

Additionally, he signed the National Currency Act following the first general income tax.

He also signed the Morrill Act which helped with higher education in the US. His ten

percent plan also contributed to the idea of Reconstruction following the Civil War. So

even though Polk was able to create significant change through he strong belief in

Manifest Destiny, Lincoln was more successful because of the acts, changes, and

legislation he encouraged that still inspire the US today.

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Round 1

Taft v. Coolidge

Although many would argue that Taft was the more successful of the two, I believe that

Coolidge saw more success during his presidency. Although he took office at a relatively

easy time, the “Roaring Twenties", he worked hard to sustain that economic prosperity,

eliminate national debt, and cut taxes through his Revenue Acts. His biggest issue as

president is that he stayed quiet on a lot of important matters, such as the KKK, Scopes

Trial, and Sacco and Vanzetti Case. He also approved and signed the Immigration Act of

1924 which significantly cut the number of immigrants allowed to come to the US. While

he had some downfalls, Taft caused more problems than good. He vetoed New Mexico and

Arizona statehood, which many who still wanted expansion did not support. Even though

he did push for the passage of the 16th Amendment, he also had many anti-trust efforts

(some good and some received criticism), passed the Payne-Aldrich Tariff, and many could

argue that his Dollar Diplomacy was not totally successful. Additionally, Coolidge was

supported by many people, where as Taft was not. This especially increased when he and

Roosevelt (former friends) became enemies (many people liked Roosevelt so this angered

people, and Taft could not live up to Roosevelt’s presidency).

McKinley v. Harding

McKinley was more successful than Harding. Although Harding was a people pleaser and

didn’t do anything absolutely terrible, he did not really accomplish much of anything. He

criticized unfair treatment of African Americans, was mostly anti-immigration, and was

pro-business. Contrastingly, McKinley was able to accomplish more during his presidency.
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One of the most significant events in his term was signing the Gold Standard Act, which

returned the country to a gold standard that would help alleviate the debt. Under his

presidency, Hawaii was annexed, and he adopted many trade policies. Although he did a

lot of a good, he also raised tariffs with the Dingley Tariff Act (many people opposed) and

the McKinley Tariff. He also failed to address African American exclusion in the South.

Although not all aspects of his presidency were positive, he was more successful and

completed more tasks than Harding.

Hoover v. Harrison

While he was not successful in everything he did during his presidency, Hoover was more

successful than Harrison. Harrison was a mediocre president who supported the Sherman

Anti-Trust Act and the McKinley Tariff. His support for both is said to have been a

contributing factor in the economic collapse in 1893. On the contrary, although Hoover

was not able to successful execute everything he intended to do, the depression hit only

months into his term, and at that point was inevitable. To try and ease the depression,

Hoover tried cutting taxes and anything he could do to try and save the economy. One piece

of legislation passed under his presidency, which was controversial, was the Smoot-

Hawley Tariff that raised prices on imported goods in hopes of helping the economy.

Additionally, Hoover wanted to improve Native American life on reservations, supported

the creation of the Hoover Dam, and established a Federal Farm Board to help farmers.

Round 2

T. Roosevelt v. Coolidge

While Coolidge was more successful than Taft, he was certainly not more successful than

Roosevelt. The biggest issue in Coolidge’s presidency was that he was quiet on a lot of
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social matters and did not put as much emphasis on the president in full power like

Roosevelt did. He had a strong belief that the government should be able to regulate

business, this was supported by his passing of the Elkins Act and the Pure Food and Drug

Act following Upton Sinclair’s publishing of The Jungle. Roosevelt is also known for his

Square Deal which was successful. In addition to his belief in a strong government, he also

was a conservationist who passed a lot of legislation to protect and preserve the

environment. Roosevelts only downfall was his view on African Americans, which caused

controversy in the South. Other than that, Roosevelt passed an incredible amount of

legislation and was successful during his time in office.

McKinley v. Wilson

Other than returning the country to a gold standard and annexing Hawaii, McKinley was

not able to accomplish as much as Wilson. Wilson was the more successful president

because during his presidency, he passed tons of legislation, created many new

organizations, and had a lot of support from the people. Wilson was in favor of low tariffs,

which the South supported. He signed the Federal Reserve Act and Adamson Act,

supported the Clayton Anti-Trust Act and the Espionage and Sedition Acts, and created the

War Industries Board and Committee of Public Information. His only downfall was that in

his campaign, he appealed to African Americans; however, when he took office, his beliefs

shifted and he began supporting segregation, which angered some African Americans.

Overall, Wilson was very successful, and is ranked among the top ten presidents according

to many historians.

