Impulsive Behaviour

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Impulsive Behaviour

A table that allows your adventurers to explore their characters while impulsively
indulging in the world.
Table of Impulses

dventures are filled with walking long distances Optional rule
and filler time where the players have the After a character completes the task on hand they can be
potential flesh out the story. These impulses are awarded XP. The amount of XP increases if the character is
made to create the opportunities for the players put in a stressful or risky situation.
to explore their characters.
Situation XP

Rolling for a Table Just a minor inconvenience. No XP

Just a minor inconvenience but impressive 5 XP
Roll a d4, on an odd number roll in accordance of the first
table. On an even number roll in accordance of the second An inconvenience 5 XP
table. Results in a side quest 10 XP
Invades the privacy of a player 15 XP
Using the Impulse table Successfully pranks a player 20 XP
When the impulse table can come in handy: Impairs the quest 25 XP
1 - When traveling short or long distances.
2 - When you have time to spare before or during resting. Results in killing an NPC 40 XP
3 - When you're goofing off / procrastinating. Creates a new adventure 50 XP
4 - Your character is board.
5 - You're wondering around a new area. Causes the quest to become impossible to
75 XP
6 - Creating a distraction.
7 - Taking too long to decide what to do. Renders a character unconscious 100
8 - Don't know what to do. XP
9 - Your character is feeling impulsive or chaotic. Creates an evil character 150
10 - Trying to cover something up or change a XP
conversation. Kills a player character 200

Optional rule
If a player character is taking too long to decide on an action
they can roll an impulse or have one given to them. This may
encorgae fast thinking in order to avoid dragging on
gameplay for too long.
First Table
Check Minimum
d20 Required Impulse DC
1 Acrobatics Do a flip: You feel the intense need to show off your moves, you don't do anything except 10
attempt a flip on your turn.
2 Arcana Check for magical influences: You feel an intense need to observe magical beings. 10
3 Athletics Need to hug! Grapple the nearest friend, foe or passerby. Vs.
4 History Where did this come from?: You want to know the history of the area you're in, whether it is 10
the ground, walls or people.
5 Insight Could you be lying?: Check your allies to see how they're feeling and if they're lying to you. 12 or Vs.
6 Investigation Did I miss something?: You feel the need to check for traps or intricate details in an area. 15 or Vs.
Trap DC
7 Medicine Can I help you?: Check your allies for injuries. 10
8 Nature Stop and smell the flowers: You need to stop and smell the nature, whether it’s a flower or a 10
9 Performance Testing your vocal cords: You feel the need to be heard in the most glorious of ways. 12
10 Intimidation I'm better than you: You feel a sense of overwhelming vanity, your strength needs to be Vs.
approved by everyone. Wisdom
11 Sleight of I need to protect our things: Hide everyone’s things including your own. Vs.
hand Perception
12 Stealth I'm just going to excuse myself: You need to hide yourself, just in case... 15 or Vs.
13 Survival I'm feeling peckish, peckish for information!: Try to find some tracks. 10
14 Athletics Climb every mountain and cross every trench: You begin parkouring across the terrain 10
15 Athletics Come at me!: Arm wrestle a player Vs.
16 Acrobatics Nice knowing you: You run the full extent of your dash action regardless of trenches or walls, 10
or Athletics you'll attempt to cross all challenges in order to run. 1d4 for direction.
17 Wisdom Calm down my good sir!: Take a second to breath and calm yourself, then try calm your 10
18 Survival Quench my thirst: You need sustenance, find it, drink it or drink anything you have on you. 15
19 Athletics I AM STRONG: Pick up the closest object or attempt regardless of how heavy it is. 10
20 Intelligence I'd bet on that: Find something to bet on and take the gamble. DM's

Vs. = Versus: This is where you must have a roll off with the target in question. The highest number prevails in the
task at hand.
Second Table
d20 Required Impulse Minimum DC
1 Attack Attack forward: You impulsively swing your best attack forward. AC
2 ---- My life is a lie: Impulsively change your name. ----
3 ---- What is common?: Speak in another language or in varied noises for a minimum of 1d6 ----
4 ---- Who cares? Sit down for 1d6 turns, you lazy shit. ----
5 Persuasion Who’s the best? I'm the best! Convince everyone that you're amazing. Vs. Wisdom
6 Performance Dancing queen: Be the distraction, become the beauty, dance. 10
7 Survival I'm so lonely: Find an animal companion. 10
8 Insight What is life: Just think 15
9 d20 Excuse me for a second: Do nothing but yell. 15
10 Perception I see everything: Look around you. 10
11 ---- Who are you again?: Ask about someone's background ----
12 Stealth Not to be invasive but...: Ask what everyone's sexuality is and history in the subject. ----
13 Performance I'll just follow you: Copy the person before you in the initiative order. 10
14 ---- All is funny: Laugh at everything for 1d6 turns. ----
15 ---- You stink: Find somewhere to bathe ----
16 Investigation Know your stuff: Investigate every item you own. 10
17 ---- How old?: Ask everyone’s age ----
18 Constitution Everything makes me drool: Taste your surroundings 15
19 Constitution Quench thine thirst: Find any form of alcoholic beverage and drink 1d4 of them. 10
20 ??? Dm's wrath: The Dm's choice. DM's

Vs. = Versus: This is where you must have a roll off with the target in question. The highest number prevails in the
task at hand.
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Works Include: Review and Comment
Bardic Song Creator Please leave review.
Common Herbs and Remedies Improvements, requests & comments are
Black Market Potions welcomed.
Poisoner's Guide
Alchemist's Guide
Herblist's Guide
Potion's Guide

Created by Sabrina Fischer.


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