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Seventh-day Adventist Church

P.O. Box 95., 611 24th Street North, Wisconsin Rapids. WI 54494

April 7, 2013

Health Ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

By the will of God our Father in heaven: It is the Vision of the Health Ministry Team to
emulate the health principles contained in Scriptures and Inspiration; to share the health
message with fellow church members by action, demonstration and education; then, to take the
“Entering Wedge” into our community. Like Christ, taking care of the immediate needs of the
people, but then present the Gospel and bid them, “Follow Me”.

To personally take responsibility for my own health (mental, physical, social, ect) by
adopting a healthy lifestyle as promoted by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which is
Biblically based.
To be held accountable by and to keep others accountable of the personal health
choices we make: This is the Health Ministry Team.
To educate the members of the Seventh-day Adventist church on how to have and
maintain a healthy lifestyle through proper nutrition, exercise, rest, and Spiritual nurturing
To promote the health message or “Entering Wedge” as it were, to the community. This
can be personally or corporately.
Integrate bridging programs that heavily emphasize health as it relates to the Bible and

How is the Health Ministry Team affecting the church and winning people to Christ?
We aren’t. We need to ask for forgiveness, develop a strategic and aggressive plan and
be held accountable for it. Also, pray for the approval and involvement of church

How to Accomplish the Goals Set Forth?

Health Ministry Team: Continue the process of developing the Health Ministry team,
henceforth called the Team. Several individuals are willing to assist in some form (some
more hands on, whereas others more advisory). Have this completed by April 27, 2013.
Educating Church Members:
o The Team can brainstorm ideas – schedule at least one of the following
suggestions by April 27th, 2013 & to be held no later than May 27 th, 2013.
 Q & A Session (once per quarter)
 Healthy Cooking Show (once per month)

Seventh-day Adventist Church
P.O. Box 95., 611 24th Street North, Wisconsin Rapids. WI 54494
 Literature & Media explosion (continual)
 Display health banners, posters, brochures in prominent areas of the
church (continual)
 Provide a Personal Health Risk Assessment & Evaluation (1x/year)
 Mini Health Fair in the church building (1x/year)
 Training members to be Health Evangelism (personally and corporately)

Educating the Community:

o The Team can brainstorm ideas – schedule at least one of the following
suggestions by April 27th, 2013 & to be held no later than May 27 th, 2013.
 Member Outreach – Personal Health Evangelism
Educate church members to be better equipped for sharing the
Entering Wedge with people they encounter in their personal lives.
Be a resource for church active members
 Community Outreach – Corporate Health Evangelism
Become a beacon in the community by offering various interactive
programs at various venues, including the church fellowship hall.
Host a health fair with free health screenings.
Host a cooking show/special guests, authors, ect.
Host a bridging health program that emphasizes more of the
spiritual connection between health and Him (Christ).

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