Hoover v. F. Roosevelt
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FDR easily wins over Hoover for being the more successful president. While Hoover had

a plan going into the presidency, he was not able to execute what he had hoped because of

the stock market crashing just months after he took office. Although, FDR took office at

one of the most difficult times in American history (other than the Civil War) and was able

to successfully execute his ideas and guide the country out of depression, tension, and more.

During his presidency, FDR’s biggest accomplishment was his New Deal. His main goal

with the New Deal was to provide relief, reform, and recovery for the US and its citizens.

Programs created under his New Deal to bring the country out of depression was the

Tennessee Valley Authority Act, Federal Deposit and Insurance Corporation, and, most

importantly, Social Security.

Truman v. Cleveland

Truman was more successful than Cleveland. Although neither were completely successful,

Truman passed more legislation and accomplished more than Cleveland. The Truman

Doctrine (stop Soviet expansion), the Marshall Plan (stop Communism in Europe), and the

Housing Act. In addition, Truman also established NATO, the NSC and CIA, and put an

end to segregation in the military. It was Truman’s foreign policies that really made him

stand out as a president. On the other hand, Grover Cleveland did not accomplish much as

president. He did help with restoring the power to the executive branch, but overall,

Truman was the more successful president of the two.

Round 3

T. Roosevelt v. Wilson

Although Wilson was a very successful president, Theodore Roosevelt was the more

successful president. In addition to his successes in domestic affairs (Pure Food and Drug
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Act, Square Deal, etc.), Roosevelt was also very successful in foreign affairs, believing in

a strong foreign policy. Even though Wilson was successful in domestic affairs, he

struggled in foreign affairs, especially in Latin America. His want for democracy in Latin

America led to invasions in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Overall, although Wilson

is still a highly ranked president in US history, Roosevelt was more successful because of

his successes in domestic and foreign affairs, as well as modernizing the presidency.

F. Roosevelt v. Truman

FDR was more successful than Truman. Although a lot happened during Truman’s

Presidency (good and bad), including his “Fair Deal”, the Truman Doctrine, the Red Scare,

troops sent to Korea, and the first use of the H-bomb, FDR was the more successful

president. A lot of Truman’s actions sparked controversy among people in the United

States. Contrastingly, FDR had many supporters. Through his “New Deal”, which

promoted relief, reform, and recovery, he was able to help the United States overcome the

worst economic recession it had ever faced. Additionally, FDR also passed the Social

Security Act, which is still one of the most important pieces of legislation passed to this


Round 4

T. Roosevelt v. F. Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt is one of the most successful and important presidents to date;

however, FDR proved to be more successful because of the time he took office. Although

both passed an incredible amount of legislation and shaped the future America, FDR took

office following the worst economic depression and was in office for World War II. On the

other hand, Theodore Roosevelt took office at a time of economic prosperity and peace.
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Theodore Roosevelt wanted more government regulation in big businesses, which led to

the Pure Food and Drug Act, and passed many pieces of legislation that promoted

environmental conservation efforts. Similarly, FDR also saw much success with his “New

Deal”, Social Security, and Minimum Wage. A lot of the policies in FDR’s New Deal are

still existing today which can make him a more successful president than Theodore

Roosevelt, especially because he did all of this while America was in the worst economic

state that had ever been in.


Round 1

J.Q. Adams v. W. Harrison

Although neither Adams nor Harrison was exactly successful, Adams was more successful

than Harrison. Harrison was the first president who died while in office. Due to his short

term, he was not able to accomplish much. On the other hand, during Adams’s presidency,

the Erie Canal was completed, which linked the East Coast and the Great Lakes.

Additionally, although it failed, it did attempt to provide Native Americans with territory

in the West. Ultimately, Adams biggest reason to failure during his presidency was his lack

of executing his plans properly. However, he was still more successful than Harrison

because Harrison’s term as president was too short to leave an impact.

Van Buren v. Tyler

Although neither president was successful, Tyler saw more success during his presidency

than Van Buren. When Van Buren took office, America was in a period of economic

prosperity; however, The Panic of 1837 hit only 3 months into his presidency. Van Buren

did not know how to deal with the economic decline of the country. Contrastingly, even
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though many did not like him, under Tyler a tariff was passed to help manufacturers in the

North and Texas was annexed (Van Buren opposed this in his presidency). So, although he

still did not do much and later helped the Confederacy, Tyler was more successful than

Van Buren.

