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Complete the notes below. White NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS ANDIOR & NUMBER for each answer West Bay Hotel - details of job Example Answer + Newspaper advert for (RIPON: statt + Vacancies fort + Two sits + Can choose your2 (este the same each week) + Pay: £5.50 per hour, neuding a 3 Aa 's proved in he hotet + Total wook'y pay: £231 + Dress: a white shit and trousers (not suppliod) a6 + (supped) + Stating date: 7 Call Jan Bn (Sorvica Manager boforo 9 tomorrow (Tet: 632009) + Shel require a 10. SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 Questions 11-13 Choose the correct letter, A, Bor C Improvements to Red Hill Suburb 41 Community groups are mainly concerned about ‘A pedestrian safety. 8 trafic jams, © increased palstion 12 thas been decided thatthe overhead power ins wil be ‘A extended. B buried, © ropared. 13, Tho exponses elated to the powerlines wil be pai for by ‘A the counai, the power company. © local businesses, te the core let, A-H, at fo qunsion 14-20, Red Hill Improvement Plan “ 8 6 7 8 ” wider footpaths pe sgn tral ights artwork hres playground Questions 21 and 22 Choose TWO letters, A-E. In which TWO ways is Dan financing his course? moow> He is receiving money from the government His family are willing to help him The college is giving him a small grant. His local council is supporting him for a limited period. A former employer is providing partial funding. Questions 23 and 24 Choose TWO eters, AE Which TWO reaso 1 does Jeannie give for docidng o leave some colege cubs? ‘She is nol sufcienly challenged The activ inlorores with her studies ‘She doos nat have enough time. ‘The activity is too demanding physically. ‘She does not think she is any good a the activity. moow> Questions 25 and 26 Choose the corect letter, A, Bor C. 25 What does Dan say abcut the sorrinars onthe course? ‘A The other students do not give him a chance to speak. 1B The seminars make him feo inoror tothe other students, © The preparation for seminars takes too much te. 26 What doos Jeannie say about the tutorials on tho course? 'A They ate anineticient way of providing guidance. B_Thoy are more challenging than she had expected € _Thoy are helping her to dovolop hor study ski 27-90 Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS ANDIOR & NUMBER ‘er 9: ‘Advice on exam proparation ake 999 you Wow he exam requirements v v Work oa you 37 ¥v ¥v (Dvde revision lo 29 v Wits one 30 ‘out each v Questions 31 Australian Aboriginal Rock Paintings Which painting styles have the folowing features?” Ow Wiite the correct letter, A, Bor C, next to questions 31-36, Compete the notes bolow Vite NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS fo each answer Painting Styles A. [Dent Rainbow Serpent Project Made | ‘Aim of projec: tent the 37 sed as he basis forthe Rnbow Serpe Sichess Yam Palod + ondronmanal changes ied a higher 38 31 figures revealing bones + aional activites wore acted expec 39 32 rounded figures ] keaton esi 33. figures with pars missing toa sa hors 34 gues smater than ite size + val because I appeored nda reas Se uaa caine + symbole 40 in Aboriginal cate Ez 36 plants ~ ~~ — —

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