Round 2

Monroe v. J.Q. Adams

Monroe was more successful than Adams. Although he saw much success, historians

believe his close relationship with John Quincy Adams (Secretary of State) and the

relationship they had with each other contributed to the success. During his presidency,

Florida (and numerous other states) was acquired, the Monroe Doctrine created and passed,

and the time became known as the Era of Good Feelings. His only downfalls were that he

supported Indian Removal, the Mississippi Compromise was passed (not necessarily bad

but did not last), and the Panic of 1819 took shape. Although he may have had failures, he

still did more than Adams to leave an impact on the US.

Tyler v. Washington

Washington easily wins over Tyler. Although Tyler won against Van Buren, he did not

accomplish enough to win over Washington. While Tyler passed a tariff and annexed Texas,

Washington was the first president of the United States, being an example for every

president to follow. Creating the presidency really was his biggest success as president that

made him one of the most important ones. This was especially evident in his Farewell

Address, which Alexander Hamilton helped him draft, in which he provided an outline of

policies for the future.

Jefferson v. Madison
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Jefferson was more successful than Madison. Although both men were successful,

Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence, purchased the Louisiana Territory from

France in the Louisiana Purchase (although many believed this went above constitutional

powers, history proved it successful), he sent Louis and Clark into the Louisiana territory

to explore the land (helped get an idea for future settlement), he maintained neutrality (as

set in place in Washington’s Farewell Address), and founded the University of Virginia.

Although Madison was still largely successful, helping draft the Constitution and Bill of

Rights, he led the country into the War of 1812. Additionally, although he initially had a

strict interpretation of the Constitution and supported a strong federal government, he

eventually sided with Jefferson and helped to form the Democratic-Republican party. Even

though he was successful, Jefferson did more to establish policies and purchase new

territories that would set a precedent for the future of America.

Jackson v. Adams

Adams was more successful than Jackson. Most famously, Adams is known for the XYZ

affair. Additionally, during his presidency, the 11th Amendment was signed, the Federal

Bankruptcy Act was signed, and he was able to keep the United States out of War. The

biggest issue Adams had during his presidency was the passage of the Alien and Sedition

Acts, which gave him the power to not let someone into the country who seemed like they

could cause harm or trouble. Contrastingly, Andrew Jackson is known for being the first

“man-made president” and his veto power. During his presidency, he passed the Indian

Removal Act which forced natives to walk the Trail of Tears. Additionally, he vetoed the

Second Bank of the US, passed the Nullification Proclamation, and the Specie Circular.

Many pieces of legislation that he passed sparked controversy in the country.

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Round 3

Monroe v. Washington

Although Monroe was a successful president, Washington was more successful. Although

he passed the influential Monroe Doctrine, Washington set a precedent for the future of

America. Additionally, under his presidency, he appointed two influential men to the

cabinet, Alexander Hamilton (Treasury) and Thomas Jefferson (State). This was significant

because the two men had strongly opposing political views. Washington managed to hold

everything together and create a strong identity for the future of America. His Farewell

Address one of the most important things he issued during his presidency. So, although

Monroe saw much success, Washington was still more successful.

Jefferson v. Adams

Although both were important in history, Jefferson was more successful as president than

John Adams. Most importantly, Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence which

sets in place the ideals of the nation. Under Adams’s administration, the Alien and Sedition

Acts were passed which alienated certain immigrants and outlawed people from going

against the government in any way. This was controversial because, although it was well

known that he had a loose interpretation of the constitution and supported a limited

government, it can be argued that it directly goes against the Constitution and the 1st

Amendment (freedom of speech). Although both acts were controversial, it was the

Sedition Act that went against the first amendment of the constitution (still sort of in debate

to this day). So, although both were successful, Jefferson was more successful and some

of the legislation passed by Adams prompted controversy in the country.

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Round 4

Washington v. Jefferson

Both Washington and Jefferson were two of the most significant and influential presidents

in American history; however, Washington was the more successful president. Similarly,

to what was said about Washington’s presidency in the past few matchups, Washington’s

Farewell Address set a precedent for the future of America. This gave an outline for the

future of the country, where Washington highly promoted a policy of isolationism and

neutrality. Washington advised the country to stray away from foreign entanglements.

Additionally, even outside of his presidency, Washington was a war hero who had a strong

loyalty to the US. So, even though Jefferson saw success in the Declaration of

Independence and the Louisiana Purchase, Washington was more successful.


Round 1

Bush v. Nixon

Although Nixon was a successful president, Bush took office right at the end of the Cold

War when tensions in the world were high. Bush was able to pass the Americans with

Disabilities Act and liberated Kuwait from Iraqi occupation. On the flip side, Nixon was

able to see many accomplishments, but there was more negative in his presidency than

positive. Under Nixon’s presidency, inflation skyrocketed and, most importantly, he was

involved in the Watergate Scandal that led to his resignation. Therefore, Bush was more

successful than Nixon.

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Carter v. Ford

Jimmy Carter was a more successful president than Gerald Ford. Ford did not even get

elected to the presidency; he took power following Nixon’s resignation as a result of the

Watergate Scandal. First, Carter was more popular among the people than Ford was.

During his presidency, Carter passed the Emergency Natural Gas Act, he shifted the

foreign policy goal from anti-communism to emphasis on human rights, he oversaw the

signing of the Camp David Accords, he signed the Strategic Arms Treaty, and established

the Department of Education. Although many view Carter as a poor president (in 1980

his approval rating was lower than any president since 1945). Although he received poor

ratings, he was more successful than Ford. During Ford’s presidency, the economy was

weak, inflation and unemployment were high, and there was an energy crisis. He also

pardoned Nixon for the Watergate Scandal which caused high tensions between him and

the people (causing his approval ratings to drop). Throughout his presidency,

unemployment and inflation remained high; however, he did do some good in passing the

Privacy Act of 1974 and, at the end of his presidency, inflation dropped, and employment


Round 2

G.W. Bush v. Bush

George H.W. Bush was more successful overall than G.W. Bush. During G.W. Bush’s

presidency, at the beginning, he had a response to the 9/11 terror attacks that many

Americans admired. He tried his best to unite the country during a time of chaos.

However, although he did not take office at as hectic of a time as G.W. Bush, George
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H.W Bush saw more success. Following his response to the 9/11 terror attacks, George

W. Bush did not accomplish much of anything during the remainder of his presidency,

especially with the war taking place in the Middle East. Contrastingly, George H.W Bush

continued to pass legislation during the entirety of his term. During his presidency, the

Berlin Wall fell (signaling the end of Communism), the Fair Labor Standards

Amendments were passed, he signed a new Anti-Drug Law, and the Americans with

Disabilities Act was passed as well as the Clean Air Act and Immigration Act of 1990.

Most impressively, he did all of that in one term.

Carter v. Eisenhower

Eisenhower was a more successful president than Carter. Many consider Eisenhower to

have been a “do-nothing” president, but historians believe that is what America needed at

the time. During his presidency, Cold War tensions were heating up, and he tried to keep

the US out of the war and neutral, and he was successful. Most notably, Eisenhower

helped put an end to the Korean War. Additionally, during his presidency the crucial

supreme court case, Brown v. Board of Education overturned Plessy v. Ferguson to rule

segregation in schools unconstitutional. The controversy over his presidency was that he

did not stop McCarthyism and help to end the Cold War, he just wanted peace. This

could be seen in a positive or negative light. Carter, on the other hand, was ranked very

low on every ranking by historians. Overall, Carter wasn’t an awful president, but he did

not see as much success as Eisenhower.

Kennedy v. Clinton

JFK was a more successful president than Clinton. When JFK took office, he created the

Peace Corps, but not long after the Bay of Pigs invasions occurred. This was definitely a
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low point in his presidency, but Kennedy was in office when tensions were exceptionally

high in the world, especially between the US and the Soviet Union. At this time, the

Space Race and Arms Race occurred which led to a cultural shift among many

Americans. Additionally, the Cuban Missile Crisis occurred under Kennedy’s term.

Throughout his short term, Kennedy worked with Khrushchev to help ease tensions

between the US and Soviet Union. Positively, the Cuban Missile Crisis was quickly

resolved, he gave the American University Address which hoped to move closer to peace

with the USSR, and overall helped the country during a time of extremely high tensions.

Clinton on the other hand was impeached for numerous scandals and was not as favored

among the people in the US. He also took office at a time where the economy was

thriving while Kennedy took office during a recession with a lot of world tensions.

Reagan v. L. Johnson

Although LBJ was successful to an extent, Ronald Reagan was the more successful

president of the two. During his presidency, he nominated the first woman to the supreme

court, cut taxes, built up the military, he met with Gorbachev (Russia) to alleviate

tensions between the US and Russia due to the Cold War (ultimately ended it), and

passed numerous other pieces of legislation. His only downfall was that he was involved

in a few scandals and acts that were later deemed unconstitutional. LBJ was not a bad

president, but his presidency is overshadowed by the Vietnam War. Additionally, he was

president during “Freedom Summer” and the numerous murders that occurred. Positively,

though, he passed the significant Civil Rights Bill of 1964, had his “War on Poverty”

which began with his “Great Society” and Economic Opportunity Act, and established

Medicare and Medicaid. Overall, both presidents were almost equally successful, but
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Reagan was more successful because he cooled tensions between the US and Soviet

Union to end the Cold War while, under Johnson’s presidency, the US entered the

Vietnam War.

Round 3

Bush v. Eisenhower

Although Bush was successful, Eisenhower was the more successful president.

Eisenhower, who took office in 1952, signed the Federal Aid Highway Act, he enforced

the ruling in Brown v. Board of Education, passed civil rights legislation, strengthened

the military, ended the Korean War, and numerous other actions. He also signed a space

act that later led to the creation of NASA. Bush passed many pieces of legislation during

his presidency, but none of them matched the success Eisenhower had.

Kennedy v. Reagan

JFK and Reagan were both very successful, but Reagan was the more successful

president. Reagan’s numerous meetings with Gorbachev to help end the Cold War really

contributed to his successes. By doing this, he was able to peacefully ease tensions

between the countries to end the Cold War. Additionally, one of the most notable pieces

of legislation passed during his term was the Drug Enforcement Bill that helped lower the

drug use number in the US. JFK was similarly a very successful president; however, his

term was cut short a little after 2 years in due to his assassination. Because of this, he was

not able to fully execute everything he may have wanted, and, as a result, did not pass as

much legislation as Reagan did.

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Round 4

Eisenhower v. Reagan

While Reagan was crucial in the ending of the Cold War, which lasted for decades,

Eisenhower was still the more successful president. Eisenhower passed so much

significant legislation during his presidency that the country severely needed. Also,

although Reagan’s ending of the Cold War was significant, Eisenhower’s ending of the

Korean War was also significant. Reagan’s downfall was the numerous scandals and

questionable aspects about him during his presidency. There are many different acts he

passed or proposed that were said to be unconstitutional. Overall, both were successful,

but Eisenhower was the more successful president.

Top 4

Lincoln v. Eisenhower

Although Eisenhower was a very successful president, Lincoln was more successful.

Lincoln is arguably one of the best presidents in all of US history. Lincoln was president

during the Civil War and showed the nation how to navigate through something like it.

Similar to how Washington set an example for the US’s future presidents and foreign

policy, Lincoln set an example for how to handle a situation where the country is divided.

He had numerous significant speeches including the Gettysburg Address, the

Emancipation Proclamation, and his “House Divided” speech on the senate floor. During

the Civil War, Lincoln brought the country back together without totally criticizing the

Confederacy. His goal the whole time was to preserve the Union. So, although

Eisenhower’s list of accomplishments is ongoing, Lincoln was the more successful

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FDR v. Washington

Even though FDR was very successful with his New Deal and helped the US economy

recover from the worst economic recession, George Washington was more successful and

significant. Washington, the first president of the United States, set a precedent for future

presidents in the country. Additionally, even before his presidency, he played a key role

in the victory in the Revolutionary War. His military success ultimately allowed him to

become the first president. Additionally, because he did not necessarily have a particular

political party he was associated with, he kept the Federalists and Democratic-

Republicans at peace by appointing Jefferson (DR) as Secretary of State and Hamilton

(F) as Secretary of Treasury. Also, Washington’s Farewell Address, written partially by

Hamilton, laid the foundation for the future of American foreign policy.

Top 2

Washington v. Lincoln

This matchup is arguably the toughest. Many say that Washington was the more

successful president, but in my opinion, Lincoln was. Although Washington was the first

president and set an example for presidents to come, I believe that Lincoln accomplished

more. Firstly, Lincoln perfectly exemplified the American Dream. Lincoln grew up in a

small town in Kentucky to a poor family. He made a name for himself in politics and

eventually became the president. When Lincoln took office, America was on the brink of

war. Eventually, the Civil War began, and Lincoln had to navigate it with no prior

presidential example. His main goal during the war was to preserve the Union and,

eventually, in 1863, he issued the Emancipation Proclamation which freed all slaves in

the Confederate states. Overall, although Washington was definitely one of the most
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successful presidents in US history, Lincoln was the most successful because he worked

to preserve the Union in the midst of the worst tensions.

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Works Cited

Betty. (2021, February 28). Top 10 Major Accomplishments of Harry S. Truman. Top Inspired.

Edith. (2021, February 25). Top 10 Major Accomplishments of Thomas Jefferson. Top Inspired.

Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (2021, April 18). Richard Nixon. Encyclopædia Britannica.

George H. W. Bush. Academy of Achievement. (2021, February 19).

U.S. Presidents. Miller Center. (n.d.).

World History Edu. (2020, June 29). 10 Major Accomplishments of Rutherford B. Hayes, 19th
President of the United States. World History Edu.

World History Edu. (2021, March 7). Dwight D. Eisenhower: 20 Remarkable Achievements.
World History Edu.

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